#!/usr/bin/perl =pod /****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ =cut =head1 NAME icinga2_convert_v1_v2.pl - convert icinga 1.x config to icinga 2.x format =head1 SYNOPSIS icinga2_convert_v1_v2.pl -c -o [-v] [-h] [-V] Convert Icinga 1.x configuration to new Icinga 2.x configuration format. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item -c|--icingacfgfile Path to your Icinga 1.x main configuration file "icinga.cfg". =item -o|--outputcfgdir Directory to Icinga 2.x configuration output. =item -v|--verbose Verbose mode. =item -h|--help Print help page. =item -V|--version print version. =cut use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use File::Find; use Storable qw(dclone); use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling); use Pod::Usage; use feature 'say'; push @INC, 'pwd'; use Icinga2::ImportIcinga1Cfg; use Icinga2::ExportIcinga2Cfg; use Icinga2::Convert; use Icinga2::Utils; my $version = "0.0.1"; # get command-line parameters our $opt; GetOptions( "c|icingacfgfile=s" => \$opt->{icinga1xcfg}, "o|outputcfgdir=s" => \$opt->{icinga2xoutputprefix}, "v|verbose" => \$opt->{verbose}, "h|help" => \$opt->{help}, "V|version" => \$opt->{version} ); my $icinga1_cfg = "/etc/icinga/icinga.cfg"; my $icinga2_cfg = {}; my $conf_prefix = "./conf"; my $verbose = 1; our $dbg_lvl = 1; $icinga2_cfg->{'__I2EXPORT_DEBUG'} = 0; if(defined($opt->{icinga1xcfg})) { $icinga1_cfg = $opt->{icinga1xcfg}; } if(defined($opt->{icinga2xoutputprefix})) { $conf_prefix = $opt->{icinga2xoutputprefix}; } if(defined($opt->{verbose})) { $verbose = $opt->{verbose}; $icinga2_cfg->{'__I2EXPORT_DEBUG'} = 1; } if (defined $opt->{version}) { print $version."\n"; exit 0; } if ($opt->{help}) { pod2usage(1); } $icinga2_cfg->{'main'}= "$conf_prefix/icinga2.conf"; $icinga2_cfg->{'hosts'}= "$conf_prefix/hosts.conf"; $icinga2_cfg->{'services'}= "$conf_prefix/services.conf"; $icinga2_cfg->{'users'}= "$conf_prefix/users.conf"; $icinga2_cfg->{'groups'}= "$conf_prefix/groups.conf"; $icinga2_cfg->{'notifications'}= "$conf_prefix/notifications.conf"; $icinga2_cfg->{'timeperiods'}= "$conf_prefix/timeperiods.conf"; $icinga2_cfg->{'commands'}= "$conf_prefix/commands.conf"; $icinga2_cfg->{'itl'}->{'host-template'} = ""; $icinga2_cfg->{'itl'}->{'service-template'} = ""; $icinga2_cfg->{'itl'}->{'user-template'} = ""; $icinga2_cfg->{'itl'}->{'notification-template'} = ""; $icinga2_cfg->{'itl'}->{'timeperiod-template'} = "legacy-timeperiod"; $icinga2_cfg->{'itl'}->{'checkcommand-template'} = "plugin-check-command"; $icinga2_cfg->{'itl'}->{'notificationcommand-template'} = "plugin-notification-command"; $icinga2_cfg->{'itl'}->{'eventcommand-template'} = "plugin-event-command"; my $type_cnt; ################################################################################ # MAIN ################################################################################ # TODO import/export files in parallel? # the import my $icinga1_cfg_obj = Icinga2::ImportIcinga1Cfg::parse_icinga1_objects($icinga1_cfg); my $icinga1_cfg_obj_cache = Icinga2::ImportIcinga1Cfg::parse_icinga1_objects_cache($icinga1_cfg); my $icinga1_user_macros = Icinga2::ImportIcinga1Cfg::parse_icinga1_user_macros($icinga1_cfg); # the conversion magic inside my $icinga2_cfg_obj = Icinga2::Convert::convert_2x($icinga2_cfg, $icinga1_cfg_obj, $icinga1_cfg_obj_cache, $icinga1_user_macros); # the export Icinga2::ExportIcinga2Cfg::dump_cfg_obj_2x($icinga2_cfg, $icinga2_cfg_obj); # vi: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab :