/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Icinga Development Team (https://www.icinga.com/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "db_ido/dbobject.hpp" #include "db_ido/dbtype.hpp" #include "db_ido/dbvalue.hpp" #include "icinga/customvarobject.hpp" #include "icinga/service.hpp" #include "icinga/compatutility.hpp" #include "icinga/checkcommand.hpp" #include "icinga/eventcommand.hpp" #include "icinga/notificationcommand.hpp" #include "remote/endpoint.hpp" #include "base/configobject.hpp" #include "base/configtype.hpp" #include "base/json.hpp" #include "base/serializer.hpp" #include "base/json.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "base/initialize.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" using namespace icinga; boost::signals2::signal DbObject::OnQuery; boost::signals2::signal&)> DbObject::OnMultipleQueries; INITIALIZE_ONCE(&DbObject::StaticInitialize); DbObject::DbObject(intrusive_ptr type, String name1, String name2) : m_Name1(std::move(name1)), m_Name2(std::move(name2)), m_Type(std::move(type)), m_LastConfigUpdate(0), m_LastStatusUpdate(0) { } void DbObject::StaticInitialize() { /* triggered in ProcessCheckResult(), requires UpdateNextCheck() to be called before */ ConfigObject::OnStateChanged.connect(std::bind(&DbObject::StateChangedHandler, _1)); CustomVarObject::OnVarsChanged.connect(std::bind(&DbObject::VarsChangedHandler, _1)); /* triggered on create, update and delete objects */ ConfigObject::OnVersionChanged.connect(std::bind(&DbObject::VersionChangedHandler, _1)); } void DbObject::SetObject(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object) { m_Object = object; } ConfigObject::Ptr DbObject::GetObject() const { return m_Object; } String DbObject::GetName1() const { return m_Name1; } String DbObject::GetName2() const { return m_Name2; } DbType::Ptr DbObject::GetType() const { return m_Type; } String DbObject::CalculateConfigHash(const Dictionary::Ptr& configFields) const { Dictionary::Ptr configFieldsDup = configFields->ShallowClone(); { ObjectLock olock(configFieldsDup); for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : configFieldsDup) { if (kv.second.IsObjectType()) { ConfigObject::Ptr obj = kv.second; configFieldsDup->Set(kv.first, obj->GetName()); } } } Array::Ptr data = new Array(); data->Add(configFieldsDup); CustomVarObject::Ptr custom_var_object = dynamic_pointer_cast(GetObject()); if (custom_var_object) data->Add(custom_var_object->GetVars()); return HashValue(data); } String DbObject::HashValue(const Value& value) { Value temp; Type::Ptr type = value.GetReflectionType(); if (ConfigObject::TypeInstance->IsAssignableFrom(type)) temp = Serialize(value, FAConfig); else temp = value; return SHA256(JsonEncode(temp)); } void DbObject::SendConfigUpdateHeavy(const Dictionary::Ptr& configFields) { /* update custom var config and status */ SendVarsConfigUpdateHeavy(); SendVarsStatusUpdate(); /* config attributes */ if (!configFields) return; ASSERT(configFields->Contains("config_hash")); ConfigObject::Ptr object = GetObject(); DbQuery query; query.Table = GetType()->GetTable() + "s"; query.Type = DbQueryInsert | DbQueryUpdate; query.Category = DbCatConfig; query.Fields = configFields; query.Fields->Set(GetType()->GetIDColumn(), object); query.Fields->Set("instance_id", 0); /* DbConnection class fills in real ID */ query.Fields->Set("config_type", 1); query.WhereCriteria = new Dictionary(); query.WhereCriteria->Set(GetType()->GetIDColumn(), object); query.Object = this; query.ConfigUpdate = true; OnQuery(query); m_LastConfigUpdate = Utility::GetTime(); OnConfigUpdateHeavy(); } void DbObject::SendConfigUpdateLight() { OnConfigUpdateLight(); } void DbObject::SendStatusUpdate() { /* status attributes */ Dictionary::Ptr fields = GetStatusFields(); if (!fields) return; DbQuery query; query.Table = GetType()->GetTable() + "status"; query.Type = DbQueryInsert | DbQueryUpdate; query.Category = DbCatState; query.Fields = fields; query.Fields->Set(GetType()->GetIDColumn(), GetObject()); /* do not override endpoint_object_id for endpoints & zones */ if (query.Table != "endpointstatus" && query.Table != "zonestatus") { String node = IcingaApplication::GetInstance()->GetNodeName(); Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = Endpoint::GetByName(node); if (endpoint) query.Fields->Set("endpoint_object_id", endpoint); } query.Fields->Set("instance_id", 0); /* DbConnection class fills in real ID */ query.Fields->Set("status_update_time", DbValue::FromTimestamp(Utility::GetTime())); query.WhereCriteria = new Dictionary(); query.WhereCriteria->Set(GetType()->GetIDColumn(), GetObject()); query.Object = this; query.StatusUpdate = true; OnQuery(query); m_LastStatusUpdate = Utility::GetTime(); OnStatusUpdate(); } void DbObject::SendVarsConfigUpdateHeavy() { ConfigObject::Ptr obj = GetObject(); CustomVarObject::Ptr custom_var_object = dynamic_pointer_cast(obj); if (!custom_var_object) return; std::vector queries; DbQuery query1; query1.Table = "customvariables"; query1.Type = DbQueryDelete; query1.Category = DbCatConfig; query1.WhereCriteria = new Dictionary(); query1.WhereCriteria->Set("object_id", obj); queries.emplace_back(std::move(query1)); DbQuery query2; query2.Table = "customvariablestatus"; query2.Type = DbQueryDelete; query2.Category = DbCatConfig; query2.WhereCriteria = new Dictionary(); query2.WhereCriteria->Set("object_id", obj); queries.emplace_back(std::move(query2)); Dictionary::Ptr vars = CompatUtility::GetCustomAttributeConfig(custom_var_object); if (vars) { ObjectLock olock (vars); for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : vars) { if (kv.first.IsEmpty()) continue; String value; int is_json = 0; if (kv.second.IsObjectType() || kv.second.IsObjectType()) { value = JsonEncode(kv.second); is_json = 1; } else value = kv.second; Dictionary::Ptr fields = new Dictionary(); fields->Set("varname", kv.first); fields->Set("varvalue", value); fields->Set("is_json", is_json); fields->Set("config_type", 1); fields->Set("object_id", obj); fields->Set("instance_id", 0); /* DbConnection class fills in real ID */ DbQuery query3; query3.Table = "customvariables"; query3.Type = DbQueryInsert; query3.Category = DbCatConfig; query3.Fields = fields; queries.emplace_back(std::move(query3)); } } OnMultipleQueries(queries); } void DbObject::SendVarsStatusUpdate() { ConfigObject::Ptr obj = GetObject(); CustomVarObject::Ptr custom_var_object = dynamic_pointer_cast(obj); if (!custom_var_object) return; Dictionary::Ptr vars = CompatUtility::GetCustomAttributeConfig(custom_var_object); if (vars) { std::vector queries; ObjectLock olock (vars); for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : vars) { if (kv.first.IsEmpty()) continue; String value; int is_json = 0; if (kv.second.IsObjectType() || kv.second.IsObjectType()) { value = JsonEncode(kv.second); is_json = 1; } else value = kv.second; Dictionary::Ptr fields = new Dictionary(); fields->Set("varname", kv.first); fields->Set("varvalue", value); fields->Set("is_json", is_json); fields->Set("status_update_time", DbValue::FromTimestamp(Utility::GetTime())); fields->Set("object_id", obj); fields->Set("instance_id", 0); /* DbConnection class fills in real ID */ DbQuery query; query.Table = "customvariablestatus"; query.Type = DbQueryInsert | DbQueryUpdate; query.Category = DbCatState; query.Fields = fields; query.WhereCriteria = new Dictionary(); query.WhereCriteria->Set("object_id", obj); query.WhereCriteria->Set("varname", kv.first); queries.emplace_back(std::move(query)); } OnMultipleQueries(queries); } } double DbObject::GetLastConfigUpdate() const { return m_LastConfigUpdate; } double DbObject::GetLastStatusUpdate() const { return m_LastStatusUpdate; } void DbObject::OnConfigUpdateHeavy() { /* Default handler does nothing. */ } void DbObject::OnConfigUpdateLight() { /* Default handler does nothing. */ } void DbObject::OnStatusUpdate() { /* Default handler does nothing. */ } DbObject::Ptr DbObject::GetOrCreateByObject(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(GetStaticMutex()); DbObject::Ptr dbobj = object->GetExtension("DbObject"); if (dbobj) return dbobj; DbType::Ptr dbtype = DbType::GetByName(object->GetReflectionType()->GetName()); if (!dbtype) return nullptr; Service::Ptr service; String name1, name2; service = dynamic_pointer_cast(object); if (service) { Host::Ptr host = service->GetHost(); name1 = service->GetHost()->GetName(); name2 = service->GetShortName(); } else { if (object->GetReflectionType() == CheckCommand::TypeInstance || object->GetReflectionType() == EventCommand::TypeInstance || object->GetReflectionType() == NotificationCommand::TypeInstance) { Command::Ptr command = dynamic_pointer_cast(object); name1 = CompatUtility::GetCommandName(command); } else name1 = object->GetName(); } dbobj = dbtype->GetOrCreateObjectByName(name1, name2); dbobj->SetObject(object); object->SetExtension("DbObject", dbobj); return dbobj; } void DbObject::StateChangedHandler(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object) { DbObject::Ptr dbobj = GetOrCreateByObject(object); if (!dbobj) return; dbobj->SendStatusUpdate(); } void DbObject::VarsChangedHandler(const CustomVarObject::Ptr& object) { DbObject::Ptr dbobj = GetOrCreateByObject(object); if (!dbobj) return; dbobj->SendVarsStatusUpdate(); } void DbObject::VersionChangedHandler(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object) { DbObject::Ptr dbobj = DbObject::GetOrCreateByObject(object); if (dbobj) { Dictionary::Ptr configFields = dbobj->GetConfigFields(); String configHash = dbobj->CalculateConfigHash(configFields); configFields->Set("config_hash", configHash); dbobj->SendConfigUpdateHeavy(configFields); dbobj->SendStatusUpdate(); } } boost::mutex& DbObject::GetStaticMutex() { static boost::mutex mutex; return mutex; }