/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "remote/configstageshandler.hpp" #include "remote/configpackageutility.hpp" #include "remote/httputility.hpp" #include "remote/filterutility.hpp" #include "base/application.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" using namespace icinga; REGISTER_URLHANDLER("/v1/config/stages", ConfigStagesHandler); bool ConfigStagesHandler::HandleRequest( AsioTlsStream& stream, const ApiUser::Ptr& user, boost::beast::http::request& request, const Url::Ptr& url, boost::beast::http::response& response, const Dictionary::Ptr& params, boost::asio::yield_context& yc, HttpServerConnection& server ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; if (url->GetPath().size() > 5) return false; if (request.method() == http::verb::get) HandleGet(user, request, url, response, params); else if (request.method() == http::verb::post) HandlePost(user, request, url, response, params); else if (request.method() == http::verb::delete_) HandleDelete(user, request, url, response, params); else return false; return true; } void ConfigStagesHandler::HandleGet( const ApiUser::Ptr& user, boost::beast::http::request& request, const Url::Ptr& url, boost::beast::http::response& response, const Dictionary::Ptr& params ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; FilterUtility::CheckPermission(user, "config/query"); if (url->GetPath().size() >= 4) params->Set("package", url->GetPath()[3]); if (url->GetPath().size() >= 5) params->Set("stage", url->GetPath()[4]); String packageName = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "package"); String stageName = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "stage"); if (!ConfigPackageUtility::ValidateName(packageName)) return HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid package name '" + packageName + "'."); if (!ConfigPackageUtility::ValidateName(stageName)) return HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid stage name '" + stageName + "'."); ArrayData results; std::vector > paths = ConfigPackageUtility::GetFiles(packageName, stageName); String prefixPath = ConfigPackageUtility::GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/" + stageName + "/"; for (const auto& kv : paths) { results.push_back(new Dictionary({ { "type", kv.second ? "directory" : "file" }, { "name", kv.first.SubStr(prefixPath.GetLength()) } })); } Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary({ { "results", new Array(std::move(results)) } }); response.result(http::status::ok); HttpUtility::SendJsonBody(response, params, result); } void ConfigStagesHandler::HandlePost( const ApiUser::Ptr& user, boost::beast::http::request& request, const Url::Ptr& url, boost::beast::http::response& response, const Dictionary::Ptr& params ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; FilterUtility::CheckPermission(user, "config/modify"); if (url->GetPath().size() >= 4) params->Set("package", url->GetPath()[3]); String packageName = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "package"); if (!ConfigPackageUtility::ValidateName(packageName)) return HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid package name '" + packageName + "'."); bool reload = true; if (params->Contains("reload")) reload = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "reload"); Dictionary::Ptr files = params->Get("files"); String stageName; try { if (!files) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Parameter 'files' must be specified.")); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(ConfigPackageUtility::GetStaticMutex()); stageName = ConfigPackageUtility::CreateStage(packageName, files); /* validate the config. on success, activate stage and reload */ ConfigPackageUtility::AsyncTryActivateStage(packageName, stageName, reload); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { return HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 500, "Stage creation failed.", DiagnosticInformation(ex)); } String responseStatus = "Created stage. "; if (reload) responseStatus += "Reload triggered."; else responseStatus += "Reload skipped."; Dictionary::Ptr result1 = new Dictionary({ { "package", packageName }, { "stage", stageName }, { "code", 200 }, { "status", responseStatus } }); Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary({ { "results", new Array({ result1 }) } }); response.result(http::status::ok); HttpUtility::SendJsonBody(response, params, result); } void ConfigStagesHandler::HandleDelete( const ApiUser::Ptr& user, boost::beast::http::request& request, const Url::Ptr& url, boost::beast::http::response& response, const Dictionary::Ptr& params ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; FilterUtility::CheckPermission(user, "config/modify"); if (url->GetPath().size() >= 4) params->Set("package", url->GetPath()[3]); if (url->GetPath().size() >= 5) params->Set("stage", url->GetPath()[4]); String packageName = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "package"); String stageName = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "stage"); if (!ConfigPackageUtility::ValidateName(packageName)) return HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid package name '" + packageName + "'."); if (!ConfigPackageUtility::ValidateName(stageName)) return HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid stage name '" + stageName + "'."); try { ConfigPackageUtility::DeleteStage(packageName, stageName); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { return HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 500, "Failed to delete stage '" + stageName + "' in package '" + packageName + "'.", DiagnosticInformation(ex)); } Dictionary::Ptr result1 = new Dictionary({ { "code", 200 }, { "package", packageName }, { "stage", stageName }, { "status", "Stage deleted." } }); Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary({ { "results", new Array({ result1 }) } }); response.result(http::status::ok); HttpUtility::SendJsonBody(response, params, result); }