/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "config/configitem.hpp" #include "config/configcompilercontext.hpp" #include "config/applyrule.hpp" #include "config/objectrule.hpp" #include "base/application.hpp" #include "base/configtype.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" #include "base/debug.hpp" #include "base/workqueue.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include "base/stdiostream.hpp" #include "base/netstring.hpp" #include "base/serializer.hpp" #include "base/json.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include "base/function.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace icinga; boost::mutex ConfigItem::m_Mutex; ConfigItem::TypeMap ConfigItem::m_Items; ConfigItem::ItemList ConfigItem::m_UnnamedItems; ConfigItem::ItemList ConfigItem::m_CommittedItems; REGISTER_SCRIPTFUNCTION(commit_objects, &ConfigItem::CommitAndActivate); /** * Constructor for the ConfigItem class. * * @param type The object type. * @param name The name of the item. * @param unit The unit of the item. * @param abstract Whether the item is a template. * @param exprl Expression list for the item. * @param debuginfo Debug information. */ ConfigItem::ConfigItem(const String& type, const String& name, bool abstract, const boost::shared_ptr& exprl, const boost::shared_ptr& filter, bool ignoreOnError, const DebugInfo& debuginfo, const Dictionary::Ptr& scope, const String& zone, const String& package) : m_Type(type), m_Name(name), m_Abstract(abstract), m_Expression(exprl), m_Filter(filter), m_IgnoreOnError(ignoreOnError), m_DebugInfo(debuginfo), m_Scope(scope), m_Zone(zone), m_Package(package) { } /** * Retrieves the type of the configuration item. * * @returns The type. */ String ConfigItem::GetType(void) const { return m_Type; } /** * Retrieves the name of the configuration item. * * @returns The name. */ String ConfigItem::GetName(void) const { return m_Name; } /** * Checks whether the item is abstract. * * @returns true if the item is abstract, false otherwise. */ bool ConfigItem::IsAbstract(void) const { return m_Abstract; } /** * Retrieves the debug information for the configuration item. * * @returns The debug information. */ DebugInfo ConfigItem::GetDebugInfo(void) const { return m_DebugInfo; } Dictionary::Ptr ConfigItem::GetScope(void) const { return m_Scope; } ConfigObject::Ptr ConfigItem::GetObject(void) const { return m_Object; } /** * Retrieves the expression list for the configuration item. * * @returns The expression list. */ boost::shared_ptr ConfigItem::GetExpression(void) const { return m_Expression; } /** * Retrieves the object filter for the configuration item. * * @returns The filter expression. */ boost::shared_ptr ConfigItem::GetFilter(void) const { return m_Filter; } class DefaultValidationUtils : public ValidationUtils { public: virtual bool ValidateName(const String& type, const String& name) const override { return ConfigItem::GetByTypeAndName(type, name) != ConfigItem::Ptr(); } }; /** * Commits the configuration item by creating a ConfigObject * object. * * @returns The ConfigObject that was created/updated. */ ConfigObject::Ptr ConfigItem::Commit(bool discard) { ASSERT(!OwnsLock()); #ifdef I2_DEBUG Log(LogDebug, "ConfigItem") << "Commit called for ConfigItem Type=" << GetType() << ", Name=" << GetName(); #endif /* I2_DEBUG */ /* Make sure the type is valid. */ Type::Ptr type = Type::GetByName(GetType()); ASSERT(type && ConfigObject::TypeInstance->IsAssignableFrom(type)); if (IsAbstract()) return ConfigObject::Ptr(); ConfigObject::Ptr dobj = static_pointer_cast(type->Instantiate()); dobj->SetDebugInfo(m_DebugInfo); dobj->SetZoneName(m_Zone); dobj->SetPackage(m_Package); dobj->SetName(m_Name); DebugHint debugHints; ScriptFrame frame(dobj); if (m_Scope) m_Scope->CopyTo(frame.Locals); try { m_Expression->Evaluate(frame, &debugHints); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { if (m_IgnoreOnError) { Log(LogWarning, "ConfigObject") << "Ignoring config object '" << m_Name << "' of type '" << m_Type << "' due to errors: " << DiagnosticInformation(ex); return ConfigObject::Ptr(); } throw; } if (discard) m_Expression.reset(); String item_name; String short_name = dobj->GetShortName(); if (!short_name.IsEmpty()) { item_name = short_name; dobj->SetName(short_name); } else item_name = m_Name; String name = item_name; NameComposer *nc = dynamic_cast(type.get()); if (nc) { name = nc->MakeName(name, dobj); if (name.IsEmpty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Could not determine name for object")); } if (name != item_name) dobj->SetShortName(item_name); dobj->SetName(name); try { dobj->OnConfigLoaded(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { if (m_IgnoreOnError) { Log(LogWarning, "ConfigObject") << "Ignoring config object '" << m_Name << "' of type '" << m_Type << "' due to errors: " << DiagnosticInformation(ex); return ConfigObject::Ptr(); } throw; } { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); m_CommittedItems.push_back(this); } Dictionary::Ptr persistentItem = new Dictionary(); persistentItem->Set("type", GetType()); persistentItem->Set("name", GetName()); persistentItem->Set("properties", Serialize(dobj, FAConfig)); Dictionary::Ptr dhint = debugHints.ToDictionary(); persistentItem->Set("debug_hints", dhint); Array::Ptr di = new Array(); di->Add(m_DebugInfo.Path); di->Add(m_DebugInfo.FirstLine); di->Add(m_DebugInfo.FirstColumn); di->Add(m_DebugInfo.LastLine); di->Add(m_DebugInfo.LastColumn); persistentItem->Set("debug_info", di); try { DefaultValidationUtils utils; dobj->Validate(FAConfig, utils); } catch (ValidationError& ex) { if (m_IgnoreOnError) { Log(LogWarning, "ConfigObject") << "Ignoring config object '" << m_Name << "' of type '" << m_Type << "' due to errors: " << DiagnosticInformation(ex); return ConfigObject::Ptr(); } ex.SetDebugHint(dhint); throw; } ConfigCompilerContext::GetInstance()->WriteObject(persistentItem); persistentItem.reset(); dhint.reset(); dobj->Register(); m_Object = dobj; return dobj; } /** * Registers the configuration item. */ void ConfigItem::Register(void) { Type::Ptr type = Type::GetByName(m_Type); /* If this is a non-abstract object with a composite name * we register it in m_UnnamedItems instead of m_Items. */ if (!m_Abstract && dynamic_cast(type.get())) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); m_UnnamedItems.push_back(this); } else { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); ItemMap::const_iterator it = m_Items[m_Type].find(m_Name); if (it != m_Items[m_Type].end()) { std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "A configuration item of type '" << GetType() << "' and name '" << GetName() << "' already exists (" << it->second->GetDebugInfo() << "), new declaration: " << GetDebugInfo(); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError(msgbuf.str())); } m_Items[m_Type][m_Name] = this; } } /** * Unregisters the configuration item. */ void ConfigItem::Unregister(void) { if (m_Object) m_Object->Unregister(); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); m_UnnamedItems.erase(std::remove(m_UnnamedItems.begin(), m_UnnamedItems.end(), this), m_UnnamedItems.end()); m_Items[m_Type].erase(m_Name); m_CommittedItems.erase(std::remove(m_CommittedItems.begin(), m_CommittedItems.end(), this), m_CommittedItems.end()); } /** * Retrieves a configuration item by type and name. * * @param type The type of the ConfigItem that is to be looked up. * @param name The name of the ConfigItem that is to be looked up. * @returns The configuration item. */ ConfigItem::Ptr ConfigItem::GetByTypeAndName(const String& type, const String& name) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); ConfigItem::TypeMap::const_iterator it = m_Items.find(type); if (it == m_Items.end()) return ConfigItem::Ptr(); ConfigItem::ItemMap::const_iterator it2 = it->second.find(name); if (it2 == it->second.end()) return ConfigItem::Ptr(); return it2->second; } void ConfigItem::OnAllConfigLoadedWrapper(void) { try { m_Object->OnAllConfigLoaded(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { if (m_IgnoreOnError) { Log(LogWarning, "ConfigObject") << "Ignoring config object '" << m_Name << "' of type '" << m_Type << "' due to errors: " << DiagnosticInformation(ex); Unregister(); return; } throw; } } bool ConfigItem::CommitNewItems(WorkQueue& upq, std::vector& newItems) { typedef std::pair ItemPair; std::vector items; { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); BOOST_FOREACH(const TypeMap::value_type& kv, m_Items) { BOOST_FOREACH(const ItemMap::value_type& kv2, kv.second) { if (!kv2.second->m_Abstract && !kv2.second->m_Object) items.push_back(std::make_pair(kv2.second, false)); } } BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigItem::Ptr& item, m_UnnamedItems) { if (!item->m_Abstract && !item->m_Object) items.push_back(std::make_pair(item, true)); } m_UnnamedItems.clear(); } if (items.empty()) return true; BOOST_FOREACH(const ItemPair& ip, items) { newItems.push_back(ip.first); upq.Enqueue(boost::bind(&ConfigItem::Commit, ip.first, ip.second)); } upq.Join(); if (upq.HasExceptions()) return false; std::vector new_items; { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); new_items.swap(m_CommittedItems); } std::set types; std::vector all_types; Dictionary::Ptr globals = ScriptGlobal::GetGlobals(); { ObjectLock olock(globals); BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, globals) { if (kv.second.IsObjectType()) all_types.push_back(kv.second); } } BOOST_FOREACH(const Type::Ptr& type, all_types) { if (ConfigObject::TypeInstance->IsAssignableFrom(type)) types.insert(type->GetName()); } std::set completed_types; while (types.size() != completed_types.size()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const String& type, types) { if (completed_types.find(type) != completed_types.end()) continue; Type::Ptr ptype = Type::GetByName(type); bool unresolved_dep = false; /* skip this type (for now) if there are unresolved load dependencies */ BOOST_FOREACH(const String& loadDep, ptype->GetLoadDependencies()) { if (types.find(loadDep) != types.end() && completed_types.find(loadDep) == completed_types.end()) { unresolved_dep = true; break; } } if (unresolved_dep) continue; BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigItem::Ptr& item, new_items) { if (!item->m_Object) continue; if (item->m_Type == type) upq.Enqueue(boost::bind(&ConfigItem::OnAllConfigLoadedWrapper, item)); } completed_types.insert(type); upq.Join(); if (upq.HasExceptions()) return false; BOOST_FOREACH(const String& loadDep, ptype->GetLoadDependencies()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigItem::Ptr& item, new_items) { if (!item->m_Object) continue; if (item->m_Type == loadDep) upq.Enqueue(boost::bind(&ConfigObject::CreateChildObjects, item->m_Object, ptype)); } } upq.Join(); if (upq.HasExceptions()) return false; if (!CommitNewItems(upq, newItems)) return false; } } return true; } bool ConfigItem::CommitItems(WorkQueue& upq) { Log(LogInformation, "ConfigItem", "Committing config items"); std::vector newItems; if (!CommitNewItems(upq, newItems)) { upq.ReportExceptions("config"); BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigItem::Ptr& item, newItems) { item->Unregister(); } return false; } ApplyRule::CheckMatches(); /* log stats for external parsers */ typedef std::map ItemCountMap; ItemCountMap itemCounts; BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigItem::Ptr& item, newItems) { if (!item->m_Object) continue; itemCounts[item->m_Object->GetReflectionType()]++; } BOOST_FOREACH(const ItemCountMap::value_type& kv, itemCounts) { Log(LogInformation, "ConfigItem") << "Instantiated " << kv.second << " " << (kv.second != 1 ? kv.first->GetPluralName() : kv.first->GetName()) << "."; } return true; } bool ConfigItem::ActivateItems(WorkQueue& upq, bool restoreState, bool runtimeCreated) { static boost::mutex mtx; boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mtx); if (restoreState) { /* restore the previous program state */ try { ConfigObject::RestoreObjects(Application::GetStatePath()); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { Log(LogCritical, "ConfigItem") << "Failed to restore state file: " << DiagnosticInformation(ex); } } Log(LogInformation, "ConfigItem", "Triggering Start signal for config items"); BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigType::Ptr& type, ConfigType::GetTypes()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object, type->GetObjects()) { if (object->IsActive()) continue; #ifdef I2_DEBUG Log(LogDebug, "ConfigItem") << "Activating object '" << object->GetName() << "' of type '" << object->GetType()->GetName() << "'"; #endif /* I2_DEBUG */ upq.Enqueue(boost::bind(&ConfigObject::Activate, object, runtimeCreated)); } } upq.Join(); if (upq.HasExceptions()) { upq.ReportExceptions("ConfigItem"); return false; } #ifdef I2_DEBUG BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigType::Ptr& type, ConfigType::GetTypes()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object, type->GetObjects()) { ASSERT(object->IsActive()); } } #endif /* I2_DEBUG */ Log(LogInformation, "ConfigItem", "Activated all objects."); return true; } bool ConfigItem::CommitAndActivate(void) { WorkQueue upq(25000, Application::GetConcurrency()); if (!CommitItems(upq)) return false; if (!ActivateItems(upq, false)) return false; return true; } std::vector ConfigItem::GetItems(const String& type) { std::vector items; boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); TypeMap::const_iterator it = m_Items.find(type); if (it == m_Items.end()) return items; BOOST_FOREACH(const ItemMap::value_type& kv, it->second) { items.push_back(kv.second); } return items; }