%{ #define YYDEBUG 1 /****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Icinga Development Team (https://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "config/i2-config.hpp" #include "config/configcompiler.hpp" #include "config/expression.hpp" #include "config/applyrule.hpp" #include "config/objectrule.hpp" #include "base/value.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include "base/configtype.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include #include #include #define YYLTYPE icinga::CompilerDebugInfo #define YYERROR_VERBOSE #define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \ do { \ if (N) { \ (Current).Path = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).Path; \ (Current).FirstLine = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).FirstLine; \ (Current).FirstColumn = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).FirstColumn; \ (Current).LastLine = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).LastLine; \ (Current).LastColumn = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).LastColumn; \ } else { \ (Current).Path = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).Path; \ (Current).FirstLine = (Current).LastLine = \ YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).LastLine; \ (Current).FirstColumn = (Current).LastColumn = \ YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).LastColumn; \ } \ } while (0) #define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(file, loc) \ do { \ std::ostringstream msgbuf; \ msgbuf << loc; \ std::string str = msgbuf.str(); \ fputs(str.c_str(), file); \ } while (0) using namespace icinga; template static void MakeRBinaryOp(Expression** result, Expression *left, Expression *right, const DebugInfo& diLeft, const DebugInfo& diRight) { *result = new T(left, right, DebugInfoRange(diLeft, diRight)); } %} %pure-parser %locations %defines %error-verbose %glr-parser %parse-param { std::vector > *llist } %parse-param { ConfigCompiler *context } %lex-param { void *scanner } %union { String *text; double num; bool boolean; icinga::Expression *expr; icinga::DictExpression *dexpr; CombinedSetOp csop; std::vector *slist; std::vector > *llist; std::vector *elist; std::vector > *ebranchlist; std::pair *ebranch; std::pair *cvitem; std::map *cvlist; icinga::ScopeSpecifier scope; } %token T_NEWLINE "new-line" %token T_STRING %token T_STRING_ANGLE %token T_NUMBER %token T_BOOLEAN %token T_NULL %token T_IDENTIFIER %token T_SET "= (T_SET)" %token T_SET_ADD "+= (T_SET_ADD)" %token T_SET_SUBTRACT "-= (T_SET_SUBTRACT)" %token T_SET_MULTIPLY "*= (T_SET_MULTIPLY)" %token T_SET_DIVIDE "/= (T_SET_DIVIDE)" %token T_SET_MODULO "%= (T_SET_MODULO)" %token T_SET_XOR "^= (T_SET_XOR)" %token T_SET_BINARY_AND "&= (T_SET_BINARY_AND)" %token T_SET_BINARY_OR "|= (T_SET_BINARY_OR)" %token T_SHIFT_LEFT "<< (T_SHIFT_LEFT)" %token T_SHIFT_RIGHT ">> (T_SHIFT_RIGHT)" %token T_EQUAL "== (T_EQUAL)" %token T_NOT_EQUAL "!= (T_NOT_EQUAL)" %token T_IN "in (T_IN)" %token T_NOT_IN "!in (T_NOT_IN)" %token T_LOGICAL_AND "&& (T_LOGICAL_AND)" %token T_LOGICAL_OR "|| (T_LOGICAL_OR)" %token T_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL "<= (T_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL)" %token T_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL ">= (T_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL)" %token T_PLUS "+ (T_PLUS)" %token T_MINUS "- (T_MINUS)" %token T_MULTIPLY "* (T_MULTIPLY)" %token T_DIVIDE_OP "/ (T_DIVIDE_OP)" %token T_MODULO "% (T_MODULO)" %token T_XOR "^ (T_XOR)" %token T_BINARY_AND "& (T_BINARY_AND)" %token T_BINARY_OR "| (T_BINARY_OR)" %token T_LESS_THAN "< (T_LESS_THAN)" %token T_GREATER_THAN "> (T_GREATER_THAN)" %token T_VAR "var (T_VAR)" %token T_GLOBALS "globals (T_GLOBALS)" %token T_LOCALS "locals (T_LOCALS)" %token T_CONST "const (T_CONST)" %token T_IGNORE_ON_ERROR "ignore_on_error (T_IGNORE_ON_ERROR)" %token T_CURRENT_FILENAME "current_filename (T_CURRENT_FILENAME)" %token T_CURRENT_LINE "current_line (T_CURRENT_LINE)" %token T_DEBUGGER "debugger (T_DEBUGGER)" %token T_USE "use (T_USE)" %token T_OBJECT "object (T_OBJECT)" %token T_TEMPLATE "template (T_TEMPLATE)" %token T_INCLUDE "include (T_INCLUDE)" %token T_INCLUDE_RECURSIVE "include_recursive (T_INCLUDE_RECURSIVE)" %token T_INCLUDE_ZONES "include_zones (T_INCLUDE_ZONES)" %token T_LIBRARY "library (T_LIBRARY)" %token T_INHERITS "inherits (T_INHERITS)" %token T_APPLY "apply (T_APPLY)" %token T_TO "to (T_TO)" %token T_WHERE "where (T_WHERE)" %token T_IMPORT "import (T_IMPORT)" %token T_ASSIGN "assign (T_ASSIGN)" %token T_IGNORE "ignore (T_IGNORE)" %token T_FUNCTION "function (T_FUNCTION)" %token T_RETURN "return (T_RETURN)" %token T_BREAK "break (T_BREAK)" %token T_CONTINUE "continue (T_CONTINUE)" %token T_FOR "for (T_FOR)" %token T_IF "if (T_IF)" %token T_ELSE "else (T_ELSE)" %token T_WHILE "while (T_WHILE)" %token T_THROW "throw (T_THROW)" %token T_FOLLOWS "=> (T_FOLLOWS)" %token T_NULLARY_LAMBDA_BEGIN "{{ (T_NULLARY_LAMBDA_BEGIN)" %token T_NULLARY_LAMBDA_END "}} (T_NULLARY_LAMBDA_END)" %type identifier %type rterm_items %type rterm_items_inner %type identifier_items %type identifier_items_inner %type combined_set_op %type statements %type lterm_items %type lterm_items_inner %type rterm %type rterm_array %type rterm_scope_require_side_effect %type rterm_scope %type else_if_branches %type else_if_branch %type rterm_side_effect %type rterm_no_side_effect %type lterm %type object %type apply %type optional_rterm %type target_type_specifier %type ignore_specifier %type use_specifier %type use_specifier_items %type use_specifier_item %type object_declaration %right T_FOLLOWS %right T_INCLUDE T_INCLUDE_RECURSIVE T_INCLUDE_ZONES T_OBJECT T_TEMPLATE T_APPLY T_IMPORT T_ASSIGN T_IGNORE T_WHERE %right T_FUNCTION T_FOR %left T_SET T_SET_ADD T_SET_SUBTRACT T_SET_MULTIPLY T_SET_DIVIDE T_SET_MODULO T_SET_XOR T_SET_BINARY_AND T_SET_BINARY_OR %left T_LOGICAL_OR %left T_LOGICAL_AND %left T_RETURN T_BREAK T_CONTINUE %left T_IDENTIFIER %left T_BINARY_OR %left T_XOR %left T_BINARY_AND %nonassoc T_EQUAL T_NOT_EQUAL %left T_IN T_NOT_IN %nonassoc T_LESS_THAN T_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL T_GREATER_THAN T_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL %left T_SHIFT_LEFT T_SHIFT_RIGHT %left T_PLUS T_MINUS %left T_MULTIPLY T_DIVIDE_OP T_MODULO %left UNARY_MINUS UNARY_PLUS %right '!' '~' %left '.' '(' '[' %left T_VAR T_THIS T_GLOBALS T_LOCALS %right ';' ',' %right T_NEWLINE %{ int yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp, void *scanner); extern int yydebug; void yyerror(const YYLTYPE *locp, std::vector > *, ConfigCompiler *context, const char *err) { bool incomplete = context && context->m_Eof && (context->m_OpenBraces > 0); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError(err, *locp, incomplete)); } int yyparse(std::vector > *llist, ConfigCompiler *context); Expression *ConfigCompiler::Compile(void) { std::vector > llist; //yydebug = 1; m_IgnoreNewlines.push(false); if (yyparse(&llist, this) != 0) return NULL; m_IgnoreNewlines.pop(); std::vector dlist; typedef std::pair EListItem; int num = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const EListItem& litem, llist) { if (!litem.second.SideEffect && num != llist.size() - 1) { yyerror(&litem.second.DebugInfo, NULL, NULL, "Value computed is not used."); } dlist.push_back(litem.first); num++; } DictExpression *expr = new DictExpression(dlist); expr->MakeInline(); return expr; } #define scanner (context->GetScanner()) %} %% script: statements { llist->swap(*$1); delete $1; } ; statements: newlines lterm_items { $$ = $2; } | lterm_items ; lterm_items: /* empty */ { $$ = new std::vector >(); } | lterm_items_inner | lterm_items_inner sep ; lterm_items_inner: lterm %dprec 2 { $$ = new std::vector >(); EItemInfo info = { true, @1 }; $$->push_back(std::make_pair($1, info)); } | rterm_no_side_effect { $$ = new std::vector >(); EItemInfo info = { false, @1 }; $$->push_back(std::make_pair($1, info)); } | lterm_items_inner sep lterm %dprec 1 { if ($1) $$ = $1; else $$ = new std::vector >(); if ($3) { EItemInfo info = { true, @3 }; $$->push_back(std::make_pair($3, info)); } } | lterm_items_inner sep rterm_no_side_effect %dprec 1 { if ($1) $$ = $1; else $$ = new std::vector >(); if ($3) { EItemInfo info = { false, @3 }; $$->push_back(std::make_pair($3, info)); } } ; identifier: T_IDENTIFIER | T_STRING ; object: { context->m_ObjectAssign.push(true); context->m_SeenAssign.push(false); context->m_SeenIgnore.push(false); context->m_Assign.push(0); context->m_Ignore.push(0); } object_declaration identifier optional_rterm use_specifier ignore_specifier rterm_scope_require_side_effect { context->m_ObjectAssign.pop(); bool abstract = $2; String type = *$3; delete $3; $7->MakeInline(); bool seen_assign = context->m_SeenAssign.top(); context->m_SeenAssign.pop(); bool seen_ignore = context->m_SeenIgnore.top(); context->m_SeenIgnore.pop(); Expression *ignore = context->m_Ignore.top(); context->m_Ignore.pop(); Expression *assign = context->m_Assign.top(); context->m_Assign.pop(); Expression *filter = NULL; if (seen_assign) { if (!ObjectRule::IsValidSourceType(type)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("object rule 'assign' cannot be used for type '" + type + "'", DebugInfoRange(@2, @4))); if (ignore) { Expression *rex = new LogicalNegateExpression(ignore, DebugInfoRange(@2, @5)); filter = new LogicalAndExpression(assign, rex, DebugInfoRange(@2, @5)); } else filter = assign; } else if (seen_ignore) { if (!ObjectRule::IsValidSourceType(type)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("object rule 'ignore' cannot be used for type '" + type + "'", DebugInfoRange(@2, @4))); else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("object rule 'ignore' is missing 'assign' for type '" + type + "'", DebugInfoRange(@2, @4))); } $$ = new ObjectExpression(abstract, type, $4, filter, context->GetZone(), context->GetPackage(), $5, $6, $7, DebugInfoRange(@2, @6)); } ; object_declaration: T_OBJECT { $$ = false; } | T_TEMPLATE { $$ = true; } ; identifier_items: /* empty */ { $$ = new std::vector(); } | identifier_items_inner | identifier_items_inner ',' ; identifier_items_inner: identifier { $$ = new std::vector(); $$->push_back(*$1); delete $1; } | identifier_items_inner ',' identifier { if ($1) $$ = $1; else $$ = new std::vector(); $$->push_back(*$3); delete $3; } ; combined_set_op: T_SET | T_SET_ADD | T_SET_SUBTRACT | T_SET_MULTIPLY | T_SET_DIVIDE | T_SET_MODULO | T_SET_XOR | T_SET_BINARY_AND | T_SET_BINARY_OR ; lterm: T_LIBRARY rterm { $$ = new LibraryExpression($2, @$); } | rterm combined_set_op rterm { $$ = new SetExpression($1, $2, $3, @$); } | T_INCLUDE rterm { $$ = new IncludeExpression(Utility::DirName(context->GetPath()), $2, NULL, NULL, IncludeRegular, false, context->GetZone(), context->GetPackage(), @$); } | T_INCLUDE T_STRING_ANGLE { $$ = new IncludeExpression(Utility::DirName(context->GetPath()), MakeLiteral(*$2), NULL, NULL, IncludeRegular, true, context->GetZone(), context->GetPackage(), @$); delete $2; } | T_INCLUDE_RECURSIVE rterm { $$ = new IncludeExpression(Utility::DirName(context->GetPath()), $2, MakeLiteral("*.conf"), NULL, IncludeRecursive, false, context->GetZone(), context->GetPackage(), @$); } | T_INCLUDE_RECURSIVE rterm ',' rterm { $$ = new IncludeExpression(Utility::DirName(context->GetPath()), $2, $4, NULL, IncludeRecursive, false, context->GetZone(), context->GetPackage(), @$); } | T_INCLUDE_ZONES rterm ',' rterm { $$ = new IncludeExpression(Utility::DirName(context->GetPath()), $4, MakeLiteral("*.conf"), $2, IncludeZones, false, context->GetZone(), context->GetPackage(), @$); } | T_INCLUDE_ZONES rterm ',' rterm ',' rterm { $$ = new IncludeExpression(Utility::DirName(context->GetPath()), $4, $6, $2, IncludeZones, false, context->GetZone(), context->GetPackage(), @$); } | T_IMPORT rterm { $$ = new ImportExpression($2, @$); } | T_ASSIGN T_WHERE rterm { if ((context->m_Apply.empty() || !context->m_Apply.top()) && (context->m_ObjectAssign.empty() || !context->m_ObjectAssign.top())) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("'assign' keyword not valid in this context.", @$)); context->m_SeenAssign.top() = true; if (context->m_Assign.top()) context->m_Assign.top() = new LogicalOrExpression(context->m_Assign.top(), $3, @$); else context->m_Assign.top() = $3; $$ = MakeLiteral(); } | T_IGNORE T_WHERE rterm { if ((context->m_Apply.empty() || !context->m_Apply.top()) && (context->m_ObjectAssign.empty() || !context->m_ObjectAssign.top())) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("'ignore' keyword not valid in this context.", @$)); context->m_SeenIgnore.top() = true; if (context->m_Ignore.top()) context->m_Ignore.top() = new LogicalOrExpression(context->m_Ignore.top(), $3, @$); else context->m_Ignore.top() = $3; $$ = MakeLiteral(); } | T_RETURN optional_rterm { $$ = new ReturnExpression($2, @$); } | T_BREAK { $$ = new BreakExpression(@$); } | T_CONTINUE { $$ = new ContinueExpression(@$); } | T_DEBUGGER { $$ = new BreakpointExpression(@$); } | apply | object | T_FOR '(' identifier T_FOLLOWS identifier T_IN rterm ')' rterm_scope_require_side_effect { $9->MakeInline(); $$ = new ForExpression(*$3, *$5, $7, $9, @$); delete $3; delete $5; } | T_FOR '(' identifier T_IN rterm ')' rterm_scope_require_side_effect { $7->MakeInline(); $$ = new ForExpression(*$3, "", $5, $7, @$); delete $3; } | T_FUNCTION identifier '(' identifier_items ')' use_specifier rterm_scope { $7->MakeInline(); FunctionExpression *fexpr = new FunctionExpression(*$4, $6, $7, @$); delete $4; $$ = new SetExpression(MakeIndexer(ScopeThis, *$2), OpSetLiteral, fexpr, @$); delete $2; } | T_CONST T_IDENTIFIER T_SET rterm { $$ = new SetExpression(MakeIndexer(ScopeGlobal, *$2), OpSetLiteral, $4); delete $2; } | T_VAR rterm { Expression *expr = $2; BindToScope(expr, ScopeLocal); $$ = new SetExpression(expr, OpSetLiteral, MakeLiteral(), @$); } | T_VAR rterm combined_set_op rterm { Expression *expr = $2; BindToScope(expr, ScopeLocal); $$ = new SetExpression(expr, $3, $4, @$); } | T_WHILE '(' rterm ')' rterm_scope { $5->MakeInline(); $$ = new WhileExpression($3, $5, @$); } | T_THROW rterm { $$ = new ThrowExpression($2, false, @$); } | rterm_side_effect ; rterm_items: /* empty */ { $$ = new std::vector(); } | rterm_items_inner | rterm_items_inner ',' | rterm_items_inner ',' newlines | rterm_items_inner newlines ; rterm_items_inner: rterm { $$ = new std::vector(); $$->push_back($1); } | rterm_items_inner arraysep rterm { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } ; rterm_array: '[' { context->m_OpenBraces++; } newlines rterm_items ']' { context->m_OpenBraces--; $$ = new ArrayExpression(*$4, @$); delete $4; } | '[' { context->m_OpenBraces++; } rterm_items ']' { $$ = new ArrayExpression(*$3, @$); delete $3; } ; rterm_scope_require_side_effect: '{' { context->m_IgnoreNewlines.push(false); context->m_OpenBraces++; } statements '}' { context->m_OpenBraces--; context->m_IgnoreNewlines.pop(); std::vector dlist; typedef std::pair EListItem; int num = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const EListItem& litem, *$3) { if (!litem.second.SideEffect) yyerror(&litem.second.DebugInfo, NULL, NULL, "Value computed is not used."); dlist.push_back(litem.first); num++; } delete $3; $$ = new DictExpression(dlist, @$); } ; rterm_scope: '{' { context->m_IgnoreNewlines.push(false); context->m_OpenBraces++; } statements '}' { context->m_OpenBraces--; context->m_IgnoreNewlines.pop(); std::vector dlist; typedef std::pair EListItem; int num = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const EListItem& litem, *$3) { if (!litem.second.SideEffect && num != $3->size() - 1) yyerror(&litem.second.DebugInfo, NULL, NULL, "Value computed is not used."); dlist.push_back(litem.first); num++; } delete $3; $$ = new DictExpression(dlist, @$); } ; else_if_branch: T_ELSE T_IF '(' rterm ')' rterm_scope { $6->MakeInline(); $$ = new std::pair($4, $6); } ; else_if_branches: /* empty */ { $$ = new std::vector >(); } | else_if_branches else_if_branch { $$ = $1; $$->push_back(*$2); delete $2; } ; rterm_side_effect: rterm '(' rterm_items ')' { $$ = new FunctionCallExpression($1, *$3, @$); delete $3; } | T_IF '(' rterm ')' rterm_scope else_if_branches { $5->MakeInline(); std::vector > ebranches = *$6; delete $6; Expression *afalse = NULL; for (int i = ebranches.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const std::pair& ebranch = ebranches[i]; afalse = new ConditionalExpression(ebranch.first, ebranch.second, afalse, @6); } $$ = new ConditionalExpression($3, $5, afalse, @$); } | T_IF '(' rterm ')' rterm_scope else_if_branches T_ELSE rterm_scope { $5->MakeInline(); std::vector > ebranches = *$6; delete $6; $8->MakeInline(); Expression *afalse = $8; for (int i = ebranches.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const std::pair& ebranch = ebranches[i]; afalse = new ConditionalExpression(ebranch.first, ebranch.second, afalse, @6); } $$ = new ConditionalExpression($3, $5, afalse, @$); } ; rterm_no_side_effect: T_STRING { $$ = MakeLiteral(*$1); delete $1; } | T_NUMBER { $$ = MakeLiteral($1); } | T_BOOLEAN { $$ = MakeLiteral($1); } | T_NULL { $$ = MakeLiteral(); } | rterm '.' T_IDENTIFIER %dprec 2 { $$ = new IndexerExpression($1, MakeLiteral(*$3), @$); delete $3; } | rterm '[' rterm ']' { $$ = new IndexerExpression($1, $3, @$); } | T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new VariableExpression(*$1, @1); delete $1; } | '!' rterm { $$ = new LogicalNegateExpression($2, @$); } | '~' rterm { $$ = new NegateExpression($2, @$); } | T_PLUS rterm %prec UNARY_PLUS { $$ = $2; } | T_MINUS rterm %prec UNARY_MINUS { $$ = new SubtractExpression(MakeLiteral(0), $2, @$); } | T_THIS { $$ = new GetScopeExpression(ScopeThis); } | T_GLOBALS { $$ = new GetScopeExpression(ScopeGlobal); } | T_LOCALS { $$ = new GetScopeExpression(ScopeLocal); } | T_CURRENT_FILENAME { $$ = MakeLiteral(@$.Path); } | T_CURRENT_LINE { $$ = MakeLiteral(@$.FirstLine); } | identifier T_FOLLOWS rterm { DictExpression *aexpr = dynamic_cast($3); if (aexpr) aexpr->MakeInline(); std::vector args; args.push_back(*$1); delete $1; $$ = new FunctionExpression(args, new std::map(), $3, @$); } | '(' identifier_items ')' T_FOLLOWS rterm { DictExpression *aexpr = dynamic_cast($5); if (aexpr) aexpr->MakeInline(); $$ = new FunctionExpression(*$2, new std::map(), $5, @$); delete $2; } | rterm_array | rterm_scope_require_side_effect { Expression *expr = $1; BindToScope(expr, ScopeThis); $$ = expr; } | '(' { context->m_OpenBraces++; } rterm ')' { context->m_OpenBraces--; $$ = $3; } | rterm T_LOGICAL_OR rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_LOGICAL_AND rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_BINARY_OR rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_BINARY_AND rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_IN rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_NOT_IN rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_EQUAL rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_NOT_EQUAL rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_LESS_THAN rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_GREATER_THAN rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_SHIFT_LEFT rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_SHIFT_RIGHT rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_PLUS rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_MINUS rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_MULTIPLY rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_DIVIDE_OP rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_MODULO rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | rterm T_XOR rterm { MakeRBinaryOp(&$$, $1, $3, @1, @3); } | T_FUNCTION '(' identifier_items ')' use_specifier rterm_scope { $6->MakeInline(); $$ = new FunctionExpression(*$3, $5, $6, @$); delete $3; } | T_NULLARY_LAMBDA_BEGIN statements T_NULLARY_LAMBDA_END { std::vector dlist; typedef std::pair EListItem; int num = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const EListItem& litem, *$2) { if (!litem.second.SideEffect && num != $2->size() - 1) yyerror(&litem.second.DebugInfo, NULL, NULL, "Value computed is not used."); dlist.push_back(litem.first); num++; } delete $2; DictExpression *aexpr = new DictExpression(dlist, @$); aexpr->MakeInline(); $$ = new FunctionExpression(std::vector(), NULL, aexpr, @$); } ; rterm: rterm_side_effect | rterm_no_side_effect ; target_type_specifier: /* empty */ { $$ = new String(); } | T_TO identifier { $$ = $2; } ; ignore_specifier: /* empty */ { $$ = false; } | T_IGNORE_ON_ERROR { $$ = true; } ; use_specifier: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | T_USE '(' use_specifier_items ')' { $$ = $3; } ; use_specifier_items: use_specifier_item { $$ = new std::map(); $$->insert(*$1); delete $1; } | use_specifier_items ',' use_specifier_item { $$ = $1; $$->insert(*$3); delete $3; } ; use_specifier_item: identifier { $$ = new std::pair(*$1, new VariableExpression(*$1, @1)); delete $1; } | identifier T_SET rterm { $$ = new std::pair(*$1, $3); delete $1; } ; apply_for_specifier: /* empty */ | T_FOR '(' identifier T_FOLLOWS identifier T_IN rterm ')' { context->m_FKVar.top() = *$3; delete $3; context->m_FVVar.top() = *$5; delete $5; context->m_FTerm.top() = $7; } | T_FOR '(' identifier T_IN rterm ')' { context->m_FKVar.top() = *$3; delete $3; context->m_FVVar.top() = ""; context->m_FTerm.top() = $5; } ; optional_rterm: /* empty */ { $$ = MakeLiteral(); } | rterm ; apply: { context->m_Apply.push(true); context->m_SeenAssign.push(false); context->m_SeenIgnore.push(false); context->m_Assign.push(NULL); context->m_Ignore.push(NULL); context->m_FKVar.push(""); context->m_FVVar.push(""); context->m_FTerm.push(NULL); } T_APPLY identifier optional_rterm apply_for_specifier target_type_specifier use_specifier ignore_specifier rterm_scope_require_side_effect { context->m_Apply.pop(); String type = *$3; delete $3; String target = *$6; delete $6; if (!ApplyRule::IsValidSourceType(type)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("'apply' cannot be used with type '" + type + "'", DebugInfoRange(@2, @3))); if (!ApplyRule::IsValidTargetType(type, target)) { if (target == "") { std::vector types = ApplyRule::GetTargetTypes(type); String typeNames; for (std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) { if (typeNames != "") { if (i == types.size() - 1) typeNames += " or "; else typeNames += ", "; } typeNames += "'" + types[i] + "'"; } BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("'apply' target type is ambiguous (can be one of " + typeNames + "): use 'to' to specify a type", DebugInfoRange(@2, @3))); } else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("'apply' target type '" + target + "' is invalid", DebugInfoRange(@2, @5))); } $9->MakeInline(); bool seen_assign = context->m_SeenAssign.top(); context->m_SeenAssign.pop(); // assign && !ignore if (!seen_assign && !context->m_FTerm.top()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("'apply' is missing 'assign'/'for'", DebugInfoRange(@2, @3))); Expression *ignore = context->m_Ignore.top(); context->m_Ignore.pop(); Expression *assign; if (!seen_assign) assign = MakeLiteral(true); else assign = context->m_Assign.top(); context->m_Assign.pop(); Expression *filter; if (ignore) { Expression *rex = new LogicalNegateExpression(ignore, DebugInfoRange(@2, @5)); filter = new LogicalAndExpression(assign, rex, DebugInfoRange(@2, @5)); } else filter = assign; String fkvar = context->m_FKVar.top(); context->m_FKVar.pop(); String fvvar = context->m_FVVar.top(); context->m_FVVar.pop(); Expression *fterm = context->m_FTerm.top(); context->m_FTerm.pop(); $$ = new ApplyExpression(type, target, $4, filter, context->GetPackage(), fkvar, fvvar, fterm, $7, $8, $9, DebugInfoRange(@2, @8)); } ; newlines: T_NEWLINE | T_NEWLINE newlines ; /* required separator */ sep: ',' newlines | ',' | ';' newlines | ';' | newlines ; arraysep: ',' newlines | ',' ; %%