/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "icinga/pluginutility.hpp" #include "icinga/macroprocessor.hpp" #include "icinga/perfdatavalue.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/process.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace icinga; struct CommandArgument { int Order; bool SkipKey; bool SkipValue; String Key; String Value; CommandArgument(void) : Order(0), SkipKey(false), SkipValue(false) { } bool operator<(const CommandArgument& rhs) const { return Order < rhs.Order; } }; void PluginUtility::ExecuteCommand(const Command::Ptr& commandObj, const Checkable::Ptr& checkable, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, const MacroProcessor::ResolverList& macroResolvers, const Dictionary::Ptr& resolvedMacros, bool useResolvedMacros, const boost::function& callback) { Value raw_command = commandObj->GetCommandLine(); Dictionary::Ptr raw_arguments = commandObj->GetArguments(); Value command; if (!raw_arguments || raw_command.IsObjectType()) command = MacroProcessor::ResolveMacros(raw_command, macroResolvers, cr, NULL, Utility::EscapeShellArg, resolvedMacros, useResolvedMacros); else { Array::Ptr arr = new Array(); arr->Add(raw_command); command = arr; } if (raw_arguments) { std::vector args; ObjectLock olock(raw_arguments); BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, raw_arguments) { const Value& arginfo = kv.second; CommandArgument arg; arg.Key = kv.first; bool required = false; String argval; if (arginfo.IsObjectType()) { Dictionary::Ptr argdict = arginfo; argval = argdict->Get("value"); if (argdict->Contains("required")) required = argdict->Get("required"); arg.SkipKey = argdict->Get("skip_key"); arg.Order = argdict->Get("order"); String set_if = argdict->Get("set_if"); if (!set_if.IsEmpty()) { String missingMacro; String set_if_resolved = MacroProcessor::ResolveMacros(set_if, macroResolvers, cr, &missingMacro, MacroProcessor::EscapeCallback(), resolvedMacros, useResolvedMacros); if (!missingMacro.IsEmpty()) continue; try { if (!Convert::ToLong(set_if_resolved)) continue; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { /* tried to convert a string */ Log(LogWarning, "PluginUtility") << "Error evaluating set_if value '" << set_if_resolved << "': " << ex.what(); continue; } } } else argval = arginfo; if (argval.IsEmpty()) arg.SkipValue = true; String missingMacro; arg.Value = MacroProcessor::ResolveMacros(argval, macroResolvers, cr, &missingMacro, MacroProcessor::EscapeCallback(), resolvedMacros, useResolvedMacros); if (!missingMacro.IsEmpty()) { if (required) { String message = "Non-optional macro '" + missingMacro + "' used in argument '" + arg.Key + "' is missing while executing command '" + commandObj->GetName() + "' for object '" + checkable->GetName() + "'"; Log(LogWarning, "PluginUtility", message); if (callback) { ProcessResult pr; pr.PID = -1; pr.ExecutionStart = Utility::GetTime(); pr.ExecutionStart = pr.ExecutionStart; pr.ExitStatus = 3; /* Unknown */ pr.Output = message; callback(Empty, pr); } return; } continue; } args.push_back(arg); } std::sort(args.begin(), args.end()); Array::Ptr command_arr = command; BOOST_FOREACH(const CommandArgument& arg, args) { if (!arg.SkipKey) command_arr->Add(arg.Key); if (!arg.SkipValue) command_arr->Add(arg.Value); } } Dictionary::Ptr envMacros = new Dictionary(); Dictionary::Ptr env = commandObj->GetEnv(); if (env) { ObjectLock olock(env); BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, env) { String name = kv.second; Value value = MacroProcessor::ResolveMacros(name, macroResolvers, cr, NULL, MacroProcessor::EscapeCallback(), resolvedMacros, useResolvedMacros); envMacros->Set(kv.first, value); } } if (resolvedMacros && !useResolvedMacros) return; Process::Ptr process = new Process(Process::PrepareCommand(command), envMacros); process->SetTimeout(commandObj->GetTimeout()); process->Run(boost::bind(callback, command, _1)); } ServiceState PluginUtility::ExitStatusToState(int exitStatus) { switch (exitStatus) { case 0: return ServiceOK; case 1: return ServiceWarning; case 2: return ServiceCritical; default: return ServiceUnknown; } } std::pair PluginUtility::ParseCheckOutput(const String& output) { String text; String perfdata; std::vector lines; boost::algorithm::split(lines, output, boost::is_any_of("\r\n")); BOOST_FOREACH (const String& line, lines) { size_t delim = line.FindFirstOf("|"); if (!text.IsEmpty()) text += "\n"; if (delim != String::NPos) { text += line.SubStr(0, delim); if (!perfdata.IsEmpty()) perfdata += " "; perfdata += line.SubStr(delim + 1, line.GetLength()); } else { text += line; } } boost::algorithm::trim(perfdata); return std::make_pair(text, perfdata); } Array::Ptr PluginUtility::SplitPerfdata(const String& perfdata) { Array::Ptr result = new Array(); size_t begin = 0; String multi_prefix; for (;;) { size_t eqp = perfdata.FindFirstOf('=', begin); if (eqp == String::NPos) break; String label = perfdata.SubStr(begin, eqp - begin); if (label.GetLength() > 2 && label[0] == '\'' && label[label.GetLength() - 1] == '\'') label = label.SubStr(1, label.GetLength() - 2); size_t multi_index = label.RFind("::"); if (multi_index != String::NPos) multi_prefix = ""; size_t spq = perfdata.FindFirstOf(' ', eqp); if (spq == String::NPos) spq = perfdata.GetLength(); String value = perfdata.SubStr(eqp + 1, spq - eqp - 1); if (!multi_prefix.IsEmpty()) label = multi_prefix + "::" + label; String pdv; if (label.FindFirstOf(" ") != String::NPos) pdv = "'" + label + "'=" + value; else pdv = label + "=" + value; result->Add(pdv); if (multi_index != String::NPos) multi_prefix = label.SubStr(0, multi_index); begin = spq + 1; } return result; } String PluginUtility::FormatPerfdata(const Array::Ptr& perfdata) { if (!perfdata) return ""; std::ostringstream result; ObjectLock olock(perfdata); bool first = true; BOOST_FOREACH(const Value& pdv, perfdata) { if (!first) result << " "; else first = false; if (pdv.IsObjectType()) result << static_cast(pdv)->Format(); else result << pdv; } return result.str(); }