/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "remote/apilistener.hpp" #include "remote/apiclient.hpp" #include "remote/endpoint.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/netstring.hpp" #include "base/dynamictype.hpp" #include "base/logger_fwd.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/stdiostream.hpp" #include "base/application.hpp" #include "base/context.hpp" #include "base/statsfunction.hpp" #include using namespace icinga; REGISTER_TYPE(ApiListener); boost::signals2::signal ApiListener::OnMasterChanged; REGISTER_STATSFUNCTION(ApiListenerStats, &ApiListener::StatsFunc); void ApiListener::OnConfigLoaded(void) { /* set up SSL context */ shared_ptr cert = make_shared(); try { cert = GetX509Certificate(GetCertPath()); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Cannot get certificate from cert path: '" + GetCertPath() + "'."); Application::Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } try { SetIdentity(GetCertificateCN(cert)); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Cannot get certificate common name from cert path: '" + GetCertPath() + "'."); Application::Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener", "My API identity: " + GetIdentity()); try { m_SSLContext = MakeSSLContext(GetCertPath(), GetKeyPath(), GetCaPath()); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Cannot make SSL context for cert path: '" + GetCertPath() + "' key path: '" + GetKeyPath() + "' ca path: '" + GetCaPath() + "'."); Application::Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!GetCrlPath().IsEmpty()) { try { AddCRLToSSLContext(m_SSLContext, GetCrlPath()); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Cannot add certificate revocation list to SSL context for crl path: '" + GetCrlPath() + "'."); Application::Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (!Endpoint::GetByName(GetIdentity())) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Endpoint object for '" + GetIdentity() + "' is missing."); Application::Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SyncZoneDirs(); } /** * Starts the component. */ void ApiListener::Start(void) { if (std::distance(DynamicType::GetObjectsByType().first, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType().second) > 1) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Only one ApiListener object is allowed."); return; } DynamicObject::Start(); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock(m_LogLock); RotateLogFile(); OpenLogFile(); } /* create the primary JSON-RPC listener */ if (!AddListener(GetBindHost(), GetBindPort())) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Cannot add listener on host '" + GetBindHost() + "' for port '" + GetBindPort() + "'."); Application::Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } m_Timer = make_shared(); m_Timer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&ApiListener::ApiTimerHandler, this)); m_Timer->SetInterval(5); m_Timer->Start(); m_Timer->Reschedule(0); OnMasterChanged(true); } ApiListener::Ptr ApiListener::GetInstance(void) { BOOST_FOREACH(const ApiListener::Ptr& listener, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType()) return listener; return ApiListener::Ptr(); } shared_ptr ApiListener::GetSSLContext(void) const { return m_SSLContext; } Endpoint::Ptr ApiListener::GetMaster(void) const { Zone::Ptr zone = Zone::GetLocalZone(); if (!zone) return Endpoint::Ptr(); std::vector names; BOOST_FOREACH(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, zone->GetEndpoints()) if (endpoint->IsConnected() || endpoint->GetName() == GetIdentity()) names.push_back(endpoint->GetName()); std::sort(names.begin(), names.end()); return Endpoint::GetByName(*names.begin()); } bool ApiListener::IsMaster(void) const { Endpoint::Ptr master = GetMaster(); if (!master) return false; return master->GetName() == GetIdentity(); } /** * Creates a new JSON-RPC listener on the specified port. * * @param node The host the listener should be bound to. * @param service The port to listen on. */ bool ApiListener::AddListener(const String& node, const String& service) { ObjectLock olock(this); shared_ptr sslContext = m_SSLContext; if (!sslContext) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "SSL context is required for AddListener()"); return false; } std::ostringstream s; s << "Adding new listener: port " << service; Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener", s.str()); TcpSocket::Ptr server = make_shared(); try { server->Bind(node, service, AF_UNSPEC); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Cannot bind TCP socket for host '" + node + "' on port '" + service + "'."); return false; } boost::thread thread(boost::bind(&ApiListener::ListenerThreadProc, this, server)); thread.detach(); m_Servers.insert(server); return true; } void ApiListener::ListenerThreadProc(const Socket::Ptr& server) { Utility::SetThreadName("API Listener"); server->Listen(); for (;;) { try { Socket::Ptr client = server->Accept(); Utility::QueueAsyncCallback(boost::bind(&ApiListener::NewClientHandler, this, client, RoleServer), LowLatencyScheduler); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Cannot accept new connection."); } } } /** * Creates a new JSON-RPC client and connects to the specified endpoint. * * @param endpoint The endpoint. */ void ApiListener::AddConnection(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint) { { ObjectLock olock(this); shared_ptr sslContext = m_SSLContext; if (!sslContext) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "SSL context is required for AddConnection()"); return; } } String host = endpoint->GetHost(); String port = endpoint->GetPort(); Log(LogInformation, "ApiClient", "Reconnecting to API endpoint '" + endpoint->GetName() + "' via host '" + host + "' and port " + port); TcpSocket::Ptr client = make_shared(); try { endpoint->SetConnecting(true); client->Connect(host, port); NewClientHandler(client, RoleClient); endpoint->SetConnecting(false); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { endpoint->SetConnecting(false); client->Close(); std::ostringstream info, debug; info << "Cannot connect to host '" << host << "' on port '" << port << "'"; debug << info.str() << std::endl << DiagnosticInformation(ex); Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", info.str()); Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener", debug.str()); } } /** * Processes a new client connection. * * @param client The new client. */ void ApiListener::NewClientHandler(const Socket::Ptr& client, ConnectionRole role) { CONTEXT("Handling new API client connection"); TlsStream::Ptr tlsStream; { ObjectLock olock(this); try { tlsStream = make_shared(client, role, m_SSLContext); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Cannot create tls stream from client connection."); return; } } try { tlsStream->Handshake(); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Client TLS handshake failed."); return; } shared_ptr cert = tlsStream->GetPeerCertificate(); String identity; try { identity = GetCertificateCN(cert); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "Cannot get certificate common name from cert path: '" + GetCertPath() + "'."); return; } bool verify_ok = tlsStream->IsVerifyOK(); std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "New client connection for identity '" << identity << "'"; if (!verify_ok) msgbuf << " (unauthenticated)"; Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener", msgbuf.str()); Endpoint::Ptr endpoint; if (verify_ok) endpoint = Endpoint::GetByName(identity); bool need_sync = false; if (endpoint) need_sync = !endpoint->IsConnected(); ApiClient::Ptr aclient = make_shared(identity, verify_ok, tlsStream, role); aclient->Start(); if (endpoint) { endpoint->AddClient(aclient); if (need_sync) { { ObjectLock olock(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(true); } ReplayLog(aclient); } SendConfigUpdate(aclient); } else AddAnonymousClient(aclient); } void ApiListener::ApiTimerHandler(void) { double now = Utility::GetTime(); std::vector files; Utility::Glob(GetApiDir() + "log/*", boost::bind(&ApiListener::LogGlobHandler, boost::ref(files), _1), GlobFile); std::sort(files.begin(), files.end()); BOOST_FOREACH(int ts, files) { bool need = false; BOOST_FOREACH(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType()) { if (endpoint->GetName() == GetIdentity()) continue; if (endpoint->GetLogDuration() >= 0 && ts < now - endpoint->GetLogDuration()) continue; if (ts > endpoint->GetLocalLogPosition()) { need = true; break; } } if (!need) { String path = GetApiDir() + "log/" + Convert::ToString(ts); Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener", "Removing old log file: " + path); (void)unlink(path.CStr()); } } if (IsMaster()) { Zone::Ptr my_zone = Zone::GetLocalZone(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Zone::Ptr& zone, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType()) { /* only connect to endpoints in a) the same zone b) our parent zone c) immediate child zones */ if (my_zone != zone && my_zone != zone->GetParent() && zone != my_zone->GetParent()) continue; bool connected = false; BOOST_FOREACH(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, zone->GetEndpoints()) { if (endpoint->IsConnected()) { connected = true; break; } } /* don't connect to an endpoint if we already have a connection to the zone */ if (connected) continue; BOOST_FOREACH(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, zone->GetEndpoints()) { /* don't connect to ourselves */ if (endpoint->GetName() == GetIdentity()) continue; /* don't try to connect to endpoints which don't have a host and port */ if (endpoint->GetHost().IsEmpty() || endpoint->GetPort().IsEmpty()) continue; /* don't try to connect if there's already a connection attempt */ if (endpoint->GetConnecting()) continue; Utility::QueueAsyncCallback(boost::bind(&ApiListener::AddConnection, this, endpoint)); } } } BOOST_FOREACH(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType()) { if (!endpoint->IsConnected()) continue; double ts = endpoint->GetRemoteLogPosition(); if (ts == 0) continue; Dictionary::Ptr lparams = make_shared(); lparams->Set("log_position", ts); Dictionary::Ptr lmessage = make_shared(); lmessage->Set("jsonrpc", "2.0"); lmessage->Set("method", "log::SetLogPosition"); lmessage->Set("params", lparams); BOOST_FOREACH(const ApiClient::Ptr& client, endpoint->GetClients()) client->SendMessage(lmessage); Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener", "Setting log position for identity '" + endpoint->GetName() + "': " + Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", ts)); } Endpoint::Ptr master = GetMaster(); if (master) Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener", "Current zone master: " + master->GetName()); std::vector names; BOOST_FOREACH(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType()) if (endpoint->IsConnected()) names.push_back(endpoint->GetName() + " (" + Convert::ToString(endpoint->GetClients().size()) + ")"); Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener", "Connected endpoints: " + Utility::NaturalJoin(names)); } void ApiListener::RelayMessage(const MessageOrigin& origin, const DynamicObject::Ptr& secobj, const Dictionary::Ptr& message, bool log) { m_RelayQueue.Enqueue(boost::bind(&ApiListener::SyncRelayMessage, this, origin, secobj, message, log)); } void ApiListener::PersistMessage(const Dictionary::Ptr& message, const DynamicObject::Ptr& secobj) { double ts = message->Get("ts"); ASSERT(ts != 0); Dictionary::Ptr pmessage = make_shared(); pmessage->Set("timestamp", ts); pmessage->Set("message", JsonSerialize(message)); Dictionary::Ptr secname = make_shared(); secname->Set("type", secobj->GetType()->GetName()); secname->Set("name", secobj->GetName()); pmessage->Set("secobj", secname); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_LogLock); if (m_LogFile) { NetString::WriteStringToStream(m_LogFile, JsonSerialize(pmessage)); m_LogMessageCount++; SetLogMessageTimestamp(ts); if (m_LogMessageCount > 50000) { CloseLogFile(); RotateLogFile(); OpenLogFile(); } } } void ApiListener::SyncRelayMessage(const MessageOrigin& origin, const DynamicObject::Ptr& secobj, const Dictionary::Ptr& message, bool log) { double ts = Utility::GetTime(); message->Set("ts", ts); Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener", "Relaying '" + message->Get("method") + "' message"); if (log) PersistMessage(message, secobj); if (origin.FromZone) message->Set("originZone", origin.FromZone->GetName()); bool is_master = IsMaster(); Endpoint::Ptr master = GetMaster(); Zone::Ptr my_zone = Zone::GetLocalZone(); std::vector skippedEndpoints; std::set finishedZones; BOOST_FOREACH(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType()) { /* don't relay messages to ourselves or disconnected endpoints */ if (endpoint->GetName() == GetIdentity() || !endpoint->IsConnected()) continue; Zone::Ptr target_zone = endpoint->GetZone(); /* don't relay the message to the zone through more than one endpoint */ if (finishedZones.find(target_zone) != finishedZones.end()) { skippedEndpoints.push_back(endpoint); continue; } /* don't relay messages back to the endpoint which we got the message from */ if (origin.FromClient && endpoint == origin.FromClient->GetEndpoint()) { skippedEndpoints.push_back(endpoint); continue; } /* don't relay messages back to the zone which we got the message from */ if (origin.FromZone && target_zone == origin.FromZone) { skippedEndpoints.push_back(endpoint); continue; } /* only relay message to the master if we're not currently the master */ if (!is_master && master != endpoint) { skippedEndpoints.push_back(endpoint); continue; } /* only relay the message to a) the same zone, b) the parent zone and c) direct child zones */ if (target_zone != my_zone && target_zone != my_zone->GetParent() && secobj->GetZone() != target_zone->GetName()) { skippedEndpoints.push_back(endpoint); continue; } /* only relay messages to zones which have access to the object */ if (!target_zone->CanAccessObject(secobj)) continue; finishedZones.insert(target_zone); { ObjectLock olock(endpoint); if (!endpoint->GetSyncing()) { Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener", "Sending message to '" + endpoint->GetName() + "'"); BOOST_FOREACH(const ApiClient::Ptr& client, endpoint->GetClients()) client->SendMessage(message); } } } BOOST_FOREACH(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, skippedEndpoints) endpoint->SetLocalLogPosition(ts); } String ApiListener::GetApiDir(void) { return Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/lib/icinga2/api/"; } /* must hold m_LogLock */ void ApiListener::OpenLogFile(void) { String path = GetApiDir() + "log/current"; std::fstream *fp = new std::fstream(path.CStr(), std::fstream::out | std::ofstream::app); if (!fp->good()) { Log(LogWarning, "ApiListener", "Could not open spool file: " + path); return; } m_LogFile = make_shared(fp, true); m_LogMessageCount = 0; SetLogMessageTimestamp(Utility::GetTime()); } /* must hold m_LogLock */ void ApiListener::CloseLogFile(void) { if (!m_LogFile) return; m_LogFile->Close(); m_LogFile.reset(); } /* must hold m_LogLock */ void ApiListener::RotateLogFile(void) { double ts = GetLogMessageTimestamp(); if (ts == 0) ts = Utility::GetTime(); String oldpath = GetApiDir() + "log/current"; String newpath = GetApiDir() + "log/" + Convert::ToString(static_cast(ts)+1); (void) rename(oldpath.CStr(), newpath.CStr()); } void ApiListener::LogGlobHandler(std::vector& files, const String& file) { String name = Utility::BaseName(file); int ts; try { ts = Convert::ToLong(name); } catch (const std::exception&) { return; } files.push_back(ts); } void ApiListener::ReplayLog(const ApiClient::Ptr& client) { Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = client->GetEndpoint(); CONTEXT("Replaying log for Endpoint '" + endpoint->GetName() + "'"); int count = -1; double peer_ts = endpoint->GetLocalLogPosition(); bool last_sync = false; Endpoint::Ptr target_endpoint = client->GetEndpoint(); ASSERT(target_endpoint); Zone::Ptr target_zone = target_endpoint->GetZone(); if (!target_zone) return; for (;;) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_LogLock); CloseLogFile(); RotateLogFile(); if (count == -1 || count > 50000) { OpenLogFile(); lock.unlock(); } else { last_sync = true; } count = 0; std::vector files; Utility::Glob(GetApiDir() + "log/*", boost::bind(&ApiListener::LogGlobHandler, boost::ref(files), _1), GlobFile); std::sort(files.begin(), files.end()); BOOST_FOREACH(int ts, files) { String path = GetApiDir() + "log/" + Convert::ToString(ts); if (ts < peer_ts) continue; Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener", "Replaying log: " + path); std::fstream *fp = new std::fstream(path.CStr(), std::fstream::in); StdioStream::Ptr logStream = make_shared(fp, true); String message; while (true) { Dictionary::Ptr pmessage; try { if (!NetString::ReadStringFromStream(logStream, &message)) break; pmessage = JsonDeserialize(message); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogWarning, "ApiListener", "Unexpected end-of-file for cluster log: " + path); /* Log files may be incomplete or corrupted. This is perfectly OK. */ break; } if (pmessage->Get("timestamp") <= peer_ts) continue; Dictionary::Ptr secname = pmessage->Get("secname"); if (secname) { DynamicType::Ptr dtype = DynamicType::GetByName(secname->Get("type")); if (!dtype) continue; DynamicObject::Ptr secobj = dtype->GetObject(secname->Get("name")); if (!secobj) continue; if (!target_zone->CanAccessObject(secobj)) continue; } NetString::WriteStringToStream(client->GetStream(), pmessage->Get("message")); count++; peer_ts = pmessage->Get("timestamp"); } logStream->Close(); } Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener", "Replayed " + Convert::ToString(count) + " messages."); if (last_sync) { { ObjectLock olock2(endpoint); endpoint->SetSyncing(false); } OpenLogFile(); break; } } } Value ApiListener::StatsFunc(Dictionary::Ptr& status, Array::Ptr& perfdata) { Dictionary::Ptr nodes = make_shared(); std::pair stats; ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance(); if (!listener) return 0; stats = listener->GetStatus(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, stats.second) perfdata->Add("'api_" + kv.first + "'=" + Convert::ToString(kv.second)); status->Set("api", stats.first); return 0; } std::pair ApiListener::GetStatus(void) { Dictionary::Ptr status = make_shared(); Dictionary::Ptr perfdata = make_shared(); /* cluster stats */ status->Set("identity", GetIdentity()); double count_endpoints = 0; Array::Ptr not_connected_endpoints = make_shared(); Array::Ptr connected_endpoints = make_shared(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType()) { if (endpoint->GetName() == GetIdentity()) continue; count_endpoints++; if (!endpoint->IsConnected()) not_connected_endpoints->Add(endpoint->GetName()); else connected_endpoints->Add(endpoint->GetName()); } status->Set("num_endpoints", count_endpoints); status->Set("num_conn_endpoints", connected_endpoints->GetLength()); status->Set("num_not_conn_endpoints", not_connected_endpoints->GetLength()); status->Set("conn_endpoints", connected_endpoints); status->Set("not_conn_endpoints", not_connected_endpoints); perfdata->Set("num_endpoints", count_endpoints); perfdata->Set("num_conn_endpoints", Convert::ToDouble(connected_endpoints->GetLength())); perfdata->Set("num_not_conn_endpoints", Convert::ToDouble(not_connected_endpoints->GetLength())); return std::make_pair(status, perfdata); } void ApiListener::AddAnonymousClient(const ApiClient::Ptr& aclient) { ObjectLock olock(this); m_AnonymousClients.insert(aclient); } void ApiListener::RemoveAnonymousClient(const ApiClient::Ptr& aclient) { ObjectLock olock(this); m_AnonymousClients.erase(aclient); } std::set ApiListener::GetAnonymousClients(void) const { ObjectLock olock(this); return m_AnonymousClients; }