/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "i2-compat.h" using namespace icinga; EXPORT_COMPONENT(compat, CompatComponent); /** * Hint: The reason why we're using "\n" rather than std::endl is because * std::endl also _flushes_ the output stream which severely degrades * performance (see http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/bk01pt11ch25s02.html). */ /** * Retrieves the status.dat path. * * @returns statuspath from config, or static default */ String CompatComponent::GetStatusPath(void) const { Value statusPath = GetConfig()->Get("status_path"); if (statusPath.IsEmpty()) return Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/cache/icinga2/status.dat"; else return statusPath; } /** * Retrieves the objects.cache path. * * @returns objectspath from config, or static default */ String CompatComponent::GetObjectsPath(void) const { Value objectsPath = GetConfig()->Get("objects_path"); if (objectsPath.IsEmpty()) return Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/cache/icinga2/objects.cache"; else return objectsPath; } /** * Retrieves the log path. * * @returns log path */ String CompatComponent::GetLogPath(void) const { Value logPath = GetConfig()->Get("log_path"); if (logPath.IsEmpty()) return Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/log/icinga2/compat"; else return logPath; } /** * Retrieves the icinga.cmd path. * * @returns icinga.cmd path */ String CompatComponent::GetCommandPath(void) const { Value commandPath = GetConfig()->Get("command_path"); if (commandPath.IsEmpty()) return Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/run/icinga.cmd"; else return commandPath; } /** * Starts the component. */ void CompatComponent::Start(void) { m_StatusTimer = boost::make_shared(); m_StatusTimer->SetInterval(15); m_StatusTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&CompatComponent::StatusTimerHandler, this)); m_StatusTimer->Start(); m_StatusTimer->Reschedule(0); #ifndef _WIN32 m_CommandThread = thread(boost::bind(&CompatComponent::CommandPipeThread, this, GetCommandPath())); m_CommandThread.detach(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ } /** * Stops the component. */ void CompatComponent::Stop(void) { } #ifndef _WIN32 void CompatComponent::CommandPipeThread(const String& commandPath) { struct stat statbuf; bool fifo_ok = false; if (lstat(commandPath.CStr(), &statbuf) >= 0) { if (S_ISFIFO(statbuf.st_mode) && access(commandPath.CStr(), R_OK) >= 0) { fifo_ok = true; } else { if (unlink(commandPath.CStr()) < 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PosixException("unlink() failed", errno)); } } if (!fifo_ok && mkfifo(commandPath.CStr(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP) < 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PosixException("mkfifo() failed", errno)); for (;;) { int fd = open(commandPath.CStr(), O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PosixException("open() failed", errno)); FILE *fp = fdopen(fd, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { close(fd); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PosixException("fdopen() failed", errno)); } char line[2048]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { // remove trailing new-line while (strlen(line) > 0 && (line[strlen(line) - 1] == '\r' || line[strlen(line) - 1] == '\n')) line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0'; String command = line; Event::Post(boost::bind(&CompatComponent::ProcessCommand, this, command)); } fclose(fp); } } void CompatComponent::ProcessCommand(const String& command) { try { Logger::Write(LogInformation, "compat", "Executing external command: " + command); ExternalCommandProcessor::Execute(command); } catch (const exception& ex) { stringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "External command failed: " << diagnostic_information(ex); Logger::Write(LogWarning, "compat", msgbuf.str()); } } #endif /* _WIN32 */ void CompatComponent::DumpComments(ofstream& fp, const Service::Ptr& owner, CompatObjectType type) { Service::Ptr service; Host::Ptr host; Dictionary::Ptr comments = owner->GetComments(); if (!comments) return; String id; Dictionary::Ptr comment; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(id, comment), comments) { if (Service::IsCommentExpired(comment)) continue; if (type == CompatTypeHost) fp << "hostcomment {" << "\n"; else fp << "servicecomment {" << "\n" << "\t" << "service_description=" << owner->GetShortName() << "\n"; fp << "\t" << "host_name=" << owner->GetHost()->GetName() << "\n" << "\t" << "comment_id=" << static_cast(comment->Get("legacy_id")) << "\n" << "\t" << "entry_time=" << static_cast(comment->Get("entry_time")) << "\n" << "\t" << "entry_type=" << static_cast(comment->Get("entry_type")) << "\n" << "\t" << "persistent=" << 1 << "\n" << "\t" << "author=" << static_cast(comment->Get("author")) << "\n" << "\t" << "comment_data=" << static_cast(comment->Get("text")) << "\n" << "\t" << "expires=" << (static_cast(comment->Get("expire_time")) != 0 ? 1 : 0) << "\n" << "\t" << "expire_time=" << static_cast(comment->Get("expire_time")) << "\n" << "\t" << "}" << "\n" << "\n"; } } void CompatComponent::DumpDowntimes(ofstream& fp, const Service::Ptr& owner, CompatObjectType type) { Dictionary::Ptr downtimes = owner->GetDowntimes(); if (!downtimes) return; String id; Dictionary::Ptr downtime; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(id, downtime), downtimes) { if (Service::IsDowntimeExpired(downtime)) continue; if (type == CompatTypeHost) fp << "hostdowntime {" << "\n"; else fp << "servicedowntime {" << "\n" << "\t" << "service_description=" << owner->GetShortName() << "\n"; Dictionary::Ptr triggeredByObj = Service::GetDowntimeByID(downtime->Get("triggered_by")); int triggeredByLegacy = 0; if (triggeredByObj) triggeredByLegacy = triggeredByObj->Get("legacy_id"); fp << "\t" << "host_name=" << owner->GetHost()->GetName() << "\n" << "\t" << "downtime_id=" << static_cast(downtime->Get("legacy_id")) << "\n" << "\t" << "entry_time=" << static_cast(downtime->Get("entry_time")) << "\n" << "\t" << "start_time=" << static_cast(downtime->Get("start_time")) << "\n" << "\t" << "end_time=" << static_cast(downtime->Get("end_time")) << "\n" << "\t" << "triggered_by=" << triggeredByLegacy << "\n" << "\t" << "fixed=" << static_cast(downtime->Get("fixed")) << "\n" << "\t" << "duration=" << static_cast(downtime->Get("duration")) << "\n" << "\t" << "is_in_effect=" << (Service::IsDowntimeActive(downtime) ? 1 : 0) << "\n" << "\t" << "author=" << static_cast(downtime->Get("author")) << "\n" << "\t" << "comment=" << static_cast(downtime->Get("comment")) << "\n" << "\t" << "trigger_time=" << static_cast(downtime->Get("trigger_time")) << "\n" << "\t" << "}" << "\n" << "\n"; } } void CompatComponent::DumpHostStatus(ofstream& fp, const Host::Ptr& host) { int state; if (!host->IsReachable()) state = 2; /* unreachable */ else if (!host->IsUp()) state = 1; /* down */ else state = 0; /* up */ fp << "hoststatus {" << "\n" << "\t" << "host_name=" << host->GetName() << "\n"; Service::Ptr hostcheck = host->GetHostCheckService(); if (hostcheck) { DumpServiceStatusAttrs(fp, hostcheck, CompatTypeHost); } fp << "\t" << "}" << "\n" << "\n"; if (hostcheck) { DumpDowntimes(fp, hostcheck, CompatTypeHost); DumpComments(fp, hostcheck, CompatTypeHost); } } void CompatComponent::DumpHostObject(ofstream& fp, const Host::Ptr& host) { fp << "define host {" << "\n" << "\t" << "host_name" << "\t" << host->GetName() << "\n" << "\t" << "alias" << "\t" << host->GetAlias() << "\n" << "\t" << "check_interval" << "\t" << 1 << "\n" << "\t" << "retry_interval" << "\t" << 1 << "\n" << "\t" << "max_check_attempts" << "\t" << 1 << "\n" << "\t" << "active_checks_enabled" << "\t" << 1 << "\n" << "\t" << "passive_checks_enabled" << "\t" << 1 << "\n"; set parents = host->GetParentHosts(); if (!parents.empty()) { fp << "\t" << "parents" << "\t"; DumpNameList(fp, parents); fp << "\n"; } fp << "\t" << "}" << "\n" << "\n"; } void CompatComponent::DumpServiceStatusAttrs(ofstream& fp, const Service::Ptr& service, CompatObjectType type) { String output; String perfdata; double schedule_start = -1, schedule_end = -1; double execution_start = -1, execution_end = -1; Dictionary::Ptr cr = service->GetLastCheckResult(); if (cr) { output = cr->Get("output"); schedule_start = cr->Get("schedule_start"); schedule_end = cr->Get("schedule_end"); execution_start = cr->Get("execution_start"); execution_end = cr->Get("execution_end"); perfdata = cr->Get("performance_data_raw"); } double execution_time = (execution_end - execution_start); double latency = (schedule_end - schedule_start) - execution_time; int state = service->GetState(); if (state > StateUnknown) state = StateUnknown; if (type == CompatTypeHost) { if (state == StateOK || state == StateWarning) state = 0; else state = 1; if (!service->GetHost()->IsReachable()) state = 2; } fp << "\t" << "check_interval=" << service->GetCheckInterval() / 60.0 << "\n" << "\t" << "retry_interval=" << service->GetRetryInterval() / 60.0 << "\n" << "\t" << "has_been_checked=" << (service->GetLastCheckResult() ? 1 : 0) << "\n" << "\t" << "should_be_scheduled=1" << "\n" << "\t" << "check_execution_time=" << execution_time << "\n" << "\t" << "check_latency=" << latency << "\n" << "\t" << "current_state=" << state << "\n" << "\t" << "state_type=" << service->GetStateType() << "\n" << "\t" << "plugin_output=" << output << "\n" << "\t" << "performance_data=" << perfdata << "\n" << "\t" << "last_check=" << schedule_end << "\n" << "\t" << "next_check=" << service->GetNextCheck() << "\n" << "\t" << "current_attempt=" << service->GetCurrentCheckAttempt() << "\n" << "\t" << "max_attempts=" << service->GetMaxCheckAttempts() << "\n" << "\t" << "last_state_change=" << service->GetLastStateChange() << "\n" << "\t" << "last_hard_state_change=" << service->GetLastHardStateChange() << "\n" << "\t" << "last_update=" << time(NULL) << "\n" << "\t" << "active_checks_enabled=" << (service->GetEnableActiveChecks() ? 1 : 0) <<"\n" << "\t" << "passive_checks_enabled=" << (service->GetEnablePassiveChecks() ? 1 : 0) << "\n" << "\t" << "problem_has_been_acknowledged=" << (service->GetAcknowledgement() != AcknowledgementNone ? 1 : 0) << "\n" << "\t" << "acknowledgement_type=" << static_cast(service->GetAcknowledgement()) << "\n" << "\t" << "acknowledgement_end_time=" << service->GetAcknowledgementExpiry() << "\n" << "\t" << "scheduled_downtime_depth=" << (service->IsInDowntime() ? 1 : 0) << "\n"; } void CompatComponent::DumpServiceStatus(ofstream& fp, const Service::Ptr& service) { fp << "servicestatus {" << "\n" << "\t" << "host_name=" << service->GetHost()->GetName() << "\n" << "\t" << "service_description=" << service->GetShortName() << "\n"; DumpServiceStatusAttrs(fp, service, CompatTypeService); fp << "\t" << "}" << "\n" << "\n"; DumpDowntimes(fp, service, CompatTypeService); DumpComments(fp, service, CompatTypeService); } void CompatComponent::DumpServiceObject(ofstream& fp, const Service::Ptr& service) { fp << "define service {" << "\n" << "\t" << "host_name" << "\t" << service->GetHost()->GetName() << "\n" << "\t" << "service_description" << "\t" << service->GetShortName() << "\n" << "\t" << "display_name" << "\t" << service->GetAlias() << "\n" << "\t" << "check_command" << "\t" << "check_i2" << "\n" << "\t" << "check_interval" << "\t" << service->GetCheckInterval() / 60.0 << "\n" << "\t" << "retry_interval" << "\t" << service->GetRetryInterval() / 60.0 << "\n" << "\t" << "max_check_attempts" << "\t" << 1 << "\n" << "\t" << "active_checks_enabled" << "\t" << (service->GetEnableActiveChecks() ? 1 : 0) << "\n" << "\t" << "passive_checks_enabled" << "\t" << (service->GetEnablePassiveChecks() ? 1 : 0) << "\n" << "\t" << "}" << "\n" << "\n"; BOOST_FOREACH(const Service::Ptr& parent, service->GetParentServices()) { fp << "define servicedependency {" << "\n" << "\t" << "dependent_host_name" << "\t" << service->GetHost()->GetName() << "\n" << "\t" << "dependent_service_description" << "\t" << service->GetShortName() << "\n" << "\t" << "host_name" << "\t" << parent->GetHost()->GetName() << "\n" << "\t" << "service_description" << "\t" << parent->GetShortName() << "\n" << "\t" << "execution_failure_criteria" << "\t" << "n" << "\n" << "\t" << "notification_failure_criteria" << "\t" << "w,u,c" << "\n" << "\t" << "}" << "\n" << "\n"; } } /** * Periodically writes the status.dat and objects.cache files. */ void CompatComponent::StatusTimerHandler(void) { Logger::Write(LogInformation, "compat", "Writing compat status information"); String statuspath = GetStatusPath(); String objectspath = GetObjectsPath(); String statuspathtmp = statuspath + ".tmp"; /* XXX make this a global definition */ String objectspathtmp = objectspath + ".tmp"; ofstream statusfp; statusfp.open(statuspathtmp.CStr(), ofstream::out | ofstream::trunc); statusfp << std::fixed; statusfp << "# Icinga status file" << "\n" << "# This file is auto-generated. Do not modify this file." << "\n" << "\n"; statusfp << "info {" << "\n" << "\t" << "created=" << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" << "\t" << "version=2.0" << "\n" << "\t" << "}" << "\n" << "\n"; statusfp << "programstatus {" << "\n" << "icinga_pid=" << Utility::GetPid() << "\n" << "\t" << "daemon_mode=1" << "\n" << "\t" << "program_start=" << IcingaApplication::GetInstance()->GetStartTime() << "\n" << "\t" << "active_service_checks_enabled=1" << "\n" << "\t" << "passive_service_checks_enabled=1" << "\n" << "\t" << "active_host_checks_enabled=0" << "\n" << "\t" << "passive_host_checks_enabled=0" << "\n" << "\t" << "check_service_freshness=0" << "\n" << "\t" << "check_host_freshness=0" << "\n" << "\t" << "enable_flap_detection=1" << "\n" << "\t" << "enable_failure_prediction=0" << "\n" << "\t" << "active_scheduled_service_check_stats=" << CIB::GetActiveChecksStatistics(60) << "," << CIB::GetActiveChecksStatistics(5 * 60) << "," << CIB::GetActiveChecksStatistics(15 * 60) << "\n" << "\t" << "passive_service_check_stats=" << CIB::GetPassiveChecksStatistics(60) << "," << CIB::GetPassiveChecksStatistics(5 * 60) << "," << CIB::GetPassiveChecksStatistics(15 * 60) << "\n" << "\t" << "next_downtime_id=" << Service::GetNextDowntimeID() << "\n" << "\t" << "next_comment_id=" << Service::GetNextCommentID() << "\n" << "\t" << "}" << "\n" << "\n"; ofstream objectfp; objectfp.open(objectspathtmp.CStr(), ofstream::out | ofstream::trunc); objectfp << std::fixed; objectfp << "# Icinga objects cache file" << "\n" << "# This file is auto-generated. Do not modify this file." << "\n" << "\n"; DynamicObject::Ptr object; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("Host")->GetObjects()) { const Host::Ptr& host = static_pointer_cast(object); DumpHostStatus(statusfp, host); DumpHostObject(objectfp, host); } BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("HostGroup")->GetObjects()) { const HostGroup::Ptr& hg = static_pointer_cast(object); objectfp << "define hostgroup {" << "\n" << "\t" << "hostgroup_name" << "\t" << hg->GetName() << "\n" << "\t" << "alias" << "\t" << hg->GetAlias() << "\n" << "\t" << "notes_url" << "\t" << hg->GetNotesUrl() << "\n" << "\t" << "action_url" << "\t" << hg->GetActionUrl() << "\n"; objectfp << "\t" << "members" << "\t"; DumpNameList(objectfp, hg->GetMembers()); objectfp << "\n" << "}" << "\n"; } BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("Service")->GetObjects()) { const Service::Ptr& service = static_pointer_cast(object); DumpServiceStatus(statusfp, service); DumpServiceObject(objectfp, service); } BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("ServiceGroup")->GetObjects()) { const ServiceGroup::Ptr& sg = static_pointer_cast(object); objectfp << "define servicegroup {" << "\n" << "\t" << "servicegroup_name" << "\t" << sg->GetName() << "\n" << "\t" << "alias" << "\t" << sg->GetAlias() << "\n" << "\t" << "notes_url" << "\t" << sg->GetNotesUrl() << "\n" << "\t" << "action_url" << "\t" << sg->GetActionUrl() << "\n"; objectfp << "\t" << "members" << "\t"; vector sglist; BOOST_FOREACH(const Service::Ptr& service, sg->GetMembers()) { sglist.push_back(service->GetHost()->GetName()); sglist.push_back(service->GetName()); } DumpStringList(objectfp, sglist); objectfp << "\n" << "}" << "\n"; } statusfp.close(); objectfp.close(); #ifdef _WIN32 _unlink(statuspath.CStr()); _unlink(objectspath.CStr()); #endif /* _WIN32 */ statusfp.close(); if (rename(statuspathtmp.CStr(), statuspath.CStr()) < 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PosixException("rename() failed", errno)); objectfp.close(); if (rename(objectspathtmp.CStr(), objectspath.CStr()) < 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PosixException("rename() failed", errno)); }