# Library Reference
## Global functions
Function | Description
regex(pattern, text) | Returns true if the regex pattern matches the text, false otherwise.
match(pattern, text) | Returns true if the wildcard pattern matches the text, false otherwise.
cidr_match(pattern, ip) | Returns true if the CIDR pattern matches the IP address, false otherwise. IPv4 addresses are converted to IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses before being matched against the pattern.
len(value) | Returns the length of the value, i.e. the number of elements for an array or dictionary, or the length of the string in bytes.
union(array, array, ...) | Returns an array containing all unique elements from the specified arrays.
intersection(array, array, ...) | Returns an array containing all unique elements which are common to all specified arrays.
keys(dict) | Returns an array containing the dictionary's keys.
string(value) | Converts the value to a string.
number(value) | Converts the value to a number.
bool(value) | Converts the value to a bool.
random() | Returns a random value between 0 and RAND_MAX (as defined in stdlib.h).
log(value) | Writes a message to the log. Non-string values are converted to a JSON string.
log(severity, facility, value) | Writes a message to the log. `severity` can be one of `LogDebug`, `LogNotice`, `LogInformation`, `LogWarning`, and `LogCritical`. Non-string values are converted to a JSON string.
typeof(value) | Returns the [Type](19-library-reference.md#type-type) object for a value.
get_time() | Returns the current UNIX timestamp.
parse_performance_data(pd) | Parses a performance data string and returns an array describing the values.
dirname(path) | Returns the directory portion of the specified path.
basename(path) | Returns the filename portion of the specified path.
escape\_shell\_arg(text) | Escapes a string for use as a single shell argument.
escape\_shell\_cmd(text) | Escapes shell meta characters in a string.
escape\_create\_process\_arg(text)| (Windows only) Escapes a string for use as an argument for CreateProcess().
exit(integer) | Terminates the application.
sleep(interval) | Sleeps for the specified amount of time (in seconds).
## Object Accessor Functions
These functions can be used to retrieve a reference to another object by name.
### get_check_command
function get_check_command(name);
Returns the CheckCommand object with the specified name, or `null` if no such CheckCommand object exists.
### get_event_command
function get_event_command(name);
Returns the EventCommand object with the specified name, or `null` if no such EventCommand object exists.
### get_notification_command
function get_notification_command(name);
Returns the NotificationCommand object with the specified name, or `null` if no such NotificationCommand object exists.
### get_host
function get_host(host_name);
Returns the Host object with the specified name, or `null` if no such Host object exists.
### get_service
function get_service(host_name, service_name);
Returns the Service object with the specified name, or `null` if no such Service object exists.
### get_user
function get_user(name);
Returns the User object with the specified name, or `null` if no such User object exists.
### get_host_group
function get_host_group(name);
Returns the HostGroup object with the specified name, or `null` if no such HostGroup object exists.
### get_service_group
function get_service_group(name);
Returns the ServiceGroup object with the specified name, or `null` if no such ServiceGroup object exists.
### get_user_group
function get_user_group(name);
Returns the UserGroup object with the specified name, or `null` if no such UserGroup object exists.
### get_time_period
function get_time_period(name);
Returns the TimePeriod object with the specified name, or `null` if no such TimePeriod object exists.
### get_object
function get_object(type, name);
Returns the object with the specified type and name, or `null` if no such object exists. `type` must refer
to a type object.
### get_objects
function get_objects(type);
Returns an array of objects whose type matches the specified type. `type` must refer
to a type object.
## Math object
The global `Math` object can be used to access a number of mathematical constants
and functions.
### Math.E
Euler's constant.
### Math.LN2
Natural logarithm of 2.
### Math.LN10
Natural logarithm of 10.
### Math.LOG2E
Base 2 logarithm of E.
### Math.PI
The mathematical constant Pi.
### Math.SQRT1_2
Square root of 1/2.
### Math.SQRT2
Square root of 2.
### Math.abs
function abs(x);
Returns the absolute value of `x`.
### Math.acos
function acos(x);
Returns the arccosine of `x`.
### Math.asin
function asin(x);
Returns the arcsine of `x`.
### Math.atan
function atan(x);
Returns the arctangent of `x`.
### Math.atan2
function atan2(y, x);
Returns the arctangent of the quotient of `y` and `x`.
### Math.ceil
function ceil(x);
Returns the smallest integer value not less than `x`.
### Math.cos
function cos(x);
Returns the cosine of `x`.
### Math.exp
function exp(x);
Returns E raised to the `x`th power.
### Math.floor
function floor(x);
Returns the largest integer value not greater than `x`.
### Math.isinf
function isinf(x);
Returns whether `x` is infinite.
### Math.isnan
function isnan(x);
Returns whether `x` is NaN (not-a-number).
### Math.log
function log(x);
Returns the natural logarithm of `x`.
### Math.max
function max(...);
Returns the largest argument. A variable number of arguments can be specified.
If no arguments are given, -Infinity is returned.
### Math.min
function min(...);
Returns the smallest argument. A variable number of arguments can be specified.
If no arguments are given, +Infinity is returned.
### Math.pow
function pow(x, y);
Returns `x` raised to the `y`th power.
### Math.random
function random();
Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.
### Math.round
function round(x);
Returns `x` rounded to the nearest integer value.
### Math.sign
function sign(x);
Returns -1 if `x` is negative, 1 if `x` is positive
and 0 if `x` is 0.
### Math.sin
function sin(x);
Returns the sine of `x`.
### Math.sqrt
function sqrt(x);
Returns the square root of `x`.
### Math.tan
function tan(x);
Returns the tangent of `x`.
## Json object
The global `Json` object can be used to encode and decode JSON.
### Json.encode
function encode(x);
Encodes an arbitrary value into JSON.
### Json.decode
function decode(x);
Decodes a JSON string.
## Number type
### Number#to_string
function to_string();
The `to_string` method returns a string representation of the number.
var example = 7
example.to_string() /* Returns "7" */
## Boolean type
### Boolean#to_string
function to_string();
The `to_string` method returns a string representation of the boolean value.
var example = true
example.to_string() /* Returns "true" */
## String type
### String#find
function find(str, start);
Returns the zero-based index at which the string `str` was found in the string. If the string
was not found, -1 is returned. `start` specifies the zero-based index at which `find` should
start looking for the string (defaults to 0 when not specified).
"Hello World".find("World") /* Returns 6 */
### String#contains
function contains(str);
Returns `true` if the string `str` was found in the string. If the string
was not found, `false` is returned. Use [find](19-library-reference.md#string-find)
for getting the index instead.
"Hello World".contains("World") /* Returns true */
### String#len
function len();
Returns the length of the string in bytes. Note that depending on the encoding type of the string
this is not necessarily the number of characters.
"Hello World".len() /* Returns 11 */
### String#lower
function lower();
Returns a copy of the string with all of its characters converted to lower-case.
"Hello World".lower() /* Returns "hello world" */
### String#upper
function upper();
Returns a copy of the string with all of its characters converted to upper-case.
"Hello World".upper() /* Returns "HELLO WORLD" */
### String#replace
function replace(search, replacement);
Returns a copy of the string with all occurences of the string specified in `search` replaced
with the string specified in `replacement`.
### String#split
function split(delimiters);
Splits a string into individual parts and returns them as an array. The `delimiters` argument
specifies the characters which should be used as delimiters between parts.
"x-7,y".split("-,") /* Returns [ "x", "7", "y" ] */
### String#substr
function substr(start, len);
Returns a part of a string. The `start` argument specifies the zero-based index at which the part begins.
The optional `len` argument specifies the length of the part ("until the end of the string" if omitted).
"Hello World".substr(6) /* Returns "World" */
### String#to_string
function to_string();
Returns a copy of the string.
### String#reverse
function reverse();
Returns a copy of the string in reverse order.
### String#trim
function trim();
Removes trailing whitespaces and returns the string.
## Object type
This is the base type for all types in the Icinga application.
### Object#clone
function clone();
Returns a copy of the object. Note that for object elements which are
reference values (e.g. objects such as arrays or dictionaries) the entire
object is recursively copied.
### Object#to_string
function to_string();
Returns a string representation for the object. Unless overridden this returns a string
of the format "Object of type ''" where is the name of the
object's type.
[ 3, true ].to_string() /* Returns "[ 3.000000, true ]" */
### Object#type
String type;
Returns the object's type name. This attribute is read-only.
get_host("localhost").type /* Returns "Host" */
## Type type
Inherits methods from the [Object type](19-library-reference.md#object-type).
The `Type` type provides information about the underlying type of an object or scalar value.
All types are registered as global variables. For example, in order to obtain a reference to the `String` type the global variable `String` can be used.
### Type#base
Type base;
Returns a reference to the type's base type. This attribute is read-only.
Dictionary.base == Object /* Returns true, because the Dictionary type inherits directly from the Object type. */
### Type#name
String name;
Returns the name of the type.
### Type#prototype
Object prototype;
Returns the prototype object for the type. When an attribute is accessed on an object that doesn't exist the prototype object is checked to see if an attribute with the requested name exists. If it does, the attribute's value is returned.
The prototype functionality is used to implement methods.
3.to_string() /* Even though '3' does not have a to_string property the Number type's prototype object does. */
## Array type
Inherits methods from the [Object type](19-library-reference.md#object-type).
### Array#add
function add(value);
Adds a new value after the last element in the array.
### Array#clear
function clear();
Removes all elements from the array.
### Array#shallow_clone
function shallow_clone();
Returns a copy of the array. Note that for elements which are reference values (e.g. objects such
as arrays and dictionaries) only the references are copied.
### Array#contains
function contains(value);
Returns true if the array contains the specified value, false otherwise.
### Array#len
function len();
Returns the number of elements contained in the array.
### Array#remove
function remove(index);
Removes the element at the specified zero-based index.
### Array#set
function set(index, value);
Sets the element at the zero-based index to the specified value. The `index` must refer to an element
which already exists in the array.
### Array#get
function get(index);
Retrieves the element at the specified zero-based index.
### Array#sort
function sort(less_cmp);
Returns a copy of the array where all items are sorted. The items are
compared using the `<` (less-than) operator. A custom comparator function
can be specified with the `less_cmp` argument.
### Array#join
function join(separator);
Joins all elements of the array using the specified separator.
### Array#reverse
function reverse();
Returns a new array with all elements of the current array in reverse order.
### Array#map
function map(func);
Calls `func(element)` for each of the elements in the array and returns
a new array containing the return values of these function calls.
### Array#reduce
function reduce(func);
Reduces the elements of the array into a single value by calling the provided
function `func` as `func(a, b)` repeatedly where `a` and `b` are elements of the array
or results from previous function calls.
### Array#filter
function filter(func);
Returns a copy of the array containing only the elements for which `func(element)`
is true.
### Array#unique
function unique();
Returns a copy of the array with all duplicate elements removed. The original order
of the array is not preserved.
## Dictionary type
Inherits methods from the [Object type](19-library-reference.md#object-type).
### Dictionary#shallow_clone
function shallow_clone();
Returns a copy of the dictionary. Note that for elements which are reference values (e.g. objects such
as arrays and dictionaries) only the references are copied.
### Dictionary#contains
function contains(key);
Returns true if a dictionary item with the specified `key` exists, false otherwise.
### Dictionary#len
function len();
Returns the number of items contained in the dictionary.
### Dictionary#remove
function remove(key);
Removes the item with the specified `key`. Trying to remove an item which does not exist
is a no-op.
### Dictionary#set
function set(key, value);
Creates or updates an item with the specified `key` and `value`.
### Dictionary#get
function get(key);
Retrieves the value for the specified `key`. Returns `null` if they `key` does not exist
in the dictionary.
### Dictionary#keys
function keys();
Returns a list of keys for all items that are currently in the dictionary.
## Function type
Inherits methods from the [Object type](19-library-reference.md#object-type).
### Function#call
function call(thisArg, ...);
Invokes the function using an alternative `this` scope. The `thisArg` argument specifies the `this`
scope for the function. All other arguments are passed directly to the function.
function set_x(val) {
this.x = val
dict = {}
set_x.call(dict, 7) /* Invokes set_x using `dict` as `this` */
### Function#callv
function callv(thisArg, args);
Invokes the function using an alternative `this` scope. The `thisArg` argument specifies the `this`
scope for the function. The items in the `args` array are passed to the function as individual arguments.
function set_x(val) {
this.x = val
var dict = {}
var args = [ 7 ]
set_x.callv(dict, args) /* Invokes set_x using `dict` as `this` */
## DateTime type
Inherits methods from the [Object type](19-library-reference.md#object-type).
### DateTime constructor
function DateTime()
function DateTime(unixTimestamp)
function DateTime(year, month, day)
function DateTime(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)
Constructs a new DateTime object. When no arguments are specified for the constructor a new
DateTime object representing the current time is created.
var d1 = DateTime() /* current time */
var d2 = DateTime(2016, 5, 21) /* midnight April 21st, 2016 (local time) */
### DateTime arithmetic
Subtracting two DateTime objects yields the interval between them, in seconds.
var delta = DateTime() - DateTime(2016, 5, 21) /* seconds since midnight April 21st, 2016 */
Subtracting a number from a DateTime object yields a new DateTime object that is further in the past:
var dt = DateTime() - 2 * 60 * 60 /* Current time minus 2 hours */
Adding a number to a DateTime object yields a new DateTime object that is in the future:
var dt = DateTime() + 24 * 60 60 /* Current time plus 24 hours */
### DateTime#format
function format(fmt)
Returns a string representation for the DateTime object using the specified format string.
The format string may contain format conversion placeholders as specified in strftime(3).
var s = DateTime(2016, 4, 21).format("%A") /* Sets s to "Thursday". */
### DateTime#to_string
function to_string()
Returns a string representation for the DateTime object. Uses a suitable default format.
var s = DateTime(2016, 4, 21).to_string() /* Sets s to "2016-04-21 00:00:00 +0200". */