/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Icinga Development Team (https://www.icinga.com/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "icinga-studio/mainform.hpp" #include "icinga-studio/aboutform.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace icinga; MainForm::MainForm(wxWindow *parent, const Url::Ptr& url) : MainFormBase(parent) { #ifdef _WIN32 SetIcon(wxICON(icinga)); SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); #endif /* _WIN32 */ String port = url->GetPort(); if (port.IsEmpty()) port = "5665"; m_ApiClient = new ApiClient(url->GetHost(), port, url->GetUsername(), url->GetPassword()); m_ApiClient->GetTypes(std::bind(&MainForm::TypesCompletionHandler, this, _1, _2, true)); std::string title = url->Format() + " - Icinga Studio"; SetTitle(title); m_ObjectsList->InsertColumn(0, "Name", 0, 300); m_PropertyGrid->SetColumnCount(3); } void MainForm::TypesCompletionHandler(boost::exception_ptr eptr, const std::vector& types, bool forward) { if (forward) { CallAfter(std::bind(&MainForm::TypesCompletionHandler, this, eptr, types, false)); return; } m_TypesTree->DeleteAllItems(); if (eptr) { try { boost::rethrow_exception(eptr); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { std::string message = "HTTP query failed: " + std::string(ex.what()); wxMessageBox(message, "Icinga Studio", wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR, this); Close(); return; } } wxTreeItemId rootNode = m_TypesTree->AddRoot("root"); for (const ApiType::Ptr& type : types) { m_Types[type->Name] = type; } for (const ApiType::Ptr& type : types) { if (type->Abstract) continue; bool configObject = false; ApiType::Ptr currentType = type; for (;;) { if (currentType->BaseName.IsEmpty()) break; currentType = m_Types[currentType->BaseName]; if (!currentType) break; if (currentType->Name == "ConfigObject") { configObject = true; break; } } if (configObject) { std::string name = type->Name; m_TypesTree->AppendItem(rootNode, name, 0); } } } void MainForm::OnTypeSelected(wxTreeEvent& event) { wxTreeItemId selectedId = m_TypesTree->GetSelection(); wxString typeName = m_TypesTree->GetItemText(selectedId); ApiType::Ptr type = m_Types[typeName.ToStdString()]; std::vector attrs; attrs.push_back("__name"); m_ApiClient->GetObjects(type->PluralName, std::bind(&MainForm::ObjectsCompletionHandler, this, _1, _2, true), std::vector(), attrs); } static bool ApiObjectLessComparer(const ApiObject::Ptr& o1, const ApiObject::Ptr& o2) { return o1->Name < o2->Name; } void MainForm::ObjectsCompletionHandler(boost::exception_ptr eptr, const std::vector& objects, bool forward) { if (forward) { CallAfter(std::bind(&MainForm::ObjectsCompletionHandler, this, eptr, objects, false)); return; } m_ObjectsList->DeleteAllItems(); m_PropertyGrid->Clear(); if (eptr) { try { boost::rethrow_exception(eptr); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { std::string message = "HTTP query failed: " + std::string(ex.what()); wxMessageBox(message, "Icinga Studio", wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR, this); return; } } std::vector sortedObjects = objects; std::sort(sortedObjects.begin(), sortedObjects.end(), ApiObjectLessComparer); for (const ApiObject::Ptr& object : sortedObjects) { std::string name = object->Name; m_ObjectsList->InsertItem(0, name); } } void MainForm::OnObjectSelected(wxListEvent& event) { wxTreeItemId selectedId = m_TypesTree->GetSelection(); wxString typeName = m_TypesTree->GetItemText(selectedId); ApiType::Ptr type = m_Types[typeName.ToStdString()]; long itemIndex = -1; std::string objectName; while ((itemIndex = m_ObjectsList->GetNextItem(itemIndex, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED)) != wxNOT_FOUND) { objectName = m_ObjectsList->GetItemText(itemIndex); break; } if (objectName.empty()) return; std::vector names; names.push_back(objectName); m_ApiClient->GetObjects(type->PluralName, std::bind(&MainForm::ObjectDetailsCompletionHandler, this, _1, _2, true), names, std::vector(), std::vector(), true); } wxPGProperty *MainForm::ValueToProperty(const String& name, const Value& value) { wxPGProperty *prop; if (value.IsNumber()) { prop = new wxFloatProperty(name.GetData(), wxPG_LABEL, value); prop->SetAttribute(wxPG_ATTR_UNITS, "Number"); return prop; } else if (value.IsBoolean()) { prop = new wxBoolProperty(name.GetData(), wxPG_LABEL, value); prop->SetAttribute(wxPG_ATTR_UNITS, "Boolean"); return prop; } else if (value.IsObjectType()) { wxArrayString val; Array::Ptr arr = value; { ObjectLock olock(arr); for (const Value& aitem : arr) { String val1 = aitem; val.Add(val1.GetData()); } } prop = new wxArrayStringProperty(name.GetData(), wxPG_LABEL, val); prop->SetAttribute(wxPG_ATTR_UNITS, "Array"); return prop; } else if (value.IsObjectType()) { wxStringProperty *prop = new wxStringProperty(name.GetData(), wxPG_LABEL); Dictionary::Ptr dict = value; { ObjectLock olock(dict); for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : dict) { if (kv.first != "type") prop->AppendChild(ValueToProperty(kv.first, kv.second)); } } String type = "Dictionary"; if (dict->Contains("type")) type = dict->Get("type"); prop->SetAttribute(wxPG_ATTR_UNITS, type.GetData()); return prop; } else if (value.IsEmpty() && !value.IsString()) { prop = new wxStringProperty(name.GetData(), wxPG_LABEL, ""); prop->SetAttribute(wxPG_ATTR_UNITS, "Empty"); return prop; } else { String val = value; prop = new wxStringProperty(name.GetData(), wxPG_LABEL, val.GetData()); prop->SetAttribute(wxPG_ATTR_UNITS, "String"); return prop; } } void MainForm::ObjectDetailsCompletionHandler(boost::exception_ptr eptr, const std::vector& objects, bool forward) { if (forward) { CallAfter(std::bind(&MainForm::ObjectDetailsCompletionHandler, this, eptr, objects, false)); return; } m_PropertyGrid->Clear(); if (eptr) { try { boost::rethrow_exception(eptr); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { std::string message = "HTTP query failed: " + std::string(ex.what()); wxMessageBox(message, "Icinga Studio", wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR, this); } } wxTreeItemId selectedId = m_TypesTree->GetSelection(); wxString typeName = m_TypesTree->GetItemText(selectedId); ApiType::Ptr type = m_Types[typeName.ToStdString()]; String nameAttr = type->Name.ToLower() + ".__name"; if (objects.empty()) return; ApiObject::Ptr object = objects[0]; std::map parents; for (const auto& kv : object->Attrs) { std::vector tokens; boost::algorithm::split(tokens, kv.first, boost::is_any_of(".")); std::map::const_iterator it = parents.find(tokens[0]); wxStringProperty *parent; if (it == parents.end()) { parent = new wxStringProperty(tokens[0].GetData(), wxPG_LABEL); parent->SetAttribute(wxPG_ATTR_UNITS, "Object"); parents[tokens[0]] = parent; } else parent = it->second; wxPGProperty *prop = ValueToProperty(tokens[1], kv.second); parent->AppendChild(prop); } /* Make sure the property node for the real object (as opposed to joined objects) is the first one */ String propName = type->Name.ToLower(); wxStringProperty *objProp = parents[propName]; if (objProp) { m_PropertyGrid->Append(objProp); m_PropertyGrid->SetPropertyReadOnly(objProp); parents.erase(propName); } for (const auto& kv : parents) { m_PropertyGrid->Append(kv.second); m_PropertyGrid->SetPropertyReadOnly(kv.second); } m_PropertyGrid->FitColumns(); } void MainForm::OnQuitClicked(wxCommandEvent& event) { Close(); } void MainForm::OnAboutClicked(wxCommandEvent& event) { AboutForm form(this); form.ShowModal(); }