/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "i2-icinga.h" #ifndef _WIN32 # include "icinga-version.h" # define ICINGA_VERSION GIT_MESSAGE #endif /* _WIN32 */ using namespace icinga; /** * The entry point for the Icinga application. * * @param args Command-line arguments. * @returns An exit status. */ int IcingaApplication::Main(const vector& args) { #ifdef _WIN32 Application::Log("Icinga component loader"); #else /* _WIN32 */ Application::Log("Icinga component loader (version: " ICINGA_VERSION ")"); #endif /* _WIN32 */ if (args.size() < 2) { cout << "Syntax: " << args[0] << " " << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } m_EndpointManager = make_shared(); string componentDirectory = GetExeDirectory() + "/../lib/icinga"; AddComponentSearchDir(componentDirectory); /* register handler for 'icinga' config objects */ ConfigCollection::Ptr icingaCollection = GetConfigHive()->GetCollection("icinga"); function NewIcingaConfigHandler = bind_weak(&IcingaApplication::NewIcingaConfigHandler, shared_from_this()); icingaCollection->OnObjectCommitted += NewIcingaConfigHandler; icingaCollection->ForEachObject(NewIcingaConfigHandler); icingaCollection->OnObjectRemoved += bind_weak(&IcingaApplication::DeletedIcingaConfigHandler, shared_from_this()); /* register handler for 'component' config objects */ ConfigCollection::Ptr componentCollection = GetConfigHive()->GetCollection("component"); function NewComponentHandler = bind_weak(&IcingaApplication::NewComponentHandler, shared_from_this()); componentCollection->OnObjectCommitted += NewComponentHandler; componentCollection->ForEachObject(NewComponentHandler); componentCollection->OnObjectRemoved += bind_weak(&IcingaApplication::DeletedComponentHandler, shared_from_this()); /* load config file */ ConfigObject::Ptr fileComponentConfig = make_shared("component", "configfile"); fileComponentConfig->SetProperty("configFilename", args[1]); fileComponentConfig->SetProperty("replicate", 0); GetConfigHive()->AddObject(fileComponentConfig); if (!GetPrivateKeyFile().empty() && !GetPublicKeyFile().empty() && !GetCAKeyFile().empty()) { /* set up SSL context */ shared_ptr cert = Utility::GetX509Certificate(GetPublicKeyFile()); string identity = Utility::GetCertificateCN(cert); Application::Log("My identity: " + identity); m_EndpointManager->SetIdentity(identity); shared_ptr sslContext = Utility::MakeSSLContext(GetPublicKeyFile(), GetPrivateKeyFile(), GetCAKeyFile()); m_EndpointManager->SetSSLContext(sslContext); } /* create the primary RPC listener */ string service = GetService(); if (!service.empty()) GetEndpointManager()->AddListener(service); RunEventLoop(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * Retrieves Icinga's endpoint manager. * * @returns The endpoint manager. */ EndpointManager::Ptr IcingaApplication::GetEndpointManager(void) { return m_EndpointManager; } int IcingaApplication::NewComponentHandler(const EventArgs& ea) { ConfigObject::Ptr object = static_pointer_cast(ea.Source); /* don't allow replicated config objects */ if (object->IsReplicated()) return 0; string path; if (!object->GetProperty("path", &path)) { #ifdef _WIN32 path = object->GetName() + ".dll"; #else /* _WIN32 */ path = object->GetName() + ".la"; #endif /* _WIN32 */ } LoadComponent(path, object); return 0; } int IcingaApplication::DeletedComponentHandler(const EventArgs& ea) { ConfigObject::Ptr object = static_pointer_cast(ea.Source); Component::Ptr component = GetComponent(object->GetName()); UnregisterComponent(component); return 0; } int IcingaApplication::NewIcingaConfigHandler(const EventArgs& ea) { ConfigObject::Ptr object = static_pointer_cast(ea.Source); /* don't allow replicated config objects */ if (object->IsReplicated()) return 0; string privkey; if (object->GetProperty("privkey", &privkey)) SetPrivateKeyFile(privkey); string pubkey; if (object->GetProperty("pubkey", &pubkey)) SetPublicKeyFile(pubkey); string cakey; if (object->GetProperty("cakey", &cakey)) SetCAKeyFile(cakey); string node; if (object->GetProperty("node", &node)) SetNode(node); string service; if (object->GetProperty("service", &service)) SetService(service); return 0; } int IcingaApplication::DeletedIcingaConfigHandler(const EventArgs&) { throw runtime_error("Unsupported operation."); } void IcingaApplication::SetPrivateKeyFile(string privkey) { m_PrivateKeyFile = privkey; } string IcingaApplication::GetPrivateKeyFile(void) const { return m_PrivateKeyFile; } void IcingaApplication::SetPublicKeyFile(string pubkey) { m_PublicKeyFile = pubkey; } string IcingaApplication::GetPublicKeyFile(void) const { return m_PublicKeyFile; } void IcingaApplication::SetCAKeyFile(string cakey) { m_CAKeyFile = cakey; } string IcingaApplication::GetCAKeyFile(void) const { return m_CAKeyFile; } void IcingaApplication::SetNode(string node) { m_Node = node; } string IcingaApplication::GetNode(void) const { return m_Node; } void IcingaApplication::SetService(string service) { m_Service = service; } string IcingaApplication::GetService(void) const { return m_Service; }