## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = \ libbase.la libbase_la_SOURCES = \ application.cpp \ application.h \ asynctask.h \ component.cpp \ component.h \ connection.cpp \ connection.h \ dictionary.cpp \ dictionary.h \ dynamicobject.cpp \ dynamicobject.h \ event.cpp \ event.h \ exception.cpp \ exception.h \ fifo.cpp \ fifo.h \ i2-base.h \ logger.cpp \ logger.h \ netstring.cpp \ netstring.h \ object.cpp \ object.h \ process.cpp \ process.h \ qstring.cpp \ qstring.h \ ringbuffer.cpp \ ringbuffer.h \ scriptfunction.cpp \ scriptfunction.h \ scripttask.cpp \ scripttask.h \ socket.cpp \ socket.h \ stream.cpp \ stream.h \ stream_bio.cpp \ stream_bio.h \ streamlogger.cpp \ streamlogger.h \ sysloglogger.cpp \ sysloglogger.h \ tcpsocket.cpp \ tcpsocket.h \ timer.cpp \ timer.h \ tlsstream.cpp \ tlsstream.h \ unix.h \ utility.cpp \ utility.h \ value.cpp \ value.h \ win32.h libbase_la_CPPFLAGS = \ -DI2_BASE_BUILD \ $(LTDLINCL) \ $(BOOST_CPPFLAGS) \ $(OPENSSL_INCLUDES) \ -I${top_srcdir}/third-party/mmatch \ -I${top_srcdir}/third-party/cJSON \ -I${top_srcdir}/third-party/popen-noshell libbase_la_LDFLAGS = \ $(BOOST_LDFLAGS) \ $(OPENSSL_LDFLAGS) \ -no-undefined \ @RELEASE_INFO@ \ @VERSION_INFO@ libbase_la_LIBADD = \ $(LIBLTDL) \ $(OPENSSL_LIBS) \ $(BOOST_SIGNALS_LIB) \ $(BOOST_THREAD_LIB) \ $(BOOST_SYSTEM_LIB) \ ${top_builddir}/third-party/mmatch/libmmatch.la \ ${top_builddir}/third-party/cJSON/libcJSON.la \ ${top_builddir}/third-party/popen-noshell/libpopen_noshell.la