/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "i2-base.h" using namespace icinga; int I2_EXPORT TlsStream::m_SSLIndex; bool I2_EXPORT TlsStream::m_SSLIndexInitialized = false; /** * Constructor for the TlsStream class. * * @param role The role of the client. * @param sslContext The SSL context for the client. */ TlsStream::TlsStream(const Stream::Ptr& innerStream, TlsRole role, shared_ptr sslContext) : m_SSLContext(sslContext), m_SendQueue(boost::make_shared()), m_RecvQueue(boost::make_shared()), m_InnerStream(innerStream), m_Role(role) { m_InnerStream->OnDataAvailable.connect(boost::bind(&TlsStream::DataAvailableHandler, this)); m_InnerStream->OnClosed.connect(boost::bind(&TlsStream::ClosedHandler, this)); m_SendQueue->Start(); m_RecvQueue->Start(); } void TlsStream::Start(void) { m_SSL = shared_ptr(SSL_new(m_SSLContext.get()), SSL_free); m_SSLContext.reset(); if (!m_SSL) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OpenSSLException("SSL_new failed", ERR_get_error())); if (!GetClientCertificate()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(logic_error("No X509 client certificate was specified.")); if (!m_SSLIndexInitialized) { m_SSLIndex = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, const_cast("TlsStream"), NULL, NULL, NULL); m_SSLIndexInitialized = true; } SSL_set_ex_data(m_SSL.get(), m_SSLIndex, this); SSL_set_verify(m_SSL.get(), SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, NULL); m_BIO = BIO_new_I2Stream(m_InnerStream); SSL_set_bio(m_SSL.get(), m_BIO, m_BIO); if (m_Role == TlsRoleServer) SSL_set_accept_state(m_SSL.get()); else SSL_set_connect_state(m_SSL.get()); /*int rc = SSL_do_handshake(m_SSL.get()); if (rc == 1) { SetConnected(true); OnConnected(GetSelf()); }*/ Stream::Start(); HandleIO(); } /** * Retrieves the X509 certficate for this client. * * @returns The X509 certificate. */ shared_ptr TlsStream::GetClientCertificate(void) const { return shared_ptr(SSL_get_certificate(m_SSL.get()), &Utility::NullDeleter); } /** * Retrieves the X509 certficate for the peer. * * @returns The X509 certificate. */ shared_ptr TlsStream::GetPeerCertificate(void) const { return shared_ptr(SSL_get_peer_certificate(m_SSL.get()), X509_free); } void TlsStream::DataAvailableHandler(void) { try { HandleIO(); } catch (...) { SetException(boost::current_exception()); Close(); } } void TlsStream::ClosedHandler(void) { SetException(m_InnerStream->GetException()); Close(); } /** * Processes data for the stream. */ void TlsStream::HandleIO(void) { char data[16 * 1024]; int rc; if (!IsConnected()) { rc = SSL_do_handshake(m_SSL.get()); if (rc == 1) { SetConnected(true); } else { switch (SSL_get_error(m_SSL.get(), rc)) { case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: /* fall through */ case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: return; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: Close(); return; default: I2Stream_check_exception(m_BIO); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OpenSSLException("SSL_do_handshake failed", ERR_get_error())); } } } bool new_data = false, read_ok = true; while (read_ok) { rc = SSL_read(m_SSL.get(), data, sizeof(data)); if (rc > 0) { m_RecvQueue->Write(data, rc); new_data = true; } else { switch (SSL_get_error(m_SSL.get(), rc)) { case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: /* fall through */ case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: read_ok = false; break; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: Close(); return; default: I2Stream_check_exception(m_BIO); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OpenSSLException("SSL_read failed", ERR_get_error())); } } } if (new_data) OnDataAvailable(GetSelf()); while (m_SendQueue->GetAvailableBytes() > 0) { size_t count = m_SendQueue->GetAvailableBytes(); if (count == 0) break; if (count > sizeof(data)) count = sizeof(data); m_SendQueue->Peek(data, count); rc = SSL_write(m_SSL.get(), (const char *)data, count); if (rc > 0) { m_SendQueue->Read(NULL, rc); } else { switch (SSL_get_error(m_SSL.get(), rc)) { case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: /* fall through */ case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: return; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: Close(); return; default: I2Stream_check_exception(m_BIO); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OpenSSLException("SSL_write failed", ERR_get_error())); } } } } /** * Closes the stream. */ void TlsStream::Close(void) { if (m_SSL) SSL_shutdown(m_SSL.get()); m_SendQueue->Close(); m_RecvQueue->Close(); Stream::Close(); } size_t TlsStream::GetAvailableBytes(void) const { return m_RecvQueue->GetAvailableBytes(); } size_t TlsStream::Peek(void *buffer, size_t count) { return m_RecvQueue->Peek(buffer, count); } size_t TlsStream::Read(void *buffer, size_t count) { return m_RecvQueue->Read(buffer, count); } void TlsStream::Write(const void *buffer, size_t count) { m_SendQueue->Write(buffer, count); HandleIO(); }