object EventCommand "6479-handle" { import "plugin-event-command" command = "echo \"event handler triggered.\"" } object NotificationCommand "6479-notification" { import "plugin-notification-command" command = "echo \"notification triggered.\"" } object HostGroup "6479-bar" { assign where match("6479-keks*", host.name) } object Host "6479-keks" { import "test-generic-host" event_command = "6479-handle" address = "" } apply Service "6479-foo" { import "test-generic-service" check_command = "ping4" event_command = "6479-handle" assign where "6479-bar" in host.groups } apply Notification "6479-host-notification" to Host { import "test-mail-host-notification" command = "6479-notification" assign where "6479-bar" in host.groups } apply Notification "6479-service-notification" to Service { import "test-mail-service-notification" command = "6479-notification" assign where "6479-bar" in host.groups } object ServiceGroup "6479-bar" { assign where service.name == "6479-foo" }