Icinga 2 Main ============= :keywords: Icinga, documentation, index :description: Main index of Icinga 2 documentation Introduction ------------ A detailed introduction can be found in the chapter link:icinga2-intro.html[Introduction]. /* TODO insert url */ Installation ------------ For more information see the chapter Installation. /* TODO insert url */ Quick Example ------------- /* TODO */ For a general tutorial see the chapter link:icinga2-tutorial.html[Tutorial]. /* TODO insert url */ Requirements ------------ /* TODO */ License ------- Icinga 2 is licensed under the GPLv2 license, a copy of this license can be found in the LICENSE file on the main source tree. Community --------- * http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=icinga[#icinga] on the Freenode IRC Network * https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/icinga-users[Mailinglists] * http://www.monitoring-portal.org[Monitoring Portal] More details at http://www.icinga.org/support/ Support ------- For more information on the support options refer to https://www.icinga.org/support Chapters -------- /* TODO */ /* vim: set syntax=asciidoc filetype=asciidoc: */