/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "db_ido/dbtype.hpp" #include "db_ido/dbvalue.hpp" #include "db_ido_pgsql/idopgsqlconnection.hpp" #include "icinga/perfdatavalue.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "base/application.hpp" #include "base/dynamictype.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include "base/context.hpp" #include "base/statsfunction.hpp" #include #include using namespace icinga; #define SCHEMA_VERSION "1.12.0" REGISTER_TYPE(IdoPgsqlConnection); REGISTER_STATSFUNCTION(IdoPgsqlConnectionStats, &IdoPgsqlConnection::StatsFunc); IdoPgsqlConnection::IdoPgsqlConnection(void) : m_Connection(NULL) { } Value IdoPgsqlConnection::StatsFunc(const Dictionary::Ptr& status, const Array::Ptr& perfdata) { Dictionary::Ptr nodes = new Dictionary(); BOOST_FOREACH(const IdoPgsqlConnection::Ptr& idopgsqlconnection, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType()) { size_t items = idopgsqlconnection->m_QueryQueue.GetLength(); Dictionary::Ptr stats = new Dictionary(); stats->Set("version", SCHEMA_VERSION); stats->Set("instance_name", idopgsqlconnection->GetInstanceName()); stats->Set("query_queue_items", items); nodes->Set(idopgsqlconnection->GetName(), stats); perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("idopgsqlconnection_" + idopgsqlconnection->GetName() + "_query_queue_items", items)); } status->Set("idopgsqlconnection", nodes); return 0; } void IdoPgsqlConnection::Resume(void) { DbConnection::Resume(); m_Connection = NULL; m_QueryQueue.SetExceptionCallback(boost::bind(&IdoPgsqlConnection::ExceptionHandler, this, _1)); m_TxTimer = new Timer(); m_TxTimer->SetInterval(1); m_TxTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&IdoPgsqlConnection::TxTimerHandler, this)); m_TxTimer->Start(); m_ReconnectTimer = new Timer(); m_ReconnectTimer->SetInterval(10); m_ReconnectTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&IdoPgsqlConnection::ReconnectTimerHandler, this)); m_ReconnectTimer->Start(); m_ReconnectTimer->Reschedule(0); ASSERT(PQisthreadsafe()); } void IdoPgsqlConnection::Pause(void) { m_ReconnectTimer.reset(); DbConnection::Pause(); m_QueryQueue.Enqueue(boost::bind(&IdoPgsqlConnection::Disconnect, this)); m_QueryQueue.Join(); } void IdoPgsqlConnection::ExceptionHandler(boost::exception_ptr exp) { Log(LogWarning, "IdoPgsqlConnection", "Exception during database operation: Verify that your database is operational!"); Log(LogDebug, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "Exception during database operation: " << DiagnosticInformation(exp); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ConnectionMutex); if (m_Connection) { PQfinish(m_Connection); m_Connection = NULL; } } void IdoPgsqlConnection::AssertOnWorkQueue(void) { ASSERT(boost::this_thread::get_id() == m_QueryQueue.GetThreadId()); } void IdoPgsqlConnection::Disconnect(void) { AssertOnWorkQueue(); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ConnectionMutex); if (!m_Connection) return; Query("COMMIT"); PQfinish(m_Connection); m_Connection = NULL; } void IdoPgsqlConnection::TxTimerHandler(void) { m_QueryQueue.Enqueue(boost::bind(&IdoPgsqlConnection::NewTransaction, this), true); } void IdoPgsqlConnection::NewTransaction(void) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ConnectionMutex); if (!m_Connection) return; Query("COMMIT"); Query("BEGIN"); } void IdoPgsqlConnection::ReconnectTimerHandler(void) { m_QueryQueue.Enqueue(boost::bind(&IdoPgsqlConnection::Reconnect, this)); } void IdoPgsqlConnection::Reconnect(void) { AssertOnWorkQueue(); CONTEXT("Reconnecting to PostgreSQL IDO database '" + GetName() + "'"); std::vector active_dbobjs; { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ConnectionMutex); bool reconnect = false; if (m_Connection) { /* Check if we're really still connected */ try { Query("SELECT 1"); return; } catch (const std::exception&) { PQfinish(m_Connection); m_Connection = NULL; reconnect = true; } } ClearIDCache(); String ihost, iport, iuser, ipasswd, idb; const char *host, *port, *user , *passwd, *db; ihost = GetHost(); iport = GetPort(); iuser = GetUser(); ipasswd = GetPassword(); idb = GetDatabase(); host = (!ihost.IsEmpty()) ? ihost.CStr() : NULL; port = (!iport.IsEmpty()) ? iport.CStr() : NULL; user = (!iuser.IsEmpty()) ? iuser.CStr() : NULL; passwd = (!ipasswd.IsEmpty()) ? ipasswd.CStr() : NULL; db = (!idb.IsEmpty()) ? idb.CStr() : NULL; m_Connection = PQsetdbLogin(host, port, NULL, NULL, db, user, passwd); if (!m_Connection) return; if (PQstatus(m_Connection) != CONNECTION_OK) { String message = PQerrorMessage(m_Connection); PQfinish(m_Connection); m_Connection = NULL; Log(LogCritical, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "Connection to database '" << db << "' with user '" << user << "' on '" << host << ":" << port << "' failed: \"" << message << "\""; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error(message)); } String dbVersionName = "idoutils"; IdoPgsqlResult result = Query("SELECT version FROM " + GetTablePrefix() + "dbversion WHERE name=E'" + Escape(dbVersionName) + "'"); Dictionary::Ptr row = FetchRow(result, 0); if (!row) { Log(LogCritical, "IdoPgsqlConnection", "Schema does not provide any valid version! Verify your schema installation."); Application::Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } String version = row->Get("version"); if (Utility::CompareVersion(SCHEMA_VERSION, version) < 0) { Log(LogCritical, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "Schema version '" << version << "' does not match the required version '" << SCHEMA_VERSION << "'! Please check the upgrade documentation."; Application::Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } String instanceName = GetInstanceName(); result = Query("SELECT instance_id FROM " + GetTablePrefix() + "instances WHERE instance_name = E'" + Escape(instanceName) + "'"); row = FetchRow(result, 0); if (!row) { Query("INSERT INTO " + GetTablePrefix() + "instances (instance_name, instance_description) VALUES (E'" + Escape(instanceName) + "', E'" + Escape(GetInstanceDescription()) + "')"); m_InstanceID = GetSequenceValue(GetTablePrefix() + "instances", "instance_id"); } else { m_InstanceID = DbReference(row->Get("instance_id")); } Endpoint::Ptr my_endpoint = Endpoint::GetLocalEndpoint(); /* we have an endpoint in a cluster setup, so decide if we can proceed here */ if (my_endpoint && GetHAMode() == HARunOnce) { /* get the current endpoint writing to programstatus table */ result = Query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(status_update_time) AS status_update_time, endpoint_name FROM " + GetTablePrefix() + "programstatus WHERE instance_id = " + Convert::ToString(m_InstanceID)); row = FetchRow(result, 0); String endpoint_name; if (row) endpoint_name = row->Get("endpoint_name"); else Log(LogNotice, "IdoPgsqlConnection", "Empty program status table"); /* if we did not write into the database earlier, another instance is active */ if (endpoint_name != my_endpoint->GetName()) { double status_update_time; if (row) status_update_time = row->Get("status_update_time"); else status_update_time = 0; double status_update_age = Utility::GetTime() - status_update_time; Log(LogNotice, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "Last update by '" << endpoint_name << "' was " << status_update_age << "s ago."; if (status_update_age < GetFailoverTimeout()) { PQfinish(m_Connection); m_Connection = NULL; return; } /* activate the IDO only, if we're authoritative in this zone */ if (IsPaused()) { Log(LogNotice, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "Local endpoint '" << my_endpoint->GetName() << "' is not authoritative, bailing out."; PQfinish(m_Connection); m_Connection = NULL; return; } } Log(LogNotice, "IdoPgsqlConnection", "Enabling IDO connection."); } Log(LogInformation, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "pgSQL IDO instance id: " << static_cast(m_InstanceID) << " (schema version: '" + version + "')"; /* record connection */ Query("INSERT INTO " + GetTablePrefix() + "conninfo " + "(instance_id, connect_time, last_checkin_time, agent_name, agent_version, connect_type, data_start_time) VALUES (" + Convert::ToString(static_cast(m_InstanceID)) + ", NOW(), NOW(), E'icinga2 db_ido_pgsql', E'" + Escape(Application::GetVersion()) + "', E'" + (reconnect ? "RECONNECT" : "INITIAL") + "', NOW())"); /* clear config tables for the initial config dump */ PrepareDatabase(); std::ostringstream q1buf; q1buf << "SELECT object_id, objecttype_id, name1, name2, is_active FROM " + GetTablePrefix() + "objects WHERE instance_id = " << static_cast(m_InstanceID); result = Query(q1buf.str()); int index = 0; while ((row = FetchRow(result, index))) { index++; DbType::Ptr dbtype = DbType::GetByID(row->Get("objecttype_id")); if (!dbtype) continue; DbObject::Ptr dbobj = dbtype->GetOrCreateObjectByName(row->Get("name1"), row->Get("name2")); SetObjectID(dbobj, DbReference(row->Get("object_id"))); SetObjectActive(dbobj, row->Get("is_active")); if (GetObjectActive(dbobj)) active_dbobjs.push_back(dbobj); } Query("BEGIN"); } UpdateAllObjects(); /* deactivate all deleted configuration objects */ BOOST_FOREACH(const DbObject::Ptr& dbobj, active_dbobjs) { if (dbobj->GetObject() == NULL) { Log(LogNotice, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "Deactivate deleted object name1: '" << dbobj->GetName1() << "' name2: '" << dbobj->GetName2() + "'."; DeactivateObject(dbobj); } } } void IdoPgsqlConnection::ClearConfigTable(const String& table) { Query("DELETE FROM " + GetTablePrefix() + table + " WHERE instance_id = " + Convert::ToString(static_cast(m_InstanceID))); } IdoPgsqlResult IdoPgsqlConnection::Query(const String& query) { AssertOnWorkQueue(); Log(LogDebug, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "Query: " << query; PGresult *result = PQexec(m_Connection, query.CStr()); if (!result) { String message = PQerrorMessage(m_Connection); Log(LogCritical, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "Error \"" << message << "\" when executing query \"" << query << "\""; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( database_error() << errinfo_message(message) << errinfo_database_query(query) ); } char *rowCount = PQcmdTuples(result); m_AffectedRows = atoi(rowCount); if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { PQclear(result); return IdoPgsqlResult(); } if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { String message = PQresultErrorMessage(result); PQclear(result); Log(LogCritical, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "Error \"" << message << "\" when executing query \"" << query << "\""; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( database_error() << errinfo_message(message) << errinfo_database_query(query) ); } return IdoPgsqlResult(result, std::ptr_fun(PQclear)); } DbReference IdoPgsqlConnection::GetSequenceValue(const String& table, const String& column) { AssertOnWorkQueue(); IdoPgsqlResult result = Query("SELECT CURRVAL(pg_get_serial_sequence(E'" + Escape(table) + "', E'" + Escape(column) + "')) AS id"); Dictionary::Ptr row = FetchRow(result, 0); ASSERT(row); Log(LogDebug, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "Sequence Value: " << row->Get("id"); return DbReference(Convert::ToLong(row->Get("id"))); } int IdoPgsqlConnection::GetAffectedRows(void) { AssertOnWorkQueue(); return m_AffectedRows; } String IdoPgsqlConnection::Escape(const String& s) { AssertOnWorkQueue(); size_t length = s.GetLength(); char *to = new char[s.GetLength() * 2 + 1]; PQescapeStringConn(m_Connection, to, s.CStr(), length, NULL); String result = String(to); delete [] to; return result; } Dictionary::Ptr IdoPgsqlConnection::FetchRow(const IdoPgsqlResult& result, int row) { AssertOnWorkQueue(); if (row >= PQntuples(result.get())) return Dictionary::Ptr(); int columns = PQnfields(result.get()); Dictionary::Ptr dict = new Dictionary(); for (int column = 0; column < columns; column++) { Value value; if (!PQgetisnull(result.get(), row, column)) value = PQgetvalue(result.get(), row, column); dict->Set(PQfname(result.get(), column), value); } return dict; } void IdoPgsqlConnection::ActivateObject(const DbObject::Ptr& dbobj) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ConnectionMutex); InternalActivateObject(dbobj); } void IdoPgsqlConnection::InternalActivateObject(const DbObject::Ptr& dbobj) { if (!m_Connection) return; DbReference dbref = GetObjectID(dbobj); std::ostringstream qbuf; if (!dbref.IsValid()) { if (!dbobj->GetName2().IsEmpty()) { qbuf << "INSERT INTO " + GetTablePrefix() + "objects (instance_id, objecttype_id, name1, name2, is_active) VALUES (" << static_cast(m_InstanceID) << ", " << dbobj->GetType()->GetTypeID() << ", " << "E'" << Escape(dbobj->GetName1()) << "', E'" << Escape(dbobj->GetName2()) << "', 1)"; } else { qbuf << "INSERT INTO " + GetTablePrefix() + "objects (instance_id, objecttype_id, name1, is_active) VALUES (" << static_cast(m_InstanceID) << ", " << dbobj->GetType()->GetTypeID() << ", " << "E'" << Escape(dbobj->GetName1()) << "', 1)"; } Query(qbuf.str()); SetObjectID(dbobj, GetSequenceValue(GetTablePrefix() + "objects", "object_id")); } else { qbuf << "UPDATE " + GetTablePrefix() + "objects SET is_active = 1 WHERE object_id = " << static_cast(dbref); Query(qbuf.str()); } } void IdoPgsqlConnection::DeactivateObject(const DbObject::Ptr& dbobj) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ConnectionMutex); if (!m_Connection) return; DbReference dbref = GetObjectID(dbobj); if (!dbref.IsValid()) return; std::ostringstream qbuf; qbuf << "UPDATE " + GetTablePrefix() + "objects SET is_active = 0 WHERE object_id = " << static_cast(dbref); Query(qbuf.str()); /* Note that we're _NOT_ clearing the db refs via SetReference/SetConfigUpdate/SetStatusUpdate * because the object is still in the database. */ } /* caller must hold m_ConnectionMutex */ bool IdoPgsqlConnection::FieldToEscapedString(const String& key, const Value& value, Value *result) { if (key == "instance_id") { *result = static_cast(m_InstanceID); return true; } if (key == "notification_id") { *result = static_cast(GetNotificationInsertID(value)); return true; } Value rawvalue = DbValue::ExtractValue(value); if (rawvalue.IsObjectType()) { DbObject::Ptr dbobjcol = DbObject::GetOrCreateByObject(rawvalue); if (!dbobjcol) { *result = 0; return true; } DbReference dbrefcol; if (DbValue::IsObjectInsertID(value)) { dbrefcol = GetInsertID(dbobjcol); ASSERT(dbrefcol.IsValid()); } else { dbrefcol = GetObjectID(dbobjcol); if (!dbrefcol.IsValid()) { InternalActivateObject(dbobjcol); dbrefcol = GetObjectID(dbobjcol); if (!dbrefcol.IsValid()) return false; } } *result = static_cast(dbrefcol); } else if (DbValue::IsTimestamp(value)) { long ts = rawvalue; std::ostringstream msgbuf; msgbuf << "TO_TIMESTAMP(" << ts << ")"; *result = Value(msgbuf.str()); } else if (DbValue::IsTimestampNow(value)) { *result = "NOW()"; } else { *result = "E'" + Escape(rawvalue) + "'"; } return true; } void IdoPgsqlConnection::ExecuteQuery(const DbQuery& query) { ASSERT(query.Category != DbCatInvalid); m_QueryQueue.Enqueue(boost::bind(&IdoPgsqlConnection::InternalExecuteQuery, this, query, (DbQueryType *)NULL), true); } void IdoPgsqlConnection::InternalExecuteQuery(const DbQuery& query, DbQueryType *typeOverride) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ConnectionMutex); if ((query.Category & GetCategories()) == 0) return; if (!m_Connection) return; std::ostringstream qbuf, where; int type; if (query.WhereCriteria) { where << " WHERE "; ObjectLock olock(query.WhereCriteria); Value value; bool first = true; BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, query.WhereCriteria) { if (!FieldToEscapedString(kv.first, kv.second, &value)) return; if (!first) where << " AND "; where << kv.first << " = " << value; if (first) first = false; } } type = typeOverride ? *typeOverride : query.Type; bool upsert = false; if ((type & DbQueryInsert) && (type & DbQueryUpdate)) { bool hasid = false; ASSERT(query.Object); if (query.ConfigUpdate) hasid = GetConfigUpdate(query.Object); else if (query.StatusUpdate) hasid = GetStatusUpdate(query.Object); else ASSERT(!"Invalid query flags."); if (!hasid) upsert = true; type = DbQueryUpdate; } switch (type) { case DbQueryInsert: qbuf << "INSERT INTO " << GetTablePrefix() << query.Table; break; case DbQueryUpdate: qbuf << "UPDATE " << GetTablePrefix() << query.Table << " SET"; break; case DbQueryDelete: qbuf << "DELETE FROM " << GetTablePrefix() << query.Table; break; default: ASSERT(!"Invalid query type."); } if (type == DbQueryInsert || type == DbQueryUpdate) { std::ostringstream colbuf, valbuf; ObjectLock olock(query.Fields); Value value; bool first = true; BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, query.Fields) { if (kv.second.IsEmpty()) continue; if (!FieldToEscapedString(kv.first, kv.second, &value)) return; if (type == DbQueryInsert) { if (!first) { colbuf << ", "; valbuf << ", "; } colbuf << kv.first; valbuf << value; } else { if (!first) qbuf << ", "; qbuf << " " << kv.first << " = " << value; } if (first) first = false; } if (type == DbQueryInsert) qbuf << " (" << colbuf.str() << ") VALUES (" << valbuf.str() << ")"; } if (type != DbQueryInsert) qbuf << where.str(); Query(qbuf.str()); if (upsert && GetAffectedRows() == 0) { lock.unlock(); DbQueryType to = DbQueryInsert; InternalExecuteQuery(query, &to); return; } if (type == DbQueryInsert && query.Object) { if (query.ConfigUpdate) { String idField = query.IdColumn; if (idField.IsEmpty()) idField = query.Table.SubStr(0, query.Table.GetLength() - 1) + "_id"; SetInsertID(query.Object, GetSequenceValue(GetTablePrefix() + query.Table, idField)); SetConfigUpdate(query.Object, true); } else if (query.StatusUpdate) SetStatusUpdate(query.Object, true); } if (type == DbQueryInsert && query.Table == "notifications" && query.NotificationObject) { // FIXME remove hardcoded table name String idField = "notification_id"; DbReference seqval = GetSequenceValue(GetTablePrefix() + query.Table, idField); SetNotificationInsertID(query.NotificationObject, seqval); Log(LogDebug, "IdoPgsqlConnection") << "saving contactnotification notification_id=" << Convert::ToString(seqval); } } void IdoPgsqlConnection::CleanUpExecuteQuery(const String& table, const String& time_column, double max_age) { m_QueryQueue.Enqueue(boost::bind(&IdoPgsqlConnection::InternalCleanUpExecuteQuery, this, table, time_column, max_age), true); } void IdoPgsqlConnection::InternalCleanUpExecuteQuery(const String& table, const String& time_column, double max_age) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ConnectionMutex); if (!m_Connection) return; Query("DELETE FROM " + GetTablePrefix() + table + " WHERE instance_id = " + Convert::ToString(static_cast(m_InstanceID)) + " AND " + time_column + " < TO_TIMESTAMP(" + Convert::ToString(static_cast(max_age)) + ")"); } void IdoPgsqlConnection::FillIDCache(const DbType::Ptr& type) { String query = "SELECT " + type->GetIDColumn() + " AS object_id, " + type->GetTable() + "_id FROM " + GetTablePrefix() + type->GetTable() + "s"; IdoPgsqlResult result = Query(query); Dictionary::Ptr row; int index = 0; while ((row = FetchRow(result, index))) { index++; SetInsertID(type, DbReference(row->Get("object_id")), DbReference(row->Get(type->GetTable() + "_id"))); } }