## Commands Icinga 2 uses three different command object types to specify how checks should be performed, notifications should be sent and events should be handled. > **Note** > > Define the global `PluginDir` constant (located in > `/etc/icinga2/constants.conf` by default) and use > it in all your command object definitions. > Put your plugins and scripts into the directory defined by the `PluginDir` constant > and make sure they are executable by the Icinga 2 user. ### Environment Varialbes for Commands Please check [Runtime Custom Attributes as Environment Variables](#runtime-custom-attribute-env-vars). ### Check Commands `CheckCommand` objects define the command line how a check is called. > **Note** > > `CheckCommand` objects require the ITL template `plugin-check-command` > to support native plugin based check methods. Unless you have done so already, download your check plugin and put it into the `PluginDir` directory. The following example uses the `check_disk` plugin shipped with the Nagios Plugins package. The plugin path and all command arguments are made a list of double-quoted string arguments for proper shell escaping. Call the `check_disk` plugin with the `--help` parameter to see all available options. Our example defines warning (`-w`) and critical (`-c`) thresholds for the disk usage. Without any partition defined (`-p`) it will check all local partitions. Define the default check command custom attribute `wfree` and `cfree` freely definable naming schema) and their default threshold values. You can then use these custom attributes as runtime macros on the command line. > **Note** > > The default custom attributes can be overridden by the custom attributes > defined in the service using the check command `disk`. The custom attributes > can also be inherited from a parent template using additive inheritance (`+=`). object CheckCommand "disk" { import "plugin-check-command" command = [ PluginDir + "/check_disk", "-w", "$wfree$%", "-c", "$cfree$%" ], vars.wfree = 20 vars.cfree = 10 } The host `localhost` with the service `disk` checks all disks with modified custom attributes (warning thresholds at `10%`, critical thresholds at `5%` free disk space). object Host "localhost" { import "generic-host" vars.address = "" vars.address6 = "::1" } apply Service "disk" { import "generic-service" check_command = "disk" vars.wfree = 10 vars.cfree = 5 } ### Notification Commands `NotificationCommand` objects define how notifications are delivered to external interfaces (E-Mail, XMPP, IRC, Twitter, etc). > **Note** > > `NotificationCommand` objects require the ITL template `plugin-notification-command` > to support native plugin-based notifications. Below is an example using runtime macros from Icinga 2 (such as `$SERVICEOUTPUT$` for the current check output) sending an email to the user(s) associated with the notification itself (`email` custom attribute provided as `$USERMACRO$`). If you require default custom attribute definitions, you can add a `vars` dictionary as shown for the `CheckCommand` object. TODO object NotificationCommand "mail-service-notification" { import "plugin-notification-command" command = [ IcingaSysconfDir + "/icinga2/scripts/mail-notification.sh" ] export_macros = [ "NOTIFICATIONTYPE", "SERVICEDESC", "HOSTALIAS", "HOSTADDRESS", "SERVICESTATE", "LONGDATETIME", "SERVICEOUTPUT", "NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME", "NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT", "HOSTDISPLAYNAME", "SERVICEDISPLAYNAME", "USEREMAIL" ] } The command attribute in the `mail-service-notification` command refers to the following shell script. The macros specified in the `export_macros` array are exported as environment variables and can be used in the notification script: #!/usr/bin/env bash template=$(cat <