/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "remoting/endpoint.h" #include "remoting/endpointmanager.h" #include "base/application.h" #include "base/dynamictype.h" #include "base/objectlock.h" #include "base/utility.h" #include "base/logger_fwd.h" #include "config/configitembuilder.h" #include using namespace icinga; REGISTER_TYPE(Endpoint); boost::signals2::signal Endpoint::OnConnected; boost::signals2::signal Endpoint::OnDisconnected; /** * Constructor for the Endpoint class. * * @param properties A serialized dictionary containing attributes. */ Endpoint::Endpoint(const Dictionary::Ptr& serializedUpdate) : DynamicObject(serializedUpdate) { RegisterAttribute("local", Attribute_Config, &m_Local); RegisterAttribute("node", Attribute_Replicated, &m_Node); RegisterAttribute("service", Attribute_Replicated, &m_Service); RegisterAttribute("subscriptions", Attribute_Replicated, &m_Subscriptions); } Endpoint::~Endpoint(void) { } /** * Retrieves an endpoint by name. * * @param name The name of the endpoint. * @returns The endpoint. */ Endpoint::Ptr Endpoint::GetByName(const String& name) { DynamicObject::Ptr configObject = DynamicObject::GetObject("Endpoint", name); return dynamic_pointer_cast(configObject); } /** * Helper function for creating new endpoint objects. * * @param name The name of the new endpoint. * @param replicated Whether replication is enabled for the endpoint object. * @param local Whether the new endpoint should be local. * @returns The new endpoint. */ Endpoint::Ptr Endpoint::MakeEndpoint(const String& name, bool replicated, bool local) { ConfigItemBuilder::Ptr endpointConfig = boost::make_shared(); endpointConfig->SetType("Endpoint"); endpointConfig->SetName((!replicated && local) ? "local:" + name : name); endpointConfig->SetLocal(!replicated); endpointConfig->AddExpression("local", OperatorSet, local); ConfigItem::Ptr item = endpointConfig->Compile(); DynamicObject::Ptr object = item->Commit(); return dynamic_pointer_cast(object); } /** * Checks whether this is a local endpoint. * * @returns true if this is a local endpoint, false otherwise. */ bool Endpoint::IsLocalEndpoint(void) const { return m_Local; } /** * Checks whether this endpoint is connected. * * @returns true if the endpoint is connected, false otherwise. */ bool Endpoint::IsConnected(void) const { if (IsLocalEndpoint()) { return true; } else { JsonRpcConnection::Ptr client = GetClient(); return (client && client->GetStream()->IsConnected()); } } JsonRpcConnection::Ptr Endpoint::GetClient(void) const { ObjectLock olock(this); return m_Client; } void Endpoint::SetClient(const JsonRpcConnection::Ptr& client) { client->OnNewMessage.connect(boost::bind(&Endpoint::NewMessageHandler, this, _2)); client->OnClosed.connect(boost::bind(&Endpoint::ClientClosedHandler, this)); { ObjectLock olock(this); m_Client = client; } OnConnected(GetSelf()); } /** * Registers a topic subscription for this endpoint. * * @param topic The name of the topic. */ void Endpoint::RegisterSubscription(const String& topic) { Dictionary::Ptr subscriptions = GetSubscriptions(); if (!subscriptions) subscriptions = boost::make_shared(); if (!subscriptions->Contains(topic)) { Dictionary::Ptr newSubscriptions = subscriptions->ShallowClone(); newSubscriptions->Set(topic, topic); ObjectLock olock(this); SetSubscriptions(newSubscriptions); } } /** * Removes a topic subscription from this endpoint. * * @param topic The name of the topic. */ void Endpoint::UnregisterSubscription(const String& topic) { Dictionary::Ptr subscriptions = GetSubscriptions(); if (!subscriptions) return; if (subscriptions->Contains(topic)) { Dictionary::Ptr newSubscriptions = subscriptions->ShallowClone(); newSubscriptions->Remove(topic); SetSubscriptions(newSubscriptions); } } /** * Checks whether the endpoint has a subscription for the specified topic. * * @param topic The name of the topic. * @returns true if the endpoint is subscribed to the topic, false otherwise. */ bool Endpoint::HasSubscription(const String& topic) const { Dictionary::Ptr subscriptions = GetSubscriptions(); return (subscriptions && subscriptions->Contains(topic)); } /** * Removes all subscriptions for the endpoint. */ void Endpoint::ClearSubscriptions(void) { m_Subscriptions = Empty; Touch("subscriptions"); } Dictionary::Ptr Endpoint::GetSubscriptions(void) const { return m_Subscriptions; } void Endpoint::SetSubscriptions(const Dictionary::Ptr& subscriptions) { subscriptions->Seal(); m_Subscriptions = subscriptions; Touch("subscriptions"); } void Endpoint::RegisterTopicHandler(const String& topic, const boost::function& callback) { ObjectLock olock(this); std::map > >::iterator it; it = m_TopicHandlers.find(topic); shared_ptr > sig; if (it == m_TopicHandlers.end()) { sig = boost::make_shared >(); m_TopicHandlers.insert(make_pair(topic, sig)); } else { sig = it->second; } sig->connect(callback); olock.Unlock(); RegisterSubscription(topic); } void Endpoint::UnregisterTopicHandler(const String&, const boost::function&) { // TODO: implement //m_TopicHandlers[method] -= callback; //UnregisterSubscription(method); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Not implemented.")); } void Endpoint::ProcessRequest(const Endpoint::Ptr& sender, const RequestMessage& request) { if (!IsConnected()) { // TODO: persist the message return; } if (IsLocalEndpoint()) { ObjectLock olock(this); String method; if (!request.GetMethod(&method)) return; std::map > >::iterator it; it = m_TopicHandlers.find(method); if (it == m_TopicHandlers.end()) return; Application::GetEQ().Post(boost::bind(boost::ref(*it->second), GetSelf(), sender, request)); } else { GetClient()->SendMessage(request); } } void Endpoint::ProcessResponse(const Endpoint::Ptr& sender, const ResponseMessage& response) { if (!IsConnected()) return; if (IsLocalEndpoint()) EndpointManager::GetInstance()->ProcessResponseMessage(sender, response); else GetClient()->SendMessage(response); } void Endpoint::NewMessageHandler(const MessagePart& message) { Endpoint::Ptr sender = GetSelf(); if (ResponseMessage::IsResponseMessage(message)) { /* rather than routing the message to the right virtual * endpoint we just process it here right away. */ EndpointManager::GetInstance()->ProcessResponseMessage(sender, message); return; } RequestMessage request = message; String method; if (!request.GetMethod(&method)) return; String id; if (request.GetID(&id)) EndpointManager::GetInstance()->SendAnycastMessage(sender, request); else EndpointManager::GetInstance()->SendMulticastMessage(sender, request); } void Endpoint::ClientClosedHandler(void) { ASSERT(!OwnsLock()); /*try { GetClient()->CheckException(); } catch (const exception& ex) { stringstream message; message << "Error occured for JSON-RPC socket: Message=" << diagnostic_information(ex); Log(LogWarning, "jsonrpc", message.str()); }*/ Log(LogWarning, "jsonrpc", "Lost connection to endpoint: identity=" + GetName()); { ObjectLock olock(this); // TODO: _only_ clear non-persistent subscriptions // unregister ourselves if no persistent subscriptions are left (use a // timer for that, once we have a TTL property for the topics) ClearSubscriptions(); m_Client.reset(); } OnDisconnected(GetSelf()); } /** * Gets the node address for this endpoint. * * @returns The node address (hostname). */ String Endpoint::GetNode(void) const { ObjectLock olock(this); return m_Node; } /** * Gets the service name for this endpoint. * * @returns The service name (port). */ String Endpoint::GetService(void) const { ObjectLock olock(this); return m_Service; }