/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "checker/checkercomponent.h" #include "icinga/icingaapplication.h" #include "icinga/cib.h" #include "base/dynamictype.h" #include "base/objectlock.h" #include "base/utility.h" #include "base/logger_fwd.h" #include "base/exception.h" #include "base/convert.h" #include "base/statsfunction.h" #include using namespace icinga; REGISTER_TYPE(CheckerComponent); REGISTER_STATSFUNCTION(CheckerComponentStats, &CheckerComponent::StatsFunc); Value CheckerComponent::StatsFunc(Dictionary::Ptr& status, Dictionary::Ptr& perfdata) { Dictionary::Ptr nodes = make_shared(); BOOST_FOREACH(const CheckerComponent::Ptr& checker, DynamicType::GetObjects()) { unsigned long idle = checker->GetIdleServices(); unsigned long pending = checker->GetPendingServices(); Dictionary::Ptr stats = make_shared(); stats->Set("idle", idle); stats->Set("pending", pending); nodes->Set(checker->GetName(), stats); String perfdata_prefix = "checkercomponent_" + checker->GetName() + "_"; perfdata->Set(perfdata_prefix + "idle", Convert::ToDouble(idle)); perfdata->Set(perfdata_prefix + "pending", Convert::ToDouble(pending)); } status->Set("checkercomponent", nodes); return 0; } void CheckerComponent::OnConfigLoaded(void) { DynamicObject::OnStarted.connect(bind(&CheckerComponent::ObjectHandler, this, _1)); DynamicObject::OnStopped.connect(bind(&CheckerComponent::ObjectHandler, this, _1)); DynamicObject::OnAuthorityChanged.connect(bind(&CheckerComponent::ObjectHandler, this, _1)); Service::OnNextCheckChanged.connect(bind(&CheckerComponent::NextCheckChangedHandler, this, _1)); } void CheckerComponent::Start(void) { DynamicObject::Start(); m_Stopped = false; m_Thread = boost::thread(boost::bind(&CheckerComponent::CheckThreadProc, this)); m_ResultTimer = make_shared(); m_ResultTimer->SetInterval(5); m_ResultTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&CheckerComponent::ResultTimerHandler, this)); m_ResultTimer->Start(); } void CheckerComponent::Stop(void) { Log(LogInformation, "checker", "Checker stopped."); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); m_Stopped = true; m_CV.notify_all(); } m_ResultTimer->Stop(); m_Thread.join(); } void CheckerComponent::CheckThreadProc(void) { Utility::SetThreadName("Check Scheduler"); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); for (;;) { typedef boost::multi_index::nth_index::type CheckTimeView; CheckTimeView& idx = boost::get<1>(m_IdleServices); while (idx.begin() == idx.end() && !m_Stopped) m_CV.wait(lock); if (m_Stopped) break; CheckTimeView::iterator it = idx.begin(); Service::Ptr service = *it; if (!service->HasAuthority("checker")) { m_IdleServices.erase(service); continue; } double wait = service->GetNextCheck() - Utility::GetTime(); if (wait > 0) { /* Wait for the next check. */ m_CV.timed_wait(lock, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(wait * 1000)); continue; } m_IdleServices.erase(service); bool forced = service->GetForceNextCheck(); bool check = true; if (!forced) { if (!service->IsReachable(DependencyCheckExecution)) { Log(LogDebug, "icinga", "Skipping check for service '" + service->GetName() + "': Dependency failed."); check = false; } if (!service->GetEnableActiveChecks() || !IcingaApplication::GetInstance()->GetEnableChecks()) { Log(LogDebug, "checker", "Skipping check for service '" + service->GetName() + "': active checks are disabled"); check = false; } TimePeriod::Ptr tp = service->GetCheckPeriod(); if (tp && !tp->IsInside(Utility::GetTime())) { Log(LogDebug, "checker", "Skipping check for service '" + service->GetName() + "': not in check_period"); check = false; } } /* reschedule the service if checks are disabled */ if (!check) { m_IdleServices.insert(service); lock.unlock(); service->UpdateNextCheck(); lock.lock(); continue; } m_PendingServices.insert(service); lock.unlock(); if (forced) { ObjectLock olock(service); service->SetForceNextCheck(false); } Log(LogDebug, "checker", "Executing service check for '" + service->GetName() + "'"); CheckerComponent::Ptr self = GetSelf(); m_Pool.Post(boost::bind(&CheckerComponent::ExecuteCheckHelper, self, service)); lock.lock(); } } void CheckerComponent::ExecuteCheckHelper(const Service::Ptr& service) { try { service->ExecuteCheck(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { Log(LogCritical, "checker", "Exception occured while checking service '" + service->GetName() + "': " + DiagnosticInformation(ex)); } { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); /* remove the service from the list of pending services; if it's not in the * list this was a manual (i.e. forced) check and we must not re-add the * service to the services list because it's already there. */ CheckerComponent::ServiceSet::iterator it; it = m_PendingServices.find(service); if (it != m_PendingServices.end()) { m_PendingServices.erase(it); if (service->IsActive() && service->HasAuthority("checker")) m_IdleServices.insert(service); m_CV.notify_all(); } } Log(LogDebug, "checker", "Check finished for service '" + service->GetName() + "'"); } void CheckerComponent::ResultTimerHandler(void) { Log(LogDebug, "checker", "ResultTimerHandler entered."); std::ostringstream msgbuf; { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); msgbuf << "Pending services: " << m_PendingServices.size() << "; Idle services: " << m_IdleServices.size() << "; Checks/s: " << CIB::GetActiveChecksStatistics(5) / 5.0; } Log(LogInformation, "checker", msgbuf.str()); } void CheckerComponent::ObjectHandler(const DynamicObject::Ptr& object) { if (object->GetType() != DynamicType::GetByName("Service")) return; Service::Ptr service = static_pointer_cast(object); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); if (object->IsActive() && object->HasAuthority("checker")) { if (m_PendingServices.find(service) != m_PendingServices.end()) return; m_IdleServices.insert(service); } else { m_IdleServices.erase(service); m_PendingServices.erase(service); } m_CV.notify_all(); } } void CheckerComponent::NextCheckChangedHandler(const Service::Ptr& service) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); /* remove and re-insert the service from the set in order to force an index update */ typedef boost::multi_index::nth_index::type ServiceView; ServiceView& idx = boost::get<0>(m_IdleServices); ServiceView::iterator it = idx.find(service); if (it == idx.end()) return; idx.erase(service); idx.insert(service); m_CV.notify_all(); } unsigned long CheckerComponent::GetIdleServices(void) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); return m_IdleServices.size(); } unsigned long CheckerComponent::GetPendingServices(void) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); return m_PendingServices.size(); }