/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Icinga Development Team (https://www.icinga.com/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "redis/rediswriter.hpp" #include "icinga/customvarobject.hpp" #include "icinga/checkcommand.hpp" #include "icinga/notificationcommand.hpp" #include "icinga/eventcommand.hpp" #include "icinga/host.hpp" #include "base/configtype.hpp" #include "base/object-packer.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" #include "base/serializer.hpp" #include "base/tlsutility.hpp" #include "base/initialize.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/array.hpp" #include "base/scriptglobal.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace icinga; String RedisWriter::FormatCheckSumBinary(const String& str) { char output[20*2+1]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) sprintf(output + 2 * i, "%02x", str[i]); return output; } static Value l_DefaultEnv = "production"; String RedisWriter::GetEnvironment() { return ScriptGlobal::Get("Environment", &l_DefaultEnv); } String RedisWriter::GetObjectIdentifier(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object) { Type::Ptr type = object->GetReflectionType(); if (type == CheckCommand::TypeInstance || type == NotificationCommand::TypeInstance || type == EventCommand::TypeInstance) return HashValue((Array::Ptr)new Array({GetEnvironment(), type->GetName(), object->GetName()})); else return HashValue((Array::Ptr)new Array({GetEnvironment(), object->GetName()})); } String RedisWriter::CalculateCheckSumString(const String& str) { return SHA1(str); } String RedisWriter::CalculateCheckSumArray(const Array::Ptr& arr) { /* Ensure that checksums happen in a defined order. */ Array::Ptr tmpArr = arr->ShallowClone(); tmpArr->Sort(); return SHA1(PackObject(tmpArr)); } String RedisWriter::CalculateCheckSumProperties(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object, const std::set& propertiesBlacklist) { //TODO: consider precision of 6 for double values; use specific config fields for hashing? return HashValue(object, propertiesBlacklist); } static const std::set metadataWhitelist ({"package", "source_location", "templates"}); String RedisWriter::CalculateCheckSumMetadata(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object) { return HashValue(object, metadataWhitelist, true); } String RedisWriter::CalculateCheckSumVars(const CustomVarObject::Ptr& object) { Dictionary::Ptr vars = object->GetVars(); if (!vars) return HashValue(Empty); return HashValue(vars); } /** * Collect the leaves of haystack in needles * * haystack = { * "disks": { * "disk": {}, * "disk /": { * "disk_partitions": "/" * } * } * } * * path = [] * * needles = { * "disks": [ * [ * ["disks", "disk /", "disk_partitions"], * "/" * ] * ] * } * * @param haystack A config object's custom vars as returned by {@link CustomVarObject#GetVars()} * @param path Used for buffering only, shall be empty * @param needles The result, a mapping from the top-level custom var key to a list of leaves with full path and value */ static void CollectScalarVars(Value haystack, std::vector& path, std::map>>& needles) { switch (haystack.GetType()) { case ValueObject: { const Object::Ptr& obj = haystack.Get(); Dictionary::Ptr dict = dynamic_pointer_cast(obj); if (dict) { ObjectLock olock(dict); for (auto& kv : dict) { path.emplace_back(kv.first); CollectScalarVars(kv.second, path, needles); path.pop_back(); } break; } Array::Ptr arr = dynamic_pointer_cast(obj); if (arr) { double index = 0.0; ObjectLock xlock(arr); for (auto& v : arr) { path.emplace_back(index); CollectScalarVars(v, path, needles); path.pop_back(); index += 1.0; } break; } } haystack = Empty; case ValueString: case ValueNumber: case ValueBoolean: case ValueEmpty: needles[path[0].Get()].emplace_back(Array::FromVector(path), haystack); break; default: VERIFY(!"Invalid variant type."); } } /** * Prepare object's custom vars for being written to Redis * * object.vars = { * "disks": { * "disk": {}, * "disk /": { * "disk_partitions": "/" * } * } * } * * return { * SHA1(PackObject([ * Environment, * "disks", * { * "disk": {}, * "disk /": { * "disk_partitions": "/" * } * } * ])): { * "env_checksum": SHA1(Environment), * "name_checksum": SHA1("disks"), * "name": "disks", * "value": { * "disk": {}, * "disk /": { * "disk_partitions": "/" * } * }, * "flat": { * SHA1(PackObject(["disks", "disk /", "disk_partitions"])): { * "name": ["disks", "disk /", "disk_partitions"], * "value": "/" * } * } * } * } * * @param object Config object with custom vars * * @return JSON-like data structure for Redis */ Dictionary::Ptr RedisWriter::SerializeVars(const CustomVarObject::Ptr& object) { Dictionary::Ptr vars = object->GetVars(); if (!vars) return nullptr; std::map>> scalarVars; { std::vector pathBuf; CollectScalarVars(vars, pathBuf, scalarVars); } Dictionary::Ptr res = new Dictionary(); auto env (GetEnvironment()); auto envChecksum (SHA1(env)); ObjectLock olock(vars); for (auto& kv : vars) { Dictionary::Ptr flatVars = new Dictionary(); { auto it (scalarVars.find(kv.first)); if (it != scalarVars.end()) { for (auto& scalarVar : it->second) { String strVal = Convert::ToString(scalarVar.second); if (scalarVar.second.GetType() == ValueEmpty) strVal = "NULL"; flatVars->Set(SHA1(PackObject(scalarVar.first)), (Dictionary::Ptr)new Dictionary({ {"name", scalarVar.first}, {"value", strVal} })); } } } res->Set( SHA1(PackObject((Array::Ptr)new Array({env, kv.first, kv.second}))), (Dictionary::Ptr)new Dictionary({ {"env_checksum", envChecksum}, {"name_checksum", SHA1(kv.first)}, {"name", kv.first}, {"value", kv.second}, {"flat", flatVars} }) ); } return res; } static const std::set propertiesBlacklistEmpty; String RedisWriter::HashValue(const Value& value) { return HashValue(value, propertiesBlacklistEmpty); } String RedisWriter::HashValue(const Value& value, const std::set& propertiesBlacklist, bool propertiesWhitelist) { Value temp; bool mutabl; Type::Ptr type = value.GetReflectionType(); if (ConfigObject::TypeInstance->IsAssignableFrom(type)) { temp = Serialize(value, FAConfig); mutabl = true; } else { temp = value; mutabl = false; } if (propertiesBlacklist.size() && temp.IsObject()) { Dictionary::Ptr dict = dynamic_pointer_cast((Object::Ptr)temp); if (dict) { if (!mutabl) dict = dict->ShallowClone(); ObjectLock olock(dict); if (propertiesWhitelist) { auto current = dict->Begin(); auto propertiesBlacklistEnd = propertiesBlacklist.end(); while (current != dict->End()) { if (propertiesBlacklist.find(current->first) == propertiesBlacklistEnd) { dict->Remove(current++); } else { ++current; } } } else { for (auto& property : propertiesBlacklist) dict->Remove(property); } if (!mutabl) temp = dict; } } return SHA1(PackObject(temp)); } String RedisWriter::GetLowerCaseTypeNameDB(const ConfigObject::Ptr& obj) { String typeName = obj->GetReflectionType()->GetName().ToLower(); if (typeName == "downtime") { Downtime::Ptr downtime = dynamic_pointer_cast(obj); Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(downtime->GetCheckable()); if (service) typeName = "servicedowntime"; else typeName = "hostdowntime"; } else if (typeName == "comment") { Comment::Ptr comment = dynamic_pointer_cast(obj); Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(comment->GetCheckable()); if (service) typeName = "servicecomment"; else typeName = "hostcomment"; } return typeName; } //Used to duplicate a redisReply, needed as redisReplies are freed when the async callback finishes redisReply* RedisWriter::dupReplyObject(redisReply* reply) { redisReply* r = (redisReply*)calloc(1, sizeof(*r)); memcpy(r, reply, sizeof(*r)); if(REDIS_REPLY_ERROR==reply->type || REDIS_REPLY_STRING==reply->type || REDIS_REPLY_STATUS==reply->type) //copy str { r->str = (char*)malloc(reply->len+1); memcpy(r->str, reply->str, reply->len); r->str[reply->len] = '\0'; } else if(REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY==reply->type) //copy array { r->element = (redisReply**)calloc(reply->elements, sizeof(redisReply*)); memset(r->element, 0, r->elements*sizeof(redisReply*)); for(uint32_t i=0; ielements; ++i) { if(NULL!=reply->element[i]) { if( NULL == (r->element[i] = dupReplyObject(reply->element[i])) ) { //clone child failed, free current reply, and return NULL freeReplyObject(r); return NULL; } } } } return r; }