Remove contrib/ directory

The scripts in there have been introduced years ago,
but neither do we support them nor are there any plans
to go further. Git history allows to restore them anyways.
This commit is contained in:
Michael Friedrich 2019-08-01 09:55:09 +02:00
parent cbbf12c590
commit e17d9544b8
9 changed files with 0 additions and 567 deletions

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
# Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Icinga 2 Contrib files
This directory contains various unsupported scripts. Chances are that they're
either completely broken or at least need some changes to work with the most
recent version of Icinga 2.

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@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+
import sys
import subprocess
import socket
import urlparse
import requests
import json
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
api_url = "https://localhost:5665/"
api_user = "root"
api_password = "root"
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Syntax: %s <xml-file> [<xml-file> ...]" % (sys.argv[0])
tcp_service_commands = {
'ssh': 'ssh',
'http': 'http',
'smtp': 'smtp',
'ssmtp': 'ssmtp'
udp_service_commands = {
'ntp': 'ntp_time',
'snmp': 'snmp-uptime'
hosts = {}
def process_host(host_element):
global hosts
status = "down"
for status_element in host_element.getElementsByTagName("status"):
status = status_element.getAttribute("state")
if status != "up":
for address_element in host_element.getElementsByTagName("address"):
if not address_element.getAttribute("addrtype") in [ "ipv4", "ipv6" ]:
address = address_element.getAttribute("addr")
name = address
for hostname_element in host_element.getElementsByTagName("hostname"):
name = hostname_element.getAttribute("name")
services = hosts[name]["services"]
services = {}
for port_element in host_element.getElementsByTagName("port"):
state = "closed"
for state_element in port_element.getElementsByTagName("state"):
state = state_element.getAttribute("state")
if state != "open":
port = int(port_element.getAttribute("portid"))
protocol = port_element.getAttribute("protocol")
serv = socket.getservbyport(port, protocol)
serv = str(port)
if protocol == "tcp":
command = tcp_service_commands[serv]
elif protocol == "udp":
command = udp_service_commands[serv]
raise "Unknown protocol."
command = protocol
if command == "udp":
services[serv] = { "command": command, "port": port }
hosts[name] = { "name": name, "address": address, "services": services }
def create_host(host):
global api_url, api_user, api_password
req = {
"templates": [ "discovered-host" ],
"attrs": {
"address": host["address"]
headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
url = urlparse.urljoin(api_url, "v1/objects/hosts/%s" % (host["name"]))
requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(api_user, api_password), data=json.dumps(req), verify=False)
for serv, service in host["services"].iteritems():
req = {
"templates": [ "discovered-service" ],
"attrs": {
"vars.%s_port" % (service["command"]): service["port"],
"check_command": service["command"],
headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
url = urlparse.urljoin(api_url, "v1/objects/services/%s!%s" % (host["name"], serv))
requests.put(url, headers=headers, auth=(api_user, api_password), data=json.dumps(req), verify=False)
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
# Expects XML output from 'nmap -oX'
dom = parse(arg)
for host in dom.getElementsByTagName("host"):
for host in hosts.values():

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+
import sys
import subprocess
import socket
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Syntax: %s <xml-file> [<xml-file> ...]" % (sys.argv[0])
tcp_service_commands = {
'ssh': 'ssh',
'http': 'http_ip',
'https': 'https_ip',
'smtp': 'smtp',
'ssmtp': 'ssmtp'
udp_service_commands = {
'ntp': 'ntp_time',
'snmp': 'snmp-uptime'
hosts = {}
def process_host(host_element):
global hosts
status = "down"
for status_element in host_element.getElementsByTagName("status"):
status = status_element.getAttribute("state")
if status != "up":
for address_element in host_element.getElementsByTagName("address"):
if not address_element.getAttribute("addrtype") in [ "ipv4", "ipv6" ]:
address = address_element.getAttribute("addr")
name = address
for hostname_element in host_element.getElementsByTagName("hostname"):
name = hostname_element.getAttribute("name")
services = hosts[name]["services"]
services = {}
for port_element in host_element.getElementsByTagName("port"):
state = "closed"
for state_element in port_element.getElementsByTagName("state"):
state = state_element.getAttribute("state")
if state != "open":
port = int(port_element.getAttribute("portid"))
protocol = port_element.getAttribute("protocol")
serv = socket.getservbyport(port, protocol)
serv = str(port)
if protocol == "tcp":
command = tcp_service_commands[serv]
elif protocol == "udp":
command = udp_service_commands[serv]
raise "Unknown protocol."
command = protocol
if command == "udp":
services[serv] = { "command": command, "port": port }
hosts[name] = { "name": name, "address": address, "services": services }
def print_host(host):
print "object Host \"%s\" {" % (host["name"])
print "\timport \"discovered-host\","
print ""
print "\taddress = \"%s\"," % (host["address"])
print "}"
print ""
for serv, service in host["services"].iteritems():
print "object Service \"%s\" {" % (serv)
print "\timport \"discovered-service\","
print ""
print "\thost_name = \"%s\"" % (host["name"])
print "\tcheck_command = \"%s\"," % (service["command"])
print ""
print "\tvars.port = %s" % (service["port"])
print "}"
print ""
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
# Expects XML output from 'nmap -oX'
dom = parse(arg)
for host in dom.getElementsByTagName("host"):
for host in hosts.values():

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ i2tcl.cpp i2tcl.hpp
swig -c++ -o i2tcl_wrap.cpp i2tcl.hpp
g++ -g -std=c++11 -I/usr/include/tcl8.5 -shared -fpic -Iicinga2/lib -Iicinga2/build -Iicinga2/build/lib -L/opt/icinga2/lib/icinga2 -lbase -lconfig -Wl,-rpath=/opt/icinga2/lib/icinga2 -o i2tcl_wrap.cpp i2tcl.cpp

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
This is the source code for the 'i2eval' IRC bot that's on #icinga and #icinga-devel.

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@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
#include "i2tcl.hpp"
#include "config/configcompiler.hpp"
#include "config/configcompilercontext.hpp"
#include "base/function.hpp"
#include "base/json.hpp"
#include "base/application.hpp"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
using namespace icinga;
static bool l_Init_Called;
static Tcl_Interp *l_Interp;
static Tcl_Encoding l_Encoding;
static std::map<String, String> l_Lines;
static int l_NextLine = 1;
static Value i2_call_tcl(const String& command, const String& mtype, const std::vector<Value>& args)
Tcl_Obj **objv = new Tcl_Obj *[args.size() + 1];
objv[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj(command.CStr(), -1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
Tcl_DString dsText;
String arg = static_cast<String>(args[i]);
Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString(l_Encoding, arg.CStr(), -1, &dsText);
objv[i + 1] = Tcl_NewStringObj(Tcl_DStringValue(&dsText), Tcl_DStringLength(&dsText));
Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[i + 1]);
int code = Tcl_EvalObjv(l_Interp, args.size() + 1, objv, TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL);
Tcl_Obj *result = Tcl_GetObjResult(l_Interp);
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size() + 1; i++)
delete [] objv;
if (code == TCL_ERROR)
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("An error occurred in the TCL script"));
Value vresult;
if (mtype == "list") {
Array::Ptr arr = new Array();
int len;
if (Tcl_ListObjLength(l_Interp, result, &len) != TCL_OK)
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("TCL proc returned something that is not a list"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Tcl_Obj *obj;
Tcl_ListObjIndex(l_Interp, result, i, &obj);
const char* strObj = Tcl_GetString(obj);
Tcl_DString dsObj;
arr->Add(Tcl_UtfToExternalDString(l_Encoding, strObj, -1, &dsObj));
vresult = arr;
} else if (mtype == "null") {
/* Nothing to do here */
} else if (mtype == "number") {
const char* strResult = Tcl_GetString(result);
vresult = Convert::ToDouble(strResult);
} else if (mtype == "bool") {
const char* strResult = Tcl_GetString(result);
vresult = Convert::ToBool(Convert::ToLong(strResult));
} else {
const char* strResult = Tcl_GetString(result);
Tcl_DString dsResult;
vresult = Tcl_UtfToExternalDString(l_Encoding, strResult, -1, &dsResult);
return vresult;
void i2_register_command(const char *icmd, const char *tcmd, const char *mtype, Tcl_Interp *interp)
Function::Ptr sf = new Function(icmd, boost::bind(i2_call_tcl, String(tcmd), String(mtype), _1));
ScriptGlobal::Set(icmd, sf);
void *i2_new_frame(Tcl_Interp *interp)
if (!l_Init_Called) {
l_Init_Called = true;
l_Encoding = Tcl_GetEncoding(l_Interp, "ISO8859-1");
ScriptFrame *frame = new ScriptFrame();
frame->Self = ScriptGlobal::GetGlobals();
return frame;
void i2_free_frame(void *frame, Tcl_Interp *interp)
delete reinterpret_cast<ScriptFrame *>(frame);
char *i2_eval(void *uframe, const char *text, Tcl_Interp *interp)
std::ostringstream msgbuf;
Expression *expr;
ScriptFrame *frame = reinterpret_cast<ScriptFrame *>(uframe);
l_Interp = interp;
try {
String lineNum = Convert::ToString(l_NextLine);
String fileName = "<" + lineNum + ">";
l_Lines[fileName] = text;
expr = ConfigCompiler::CompileText(fileName, text);
if (expr) {
Value result = expr->Evaluate(*frame);
if (!result.IsObject() || result.IsObjectType<Array>() || result.IsObjectType<Dictionary>())
msgbuf << JsonEncode(result);
msgbuf << result;
} catch (const ScriptError& ex) {
DebugInfo di = ex.GetDebugInfo();
if (di.FirstLine != 0) {
String text = l_Lines[di.Path];
std::vector<String> lines;
boost::algorithm::split(lines, text, boost::is_any_of("\n"));
for (int i = di.FirstLine; i <= di.LastLine; i++) {
int start, len;
if (i == di.FirstLine)
start = di.FirstColumn;
start = 0;
if (i == di.LastLine)
len = di.LastColumn - di.FirstColumn + 1;
len = lines[i].GetLength();
String pathInfo = di.Path;
if (i != 1)
pathInfo += "(" + Convert::ToString(i) + ")";
pathInfo += ": ";
msgbuf << pathInfo << lines[i - 1] << "\n";
msgbuf << String(pathInfo.GetLength(), ' ');
msgbuf << String(start, ' ') << String(len, '^') << "\n";
msgbuf << ex.what();
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
msgbuf << "Error: " << DiagnosticInformation(ex);
delete expr;
std::string str = msgbuf.str();
return strdup(str.c_str());

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
#ifdef SWIG
%module i2tcl
#include "i2tcl.hpp"
%typemap(in,numinputs=0) Tcl_Interp *interp {
$1 = interp;
#endif /* SWIG */
#include <tcl.h>
#ifndef I2TCL_H
#define I2TCL_H
void i2_register_command(const char *icmd, const char *tcmd, const char *mtype, Tcl_Interp *interp);
void *i2_new_frame(Tcl_Interp *interp);
void i2_free_frame(void *frame, Tcl_Interp *interp);
char *i2_eval(void *frame, const char *text, Tcl_Interp *interp);
#endif /* I2TCL_H */

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
package require http
package require tls
http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 1]
load /home/gunnar/ i2tcl
bind pub - > i2tcl
bind pub - >u i2tcl_url
bind pub - ^ i2tcl
bind pub - ^u i2tcl_url
if {![info exists ::i2frame]} {
set ::i2frame [i2_new_frame]
set ::i2chan ""
set ::i2nick ""
i2_register_command irc i2_irc null
i2_register_command channels channels list
i2_register_command chanlist internalchanlist list
i2_register_command getnick getcurrentnick string
i2_register_command onchan onchan bool
i2_register_command topic topic string
i2_register_command topicnick topicnick string
i2_register_command topicstamp topicstamp number
i2_register_command chanmodes getchanmode string
i2_register_command isop isop bool
i2_register_command isvoice isvoice bool
i2_register_command ishop ishop bool
i2_register_command chanhost getchanhost string
i2_register_command chanbans chanbans list
i2_register_command getnick i2_getnick string
i2_register_command getchan i2_getchan string
i2_register_command "Internal.run_with_activation_context" i2_null null
i2_register_command exit i2_null null
proc i2_null {} {
proc i2_getnick {} {
global i2nick
return $i2nick
proc i2_getchan {} {
global i2chan
return $i2chan
proc i2_irc {message} {
global i2chan
if {[string first "\n" $message] != -1 || [string first "\r" $message] != -1} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $i2chan :$message"
proc i2tcl {nick host hand chan arg} {
global i2frame i2chan i2nick
set i2chan $chan
set i2nick $nick
set result [i2_eval $i2frame $arg]
if {$result == ""} { set result "<no error>" }
foreach sline [split $result \n] {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :( $arg ) = $sline"
proc i2tcl_url {nick host hand chan arg} {
global i2frame i2chan i2nick
set i2chan $chan
set i2nick $nick
if {[catch {set token [http::geturl $arg]} msg]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :HTTP request failed: $msg"
http::cleanup $token
if {[http::status $token] != "ok"} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :HTTP request failed: [http::error $token]"
http::cleanup $token
set rpl [split [http::code $token] " "]
if {[lindex $rpl 1] != 200} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :HTTP request failed: [join [lrange $rpl 1 end]]"
http::cleanup $token
set code [http::data $token]
http::cleanup $token
set result [i2_eval $i2frame $code]
if {$result == ""} { set result "<no error>" }
foreach sline [split $result \n] {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :( $arg ) = $sline"