# Icinga 2 Features
## Logging
Icinga 2 supports three different types of logging:
* File logging
* Syslog (on *NIX-based operating systems)
* Console logging (`STDOUT` on tty)
You can enable additional loggers using the `icinga2 feature enable`
and `icinga2 feature disable` commands to configure loggers:
Feature | Description
debuglog | Debug log (path: `/var/log/icinga2/debug.log`, severity: `debug` or higher)
mainlog | Main log (path: `/var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log`, severity: `information` or higher)
syslog | Syslog (severity: `warning` or higher)
By default file the `mainlog` feature is enabled. When running Icinga 2
on a terminal log messages with severity `information` or higher are
written to the console.
Packages will install a configuration file for logrotate on supported
platforms. This configuration ensures that the `icinga2.log`, `error.log` and
`debug.log` files are rotated on a daily basis.
The IDO (Icinga Data Output) modules for Icinga 2 take care of exporting all
configuration and status information into a database. The IDO database is used
by Icinga Web 2.
Details on the installation can be found in the [Configuring DB IDO](2-getting-started.md#configuring-db-ido-mysql)
chapter. Details on the configuration can be found in the
[IdoMysqlConnection](9-object-types.md#objecttype-idomysqlconnection) and
object configuration documentation.
The DB IDO feature supports [High Availability](6-distributed-monitoring.md#distributed-monitoring-high-availability-db-ido) in
the Icinga 2 cluster.
The following example query checks the health of the current Icinga 2 instance
writing its current status to the DB IDO backend table `icinga_programstatus`
every 10 seconds. By default it checks 60 seconds into the past which is a reasonable
amount of time -- adjust it for your requirements. If the condition is not met,
the query returns an empty result.
> **Tip**
> Use [check plugins](5-service-monitoring.md#service-monitoring-plugins) to monitor the backend.
Replace the `default` string with your instance name if different.
Example for MySQL:
# mysql -u root -p icinga -e "SELECT status_update_time FROM icinga_programstatus ps
JOIN icinga_instances i ON ps.instance_id=i.instance_id
WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ps.status_update_time) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-60)
AND i.instance_name='default';"
| status_update_time |
| 2014-05-29 14:29:56 |
Example for PostgreSQL:
# export PGPASSWORD=icinga; psql -U icinga -d icinga -c "SELECT ps.status_update_time FROM icinga_programstatus AS ps
JOIN icinga_instances AS i ON ps.instance_id=i.instance_id
WHERE ((SELECT extract(epoch from status_update_time) FROM icinga_programstatus) > (SELECT extract(epoch from now())-60))
AND i.instance_name='default'";
2014-05-29 15:11:38+02
(1 Zeile)
A detailed list on the available table attributes can be found in the [DB IDO Schema documentation](23-appendix.md#schema-db-ido).
## External Commands
Icinga 2 provides an external command pipe for processing commands
triggering specific actions (for example rescheduling a service check
through the web interface).
In order to enable the `ExternalCommandListener` configuration use the
following command and restart Icinga 2 afterwards:
# icinga2 feature enable command
Icinga 2 creates the command pipe file as `/var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd`
using the default configuration.
Web interfaces and other Icinga addons are able to send commands to
Icinga 2 through the external command pipe, for example for rescheduling
a forced service check:
# /bin/echo "[`date +%s`] SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;localhost;ping4;`date +%s`" >> /var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd
# tail -f /var/log/messages
Oct 17 15:01:25 icinga-server icinga2: Executing external command: [1382014885] SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;localhost;ping4;1382014885
Oct 17 15:01:25 icinga-server icinga2: Rescheduling next check for service 'ping4'
A list of currently supported external commands can be found [here](23-appendix.md#external-commands-list-detail).
Detailed information on the commands and their required parameters can be found
on the [Icinga 1.x documentation](http://docs.icinga.com/latest/en/extcommands2.html).
## Performance Data
When a host or service check is executed plugins should provide so-called
`performance data`. Next to that additional check performance data
can be fetched using Icinga 2 runtime macros such as the check latency
or the current service state (or additional custom attributes).
The performance data can be passed to external applications which aggregate and
store them in their backends. These tools usually generate graphs for historical
reporting and trending.
Well-known addons processing Icinga performance data are [PNP4Nagios](13-addons.md#addons-graphing-pnp),
[Graphite](13-addons.md#addons-graphing-graphite) or [OpenTSDB](14-features.md#opentsdb-writer).
### Writing Performance Data Files
PNP4Nagios and Graphios use performance data collector daemons to fetch
the current performance files for their backend updates.
Therefore the Icinga 2 [PerfdataWriter](9-object-types.md#objecttype-perfdatawriter)
feature allows you to define the output template format for host and services helped
with Icinga 2 runtime vars.
host_format_template = "DATATYPE::HOSTPERFDATA\tTIMET::$icinga.timet$\tHOSTNAME::$host.name$\tHOSTPERFDATA::$host.perfdata$\tHOSTCHECKCOMMAND::$host.check_command$\tHOSTSTATE::$host.state$\tHOSTSTATETYPE::$host.state_type$"
service_format_template = "DATATYPE::SERVICEPERFDATA\tTIMET::$icinga.timet$\tHOSTNAME::$host.name$\tSERVICEDESC::$service.name$\tSERVICEPERFDATA::$service.perfdata$\tSERVICECHECKCOMMAND::$service.check_command$\tHOSTSTATE::$host.state$\tHOSTSTATETYPE::$host.state_type$\tSERVICESTATE::$service.state$\tSERVICESTATETYPE::$service.state_type$"
The default templates are already provided with the Icinga 2 feature configuration
which can be enabled using
# icinga2 feature enable perfdata
By default all performance data files are rotated in a 15 seconds interval into
the `/var/spool/icinga2/perfdata/` directory as `host-perfdata.` and
External collectors need to parse the rotated performance data files and then
remove the processed files.
### Graphite Carbon Cache Writer
While there are some [Graphite](13-addons.md#addons-graphing-graphite)
collector scripts and daemons like Graphios available for Icinga 1.x it's more
reasonable to directly process the check and plugin performance
in memory in Icinga 2. Once there are new metrics available, Icinga 2 will directly
write them to the defined Graphite Carbon daemon tcp socket.
You can enable the feature using
# icinga2 feature enable graphite
By default the [GraphiteWriter](9-object-types.md#objecttype-graphitewriter) feature
expects the Graphite Carbon Cache to listen at `` on TCP port `2003`.
#### Current Graphite Schema
The current naming schema is defined as follows. The official Icinga Web 2 Graphite
module will use that schema too.
The default prefix for hosts and services is configured using
[runtime macros](3-monitoring-basics.md#runtime-macros)like this:
You can customize the prefix name by using the `host_name_template` and
`service_name_template` configuration attributes.
The additional levels will allow fine granular filters and also template
capabilities, e.g. by using the check command `disk` for specific
graph templates in web applications rendering the Graphite data.
The following characters are escaped in prefix labels:
Character | Escaped character
whitespace | _
. | _
\ | _
/ | _
Metric values are stored like this:
The following characters are escaped in perfdata labels:
Character | Escaped character
whitespace | _
\ | _
/ | _
:: | .
Note that perfdata labels may contain dots (`.`) allowing to
add more subsequent levels inside the Graphite tree.
`::` adds support for [multi performance labels](http://my-plugin.de/wiki/projects/check_multi/configuration/performance)
and is therefore replaced by `.`.
By enabling `enable_send_thresholds` Icinga 2 automatically adds the following threshold metrics:
By enabling `enable_send_metadata` Icinga 2 automatically adds the following metadata metrics:
Metadata metric overview:
metric | description
current_attempt | current check attempt
max_check_attempts | maximum check attempts until the hard state is reached
reachable | checked object is reachable
downtime_depth | number of downtimes this object is in
acknowledgement | whether the object is acknowledged or not
execution_time | check execution time
latency | check latency
state | current state of the checked object
state_type | 0=SOFT, 1=HARD state
The following example illustrates how to configure the storage schemas for Graphite Carbon
# intervals like PNP4Nagios uses them per default
pattern = ^icinga2\.
retentions = 1m:2d,5m:10d,30m:90d,360m:4y
#### Graphite Schema < 2.4
> **Note**
> This legacy mode will be removed in 2.8.
In order to restore the old legacy schema, you'll need to adopt the `GraphiteWriter`
object GraphiteWriter "graphite" {
enable_legacy_mode = true
host_name_template = "icinga.$host.name$"
service_name_template = "icinga.$host.name$.$service.name$"
The old legacy naming schema is
You can customize the metric prefix name by using the `host_name_template` and
`service_name_template` configuration attributes.
The example below uses [runtime macros](3-monitoring-basics.md#runtime-macros) and a
[global constant](17-language-reference.md#constants) named `GraphiteEnv`. The constant name
is freely definable and should be put in the [constants.conf](4-configuring-icinga-2.md#constants-conf) file.
const GraphiteEnv = "icinga.env1"
object GraphiteWriter "graphite" {
host_name_template = GraphiteEnv + ".$host.name$"
service_name_template = GraphiteEnv + ".$host.name$.$service.name$"
To make sure Icinga 2 writes a valid label into Graphite some characters are replaced
with `_` in the target name:
\/.- (and space)
The resulting name in Graphite might look like:
www-01 / http-cert / response time
In addition to the performance data retrieved from the check plugin, Icinga 2 sends
internal check statistic data to Graphite:
metric | description
current_attempt | current check attempt
max_check_attempts | maximum check attempts until the hard state is reached
reachable | checked object is reachable
downtime_depth | number of downtimes this object is in
acknowledgement | whether the object is acknowledged or not
execution_time | check execution time
latency | check latency
state | current state of the checked object
state_type | 0=SOFT, 1=HARD state
The following example illustrates how to configure the storage-schemas for Graphite Carbon
Cache. Please make sure that the order is correct because the first match wins.
pattern = ^icinga\..*\.(max_check_attempts|reachable|current_attempt|execution_time|latency|state|state_type)
retentions = 5m:7d
# intervals like PNP4Nagios uses them per default
pattern = ^icinga\.
retentions = 1m:2d,5m:10d,30m:90d,360m:4y
### InfluxDB Writer
Once there are new metrics available, Icinga 2 will directly write them to the
defined InfluxDB HTTP API.
You can enable the feature using
# icinga2 feature enable influxdb
By default the [InfluxdbWriter](9-object-types.md#objecttype-influxdbwriter) feature
expects the InfluxDB daemon to listen at `` on port `8086`.
More configuration details can be found [here](9-object-types.md#objecttype-influxdbwriter).
### Graylog Integration
#### GELF Writer
The `Graylog Extended Log Format` (short: [GELF](http://www.graylog2.org/resources/gelf))
can be used to send application logs directly to a TCP socket.
While it has been specified by the [graylog2](http://www.graylog2.org/) project as their
[input resource standard](http://www.graylog2.org/resources/gelf), other tools such as
[Logstash](http://www.logstash.net) also support `GELF` as
[input type](http://logstash.net/docs/latest/inputs/gelf).
You can enable the feature using
# icinga2 feature enable gelf
By default the `GelfWriter` object expects the GELF receiver to listen at `` on TCP port `12201`.
The default `source` attribute is set to `icinga2`. You can customize that for your needs if required.
Currently these events are processed:
* Check results
* State changes
* Notifications
### Elastic Stack Integration
[Icingabeat](https://github.com/icinga/icingabeat) is an Elastic Beat that fetches data
from the Icinga 2 API and sends it either directly to Elasticsearch or Logstash.
More integrations in development:
* [Logstash output](https://github.com/Icinga/logstash-output-icinga) for the Icinga 2 API.
* [Logstash Grok Pattern](https://github.com/Icinga/logstash-grok-pattern) for Icinga 2 logs.
#### Logstash Writer
[Logstash](https://www.elastic.co/products/logstash) receives
and processes event messages sent by Icinga 2 and the [LogstashWriter](9-object-types.md#objecttype-logstashwriter)
feature. As part of the Elastic Stack it allows you to
process and modify the messages and forward them to [Elasticsearch](https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch)
as backed.
Before proceeding with this integration guide please ensure
that you have Logstash, Elasticsearch and Kibana up and running
as part of the Elastic Stack.
> **Note**
> The LogstashWriter feature has been tested with Elastic Stack 5.x and therefore Logstash 5.x.
> Older versions are not supported.
Logstash supports `TCP` and `UDP` as input socket type. You must
further enable JSON support for input data processing. Logstash 5.x
comes without any pre-installed plugins and requires you to install
them separately.
Example on CentOS 7 and UDP as socket type:
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-udp
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-codec-json
Add the Icinga 2 input and set the output to your running Elasticsearch instance.
You do not need to reload Logstash since version 5.x supports configuration changes
without restart.
This example uses port `5555`. You are allowed to use any available port (note it for later).
# vim /etc/logstash/conf.d/icinga2.conf
input {
udp {
port => 5555
codec => "json"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "localhost:9200" ]
Modify the feature configuration and set the
socket type, host and port attributes. The port must be the same
as configured in your Logstash input, e.g. `5555`.
# vim /etc/icinga2/features-available/logstash.conf
object LogstashWriter "logstash" {
host = ""
port = 5555
socket_type = "udp"
Enable the feature and restart Icinga 2.
# icinga2 feature enable logstash
# systemctl restart icinga2
Open [Kibana](https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana) or your
favorite Elasticsearch frontend and visualize the messages received
from Icinga 2.
### OpenTSDB Writer
While there are some OpenTSDB collector scripts and daemons like tcollector available for
Icinga 1.x it's more reasonable to directly process the check and plugin performance
in memory in Icinga 2. Once there are new metrics available, Icinga 2 will directly
write them to the defined TSDB TCP socket.
You can enable the feature using
# icinga2 feature enable opentsdb
By default the `OpenTsdbWriter` object expects the TSD to listen at
`` on port `4242`.
The current naming schema is
for host and service checks. The tag host is always applied.
To make sure Icinga 2 writes a valid metric into OpenTSDB some characters are replaced
with `_` in the target name:
\ (and space)
The resulting name in OpenTSDB might look like:
www-01 / http-cert / response time
In addition to the performance data retrieved from the check plugin, Icinga 2 sends
internal check statistic data to OpenTSDB:
metric | description
current_attempt | current check attempt
max_check_attempts | maximum check attempts until the hard state is reached
reachable | checked object is reachable
downtime_depth | number of downtimes this object is in
acknowledgement | whether the object is acknowledged or not
execution_time | check execution time
latency | check latency
state | current state of the checked object
state_type | 0=SOFT, 1=HARD state
While reachable, state and state_type are metrics for the host or service the
other metrics follow the current naming schema
with the following tags
tag | description
type | the check type, one of [host, service]
host | hostname, the check ran on
service | the service name (if type=service)
> **Note**
> You might want to set the tsd.core.auto_create_metrics setting to `true`
> in your opentsdb.conf configuration file.
## Livestatus
The [MK Livestatus](http://mathias-kettner.de/checkmk_livestatus.html) project
implements a query protocol that lets users query their Icinga instance for
status information. It can also be used to send commands.
> **Tip**
> Only install the Livestatus feature if your web interface or addon requires
> you to do so (for example, [Icinga Web 2](2-getting-started.md#setting-up-icingaweb2)).
> Icinga Classic UI 1.x and Icinga Web 1.x do not use Livestatus as backend.
The Livestatus component that is distributed as part of Icinga 2 is a
re-implementation of the Livestatus protocol which is compatible with MK
Details on the available tables and attributes with Icinga 2 can be found
in the [Livestatus Schema](23-appendix.md#schema-livestatus) section.
You can enable Livestatus using icinga2 feature enable:
# icinga2 feature enable livestatus
After that you will have to restart Icinga 2:
Debian/Ubuntu, RHEL/CentOS 6 and SUSE:
# service icinga2 restart
RHEL/CentOS 7 and Fedora:
# systemctl restart icinga2
By default the Livestatus socket is available in `/var/run/icinga2/cmd/livestatus`.
In order for queries and commands to work you will need to add your query user
(e.g. your web server) to the `icingacmd` group:
# usermod -a -G icingacmd www-data
The Debian packages use `nagios` as the user and group name. Make sure to change `icingacmd` to
`nagios` if you're using Debian.
Change `www-data` to the user you're using to run queries.
In order to use the historical tables provided by the livestatus feature (for example, the
`log` table) you need to have the `CompatLogger` feature enabled. By default these logs
are expected to be in `/var/log/icinga2/compat`. A different path can be set using the
`compat_log_path` configuration attribute.
# icinga2 feature enable compatlog
### Livestatus Sockets
Other to the Icinga 1.x Addon, Icinga 2 supports two socket types
* Unix socket (default)
* TCP socket
Details on the configuration can be found in the [LivestatusListener](9-object-types.md#objecttype-livestatuslistener)
object configuration.
### Livestatus GET Queries
> **Note**
> All Livestatus queries require an additional empty line as query end identifier.
> The `nc` tool (`netcat`) provides the `-U` parameter to communicate using
> a unix socket.
There also is a Perl module available in CPAN for accessing the Livestatus socket
programmatically: [Monitoring::Livestatus](http://search.cpan.org/~nierlein/Monitoring-Livestatus-0.74/)
Example using the unix socket:
# echo -e "GET services\n" | /usr/bin/nc -U /var/run/icinga2/cmd/livestatus
Example using the tcp socket listening on port `6558`:
# echo -e 'GET services\n' | netcat 6558
# cat servicegroups < Livestatus COMMAND Queries
A list of available external commands and their parameters can be found [here](23-appendix.md#external-commands-list-detail)
$ echo -e 'COMMAND ' | netcat 6558
### Livestatus Filters
and, or, negate
Operator | Negate | Description
= | != | Equality
~ | !~ | Regex match
=~ | !=~ | Equality ignoring case
~~ | !~~ | Regex ignoring case
< | | Less than
> | | Greater than
<= | | Less than or equal
>= | | Greater than or equal
### Livestatus Stats
Schema: "Stats: aggregatefunction aggregateattribute"
Aggregate Function | Description
sum |
min |
max |
avg | sum / count
std | standard deviation
suminv | sum (1 / value)
avginv | suminv / count
count | ordinary default for any stats query if not aggregate function defined
GET hosts
Filter: has_been_checked = 1
Filter: check_type = 0
Stats: sum execution_time
Stats: sum latency
Stats: sum percent_state_change
Stats: min execution_time
Stats: min latency
Stats: min percent_state_change
Stats: max execution_time
Stats: max latency
Stats: max percent_state_change
OutputFormat: json
ResponseHeader: fixed16
### Livestatus Output
CSV output uses two levels of array separators: The members array separator
is a comma (1st level) while extra info and host|service relation separator
is a pipe (2nd level).
Separators can be set using ASCII codes like:
Separators: 10 59 44 124
Default separators.
### Livestatus Error Codes
Code | Description
200 | OK
404 | Table does not exist
452 | Exception on query
### Livestatus Tables
Table | Join |Description
hosts | | host config and status attributes, services counter
hostgroups | | hostgroup config, status attributes and host/service counters
services | hosts | service config and status attributes
servicegroups | | servicegroup config, status attributes and service counters
contacts | | contact config and status attributes
contactgroups | | contact config, members
commands | | command name and line
status | | programstatus, config and stats
comments | services | status attributes
downtimes | services | status attributes
timeperiods | | name and is inside flag
endpoints | | config and status attributes
log | services, hosts, contacts, commands | parses [compatlog](9-object-types.md#objecttype-compatlogger) and shows log attributes
statehist | hosts, services | parses [compatlog](9-object-types.md#objecttype-compatlogger) and aggregates state change attributes
hostsbygroup | hostgroups | host attributes grouped by hostgroup and its attributes
servicesbygroup | servicegroups | service attributes grouped by servicegroup and its attributes
servicesbyhostgroup | hostgroups | service attributes grouped by hostgroup and its attributes
The `commands` table is populated with `CheckCommand`, `EventCommand` and `NotificationCommand` objects.
A detailed list on the available table attributes can be found in the [Livestatus Schema documentation](23-appendix.md#schema-livestatus).
## Status Data Files
Icinga 1.x writes object configuration data and status data in a cyclic
interval to its `objects.cache` and `status.dat` files. Icinga 2 provides
the `StatusDataWriter` object which dumps all configuration objects and
status updates in a regular interval.
# icinga2 feature enable statusdata
Icinga 1.x Classic UI requires this data set as part of its backend.
> **Note**
> If you are not using any web interface or addon which uses these files,
> you can safely disable this feature.
## Compat Log Files
The Icinga 1.x log format is considered being the `Compat Log`
in Icinga 2 provided with the `CompatLogger` object.
These logs are not only used for informational representation in
external web interfaces parsing the logs, but also to generate
SLA reports and trends in Icinga 1.x Classic UI. Furthermore the
[Livestatus](14-features.md#setting-up-livestatus) feature uses these logs for answering queries to
historical tables.
The `CompatLogger` object can be enabled with
# icinga2 feature enable compatlog
By default, the Icinga 1.x log file called `icinga.log` is located
in `/var/log/icinga2/compat`. Rotated log files are moved into
The format cannot be changed without breaking compatibility to
existing log parsers.
# tail -f /var/log/icinga2/compat/icinga.log
[1382115688] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1382115688] HOST STATE: CURRENT;localhost;UP;HARD;1;
[1382115688] SERVICE STATE: CURRENT;localhost;disk;WARNING;HARD;1;
[1382115688] SERVICE STATE: CURRENT;localhost;http;OK;HARD;1;
[1382115688] SERVICE STATE: CURRENT;localhost;load;OK;HARD;1;
[1382115688] SERVICE STATE: CURRENT;localhost;ping4;OK;HARD;1;
[1382115688] SERVICE STATE: CURRENT;localhost;ping6;OK;HARD;1;
[1382115688] SERVICE STATE: CURRENT;localhost;processes;WARNING;HARD;1;
[1382115688] SERVICE STATE: CURRENT;localhost;ssh;OK;HARD;1;
[1382115688] SERVICE STATE: CURRENT;localhost;users;OK;HARD;1;
[1382115706] EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;localhost;disk;1382115705
[1382115706] EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;localhost;http;1382115705
[1382115706] EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;localhost;load;1382115705
[1382115706] EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;localhost;ping4;1382115705
[1382115706] EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;localhost;ping6;1382115705
[1382115706] EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;localhost;processes;1382115705
[1382115706] EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;localhost;ssh;1382115705
[1382115706] EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;localhost;users;1382115705
[1382115731] EXTERNAL COMMAND: PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;localhost;ping6;2;critical test|
[1382115731] SERVICE ALERT: localhost;ping6;CRITICAL;SOFT;2;critical test
## Check Result Files
Icinga 1.x writes its check result files to a temporary spool directory
where they are processed in a regular interval.
While this is extremely inefficient in performance regards it has been
rendered useful for passing passive check results directly into Icinga 1.x
skipping the external command pipe.
Several clustered/distributed environments and check-aggregation addons
use that method. In order to support step-by-step migration of these
environments, Icinga 2 supports the `CheckResultReader` object.
There is no feature configuration available, but it must be defined
on-demand in your Icinga 2 objects configuration.
object CheckResultReader "reader" {
spool_dir = "/data/check-results"