# Release Workflow
#### Table of Content
- [1. Preparations](#preparations)
- [1.1. Issues](#issues)
- [1.2. Backport Commits](#backport-commits)
- [1.3. Authors](#authors)
- [2. Version](#version)
- [3. Changelog](#changelog)
- [4. Git Tag](#git-tag)
- [5. Package Builds](#package-builds)
- [5.1. RPM Packages](#rpm-packages)
- [5.2. DEB Packages](#deb-packages)
- [6. Build Server](#build-server)
- [7. Release Tests](#release-tests)
- [8. GitHub Release](#github-release)
- [9. Chocolatey](#chocolatey)
- [10. Post Release](#post-release)
- [10.1. Online Documentation](#online-documentation)
- [10.2. Announcement](#announcement)
- [10.3. Project Management](#project-management)
## Preparations
Specify the release version.
Add your signing key to your Git configuration file, if not already there.
vim $HOME/.gitconfig
email = michael.friedrich@icinga.com
name = Michael Friedrich
signingkey = D14A1F16
### Issues
Check issues at https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2
### Backport Commits
For minor versions you need to manually backports any and all commits from the
master branch which should be part of this release.
### Authors
Update the [.mailmap](.mailmap) and [AUTHORS](AUTHORS) files:
git checkout master
git log --use-mailmap | grep '^Author:' | cut -f2- -d' ' | sort | uniq > AUTHORS
## Version
Update the version:
sed -i "s/Version: .*/Version: $VERSION/g" VERSION
## Changelog
Link to the milestone and closed=1 as filter.
Manually update the best of collected from the
milestone description.
## Git Tag
> **Major Releases**: Commit these changes to the `master` branch.
> **Minor Releases**: Commit changes to the `support` branch.
git commit -v -a -m "Release version $VERSION"
Create a signed tag (tags/v) on the `master` branch (for major
releases) or the `support` branch (for minor releases).
git tag -s -m "Version $VERSION" v$VERSION
Push the tag:
git push --tags
**For major releases:** Create a new `support` branch:
git checkout master
git push
git checkout -b support/2.12
git push -u origin support/2.12
**For minor releases:** Push the support branch, cherry-pick the release commit
into master and merge the support branch:
git push -u origin support/2.11
git checkout master
git cherry-pick support/2.11
git merge --strategy=ours support/2.11
git push origin master
## Package Builds
### RPM Packages
git clone git@github.com:icinga/rpm-icinga2.git && cd rpm-icinga2
#### Branch Workflow
**Major releases** are branched off `master`.
git checkout master && git pull
**Bugfix releases** are created in the `release` branch and later merged to master.
git checkout release && git pull
#### Release Commit
Set the `Version`, `Revision` and `changelog` inside the spec file.
sed -i "s/Version: .*/Version: $VERSION/g" icinga2.spec
vim icinga2.spec
* Tue Mar 19 2019 Michael Friedrich 2.10.4-1
- Update to 2.10.4
git commit -av -m "Release $VERSION-1"
git push
**Note for major releases**: Update release branch to latest.
git checkout release && git pull && git merge master && git push
**Note for minor releases**: Cherry-pick the release commit into master.
git checkout master && git pull && git cherry-pick release && git push
### DEB Packages
git clone git@github.com:icinga/deb-icinga2.git && cd deb-icinga2
#### Branch Workflow
**Major releases** are branched off `master`.
git checkout master && git pull
**Bugfix releases** are created in the `release` branch and later merged to master.
git checkout release && git pull
#### Release Commit
Set the `Version`, `Revision` and `changelog` by using the `dch` helper.
./dch $VERSION-1 "Update to $VERSION"
git commit -av -m "Release $VERSION-1"
git push
**Note for major releases**: Update release branch to latest.
git checkout release && git pull && git merge master && git push
**Note for minor releases**: Cherry-pick the release commit into master.
git checkout master && git pull && git cherry-pick release && git push
#### DEB with dch on macOS
docker run -v `pwd`:/mnt/packaging -ti ubuntu:bionic bash
apt-get update && apt-get install git ubuntu-dev-tools vim -y
cd /mnt/packaging
git config --global user.name "Michael Friedrich"
git config --global user.email "michael.friedrich@icinga.com"
./dch $VERSION-1 "Update to $VERSION"
## Build Server
* Verify package build changes for this version.
* Test the snapshot packages for all distributions beforehand.
* Build the newly created Git tag for Debian/RHEL/SuSE.
* Wait until all jobs have passed and then publish them one by one with `allow_release`
* Build the newly created Git tag for Windows: `refs/tags/v2.10.0` as source and `v2.10.0` as package name.
## Release Tests
* Test DB IDO with MySQL and PostgreSQL.
* Provision the vagrant boxes and test the release packages.
* Test the [setup wizard](https://packages.icinga.com/windows/) inside a Windows VM.
* Start a new docker container and install/run icinga2.
### CentOS
docker run -ti centos:latest bash
yum -y install https://packages.icinga.com/epel/icinga-rpm-release-7-latest.noarch.rpm
yum -y install icinga2
icinga2 daemon -C
### Debian
docker run -ti debian:stretch bash
apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget curl gnupg apt-transport-https
DIST=$(awk -F"[)(]+" '/VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release); \
echo "deb https://packages.icinga.com/debian icinga-${DIST} main" > \
echo "deb-src https://packages.icinga.com/debian icinga-${DIST} main" >> \
curl https://packages.icinga.com/icinga.key | apt-key add -
apt-get -y install icinga2
icinga2 daemon
## GitHub Release
Create a new release for the newly created Git tag: https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2/releases
> Hint: Choose [tags](https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2/tags), pick one to edit and
> make this a release. You can also create a draft release.
The release body should contain a short changelog, with links
into the roadmap, changelog and blogpost.
## Chocolatey
Navigate to the git repository on your Windows box which
already has chocolatey installed. Pull/checkout the release.
Create the nupkg package (or use the one generated on https://packages.icinga.com/windows):
Fetch the API key from https://chocolatey.org/account and use the `choco push`
command line.
choco apikey --key xxx --source https://push.chocolatey.org/
choco push Icinga2-v2.11.0.nupkg --source https://push.chocolatey.org/
## Post Release
### Online Documentation
> Only required for major releases.
Navigate to `puppet-customer/icinga.git` and do the following steps:
#### Testing
git checkout testing && git pull
vim files/var/www/docs/config/icinga2-latest.yml
git commit -av -m "icinga-web: Update docs for Icinga 2"
git push
SSH into the webserver and do a manual Puppet dry run with the testing environment.
puppet agent -t --environment testing --noop
Once succeeded, continue with production deployment.
#### Production
git checkout master && git pull
git merge testing
git push
SSH into the webserver and do a manual Puppet run from the production environment (default).
puppet agent -t
#### Manual Generation
SSH into the webserver or ask @bobapple.
cd /usr/local/icinga-docs-tools && ./build-docs.rb -c /var/www/docs/config/icinga2-latest.yml
### Announcement
* Create a new blog post on [icinga.com/blog](https://icinga.com/blog) including a featured image
* Create a release topic on [community.icinga.com](https://community.icinga.com)
* Release email to net-tech & team
### Project Management
* Add new minor version on [GitHub](https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2/milestones).