We are using a central DB-Cluster, therefor Icinga2 got a database on this remote cluster.
We used the icinga DB user, created during the step before, to import the DB schema.
For this, the additional GRANT options `ALTER` and `CREATE` where needed to install the schema successfully via:
mysql -u icinga -p icinga < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql
Someone may find this a security problem. But I see two benefits:
* these GRANT options are only set for the icinga.* database
* this setup allows to execute also all later UPGRADE commands as the database user `icinga` - and not as the DB Administrator.
Two additional notes:
* I also included a small warning about the used default DB password
* sadly, I have no way to change this also in the provided mariadb-centos7.png image, so this is left unchanged at the moment
Removed rhel-8-server-optional-rpms, as it is not/no longer available for RHEL 8
Source: https://access.redhat.com/discussions/4171061#comment-1531531
> BaseOS and AppStream contain all software packages, which were available in extras and optional repositories before.
Debian switched to MariaDB in stretch and removed the mysql-server and
mysql-client packages in buster. The new mariadb packages are available
starting in Debian jessie.