/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "compat/compatlog.h" #include "icinga/service.h" #include "icinga/checkcommand.h" #include "icinga/notification.h" #include "icinga/macroprocessor.h" #include "config/configcompilercontext.h" #include "base/dynamictype.h" #include "base/objectlock.h" #include "base/logger_fwd.h" #include "base/exception.h" #include "base/convert.h" #include "base/application.h" #include "base/utility.h" #include "base/scriptfunction.h" #include #include #include using namespace icinga; REGISTER_TYPE(CompatLog); REGISTER_SCRIPTFUNCTION(ValidateRotationMethod, &CompatLog::ValidateRotationMethod); CompatLog::CompatLog(void) : m_LastRotation(0) { } /** * @threadsafety Always. */ void CompatLog::Start(void) { DynamicObject::Start(); Service::OnNewCheckResult.connect(bind(&CompatLog::CheckResultHandler, this, _1, _2)); Service::OnNotificationSentChanged.connect(bind(&CompatLog::NotificationSentHandler, this, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6)); Service::OnFlappingChanged.connect(bind(&CompatLog::FlappingHandler, this, _1, _2)); Service::OnDowntimeTriggered.connect(boost::bind(&CompatLog::TriggerDowntimeHandler, this, _1, _2)); Service::OnDowntimeRemoved.connect(boost::bind(&CompatLog::RemoveDowntimeHandler, this, _1, _2)); m_RotationTimer = boost::make_shared(); m_RotationTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&CompatLog::RotationTimerHandler, this)); m_RotationTimer->Start(); ReopenFile(false); ScheduleNextRotation(); } /** * @threadsafety Always. */ String CompatLog::GetLogDir(void) const { if (!m_LogDir.IsEmpty()) return m_LogDir; else return Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/log/icinga2/compat"; } /** * @threadsafety Always. */ String CompatLog::GetRotationMethod(void) const { if (!m_RotationMethod.IsEmpty()) return m_RotationMethod; else return "HOURLY"; } /** * @threadsafety Always. */ void CompatLog::CheckResultHandler(const Service::Ptr& service, const Dictionary::Ptr &cr) { Host::Ptr host = service->GetHost(); if (!host) return; Dictionary::Ptr vars_after = cr->Get("vars_after"); long state_after = vars_after->Get("state"); long stateType_after = vars_after->Get("state_type"); long attempt_after = vars_after->Get("attempt"); bool reachable_after = vars_after->Get("reachable"); bool host_reachable_after = vars_after->Get("host_reachable"); Dictionary::Ptr vars_before = cr->Get("vars_before"); if (vars_before) { long state_before = vars_before->Get("state"); long stateType_before = vars_before->Get("state_type"); long attempt_before = vars_before->Get("attempt"); bool reachable_before = vars_before->Get("reachable"); if (state_before == state_after && stateType_before == stateType_after && attempt_before == attempt_after && reachable_before == reachable_after) return; /* Nothing changed, ignore this checkresult. */ } String raw_output; String output; if (cr) { raw_output = cr->Get("output"); size_t line_end = raw_output.Find("\n"); output = raw_output.SubStr(0, line_end); boost::algorithm::replace_all(output, "\n", "\\n"); } std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "SERVICE ALERT: " << host->GetName() << ";" << service->GetShortName() << ";" << Service::StateToString(static_cast(state_after)) << ";" << Service::StateTypeToString(static_cast(stateType_after)) << ";" << attempt_after << ";" << output << "" << ""; { ObjectLock olock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } if (service == host->GetHostCheckService()) { std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "HOST ALERT: " << host->GetName() << ";" << Host::StateToString(Host::CalculateState(static_cast(state_after), host_reachable_after)) << ";" << Service::StateTypeToString(static_cast(stateType_after)) << ";" << attempt_after << ";" << output << "" << ""; { ObjectLock olock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } } { ObjectLock olock(this); Flush(); } } /** * @threadsafety Always. */ void CompatLog::TriggerDowntimeHandler(const Service::Ptr& service, const Dictionary::Ptr& downtime) { Host::Ptr host = service->GetHost(); if (!host) return; if (!downtime) return; std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: " << host->GetName() << ";" << service->GetShortName() << ";" << "STARTED" << "; " << "Service has entered a period of scheduled downtime." << ""; { ObjectLock oLock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } if (service == host->GetHostCheckService()) { std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "HOST DOWNTIME ALERT: " << host->GetName() << ";" << "STARTED" << "; " << "Service has entered a period of scheduled downtime." << ""; { ObjectLock oLock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } } { ObjectLock oLock(this); Flush(); } } /** * @threadsafety Always. */ void CompatLog::RemoveDowntimeHandler(const Service::Ptr& service, const Dictionary::Ptr& downtime) { Host::Ptr host = service->GetHost(); if (!host) return; if (!downtime) return; String downtime_output; String downtime_state_str; if (downtime->Get("was_cancelled") == true) { downtime_output = "Scheduled downtime for service has been cancelled."; downtime_state_str = "CANCELLED"; } else { downtime_output = "Service has exited from a period of scheduled downtime."; downtime_state_str = "STOPPED"; } std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: " << host->GetName() << ";" << service->GetShortName() << ";" << downtime_state_str << "; " << downtime_output << ""; { ObjectLock oLock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } if (service == host->GetHostCheckService()) { std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "HOST DOWNTIME ALERT: " << host->GetName() << ";" << downtime_state_str << "; " << downtime_output << ""; { ObjectLock oLock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } } { ObjectLock oLock(this); Flush(); } } /** * @threadsafety Always. */ void CompatLog::NotificationSentHandler(const Service::Ptr& service, const User::Ptr& user, NotificationType const& notification_type, Dictionary::Ptr const& cr, const String& author, const String& comment_text) { Host::Ptr host = service->GetHost(); if (!host) return; CheckCommand::Ptr commandObj = service->GetCheckCommand(); String check_command = ""; if (commandObj) check_command = commandObj->GetName(); String notification_type_str = Notification::NotificationTypeToString(notification_type); String author_comment = ""; if (notification_type == NotificationCustom || notification_type == NotificationAcknowledgement) { author_comment = ";" + author + ";" + comment_text; } if (!cr) return; String output; String raw_output; if (cr) { raw_output = cr->Get("output"); size_t line_end = raw_output.Find("\n"); output = raw_output.SubStr(0, line_end); } std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "SERVICE NOTIFICATION: " << user->GetName() << ";" << host->GetName() << ";" << service->GetShortName() << ";" << notification_type_str << " " << "(" << Service::StateToString(service->GetState()) << ");" << check_command << ";" << raw_output << author_comment << ""; { ObjectLock oLock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } if (service == host->GetHostCheckService()) { std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "HOST NOTIFICATION: " << user->GetName() << ";" << host->GetName() << ";" << notification_type_str << " " << "(" << Service::StateToString(service->GetState()) << ");" << check_command << ";" << raw_output << author_comment << ""; { ObjectLock oLock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } } { ObjectLock oLock(this); Flush(); } } /** * @threadsafety Always. */ void CompatLog::FlappingHandler(const Service::Ptr& service, FlappingState flapping_state) { Host::Ptr host = service->GetHost(); if (!host) return; String flapping_state_str; String flapping_output; switch (flapping_state) { case FlappingStarted: flapping_output = "Service appears to have started flapping (" + Convert::ToString(service->GetFlappingCurrent()) + "% change >= " + Convert::ToString(service->GetFlappingThreshold()) + "% threshold)"; flapping_state_str = "STARTED"; break; case FlappingStopped: flapping_output = "Service appears to have stopped flapping (" + Convert::ToString(service->GetFlappingCurrent()) + "% change < " + Convert::ToString(service->GetFlappingThreshold()) + "% threshold)"; flapping_state_str = "STOPPED"; break; case FlappingDisabled: flapping_output = "Flap detection has been disabled"; flapping_state_str = "DISABLED"; break; default: Log(LogCritical, "compat", "Unknown flapping state: " + Convert::ToString(flapping_state)); return; } std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT: " << host->GetName() << ";" << service->GetShortName() << ";" << flapping_state_str << "; " << flapping_output << ""; { ObjectLock oLock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } if (service == host->GetHostCheckService()) { std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "HOST FLAPPING ALERT: " << host->GetName() << ";" << flapping_state_str << "; " << flapping_output << ""; { ObjectLock oLock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } } { ObjectLock oLock(this); Flush(); } } void CompatLog::WriteLine(const String& line) { ASSERT(OwnsLock()); if (!m_OutputFile.good()) return; m_OutputFile << "[" << (long)Utility::GetTime() << "] " << line << "\n"; } void CompatLog::Flush(void) { ASSERT(OwnsLock()); if (!m_OutputFile.good()) return; m_OutputFile << std::flush; } /** * @threadsafety Always. */ void CompatLog::ReopenFile(bool rotate) { ObjectLock olock(this); String tempFile = GetLogDir() + "/icinga.log"; if (m_OutputFile) { m_OutputFile.close(); if (rotate) { String archiveFile = GetLogDir() + "/archives/icinga-" + Utility::FormatDateTime("%m-%d-%Y-%H", Utility::GetTime()) + ".log"; Log(LogInformation, "compat", "Rotating compat log file '" + tempFile + "' -> '" + archiveFile + "'"); (void) rename(tempFile.CStr(), archiveFile.CStr()); } } m_OutputFile.open(tempFile.CStr(), std::ofstream::app); if (!m_OutputFile.good()) { Log(LogWarning, "icinga", "Could not open compat log file '" + tempFile + "' for writing. Log output will be lost."); return; } WriteLine("LOG ROTATION: " + GetRotationMethod()); WriteLine("LOG VERSION: 2.0"); BOOST_FOREACH(const Host::Ptr& host, DynamicType::GetObjects()) { Service::Ptr hc = host->GetHostCheckService(); if (!hc) continue; bool reachable = host->IsReachable(); ObjectLock olock(hc); std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "HOST STATE: CURRENT;" << host->GetName() << ";" << Host::StateToString(Host::CalculateState(hc->GetState(), reachable)) << ";" << Service::StateTypeToString(hc->GetStateType()) << ";" << hc->GetCurrentCheckAttempt() << ";" << ""; WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } BOOST_FOREACH(const Service::Ptr& service, DynamicType::GetObjects()) { Host::Ptr host = service->GetHost(); if (!host) continue; std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "SERVICE STATE: CURRENT;" << host->GetName() << ";" << service->GetShortName() << ";" << Service::StateToString(service->GetState()) << ";" << Service::StateTypeToString(service->GetStateType()) << ";" << service->GetCurrentCheckAttempt() << ";" << ""; WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); } Flush(); } void CompatLog::ScheduleNextRotation(void) { time_t now = (time_t)Utility::GetTime(); String method = GetRotationMethod(); tm tmthen; #ifdef _MSC_VER tm *temp = localtime(&now); if (temp == NULL) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(posix_error() << boost::errinfo_api_function("localtime") << boost::errinfo_errno(errno)); } tmthen = *temp; #else /* _MSC_VER */ if (localtime_r(&now, &tmthen) == NULL) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(posix_error() << boost::errinfo_api_function("localtime_r") << boost::errinfo_errno(errno)); } #endif /* _MSC_VER */ tmthen.tm_min = 0; tmthen.tm_sec = 0; if (method == "HOURLY") { tmthen.tm_hour++; } else if (method == "DAILY") { tmthen.tm_mday++; tmthen.tm_hour = 0; } else if (method == "WEEKLY") { tmthen.tm_mday += 7 - tmthen.tm_wday; tmthen.tm_hour = 0; } else if (method == "MONTHLY") { tmthen.tm_mon++; tmthen.tm_mday = 1; tmthen.tm_hour = 0; } time_t ts = mktime(&tmthen); Log(LogInformation, "compat", "Rescheduling rotation timer for compat log '" + GetName() + "' to '" + Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %z", ts) + "'"); m_RotationTimer->Reschedule(ts); } /** * @threadsafety Always. */ void CompatLog::RotationTimerHandler(void) { try { ReopenFile(true); } catch (...) { ScheduleNextRotation(); throw; } ScheduleNextRotation(); } void CompatLog::ValidateRotationMethod(const String& location, const Dictionary::Ptr& attrs) { Value rotation_method = attrs->Get("rotation_method"); if (!rotation_method.IsEmpty() && rotation_method != "HOURLY" && rotation_method != "DAILY" && rotation_method != "WEEKLY" && rotation_method != "MONTHLY" && rotation_method != "NONE") { ConfigCompilerContext::GetInstance()->AddError(false, "Validation failed for " + location + ": Rotation method '" + rotation_method + "' is invalid."); } } void CompatLog::InternalSerialize(const Dictionary::Ptr& bag, int attributeTypes) const { DynamicObject::InternalSerialize(bag, attributeTypes); if (attributeTypes & Attribute_Config) { bag->Set("log_dir", m_LogDir); bag->Set("rotation_method", m_RotationMethod); } } void CompatLog::InternalDeserialize(const Dictionary::Ptr& bag, int attributeTypes) { DynamicObject::InternalDeserialize(bag, attributeTypes); if (attributeTypes & Attribute_Config) { m_LogDir = bag->Get("log_dir"); m_RotationMethod = bag->Get("rotation_method"); } }