/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "remote/objectqueryhandler.hpp" #include "remote/httputility.hpp" #include "remote/filterutility.hpp" #include "base/serializer.hpp" #include "base/dependencygraph.hpp" #include "base/configtype.hpp" #include #include using namespace icinga; REGISTER_URLHANDLER("/v1/objects", ObjectQueryHandler); bool ObjectQueryHandler::HandleRequest(const ApiUser::Ptr& user, HttpRequest& request, HttpResponse& response) { if (request.RequestUrl->GetPath().size() < 3 || request.RequestUrl->GetPath().size() > 4) return false; if (request.RequestMethod != "GET") return false; Type::Ptr type = FilterUtility::TypeFromPluralName(request.RequestUrl->GetPath()[2]); if (!type) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, 400, "Invalid type specified."); return true; } QueryDescription qd; qd.Types.insert(type->GetName()); qd.Permission = "objects/query/" + type->GetName(); Dictionary::Ptr params = HttpUtility::FetchRequestParameters(request); std::set userJoinAttrs; std::set attrs; Array::Ptr uattrs = params->Get("attrs"); if (uattrs) { ObjectLock olock(uattrs); BOOST_FOREACH(const String& uattr, uattrs) { attrs.insert(uattr); String::SizeType dpos = uattr.FindFirstOf("."); if (dpos == String::NPos) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, 400, "Attribute name must contain '.'."); return true; } String userJoinAttr = uattr.SubStr(0, dpos); if (userJoinAttr == type->GetName().ToLower()) userJoinAttr = ""; userJoinAttrs.insert(userJoinAttr); } } std::vector joinAttrs; joinAttrs.push_back(""); for (int fid = 0; fid < type->GetFieldCount(); fid++) { Field field = type->GetFieldInfo(fid); if (!(field.Attributes & FANavigation)) continue; if (!userJoinAttrs.empty() && userJoinAttrs.find(field.Name) == userJoinAttrs.end()) continue; joinAttrs.push_back(field.Name); } params->Set("type", type->GetName()); if (request.RequestUrl->GetPath().size() >= 4) { String attr = type->GetName(); boost::algorithm::to_lower(attr); params->Set(attr, request.RequestUrl->GetPath()[3]); } std::vector objs = FilterUtility::GetFilterTargets(qd, params, user); Array::Ptr results = new Array(); results->Reserve(objs.size()); BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigObject::Ptr& obj, objs) { Dictionary::Ptr result1 = new Dictionary(); results->Add(result1); Dictionary::Ptr resultAttrs = new Dictionary(); result1->Set("attrs", resultAttrs); BOOST_FOREACH(const String& joinAttr, joinAttrs) { Object::Ptr joinedObj; String prefix; if (joinAttr.IsEmpty()) { joinedObj = obj; prefix = type->GetName(); } else { int fid = type->GetFieldId(joinAttr); joinedObj = obj->NavigateField(fid); if (!joinedObj) continue; Field field = type->GetFieldInfo(fid); prefix = field.NavigationName; } boost::algorithm::to_lower(prefix); Type::Ptr joinedType = joinedObj->GetReflectionType(); std::vector fids; if (attrs.empty()) { for (int fid = 0; fid < joinedType->GetFieldCount(); fid++) { fids.push_back(fid); } } else { BOOST_FOREACH(const String& aname, attrs) { String::SizeType dpos = aname.FindFirstOf("."); ASSERT(dpos != String::NPos); String userJoinAttr = aname.SubStr(0, dpos); if (userJoinAttr != prefix) continue; String userAttr = aname.SubStr(dpos + 1); int fid = joinedType->GetFieldId(userAttr); fids.push_back(fid); } } BOOST_FOREACH(int& fid, fids) { Field field = joinedType->GetFieldInfo(fid); String aname = prefix + "." + field.Name; Value val = joinedObj->GetField(fid); /* hide attributes which shouldn't be user-visible */ if (field.Attributes & FANoUserView) continue; /* hide internal navigation fields */ if (field.Attributes & FANavigation) { Value nval = joinedObj->NavigateField(fid); if (val == nval) continue; } Value sval = Serialize(val, FAConfig | FAState); resultAttrs->Set(aname, sval); } } Array::Ptr used_by = new Array(); result1->Set("used_by", used_by); BOOST_FOREACH(const Object::Ptr& pobj, DependencyGraph::GetParents((obj))) { ConfigObject::Ptr configObj = dynamic_pointer_cast(pobj); if (!configObj) continue; Dictionary::Ptr refInfo = new Dictionary(); refInfo->Set("type", configObj->GetType()->GetName()); refInfo->Set("name", configObj->GetName()); used_by->Add(refInfo); } } Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary(); result->Set("results", results); response.SetStatus(200, "OK"); HttpUtility::SendJsonBody(response, result); return true; }