/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "remote/deleteobjecthandler.hpp" #include "remote/configobjectutility.hpp" #include "remote/httputility.hpp" #include "remote/filterutility.hpp" #include "remote/apiaction.hpp" #include "config/configitem.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include #include using namespace icinga; REGISTER_URLHANDLER("/v1/objects", DeleteObjectHandler); bool DeleteObjectHandler::HandleRequest(const ApiUser::Ptr& user, HttpRequest& request, HttpResponse& response, const Dictionary::Ptr& params) { if (request.RequestUrl->GetPath().size() < 3 || request.RequestUrl->GetPath().size() > 4) return false; if (request.RequestMethod != "DELETE") return false; Type::Ptr type = FilterUtility::TypeFromPluralName(request.RequestUrl->GetPath()[2]); if (!type) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid type specified."); return true; } QueryDescription qd; qd.Types.insert(type->GetName()); qd.Permission = "objects/delete/" + type->GetName(); params->Set("type", type->GetName()); if (request.RequestUrl->GetPath().size() >= 4) { String attr = type->GetName(); boost::algorithm::to_lower(attr); params->Set(attr, request.RequestUrl->GetPath()[3]); } std::vector objs; try { objs = FilterUtility::GetFilterTargets(qd, params, user); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 404, "No objects found.", DiagnosticInformation(ex)); return true; } bool cascade = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "cascade"); bool verbose = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "verbose"); ArrayData results; bool success = true; for (const ConfigObject::Ptr& obj : objs) { int code; String status; Array::Ptr errors = new Array(); Array::Ptr diagnosticInformation = new Array(); if (!ConfigObjectUtility::DeleteObject(obj, cascade, errors, diagnosticInformation)) { code = 500; status = "Object could not be deleted."; success = false; } else { code = 200; status = "Object was deleted."; } Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary({ { "type", type->GetName() }, { "name", obj->GetName() }, { "code", code }, { "status", status }, { "errors", errors } }); if (verbose) result->Set("diagnostic_information", diagnosticInformation); results.push_back(result); } Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary({ { "results", new Array(std::move(results)) } }); if (!success) response.SetStatus(500, "One or more objects could not be deleted"); else response.SetStatus(200, "OK"); HttpUtility::SendJsonBody(response, params, result); return true; }