/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Icinga Development Team (https://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "cli/repositoryutility.hpp" #include "cli/clicommand.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" #include "base/application.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/configwriter.hpp" #include "base/scriptglobal.hpp" #include "base/json.hpp" #include "base/netstring.hpp" #include "base/tlsutility.hpp" #include "base/stdiostream.hpp" #include "base/debug.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/console.hpp" #include "base/serializer.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace icinga; Dictionary::Ptr RepositoryUtility::GetArgumentAttributes(const std::vector& arguments) { Dictionary::Ptr attrs = new Dictionary(); for (const String& kv : arguments) { std::vector tokens; boost::algorithm::split(tokens, kv, boost::is_any_of("=")); if (tokens.size() != 2) { Log(LogWarning, "cli") << "Cannot parse passed attributes: " << boost::algorithm::join(tokens, "="); continue; } Value value; try { value = Convert::ToDouble(tokens[1]); } catch (...) { value = tokens[1]; } attrs->Set(tokens[0], value); } return attrs; } String RepositoryUtility::GetRepositoryConfigPath(void) { return Application::GetSysconfDir() + "/icinga2/repository.d"; } String RepositoryUtility::GetRepositoryObjectConfigPath(const String& type, const Dictionary::Ptr& object) { String path = GetRepositoryConfigPath() + "/"; if (type == "Host") path += "hosts"; else if (type == "Service") path += "hosts/" + EscapeName(object->Get("host_name")); else if (type == "Zone") path += "zones"; else if (type == "Endpoint") path += "endpoints"; return path; } bool RepositoryUtility::FilterRepositoryObjects(const String& type, const String& path) { if (type == "Host") { boost::regex expr("hosts/[^/]*.conf", boost::regex::icase); boost::smatch what; return boost::regex_search(path.GetData(), what, expr); } else if (type == "Service") return Utility::Match("*hosts/*/*.conf", path); else if (type == "Zone") return Utility::Match("*zones/*.conf", path); else if (type == "Endpoints") return Utility::Match("*endpoints/*.conf", path); return false; } String RepositoryUtility::GetRepositoryObjectConfigFilePath(const String& type, const Dictionary::Ptr& object) { String path = GetRepositoryObjectConfigPath(type, object); path += "/" + EscapeName(object->Get("name")) + ".conf"; return path; } String RepositoryUtility::GetRepositoryChangeLogPath(void) { return Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/lib/icinga2/repository/changes"; } void RepositoryUtility::CreateRepositoryPath(const String& path) { if (!Utility::PathExists(path)) Utility::MkDirP(path, 0750); String user = ScriptGlobal::Get("RunAsUser"); String group = ScriptGlobal::Get("RunAsGroup"); if (!Utility::SetFileOwnership(path, user, group)) { Log(LogWarning, "cli") << "Cannot set ownership for user '" << user << "' group '" << group << "' on path '" << path << "'. Verify it yourself!"; } } /* printers */ void RepositoryUtility::PrintObjects(std::ostream& fp, const String& type) { std::vector objects = GetObjects(); //full path for (const String& object : objects) { if (!FilterRepositoryObjects(type, object)) { Log(LogDebug, "cli") << "Ignoring object '" << object << "'. Type '" << type << "' does not match."; continue; } String file = Utility::BaseName(object); boost::algorithm::replace_all(file, ".conf", ""); file = UnescapeName(file); fp << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundMagenta | Console_Bold) << type << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << " '" << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundBlue | Console_Bold) << file << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << "'"; String prefix = Utility::DirName(object); if (type == "Service") { std::vector tokens; boost::algorithm::split(tokens, prefix, boost::is_any_of("/")); String host_name = UnescapeName(tokens[tokens.size()-1]); fp << " (on " << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundMagenta | Console_Bold) << "Host" << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << " '" << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundBlue | Console_Bold) << host_name << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << "')"; } fp << "\n"; } } void RepositoryUtility::PrintChangeLog(std::ostream& fp) { Array::Ptr changelog = new Array(); GetChangeLog(boost::bind(RepositoryUtility::CollectChange, _1, changelog)); ObjectLock olock(changelog); std::cout << "Changes to be committed:\n\n"; for (const Value& entry : changelog) { FormatChangelogEntry(std::cout, entry); } } class RepositoryValidationUtils : public ValidationUtils { public: virtual bool ValidateName(const String& type, const String& name) const { return true; } }; /* modify objects and write changelog */ bool RepositoryUtility::AddObject(const std::vector& object_paths, const String& name, const String& type, const Dictionary::Ptr& attrs, const Array::Ptr& changes, bool check_config) { String pattern; if (type == "Service") pattern = EscapeName(attrs->Get("host_name")) + "/" + EscapeName(name) + ".conf"; else pattern = EscapeName(name) + ".conf"; for (const String& object_path : object_paths) { if (object_path.Contains(pattern)) { Log(LogWarning, "cli") << type << " '" << name << "' already exists. Skipping creation."; return false; } } /* add a new changelog entry by timestamp */ String path = GetRepositoryChangeLogPath() + "/" + Convert::ToString(Utility::GetTime()) + "-" + type + "-" + SHA256(name) + ".change"; Dictionary::Ptr change = new Dictionary(); change->Set("timestamp", Utility::GetTime()); change->Set("name", name); change->Set("type", type); change->Set("command", "add"); change->Set("attrs", attrs); Type::Ptr utype = Type::GetByName(type); ASSERT(utype); if (check_config) { try { ConfigObject::Ptr object = static_pointer_cast(utype->Instantiate(std::vector())); /* temporarly set the object type for validation */ attrs->Set("type", utype->GetName()); Deserialize(object, attrs, false, FAConfig); object->SetName(name); RepositoryValidationUtils utils; static_pointer_cast(object)->Validate(FAConfig, utils); attrs->Remove("type"); } catch (const ValidationError& ex) { Log(LogCritical, "config", DiagnosticInformation(ex)); return false; } } if (CheckChangeExists(change, changes)) { Log(LogWarning, "cli") << "Change '" << change->Get("command") << "' for type '" << change->Get("type") << "' and name '" << change->Get("name") << "' already exists."; return false; } /* store the cached change */ changes->Add(change); return WriteObjectToRepositoryChangeLog(path, change); } bool RepositoryUtility::RemoveObject(const String& name, const String& type, const Dictionary::Ptr& attrs, const Array::Ptr& changes) { /* add a new changelog entry by timestamp */ String path = GetRepositoryChangeLogPath() + "/" + Convert::ToString(Utility::GetTime()) + "-" + type + "-" + SHA256(name) + ".change"; Dictionary::Ptr change = new Dictionary(); change->Set("timestamp", Utility::GetTime()); change->Set("name", name); change->Set("type", type); change->Set("command", "remove"); change->Set("attrs", attrs); //required for service->host_name if (CheckChangeExists(change, changes)) { Log(LogWarning, "cli") << "Change '" << change->Get("command") << "' for type '" << change->Get("type") << "' and name '" << change->Get("name") << "' already exists."; return false; } /* store the cached change */ changes->Add(change); return WriteObjectToRepositoryChangeLog(path, change); } bool RepositoryUtility::SetObjectAttribute(const String& name, const String& type, const String& attr, const Value& val) { //TODO: Implement modification commands return true; } bool RepositoryUtility::CheckChangeExists(const Dictionary::Ptr& change, const Array::Ptr& changes) { Dictionary::Ptr attrs = change->Get("attrs"); ObjectLock olock(changes); for (const Dictionary::Ptr& entry : changes) { if (entry->Get("type") != change->Get("type")) continue; if (entry->Get("name") != change->Get("name")) continue; Dictionary::Ptr their_attrs = entry->Get("attrs"); if (entry->Get("type") == "Service" && attrs->Get("host_name") != their_attrs->Get("host_name")) continue; if (entry->Get("command") != change->Get("command")) continue; /* only works for add/remove commands (no set) */ if (change->Get("command") == "add" || change->Get("command") == "remove") return true; } return false; } bool RepositoryUtility::ClearChangeLog(void) { GetChangeLog(boost::bind(RepositoryUtility::ClearChange, _1, _2)); return true; } bool RepositoryUtility::ChangeLogHasPendingChanges(void) { Array::Ptr changelog = new Array(); GetChangeLog(boost::bind(RepositoryUtility::CollectChange, _1, changelog)); return changelog->GetLength() > 0; } /* commit changelog */ bool RepositoryUtility::CommitChangeLog(void) { GetChangeLog(boost::bind(RepositoryUtility::CommitChange, _1, _2)); return true; } /* write/read from changelog repository */ bool RepositoryUtility::WriteObjectToRepositoryChangeLog(const String& path, const Dictionary::Ptr& item) { Log(LogInformation, "cli", "Dumping changelog items to file '" + path + "'"); CreateRepositoryPath(Utility::DirName(path)); std::fstream fp; String tempFilename = Utility::CreateTempFile(path + ".XXXXXX", 0600, fp); fp << JsonEncode(item); fp.close(); #ifdef _WIN32 _unlink(path.CStr()); #endif /* _WIN32 */ if (rename(tempFilename.CStr(), path.CStr()) < 0) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(posix_error() << boost::errinfo_api_function("rename") << boost::errinfo_errno(errno) << boost::errinfo_file_name(tempFilename)); } return true; } Dictionary::Ptr RepositoryUtility::GetObjectFromRepositoryChangeLog(const String& filename) { std::fstream fp; fp.open(filename.CStr(), std::ifstream::in); if (!fp) return Dictionary::Ptr(); String content((std::istreambuf_iterator(fp)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); fp.close(); return JsonDecode(content); } /* internal implementation when changes are committed */ bool RepositoryUtility::AddObjectInternal(const String& name, const String& type, const Dictionary::Ptr& attrs) { String path = GetRepositoryObjectConfigPath(type, attrs) + "/" + EscapeName(name) + ".conf"; return WriteObjectToRepository(path, name, type, attrs); } bool RepositoryUtility::RemoveObjectInternal(const String& name, const String& type, const Dictionary::Ptr& attrs) { String path = GetRepositoryObjectConfigPath(type, attrs) + "/" + EscapeName(name) + ".conf"; if (!Utility::PathExists(path)) { Log(LogWarning, "cli") << type << " '" << name << "' does not exist."; return true; } bool success = RemoveObjectFileInternal(path); if (success) Log(LogInformation, "cli") << "Removing config object '" << name << "' in file '" << path << "'"; /* special treatment for hosts -> remove the services too */ if (type == "Host") { path = GetRepositoryObjectConfigPath(type, attrs) + "/" + name; /* if path does not exist, this host does not have any services */ if (!Utility::PathExists(path)) { Log(LogNotice, "cli") << type << " '" << name << "' does not have any services configured."; return success; } std::vector files; Utility::GlobRecursive(path, "*.conf", boost::bind(&RepositoryUtility::CollectObjects, _1, boost::ref(files)), GlobFile); for (const String& file : files) { RemoveObjectFileInternal(file); } #ifndef _WIN32 rmdir(path.CStr()); #else _rmdir(path.CStr()); #endif /* _WIN32 */ } return success; } bool RepositoryUtility::RemoveObjectFileInternal(const String& path) { if (!Utility::PathExists(path) ) { Log(LogCritical, "cli", "Cannot remove '" + path + "'. Does not exist."); return false; } if (unlink(path.CStr()) < 0) { Log(LogCritical, "cli", "Cannot remove path '" + path + "'. Failed with error code " + Convert::ToString(errno) + ", \"" + Utility::FormatErrorNumber(errno) + "\"."); return false; } return true; } bool RepositoryUtility::SetObjectAttributeInternal(const String& name, const String& type, const String& key, const Value& val, const Dictionary::Ptr& attrs) { //TODO String path = GetRepositoryObjectConfigPath(type, attrs) + "/" + EscapeName(name) + ".conf"; Dictionary::Ptr obj = GetObjectFromRepository(path); //TODO if (!obj) { Log(LogCritical, "cli") << "Can't get object " << name << " from repository.\n"; return false; } obj->Set(key, val); std::cout << "Writing object '" << name << "' to path '" << path << "'.\n"; //TODO: Create a patch file if (!WriteObjectToRepository(path, name, type, obj)) { Log(LogCritical, "cli") << "Can't write object " << name << " to repository.\n"; return false; } return true; } bool RepositoryUtility::WriteObjectToRepository(const String& path, const String& name, const String& type, const Dictionary::Ptr& item) { Log(LogInformation, "cli") << "Writing config object '" << name << "' to file '" << path << "'"; CreateRepositoryPath(Utility::DirName(path)); std::fstream fp; String tempFilename = Utility::CreateTempFile(path + ".XXXXXX", 0644, fp); SerializeObject(fp, name, type, item); fp << std::endl; fp.close(); #ifdef _WIN32 _unlink(path.CStr()); #endif /* _WIN32 */ if (rename(tempFilename.CStr(), path.CStr()) < 0) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(posix_error() << boost::errinfo_api_function("rename") << boost::errinfo_errno(errno) << boost::errinfo_file_name(tempFilename)); } return true; } Dictionary::Ptr RepositoryUtility::GetObjectFromRepository(const String& filename) { //TODO: Parse existing configuration objects return Dictionary::Ptr(); } String RepositoryUtility::EscapeName(const String& name) { return Utility::EscapeString(name, "<>:\"/\\|?*", true); } String RepositoryUtility::UnescapeName(const String& name) { return Utility::UnescapeString(name); } /* * collect functions */ std::vector RepositoryUtility::GetObjects(void) { std::vector objects; String path = GetRepositoryConfigPath(); Utility::GlobRecursive(path, "*.conf", boost::bind(&RepositoryUtility::CollectObjects, _1, boost::ref(objects)), GlobFile); return objects; } void RepositoryUtility::CollectObjects(const String& object_file, std::vector& objects) { Log(LogDebug, "cli") << "Adding object: '" << object_file << "'."; objects.push_back(object_file); } bool RepositoryUtility::GetChangeLog(const boost::function& callback) { std::vector changelog; String path = GetRepositoryChangeLogPath() + "/"; Utility::MkDirP(path, 0700); Utility::Glob(path + "/*.change", boost::bind(&RepositoryUtility::CollectChangeLog, _1, boost::ref(changelog)), GlobFile); /* sort by timestamp ascending */ std::sort(changelog.begin(), changelog.end()); for (const String& entry : changelog) { String file = path + entry + ".change"; Dictionary::Ptr change = GetObjectFromRepositoryChangeLog(file); Log(LogDebug, "cli") << "Collecting entry " << entry << "\n"; if (change) callback(change, file); } return true; } void RepositoryUtility::CollectChangeLog(const String& change_file, std::vector& changelog) { String file = Utility::BaseName(change_file); boost::algorithm::replace_all(file, ".change", ""); Log(LogDebug, "cli") << "Adding change file: '" << file << "'."; changelog.push_back(file); } void RepositoryUtility::CollectChange(const Dictionary::Ptr& change, Array::Ptr& changes) { changes->Add(change); } /* * Commit Changelog entry */ void RepositoryUtility::CommitChange(const Dictionary::Ptr& change, const String& path) { Log(LogDebug, "cli") << "Got change " << change->Get("name"); String name = change->Get("name"); String type = change->Get("type"); String command = change->Get("command"); Dictionary::Ptr attrs; if (change->Contains("attrs")) attrs = change->Get("attrs"); bool success = false; if (command == "add") success = AddObjectInternal(name, type, attrs); else if (command == "remove") success = RemoveObjectInternal(name, type, attrs); if (success) { Log(LogNotice, "cli") << "Removing changelog file '" << path << "'."; RemoveObjectFileInternal(path); } } /* * Clear Changelog entry */ void RepositoryUtility::ClearChange(const Dictionary::Ptr& change, const String& path) { Log(LogDebug, "cli") << "Clearing change " << change->Get("name"); Log(LogInformation, "cli") << "Removing changelog file '" << path << "'."; RemoveObjectFileInternal(path); } /* * Print Changelog helpers */ void RepositoryUtility::FormatChangelogEntry(std::ostream& fp, const Dictionary::Ptr& change) { if (!change) return; if (change->Get("command") == "add") fp << "Adding"; if (change->Get("command") == "remove") fp << "Removing"; String type = change->Get("type"); boost::algorithm::to_lower(type); Dictionary::Ptr attrs = change->Get("attrs"); fp << " " << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundMagenta | Console_Bold) << type << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << " '"; fp << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundBlue | Console_Bold) << change->Get("name") << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << "'\n"; ObjectLock olock(attrs); for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : attrs) { /* skip the name */ if (kv.first == "name" || kv.first == "__name") continue; fp << std::setw(4) << " " << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundGreen) << kv.first << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << " = "; ConfigWriter::EmitValue(fp, 0, kv.second); fp << "\n"; } } /* * print helpers for configuration * TODO: Move into a separate class */ void RepositoryUtility::SerializeObject(std::ostream& fp, const String& name, const String& type, const Dictionary::Ptr& object) { fp << "object " << type << " "; ConfigWriter::EmitString(fp, name); fp << " {\n"; if (!object) { fp << "}\n"; return; } if (object->Contains("import")) { Array::Ptr imports = object->Get("import"); ObjectLock olock(imports); for (const String& import : imports) { fp << "\t" << "import "; ConfigWriter::EmitString(fp, import); fp << '\n'; } } ObjectLock xlock(object); for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : object) { if (kv.first == "import" || kv.first == "name" || kv.first == "__name") { continue; } else { fp << "\t"; ConfigWriter::EmitIdentifier(fp, kv.first, true); fp << " = "; ConfigWriter::EmitValue(fp, 1, kv.second); } fp << "\n"; } fp << "}\n"; }