/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "icinga/service.hpp" #include "icinga/dependency.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" using namespace icinga; void Checkable::AddDependency(const Dependency::Ptr& dep) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_DependencyMutex); m_Dependencies.insert(dep); } void Checkable::RemoveDependency(const Dependency::Ptr& dep) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_DependencyMutex); m_Dependencies.erase(dep); } std::vector Checkable::GetDependencies() const { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_DependencyMutex); return std::vector(m_Dependencies.begin(), m_Dependencies.end()); } void Checkable::AddReverseDependency(const Dependency::Ptr& dep) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_DependencyMutex); m_ReverseDependencies.insert(dep); } void Checkable::RemoveReverseDependency(const Dependency::Ptr& dep) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_DependencyMutex); m_ReverseDependencies.erase(dep); } std::vector Checkable::GetReverseDependencies() const { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_DependencyMutex); return std::vector(m_ReverseDependencies.begin(), m_ReverseDependencies.end()); } bool Checkable::IsReachable(DependencyType dt, Dependency::Ptr *failedDependency, int rstack) const { /* Anything greater than 256 causes recursion bus errors. */ int limit = 256; if (rstack > limit) { Log(LogWarning, "Checkable") << "Too many nested dependencies (>" << limit << ") for checkable '" << GetName() << "': Dependency failed."; return false; } for (const Checkable::Ptr& checkable : GetParents()) { if (!checkable->IsReachable(dt, failedDependency, rstack + 1)) return false; } /* implicit dependency on host if this is a service */ const auto *service = dynamic_cast(this); if (service && (dt == DependencyState || dt == DependencyNotification)) { Host::Ptr host = service->GetHost(); if (host && host->GetState() != HostUp && host->GetStateType() == StateTypeHard) { if (failedDependency) *failedDependency = nullptr; return false; } } auto deps = GetDependencies(); int countDeps = deps.size(); int countFailed = 0; for (const Dependency::Ptr& dep : deps) { if (!dep->IsAvailable(dt)) { countFailed++; if (failedDependency) *failedDependency = dep; } } /* If there are dependencies, and all of them failed, mark as unreachable. */ if (countDeps > 0 && countFailed == countDeps) { Log(LogDebug, "Checkable") << "All dependencies have failed for checkable '" << GetName() << "': Marking as unreachable."; return false; } if (failedDependency) *failedDependency = nullptr; return true; } std::set Checkable::GetParents() const { std::set parents; for (const Dependency::Ptr& dep : GetDependencies()) { Checkable::Ptr parent = dep->GetParent(); if (parent && parent.get() != this) parents.insert(parent); } return parents; } std::set Checkable::GetChildren() const { std::set parents; for (const Dependency::Ptr& dep : GetReverseDependencies()) { Checkable::Ptr service = dep->GetChild(); if (service && service.get() != this) parents.insert(service); } return parents; } std::set Checkable::GetAllChildren() const { std::set children = GetChildren(); GetAllChildrenInternal(children, 0); return children; } void Checkable::GetAllChildrenInternal(std::set& children, int level) const { if (level > 32) return; std::set localChildren; for (const Checkable::Ptr& checkable : children) { std::set cChildren = checkable->GetChildren(); if (!cChildren.empty()) { GetAllChildrenInternal(cChildren, level + 1); localChildren.insert(cChildren.begin(), cChildren.end()); } localChildren.insert(checkable); } children.insert(localChildren.begin(), localChildren.end()); }