#include "i2-icinga.h" using namespace icinga; string JsonRpcEndpoint::GetAddress(void) const { if (!m_Client) return ""; return m_Client->GetPeerAddress(); } JsonRpcClient::Ptr JsonRpcEndpoint::GetClient(void) { return m_Client; } void JsonRpcEndpoint::Connect(string node, string service, shared_ptr sslContext) { JsonRpcClient::Ptr client = make_shared(RoleOutbound, sslContext); SetClient(client); client->Connect(node, service); client->Start(); } void JsonRpcEndpoint::SetClient(JsonRpcClient::Ptr client) { m_Client = client; client->OnNewMessage += bind_weak(&JsonRpcEndpoint::NewMessageHandler, shared_from_this()); client->OnClosed += bind_weak(&JsonRpcEndpoint::ClientClosedHandler, shared_from_this()); client->OnError += bind_weak(&JsonRpcEndpoint::ClientErrorHandler, shared_from_this()); client->OnVerifyCertificate += bind_weak(&JsonRpcEndpoint::VerifyCertificateHandler, shared_from_this()); } bool JsonRpcEndpoint::IsLocal(void) const { return false; } bool JsonRpcEndpoint::IsConnected(void) const { return (bool)m_Client; } void JsonRpcEndpoint::ProcessRequest(Endpoint::Ptr sender, const JsonRpcRequest& message) { if (IsConnected()) { string id; if (message.GetID(&id)) // TODO: remove calls after a certain timeout (and notify callers?) m_PendingCalls[id] = sender; m_Client->SendMessage(message); } else { // TODO: persist the event } } void JsonRpcEndpoint::ProcessResponse(Endpoint::Ptr sender, const JsonRpcResponse& message) { if (IsConnected()) m_Client->SendMessage(message); } int JsonRpcEndpoint::NewMessageHandler(const NewMessageEventArgs& nmea) { const Message& message = nmea.Message; Endpoint::Ptr sender = static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); string method; if (message.GetPropertyString("method", &method)) { if (!IsMethodSource(method)) return 0; JsonRpcRequest request = message; string id; if (request.GetID(&id)) GetEndpointManager()->SendAnycastRequest(sender, request, false); else GetEndpointManager()->SendMulticastRequest(sender, request, false); } else { JsonRpcResponse response = message; // TODO: deal with response messages throw NotImplementedException(); } return 0; } int JsonRpcEndpoint::ClientClosedHandler(const EventArgs& ea) { Application::Log("Lost connection to endpoint: identity=" + GetIdentity()); m_PendingCalls.clear(); // TODO: _only_ clear non-persistent method sources/sinks // unregister ourselves if no persistent sources/sinks are left (use a timer for that, once we have a TTL property for the methods) ClearMethodSinks(); ClearMethodSources(); if (CountMethodSinks() == 0) GetEndpointManager()->UnregisterEndpoint(static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this())); m_Client.reset(); // TODO: persist events, etc., for now we just disable the endpoint return 0; } int JsonRpcEndpoint::ClientErrorHandler(const SocketErrorEventArgs& ea) { cerr << "Error occured for JSON-RPC socket: Code=" << ea.Code << "; Message=" << ea.Message << endl; return 0; } int JsonRpcEndpoint::VerifyCertificateHandler(const VerifyCertificateEventArgs& ea) { if (ea.Certificate && ea.ValidCertificate) { string identity = Utility::GetCertificateCN(ea.Certificate); if (GetIdentity().empty() && !identity.empty()) SetIdentity(identity); } return 0; } void JsonRpcEndpoint::Stop(void) { if (m_Client) m_Client->Close(); }