# Icinga 2 Addons ## Graphing ### Graphite [Graphite](https://graphite.readthedocs.org/en/latest/) is a time-series database storing collected metrics and making them available through restful apis and web interfaces. Graphite consists of 3 software components: * carbon -- a Twisted daemon that listens for time-series data * whisper -- a simple database library for storing time-series data (similar in design to RRD) * graphite webapp -- a Django webapp that renders graphs on-demand using Cairo You need to install Graphite first, then proceed with configuring it in Icinga 2. Use the [GraphiteWriter](14-features.md#graphite-carbon-cache-writer) feature for sending real-time metrics from Icinga 2 to Graphite. ``` # icinga2 feature enable graphite ``` A popular alternative frontend for Graphite is for example [Grafana](https://grafana.org). Integration in Icinga Web 2 is possible by installing the official [graphite module](https://icinga.com/docs/graphite/latest/). ![Icinga Web 2 Detail View with Graphite](images/addons/icingaweb2_graphite.png) ### InfluxDB [InfluxDB](https://influxdb.com) is a time series, metrics, and analytics database. It’s written in Go and has no external dependencies. Use the [InfluxdbWriter](14-features.md#influxdb-writer) feature for sending real-time metrics from Icinga 2 to InfluxDB. ``` # icinga2 feature enable influxdb ``` A popular frontend for InfluxDB is for example [Grafana](https://grafana.org). Integration in Icinga Web 2 is possible by installing the community [Grafana module](https://github.com/Mikesch-mp/icingaweb2-module-grafana). ![Icinga Web 2 Detail View with Grafana](images/addons/icingaweb2_grafana.png) ### PNP [PNP](https://www.pnp4nagios.org) is a graphing addon. [PNP](https://www.pnp4nagios.org) is an addon which adds a graphical representation of the performance data collected by the monitoring plugins. The data is stored as rrd (round robin database) files. Use your distribution's package manager to install the `pnp4nagios` package. If you're planning to use it, configure it to use the [bulk mode with npcd and npcdmod](https://docs.pnp4nagios.org/pnp-0.6/modes#bulk_mode_with_npcd_and_npcdmod) in combination with Icinga 2's [PerfdataWriter](14-features.md#writing-performance-data-files). NPCD collects the performance data files which Icinga 2 generates. Enable performance data writer in icinga 2 ``` # icinga2 feature enable perfdata ``` Configure npcd to use the performance data created by Icinga 2: ``` vim /etc/pnp4nagios/npcd.cfg ``` Set `perfdata_spool_dir = /var/spool/icinga2/perfdata` and restart the `npcd` daemon. There's also an Icinga Web 2 module for direct PNP graph integration available at [Icinga Exchange](https://exchange.icinga.com/icinga/PNP). ## Visualization ### Maps This community module displays host objects as markers on openstreetmap in Icinga Web 2. It uses the data provided by the monitoring module and as such the [DB IDO](14-features.md#db-ido) from Icinga 2. If you configure multiple hosts with the same coordinates, i.e. servers in a datacenter, a clustered view is rendered. Check the [Map module docs](https://github.com/nbuchwitz/icingaweb2-module-map) for more details on installation, configuration and integration. ![Icinga Web 2 Maps](images/addons/icingaweb2_maps.png) ### Dashing Dashboard The [Icinga 2 dashboard](https://github.com/dnsmichi/dashing-icinga2) is built on top of Dashing and uses the [REST API](12-icinga2-api.md#icinga2-api) to visualize what's going on with your monitoring. It combines several popular widgets and provides development instructions for your own implementation. The dashboard also allows to embed the [Icinga Web 2](https://icinga.com/products/icinga-web-2/) host and service problem lists as Iframe. ![Dashing dashboard](images/addons/dashing_icinga2.png) ### Business Process Create top-level views of your applications in a graphical editor. Rules express dependencies between existing hosts and services and let you alert on application level. Business processes are displayed in a tree or list overview and can be added to any dashboard. ![Icinga Web 2 Business Process](images/addons/icingaweb2_businessprocess.png) ### NagVis By using the [DB IDO](14-features.md#db-ido) feature you can create your own network maps based on your monitoring configuration and status data using [NagVis](https://www.nagvis.org). The configuration in nagvis.ini.php should look like this for Livestatus for example: ``` [backend_live_1] backendtype="mklivestatus" socket="unix:/var/run/icinga2/cmd/livestatus" ``` If you are planning an integration into Icinga Web 2, look at [this module](https://github.com/Icinga/icingaweb2-module-nagvis). ### Icinga Reporting By enabling the [DB IDO](14-features.md#db-ido) feature you can use the [Icinga Reporting package](https://icinga.com/docs/icinga1/latest/en/reporting.html). ### Thruk [Thruk](https://www.thruk.org) is an alternative web interface which can be used with Icinga 2 and the [Livestatus](14-features.md#setting-up-livestatus) feature. ## Log Monitoring Using [Logstash](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/introduction.html) or [Graylog](https://www.graylog.org) in your infrastructure and correlate events with your monitoring is even simpler these days. * Use the `GelfWriter` feature to write Icinga 2's check and notification events to Graylog or Logstash. * Configure the logstash `nagios` output to send passive traps to Icinga 2 using the external command pipe. * Execute a plugin to check Graylog alert streams. More details can be found in [this blog post](https://icinga.com/2014/12/02/team-icinga-at-osmc-2014/). ## Notification Scripts and Interfaces There's a variety of resources available, for example different notification scripts such as: * E-Mail ([examples](03-monitoring-basics.md#alert-notifications) provided) * SMS * Pager (XMPP, etc.) * Twitter * IRC * Ticket systems * etc. Additionally external services can be [integrated with Icinga 2](https://icinga.com/products/integrations/): * [Pagerduty](https://icinga.com/products/integrations/pagerduty/) * [VictorOps](https://icinga.com/products/integrations/victorops/) * [StackStorm](https://icinga.com/products/integrations/stackstorm/) More information can be found on the [Icinga Website](https://icinga.com/). ## Configuration Management Tools If you require your favourite configuration tool to export the Icinga 2 configuration, please get in touch with their developers. The Icinga project does not provide a configuration web interface yet. Follow the [Icinga Blog](https://icinga.com/blog/) for updates on this topic. If you're looking for puppet manifests, chef cookbooks, ansible recipes, etc. -- we're happy to integrate them upstream, so please get in touch with the [Icinga team](https://icinga.com/community/). These tools are currently in development and require feedback and tests: * [Ansible Roles](https://github.com/Icinga/icinga2-ansible) * [Puppet Module](https://github.com/Icinga/puppet-icinga2) * [Chef Cookbook](https://github.com/Icinga/chef-icinga2) ## More Addon Integration Hints ### PNP Action Url They work in a similar fashion for Icinga 2 and are used for 1.x web interfaces (Icinga Web 2 doesn't require the action url attribute in its own module). ``` template Host "pnp-hst" { action_url = "/pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$" } template Service "pnp-svc" { action_url = "/pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$" } ```