/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "remote/httpserverconnection.hpp" #include "remote/httphandler.hpp" #include "remote/httputility.hpp" #include "remote/apilistener.hpp" #include "remote/apifunction.hpp" #include "remote/jsonrpc.hpp" #include "base/application.hpp" #include "base/base64.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/configtype.hpp" #include "base/defer.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/timer.hpp" #include "base/tlsstream.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace icinga; auto const l_ServerHeader ("Icinga/" + Application::GetAppVersion()); HttpServerConnection::HttpServerConnection(const String& identity, bool authenticated, const std::shared_ptr& stream) : m_Stream(stream), m_Seen(Utility::GetTime()), m_IoStrand(stream->get_executor().context()), m_ShuttingDown(false), m_HasStartedStreaming(false) { if (authenticated) { m_ApiUser = ApiUser::GetByClientCN(identity); } { std::ostringstream address; auto endpoint (stream->lowest_layer().remote_endpoint()); address << '[' << endpoint.address() << "]:" << endpoint.port(); m_PeerAddress = address.str(); } } void HttpServerConnection::Start() { namespace asio = boost::asio; HttpServerConnection::Ptr keepAlive (this); asio::spawn(m_IoStrand, [this, keepAlive](asio::yield_context yc) { ProcessMessages(yc); }); asio::spawn(m_IoStrand, [this, keepAlive](asio::yield_context yc) { CheckLiveness(yc); }); } void HttpServerConnection::Disconnect() { namespace asio = boost::asio; HttpServerConnection::Ptr keepAlive (this); asio::spawn(m_IoStrand, [this, keepAlive](asio::yield_context yc) { if (!m_ShuttingDown) { m_ShuttingDown = true; Log(LogInformation, "HttpServerConnection") << "HTTP client disconnected (from " << m_PeerAddress << ")"; try { m_Stream->next_layer().async_shutdown(yc); } catch (...) { } try { m_Stream->lowest_layer().shutdown(m_Stream->lowest_layer().shutdown_both); } catch (...) { } auto listener (ApiListener::GetInstance()); if (listener) { CpuBoundWork removeHttpClient (yc); listener->RemoveHttpClient(this); } } }); } void HttpServerConnection::StartStreaming() { namespace asio = boost::asio; m_HasStartedStreaming = true; HttpServerConnection::Ptr keepAlive (this); asio::spawn(m_IoStrand, [this, keepAlive](asio::yield_context yc) { if (!m_ShuttingDown) { char buf[128]; asio::mutable_buffer readBuf (buf, 128); boost::system::error_code ec; do { m_Stream->async_read_some(readBuf, yc[ec]); } while (!ec); Disconnect(); } }); } bool HttpServerConnection::Disconnected() { return m_ShuttingDown; } static inline bool EnsureValidHeaders( AsioTlsStream& stream, boost::beast::flat_buffer& buf, boost::beast::http::parser& parser, boost::beast::http::response& response, boost::asio::yield_context& yc ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; bool httpError = true; try { try { http::async_read_header(stream, buf, parser, yc); } catch (const boost::system::system_error& ex) { /** * Unfortunately there's no way to tell an HTTP protocol error * from an error on a lower layer: * * */ throw std::invalid_argument(ex.what()); } httpError = false; switch (parser.get().version()) { case 10: case 11: break; default: throw std::invalid_argument("Unsupported HTTP version"); } } catch (const std::invalid_argument& ex) { response.result(http::status::bad_request); if (!httpError && parser.get()[http::field::accept] == "application/json") { HttpUtility::SendJsonBody(response, nullptr, new Dictionary({ { "error", 400 }, { "status", String("Bad Request: ") + ex.what() } })); } else { response.set(http::field::content_type, "text/html"); response.body() = String("

Bad Request

") + ex.what() + "

"; response.set(http::field::content_length, response.body().size()); } response.set(http::field::connection, "close"); http::async_write(stream, response, yc); stream.async_flush(yc); return false; } return true; } static inline void HandleExpect100( AsioTlsStream& stream, boost::beast::http::request& request, boost::asio::yield_context& yc ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; if (request[http::field::expect] == "100-continue") { http::response response; response.result(http::status::continue_); http::async_write(stream, response, yc); stream.async_flush(yc); } } static inline bool HandleAccessControl( AsioTlsStream& stream, boost::beast::http::request& request, boost::beast::http::response& response, boost::asio::yield_context& yc ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; auto listener (ApiListener::GetInstance()); if (listener) { auto headerAllowOrigin (listener->GetAccessControlAllowOrigin()); if (headerAllowOrigin) { CpuBoundWork allowOriginHeader (yc); auto allowedOrigins (headerAllowOrigin->ToSet()); if (!allowedOrigins.empty()) { auto& origin (request[http::field::origin]); if (allowedOrigins.find(origin.to_string()) != allowedOrigins.end()) { response.set(http::field::access_control_allow_origin, origin); } allowOriginHeader.Done(); response.set(http::field::access_control_allow_credentials, "true"); if (request.method() == http::verb::options && !request[http::field::access_control_request_method].empty()) { response.result(http::status::ok); response.set(http::field::access_control_allow_methods, "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE"); response.set(http::field::access_control_allow_headers, "Authorization, X-HTTP-Method-Override"); response.body() = "Preflight OK"; response.set(http::field::content_length, response.body().size()); response.set(http::field::connection, "close"); http::async_write(stream, response, yc); stream.async_flush(yc); return false; } } } } return true; } static inline bool EnsureAcceptHeader( AsioTlsStream& stream, boost::beast::http::request& request, boost::beast::http::response& response, boost::asio::yield_context& yc ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; if (request.method() != http::verb::get && request[http::field::accept] != "application/json") { response.result(http::status::bad_request); response.set(http::field::content_type, "text/html"); response.body() = "

Accept header is missing or not set to 'application/json'.

"; response.set(http::field::content_length, response.body().size()); response.set(http::field::connection, "close"); http::async_write(stream, response, yc); stream.async_flush(yc); return false; } return true; } static inline bool EnsureAuthenticatedUser( AsioTlsStream& stream, boost::beast::http::request& request, ApiUser::Ptr& authenticatedUser, boost::beast::http::response& response, boost::asio::yield_context& yc ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; if (!authenticatedUser) { Log(LogWarning, "HttpServerConnection") << "Unauthorized request: " << request.method_string() << ' ' << request.target(); response.result(http::status::unauthorized); response.set(http::field::www_authenticate, "Basic realm=\"Icinga 2\""); response.set(http::field::connection, "close"); if (request[http::field::accept] == "application/json") { HttpUtility::SendJsonBody(response, nullptr, new Dictionary({ { "error", 401 }, { "status", "Unauthorized. Please check your user credentials." } })); } else { response.set(http::field::content_type, "text/html"); response.body() = "

Unauthorized. Please check your user credentials.

"; response.set(http::field::content_length, response.body().size()); } http::async_write(stream, response, yc); stream.async_flush(yc); return false; } return true; } static inline bool EnsureValidBody( AsioTlsStream& stream, boost::beast::flat_buffer& buf, boost::beast::http::parser& parser, ApiUser::Ptr& authenticatedUser, boost::beast::http::response& response, boost::asio::yield_context& yc ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; { size_t maxSize = 1024 * 1024; Array::Ptr permissions = authenticatedUser->GetPermissions(); if (permissions) { CpuBoundWork evalPermissions (yc); ObjectLock olock(permissions); for (const Value& permissionInfo : permissions) { String permission; if (permissionInfo.IsObjectType()) { permission = static_cast(permissionInfo)->Get("permission"); } else { permission = permissionInfo; } static std::vector> specialContentLengthLimits { { "config/modify", 512 * 1024 * 1024 } }; for (const auto& limitInfo : specialContentLengthLimits) { if (limitInfo.second <= maxSize) { continue; } if (Utility::Match(permission, limitInfo.first)) { maxSize = limitInfo.second; } } } } parser.body_limit(maxSize); } try { http::async_read(stream, buf, parser, yc); } catch (const boost::system::system_error& ex) { /** * Unfortunately there's no way to tell an HTTP protocol error * from an error on a lower layer: * * */ response.result(http::status::bad_request); if (parser.get()[http::field::accept] == "application/json") { HttpUtility::SendJsonBody(response, nullptr, new Dictionary({ { "error", 400 }, { "status", String("Bad Request: ") + ex.what() } })); } else { response.set(http::field::content_type, "text/html"); response.body() = String("

Bad Request

") + ex.what() + "

"; response.set(http::field::content_length, response.body().size()); } response.set(http::field::connection, "close"); http::async_write(stream, response, yc); stream.async_flush(yc); return false; } return true; } static inline bool ProcessRequest( AsioTlsStream& stream, boost::beast::http::request& request, ApiUser::Ptr& authenticatedUser, boost::beast::http::response& response, HttpServerConnection& server, bool& hasStartedStreaming, boost::asio::yield_context& yc ) { namespace http = boost::beast::http; try { CpuBoundWork handlingRequest (yc); HttpHandler::ProcessRequest(stream, authenticatedUser, request, response, yc, server); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { if (hasStartedStreaming) { return false; } http::response response; HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, nullptr, 500, "Unhandled exception" , DiagnosticInformation(ex)); http::async_write(stream, response, yc); stream.async_flush(yc); return true; } if (hasStartedStreaming) { return false; } http::async_write(stream, response, yc); stream.async_flush(yc); return true; } void HttpServerConnection::ProcessMessages(boost::asio::yield_context yc) { namespace beast = boost::beast; namespace http = beast::http; Defer disconnect ([this]() { Disconnect(); }); try { beast::flat_buffer buf; for (;;) { m_Seen = Utility::GetTime(); http::parser parser; http::response response; parser.header_limit(1024 * 1024); parser.body_limit(-1); response.set(http::field::server, l_ServerHeader); if (!EnsureValidHeaders(*m_Stream, buf, parser, response, yc)) { break; } m_Seen = Utility::GetTime(); auto& request (parser.get()); { auto method (http::string_to_verb(request["X-Http-Method-Override"])); if (method != http::verb::unknown) { request.method(method); } } HandleExpect100(*m_Stream, request, yc); auto authenticatedUser (m_ApiUser); if (!authenticatedUser) { CpuBoundWork fetchingAuthenticatedUser (yc); authenticatedUser = ApiUser::GetByAuthHeader(request[http::field::authorization].to_string()); } Log(LogInformation, "HttpServerConnection") << "Request: " << request.method_string() << ' ' << request.target() << " (from " << m_PeerAddress << "), user: " << (authenticatedUser ? authenticatedUser->GetName() : "") << ", agent: " << request[http::field::user_agent] << ")."; //operator[] - Returns the value for a field, or "" if it does not exist. if (!HandleAccessControl(*m_Stream, request, response, yc)) { break; } if (!EnsureAcceptHeader(*m_Stream, request, response, yc)) { break; } if (!EnsureAuthenticatedUser(*m_Stream, request, authenticatedUser, response, yc)) { break; } if (!EnsureValidBody(*m_Stream, buf, parser, authenticatedUser, response, yc)) { break; } m_Seen = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (!ProcessRequest(*m_Stream, request, authenticatedUser, response, *this, m_HasStartedStreaming, yc)) { break; } if (request.version() != 11 || request[http::field::connection] == "close") { break; } } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { if (!m_ShuttingDown) { Log(LogCritical, "HttpServerConnection") << "Unhandled exception while processing HTTP request: " << DiagnosticInformation(ex); } } } void HttpServerConnection::CheckLiveness(boost::asio::yield_context yc) { boost::asio::deadline_timer timer (m_Stream->get_executor().context()); for (;;) { timer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(5)); timer.async_wait(yc); if (m_ShuttingDown) { break; } if (m_Seen < Utility::GetTime() - 10) { Log(LogInformation, "HttpServerConnection") << "No messages for HTTP connection have been received in the last 10 seconds."; Disconnect(); break; } } }