/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "livestatus/livestatusquery.hpp" #include "livestatus/countaggregator.hpp" #include "livestatus/sumaggregator.hpp" #include "livestatus/minaggregator.hpp" #include "livestatus/maxaggregator.hpp" #include "livestatus/avgaggregator.hpp" #include "livestatus/stdaggregator.hpp" #include "livestatus/invsumaggregator.hpp" #include "livestatus/invavgaggregator.hpp" #include "livestatus/attributefilter.hpp" #include "livestatus/negatefilter.hpp" #include "livestatus/orfilter.hpp" #include "livestatus/andfilter.hpp" #include "icinga/externalcommandprocessor.hpp" #include "base/debug.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "base/serializer.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace icinga; static int l_ExternalCommands = 0; static boost::mutex l_QueryMutex; LivestatusQuery::LivestatusQuery(const std::vector& lines, const String& compat_log_path) : m_KeepAlive(false), m_OutputFormat("csv"), m_ColumnHeaders(true), m_LogTimeFrom(0), m_LogTimeUntil(static_cast(Utility::GetTime())) { if (lines.size() == 0) { m_Verb = "ERROR"; m_ErrorCode = LivestatusErrorQuery; m_ErrorMessage = "Empty Query. Aborting."; return; } String msg; BOOST_FOREACH(const String& line, lines) { msg += line + "\n"; } Log(LogDebug, "LivestatusQuery", msg); m_CompatLogPath = compat_log_path; /* default separators */ m_Separators.push_back("\n"); m_Separators.push_back(";"); m_Separators.push_back(","); m_Separators.push_back("|"); String line = lines[0]; size_t sp_index = line.FindFirstOf(" "); if (sp_index == String::NPos) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Livestatus header must contain a verb.")); String verb = line.SubStr(0, sp_index); String target = line.SubStr(sp_index + 1); m_Verb = verb; if (m_Verb == "COMMAND") { m_KeepAlive = true; m_Command = target; } else if (m_Verb == "GET") { m_Table = target; } else { m_Verb = "ERROR"; m_ErrorCode = LivestatusErrorQuery; m_ErrorMessage = "Unknown livestatus verb: " + m_Verb; return; } std::deque filters, stats; std::deque aggregators; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++) { line = lines[i]; size_t col_index = line.FindFirstOf(":"); String header = line.SubStr(0, col_index); String params; //OutputFormat:json or OutputFormat: json if (line.GetLength() > col_index + 1) params = line.SubStr(col_index + 1); params.Trim(); if (header == "ResponseHeader") m_ResponseHeader = params; else if (header == "OutputFormat") m_OutputFormat = params; else if (header == "KeepAlive") m_KeepAlive = (params == "on"); else if (header == "Columns") { m_ColumnHeaders = false; // Might be explicitly re-enabled later on boost::algorithm::split(m_Columns, params, boost::is_any_of(" ")); } else if (header == "Separators") { std::vector separators; boost::algorithm::split(separators, params, boost::is_any_of(" ")); /* ugly ascii long to char conversion, but works */ if (separators.size() > 0) m_Separators[0] = String(1, static_cast(Convert::ToLong(separators[0]))); if (separators.size() > 1) m_Separators[1] = String(1, static_cast(Convert::ToLong(separators[1]))); if (separators.size() > 2) m_Separators[2] = String(1, static_cast(Convert::ToLong(separators[2]))); if (separators.size() > 3) m_Separators[3] = String(1, static_cast(Convert::ToLong(separators[3]))); } else if (header == "ColumnHeaders") m_ColumnHeaders = (params == "on"); else if (header == "Filter") { Filter::Ptr filter = ParseFilter(params, m_LogTimeFrom, m_LogTimeUntil); if (!filter) { m_Verb = "ERROR"; m_ErrorCode = LivestatusErrorQuery; m_ErrorMessage = "Invalid filter specification: " + line; return; } filters.push_back(filter); } else if (header == "Stats") { m_ColumnHeaders = false; // Might be explicitly re-enabled later on std::vector tokens; boost::algorithm::split(tokens, params, boost::is_any_of(" ")); if (tokens.size() < 2) { m_Verb = "ERROR"; m_ErrorCode = LivestatusErrorQuery; m_ErrorMessage = "Missing aggregator column name: " + line; return; } String aggregate_arg = tokens[0]; String aggregate_attr = tokens[1]; Aggregator::Ptr aggregator; Filter::Ptr filter; if (aggregate_arg == "sum") { aggregator = make_shared(aggregate_attr); } else if (aggregate_arg == "min") { aggregator = make_shared(aggregate_attr); } else if (aggregate_arg == "max") { aggregator = make_shared(aggregate_attr); } else if (aggregate_arg == "avg") { aggregator = make_shared(aggregate_attr); } else if (aggregate_arg == "std") { aggregator = make_shared(aggregate_attr); } else if (aggregate_arg == "suminv") { aggregator = make_shared(aggregate_attr); } else if (aggregate_arg == "avginv") { aggregator = make_shared(aggregate_attr); } else { filter = ParseFilter(params, m_LogTimeFrom, m_LogTimeUntil); if (!filter) { m_Verb = "ERROR"; m_ErrorCode = LivestatusErrorQuery; m_ErrorMessage = "Invalid filter specification: " + line; return; } aggregator = make_shared(); } aggregator->SetFilter(filter); aggregators.push_back(aggregator); stats.push_back(filter); } else if (header == "Or" || header == "And" || header == "StatsOr" || header == "StatsAnd") { std::deque& deq = (header == "Or" || header == "And") ? filters : stats; unsigned int num = Convert::ToLong(params); CombinerFilter::Ptr filter; if (header == "Or" || header == "StatsOr") { filter = make_shared(); Log(LogDebug, "LivestatusQuery") << "Add OR filter for " << params << " column(s). " << deq.size() << " filters available."; } else { filter = make_shared(); Log(LogDebug, "LivestatusQuery") << "Add AND filter for " << params << " column(s). " << deq.size() << " filters available."; } if (num > deq.size()) { m_Verb = "ERROR"; m_ErrorCode = 451; m_ErrorMessage = "Or/StatsOr is referencing " + Convert::ToString(num) + " filters; stack only contains " + Convert::ToString(static_cast(deq.size())) + " filters"; return; } while (num > 0 && num--) { filter->AddSubFilter(deq.back()); Log(LogDebug, "LivestatusQuery") << "Add " << num << " filter."; deq.pop_back(); if (&deq == &stats) aggregators.pop_back(); } deq.push_back(filter); if (&deq == &stats) { Aggregator::Ptr aggregator = make_shared(); aggregator->SetFilter(filter); aggregators.push_back(aggregator); } } else if (header == "Negate" || header == "StatsNegate") { std::deque& deq = (header == "Negate") ? filters : stats; if (deq.empty()) { m_Verb = "ERROR"; m_ErrorCode = 451; m_ErrorMessage = "Negate/StatsNegate used, however the filter stack is empty"; return; } Filter::Ptr filter = deq.back(); deq.pop_back(); if (!filter) { m_Verb = "ERROR"; m_ErrorCode = 451; m_ErrorMessage = "Negate/StatsNegate used, however last stats doesn't have a filter"; return; } deq.push_back(make_shared(filter)); if (deq == stats) { Aggregator::Ptr aggregator = aggregators.back(); aggregator->SetFilter(filter); } } } /* Combine all top-level filters into a single filter. */ AndFilter::Ptr top_filter = make_shared(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Filter::Ptr& filter, filters) { top_filter->AddSubFilter(filter); } m_Filter = top_filter; m_Aggregators.swap(aggregators); } int LivestatusQuery::GetExternalCommands(void) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(l_QueryMutex); return l_ExternalCommands; } Filter::Ptr LivestatusQuery::ParseFilter(const String& params, unsigned long& from, unsigned long& until) { /* * time >= 1382696656 * type = SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT */ std::vector tokens; size_t sp_index; String temp_buffer = params; /* extract attr and op */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sp_index = temp_buffer.FindFirstOf(" "); /* check if this is the last argument */ if (sp_index == String::NPos) { /* 'attr op' or 'attr op val' is valid */ if (i < 1) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Livestatus filter '" + params + "' does not contain all required fields.")); break; } tokens.push_back(temp_buffer.SubStr(0, sp_index)); temp_buffer = temp_buffer.SubStr(sp_index + 1); } /* add the rest as value */ tokens.push_back(temp_buffer); if (tokens.size() == 2) tokens.push_back(""); if (tokens.size() < 3) return Filter::Ptr(); bool negate = false; String attr = tokens[0]; String op = tokens[1]; String val = tokens[2]; if (op == "!=") { op = "="; negate = true; } else if (op == "!~") { op = "~"; negate = true; } else if (op == "!=~") { op = "=~"; negate = true; } else if (op == "!~~") { op = "~~"; negate = true; } Filter::Ptr filter = make_shared(attr, op, val); if (negate) filter = make_shared(filter); /* pre-filter log time duration */ if (attr == "time") { if (op == "<" || op == "<=") { until = Convert::ToLong(val); } else if (op == ">" || op == ">=") { from = Convert::ToLong(val); } } Log(LogDebug, "LivestatusQuery") << "Parsed filter with attr: '" << attr << "' op: '" << op << "' val: '" << val << "'."; return filter; } void LivestatusQuery::PrintResultSet(std::ostream& fp, const Array::Ptr& rs) const { if (m_OutputFormat == "csv") { ObjectLock olock(rs); BOOST_FOREACH(const Array::Ptr& row, rs) { bool first = true; ObjectLock rlock(row); BOOST_FOREACH(const Value& value, row) { if (first) first = false; else fp << m_Separators[1]; if (value.IsObjectType()) PrintCsvArray(fp, value, 0); else fp << value; } fp << m_Separators[0]; } } else if (m_OutputFormat == "json") { fp << JsonSerialize(rs); } else if (m_OutputFormat == "python") { PrintPythonArray(fp, rs); } } void LivestatusQuery::PrintCsvArray(std::ostream& fp, const Array::Ptr& array, int level) const { bool first = true; ObjectLock olock(array); BOOST_FOREACH(const Value& value, array) { if (first) first = false; else fp << ((level == 0) ? m_Separators[2] : m_Separators[3]); if (value.IsObjectType()) PrintCsvArray(fp, value, level + 1); else fp << value; } } void LivestatusQuery::PrintPythonArray(std::ostream& fp, const Array::Ptr& rs) const { fp << "[ "; bool first = true; BOOST_FOREACH(const Value& value, rs) { if (first) first = false; else fp << ", "; if (value.IsObjectType()) PrintPythonArray(fp, value); else if (value.IsNumber()) fp << value; else fp << QuoteStringPython(value); } fp << " ]"; } String LivestatusQuery::QuoteStringPython(const String& str) { String result = str; boost::algorithm::replace_all(result, "\"", "\\\""); return "r\"" + result + "\""; } void LivestatusQuery::ExecuteGetHelper(const Stream::Ptr& stream) { Log(LogInformation, "LivestatusQuery") << "Table: " << m_Table; Table::Ptr table = Table::GetByName(m_Table, m_CompatLogPath, m_LogTimeFrom, m_LogTimeUntil); if (!table) { SendResponse(stream, LivestatusErrorNotFound, "Table '" + m_Table + "' does not exist."); return; } std::vector objects = table->FilterRows(m_Filter); std::vector columns; if (m_Columns.size() > 0) columns = m_Columns; else columns = table->GetColumnNames(); Array::Ptr rs = make_shared(); if (m_Aggregators.empty()) { Array::Ptr header = make_shared(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Value& object, objects) { Array::Ptr row = make_shared(); BOOST_FOREACH(const String& columnName, columns) { Column column = table->GetColumn(columnName); if (m_ColumnHeaders) header->Add(columnName); row->Add(column.ExtractValue(object)); } if (m_ColumnHeaders) { rs->Add(header); m_ColumnHeaders = false; } rs->Add(row); } } else { std::vector stats(m_Aggregators.size(), 0); int index = 0; /* add aggregated stats */ BOOST_FOREACH(const Aggregator::Ptr aggregator, m_Aggregators) { BOOST_FOREACH(const Value& object, objects) { aggregator->Apply(table, object); } stats[index] = aggregator->GetResult(); index++; } /* add column headers both for raw and aggregated data */ if (m_ColumnHeaders) { Array::Ptr header = make_shared(); BOOST_FOREACH(const String& columnName, m_Columns) { header->Add(columnName); } for (size_t i = 1; i <= m_Aggregators.size(); i++) { header->Add("stats_" + Convert::ToString(i)); } rs->Add(header); } Array::Ptr row = make_shared(); /* * add selected columns next to stats * may not be accurate for grouping! */ if (objects.size() > 0 && m_Columns.size() > 0) { BOOST_FOREACH(const String& columnName, m_Columns) { Column column = table->GetColumn(columnName); row->Add(column.ExtractValue(objects[0])); // first object wins } } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Aggregators.size(); i++) row->Add(stats[i]); rs->Add(row); } std::ostringstream result; PrintResultSet(result, rs); SendResponse(stream, LivestatusErrorOK, result.str()); } void LivestatusQuery::ExecuteCommandHelper(const Stream::Ptr& stream) { { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(l_QueryMutex); l_ExternalCommands++; } Log(LogInformation, "LivestatusQuery") << "Executing command: " << m_Command; ExternalCommandProcessor::Execute(m_Command); SendResponse(stream, LivestatusErrorOK, ""); } void LivestatusQuery::ExecuteErrorHelper(const Stream::Ptr& stream) { Log(LogDebug, "LivestatusQuery") << "ERROR: Code: '" << m_ErrorCode << "' Message: '" << m_ErrorMessage << "'."; SendResponse(stream, m_ErrorCode, m_ErrorMessage); } void LivestatusQuery::SendResponse(const Stream::Ptr& stream, int code, const String& data) { if (m_ResponseHeader == "fixed16") PrintFixed16(stream, code, data); if (m_ResponseHeader == "fixed16" || code == LivestatusErrorOK) { try { stream->Write(data.CStr(), data.GetLength()); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "LivestatusQuery", "Cannot write to TCP socket."); } } } void LivestatusQuery::PrintFixed16(const Stream::Ptr& stream, int code, const String& data) { ASSERT(code >= 100 && code <= 999); String sCode = Convert::ToString(code); String sLength = Convert::ToString(static_cast(data.GetLength())); String header = sCode + String(16 - 3 - sLength.GetLength() - 1, ' ') + sLength + m_Separators[0]; try { stream->Write(header.CStr(), header.GetLength()); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogCritical, "LivestatusQuery", "Cannot write to TCP socket."); } } bool LivestatusQuery::Execute(const Stream::Ptr& stream) { try { Log(LogInformation, "LivestatusQuery") << "Executing livestatus query: " << m_Verb; if (m_Verb == "GET") ExecuteGetHelper(stream); else if (m_Verb == "COMMAND") ExecuteCommandHelper(stream); else if (m_Verb == "ERROR") ExecuteErrorHelper(stream); else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Invalid livestatus query verb.")); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { SendResponse(stream, LivestatusErrorQuery, DiagnosticInformation(ex)); } if (!m_KeepAlive) { stream->Close(); return false; } return true; }