/** * Icinga 2 configuration file * - this is where you define settings for the Icinga application including * which hosts/services to check. * * The docs/icinga2-config.txt file in the source tarball has a detailed * description of what configuration options are available. */ include include /** * Global configuration settings */ object IcingaApplication "icinga" { macros = { plugindir = "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins", iconimagedir = "/icinga2/images/icons" } } /** * Enable Syslogger */ /* object SyslogLogger "icinga2-syslog" { severity = "information" } object FileLogger "my-debug-file" { severity = "debug", path = "/home/michi/i2/var/log/icinga2/icinga2-debug.log" } */ /** * The compat component periodically updates the status.dat and objects.cache * files. These are used by the Icinga 1.x CGIs to display the state of * hosts and services. */ library "compat" object CompatComponent "compat" { } object CompatLog "compat-log" { } /** * INGRAPH */ object PerfdataWriter "pnp" { perfdata_path = "/data/icinga2/perfdata/service-perfdata", format_template = "DATATYPE::SERVICEPERFDATA\tTIMET::$TIMET$\tHOSTNAME::$HOSTNAME$\tSERVICEDESC::$SERVICEDESC$\tSERVICEPERFDATA::$SERVICEPERFDATA$\tSERVICECHECKCOMMAND::$SERVICECHECKCOMMAND$\tHOSTSTATE::$HOSTSTATE$\tHOSTSTATETYPE::$HOSTSTATETYPE$\tSERVICESTATE::$SERVICESTATE$\tSERVICESTATETYPE::$SERVICESTATETYPE$", rotation_interval = 15s, } /** * LIVESTATUS */ library "livestatus" object LivestatusComponent "livestatus-tcp" { socket_type = "tcp", host = "", port = "6558" } object LivestatusComponent "livestatus-unix" { socket_type = "unix", socket_path = "/home/michi/i2/var/run/icinga2/livestatus" } /** * IDO */ library "ido_mysql" object MysqlDbConnection "ido-mysql" { host = "", port = "3306", user = "icinga", password = "icinga", database = "icinga", table_prefix = "icinga_", instance_name = "icinga2", instance_description = "icinga2 dev instance" } /** * And finally we define some host that should be checked. */ set bumsti = 60 template Service "notification-tmpl" { notifications["mail-michi"] = { templates = [ "mail-notification" ], users = [ "michi" ], }, } template Service "flapper" inherits "ping4" { notifications["mail-michi"] = { templates = [ "mail-notification" ], users = [ "michi" ], }, check_command = "flapme", enable_flapping = 1, flapping_threshold = 20, check_interval = 15s, custom = { "foo1" = "bar1", "foo5" = "bar5" }, servicegroups = [ "sg-thruk" ], } object Host "dummy01" { hostgroups = [ "hg-thruk" ], services["flapme"] = { templates = [ "flapper" ], check_command = "flapme", }, } object Host "localhost" { services["flapme"] = { templates = [ "flapper" ], notifications["mail-michi"] = { templates = [ "mail-notification" ], users = [ "michi" ], groups = [ "all-michis" ], notification_period = "24x7", notification_state_filter = (StateFilterUnknown | StateFilterOK | StateFilterWarning | StateFilterCritical), notification_type_filter = (NotificationRecovery | NotificationDowntimeStart | NotificationDowntimeEnd), }, check_command = "flapme", enable_flapping = 1, flapping_threshold = 20, check_interval = 15s, custom += { "foo1" = "bar1", "foo2" = "bar2", "notes" = "flapping test $SERVICEATTEMPT$ / $MAXSERVICEATTEMPT$", "notes_url" = "https://www.icinga.org/$HOSTNAME$/$SERVICEDESC$/$TIMET$", "action_url" = "https://dev.icinga.org/$HOSTADDRESS$/$SERVICESTATE$", "icon_image" = "$iconimagedir$/icinga2.png", "icon_image_alt" = "custom attr macro expand test" }, servicegroups = [ "sg-thruk" ], }, services["ping4"] = { templates = [ "ping4", "notification-tmpl" ], }, services["ping6"] = { templates = [ "ping6", "notification-tmpl" ], }, services["ssh"] = { templates = [ "ssh", "notification-tmpl" ], }, services["load"] = { templates = [ "load", "notification-tmpl" ], }, services["users"] = { templates = [ "users", "notification-tmpl" ], servicegroups = [ "sg-thruk" ], servicedependencies = [ { host = "dummy01", service = "flapme" }, ], }, macros = { address = "", address6 = "::1", }, hostdependencies = [ "dummy01" ], custom += { "fooh1" = "barh1", "fooh2" = "barh2", "notes" = "host test $SERVICEATTEMPT$ / $MAXSERVICEATTEMPT$", /* this should work with hostcheck set */ "notes_url" = "https://www.icinga.org/$HOSTNAME$/$SERVICEDESC$/$TIMET$", "action_url" = "https://dev.icinga.org/$HOSTADDRESS$/$SERVICESTATE$", "icon_image" = "$iconimagedir$/icinga2.png", "icon_image_alt" = "custom attr macro expand test", "2d_coords" = "42,1337" }, //hostcheck = "ping4", hostcheck = "flapme", hostgroups = [ "hg-thruk" ], check_interval = (bumsti * 5) } object HostGroup "hg-thruk" { display_name = "hg thruk livestatus", custom = { action_url = "http://www.icinga.org/about/icinga2", notes_url = "http://docs.icinga.org/latest/en", notes = "This is the icinga2 livestatus test" } } object ServiceGroup "sg-thruk" { display_name = "sg thruk livestatus", custom = { action_url = "http://www.icinga.org/about/icinga2", notes_url = "http://docs.icinga.org/latest/en", notes = "This is the icinga2 livestatus test" } } object CheckCommand "flapme" inherits "plugin-check-command" { command = "/home/michi/coding/icinga/icinga2/contrib/flap.sh", } object EventCommand "eventme" inherits "plugin-event-command" { command = "echo \"event fired\"", } object NotificationCommand "notifyme" inherits "plugin-notification-command" { command = "echo \"hello\"", } object NotificationCommand "mail" inherits "plugin-notification-command" { command = "echo `date +%s` >> /tmp/i2.notify" } object User "michi-clone" { groups = [ "all-michis" ], } object User "michi" { groups = [ "all-michis" ], notification_state_filter = (StateFilterUnknown | StateFilterOK | StateFilterWarning | StateFilterCritical), enable_notifications = 1, notification_period = "24x7", macros = { "name" = "bumsti", "pager" = "keks@kekse.de", "email" = "michael.friedrich@icinga.org", }, custom = { "cv_key01" = "cv_val01", "cv_key03" = "cv_val03", "cv_key07" = "cv_val07", } } object UserGroup "all-michis" { display_name = "all my michis", } template Notification "mail-notification" { notification_command = "mail", } object TimePeriod "8x5" inherits "legacy-timeperiod" { display_name = "icinga 2 8x5", ranges = { "monday" = "09:00-17:00", "tuesday" = "09:00-17:00", "wednesday" = "09:00-17:00", "thursday" = "09:00-17:00", "friday" = "09:00-17:00", } } object TimePeriod "24x7" inherits "legacy-timeperiod" { display_name = "icinga 2 24x7", ranges = { "monday" = "00:00-24:00", "tuesday" = "00:00-24:00", "wednesday" = "00:00-24:00", "thursday" = "00:00-24:00", "friday" = "00:00-24:00", "saturday" = "00:00-24:00", "sunday" = "00:00-24:00", } } object TimePeriod "none" inherits "legacy-timeperiod" { display_name = "icinga 2 none", ranges = { } }