mirror of https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2.git
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ syn match icinga2Objdef "object[ \t]\+\(timeperiod\|scheduleddowntime\|depende
syn match icinga2ObjDef "object[ \t]\+\(graphitewriter\|idomysqlconnection\|idomysqlconnection\)"
syn match icinga2ObjDef "object[ \t]\+\(livestatuslistener\|statusdatawriter\|externalcommandlistener\)"
syn match icinga2ObjDef "object[ \t]\+\(compatlogger\|checkresultreader\|checkcomponent\|notificationcomponent\)"
syn match icinga2ObjDef "object[ \t]\+\(filelogger\|sysloglogger\|icingastatuswriter\|apilistener\|endpoint\|zone\)"
syn match icinga2ObjDef "object[ \t]\+\(filelogger\|sysloglogger\|icingastatuswriter\|icingaapplication\|apilistener\|apiuser\|endpoint\|zone\)"
" apply def
@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ syn match icinga2ApplyDef "apply[ \t]\+\(Service\|Dependency\|Notification\|Sc
" objects attributes
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained accept_commands accept_config action_url address address6 arguments author bind_host
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained bind_port ca_path categories cert_path check_command check_interval
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained check_period child_host_name child_service_name cleanup command command_endpoint command_path
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained check_period child_host_name child_service_name cleanup client_cn command command_endpoint command_path
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained comment compat_log_path crl_path database disable_checks disable_notifications
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained display_name duration email enable_active_checks enable_event_handler
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained enable_flapping enable_ha enable_notifications enable_passive_checks enable_perfdata
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained endpoints env event_command failover_timeout fixed flapping_threshold groups host
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained display_name duration email enable_active_checks enable_event_handlers enable_event_handler
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained enable_flapping enable_ha enable_host_checks enable_notifications enable_passive_checks enable_perfdata
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained enable_service_checks endpoints env event_command failover_timeout fixed flapping_threshold groups host
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained host_format_template host_name host_name_template host_perfdata_path host_temp_path icon_image
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained icon_image_alt instance_description instance_name interval key_path log_dir
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained log_duration max_check_attempts methods name notes notes_url objects_path
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained pager parent parent_host_name parent_service_name password path period
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained pager parent parent_host_name parent_service_name password path period permissions
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained port ranges retry_interval rotation_interval rotation_method
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained service_format_template service_name service_name_template service_perfdata_path service_temp_path
syn keyword icinga2ObjAttr contained severity socket_path socket_type spool_dir states status_path table_prefix
@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ syn match icinga2AssingCond contained "\(assign[ \t]\+\where\|ignore[ \t]\+\whe
" Global functions
syn keyword icinga2GFunction contained regex match len union intersection keys string
syn keyword icinga2GFunction contained number bool random log typeof get_time exit
syn keyword icinga2GFunction contained regex match cidr_match len union intersection keys string
syn keyword icinga2GFunction contained number bool random log typeof get_time parse_performance_data dirname
syn keyword icinga2GFunction contained basename escape_shell_arg escape_shell_cmd escape_create_process_arg exit
" Accessor Functions
@ -105,7 +106,6 @@ syn match icinga2MathFunction contained "\(Math.pow\|Math.random\|Math.round
syn match icinga2JsonFunction contained "\(Json.encode\|Json.decode\)"
" String functions
syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.to_string\)"
syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.find\)"
syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.contains\)"
syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.len\)"
@ -114,19 +114,23 @@ syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.upper\)"
syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.replace\)"
syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.split\)"
syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.substr\)"
syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.to_string\)"
syn match icinga2StrFunction contained "\(\.reverse\)"
" Array and Dict Functions
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.clone\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.add(\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.clear\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.clone\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.shallow_clone\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.contains\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.len\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.remove\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.set\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.remove\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.get\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.sort\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.join\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.clone\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.reverse\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.keys\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.call\)"
syn match icinga2ArrFunction contained "\(\.callv\)"
@ -172,9 +176,10 @@ syn match icinga2Operators "[ \t]\+\(/=\)\+"
" global constats
syn keyword icinga2Gconst PrefixDir SysconfDir ZonesDir LocalStateDir RunDir PkgDataDir StatePath ObjectsPath
syn keyword icinga2Gconst PidPath NodeName ApplicationType EnableNotifications EnableEventHandlers EnableFlapping
syn keyword icinga2Gconst EnableHostChecks EnableServiceChecks EnablePerfdata UseVfork RunAsUser RunAsGroup PluginDir
syn match icinga2Gconst "\(Vars[ \t]\+\)"
syn keyword icinga2Gconst PidPath NodeName ApplicationType UseVfork RunAsUser RunAsGroup PluginDir
" global types
syn keyword icinga2Gconst Number String Boolean Array Dictionary Value Object ConfigObject Command CheckResult
syn keyword icinga2Gconst Checkable CustomVarObject DbConnection Type PerfdataValue Comment Downtime Logger Application
" values type
syn keyword valueBoolean contained true false
Reference in New Issue