/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "i2-icinga.h" using namespace icinga; map > > Host::m_ServicesCache; bool Host::m_ServicesCacheValid = true; REGISTER_SCRIPTFUNCTION("native::ValidateServiceDictionary", &Host::ValidateServiceDictionary); static AttributeDescription hostAttributes[] = { { "acknowledgement", Attribute_Replicated }, { "acknowledgement_expiry", Attribute_Replicated }, { "downtimes", Attribute_Replicated }, { "comments", Attribute_Replicated } }; REGISTER_TYPE(Host, hostAttributes); bool Host::m_InitializerDone = false; Host::Host(const Dictionary::Ptr& properties) : DynamicObject(properties) { if (!m_InitializerDone) { ConfigItem::OnCommitted.connect(boost::bind(&Host::ObjectCommittedHandler, _1)); ConfigItem::OnRemoved.connect(boost::bind(&Host::ObjectRemovedHandler, _1)); m_InitializerDone = true; } HostGroup::InvalidateMembersCache(); DowntimeProcessor::InvalidateDowntimeCache(); } Host::~Host(void) { HostGroup::InvalidateMembersCache(); DowntimeProcessor::InvalidateDowntimeCache(); } String Host::GetAlias(void) const { String value = Get("alias"); if (!value.IsEmpty()) return value; else return GetName(); } bool Host::Exists(const String& name) { return (DynamicObject::GetObject("Host", name)); } Host::Ptr Host::GetByName(const String& name) { DynamicObject::Ptr configObject = DynamicObject::GetObject("Host", name); if (!configObject) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_argument("Host '" + name + "' does not exist.")); return dynamic_pointer_cast(configObject); } Dictionary::Ptr Host::GetGroups(void) const { return Get("hostgroups"); } Dictionary::Ptr Host::GetMacros(void) const { return Get("macros"); } Dictionary::Ptr Host::GetDowntimes(void) const { DowntimeProcessor::ValidateDowntimeCache(); return Get("downtimes"); } Dictionary::Ptr Host::GetComments(void) const { CommentProcessor::ValidateCommentCache(); return Get("comments"); } Dictionary::Ptr Host::GetHostDependencies(void) const { return Get("hostdependencies"); } Dictionary::Ptr Host::GetServiceDependencies(void) const { return Get("servicedependencies"); } String Host::GetHostCheck(void) const { return Get("hostcheck"); } bool Host::IsReachable(void) { BOOST_FOREACH(const Service::Ptr& service, GetParentServices()) { /* ignore pending services */ if (!service->GetLastCheckResult()) continue; /* ignore soft states */ if (service->GetStateType() == StateTypeSoft) continue; /* ignore services states OK and Warning */ if (service->GetState() == StateOK || service->GetState() == StateWarning) continue; return false; } BOOST_FOREACH(const Host::Ptr& host, GetParentHosts()) { /* ignore hosts that are up */ if (host->IsUp()) continue; return false; } return true; } bool Host::IsInDowntime(void) const { Dictionary::Ptr downtimes = GetDowntimes(); if (!downtimes) return false; Dictionary::Ptr downtime; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, downtime), downtimes) { if (DowntimeProcessor::IsDowntimeActive(downtime)) return true; } return false; } bool Host::IsUp(void) const { Service::Ptr service = GetHostCheckService(); return (!service || service->GetState() == StateOK || service->GetState() == StateWarning); } template static void CopyServiceAttributes(TDict serviceDesc, const ConfigItemBuilder::Ptr& builder) { /* TODO: we only need to copy macros if this is an inline definition, * i.e. host->GetProperties() != service, however for now we just * copy them anyway. */ Value macros = serviceDesc->Get("macros"); if (!macros.IsEmpty()) builder->AddExpression("macros", OperatorPlus, macros); Value checkInterval = serviceDesc->Get("check_interval"); if (!checkInterval.IsEmpty()) builder->AddExpression("check_interval", OperatorSet, checkInterval); Value retryInterval = serviceDesc->Get("retry_interval"); if (!retryInterval.IsEmpty()) builder->AddExpression("retry_interval", OperatorSet, retryInterval); Value sgroups = serviceDesc->Get("servicegroups"); if (!sgroups.IsEmpty()) builder->AddExpression("servicegroups", OperatorPlus, sgroups); Value checkers = serviceDesc->Get("checkers"); if (!checkers.IsEmpty()) builder->AddExpression("checkers", OperatorSet, checkers); } void Host::ObjectCommittedHandler(const ConfigItem::Ptr& item) { if (item->GetType() != "Host") return; /* ignore abstract host objects */ if (!Host::Exists(item->GetName())) return; Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(item->GetName()); Dictionary::Ptr oldServices = host->Get("convenience_services"); Dictionary::Ptr newServices; newServices = boost::make_shared(); Dictionary::Ptr serviceDescs = host->Get("services"); if (serviceDescs) { String svcname; Value svcdesc; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(svcname, svcdesc), serviceDescs) { stringstream namebuf; namebuf << item->GetName() << "-" << svcname; String name = namebuf.str(); ConfigItemBuilder::Ptr builder = boost::make_shared(item->GetDebugInfo()); builder->SetType("Service"); builder->SetName(name); builder->AddExpression("host_name", OperatorSet, item->GetName()); builder->AddExpression("alias", OperatorSet, svcname); builder->AddExpression("short_name", OperatorSet, svcname); CopyServiceAttributes(host, builder); if (svcdesc.IsScalar()) { builder->AddParent(svcdesc); } else if (svcdesc.IsObjectType()) { Dictionary::Ptr service = svcdesc; String parent = service->Get("service"); if (parent.IsEmpty()) parent = svcname; builder->AddParent(parent); CopyServiceAttributes(service, builder); } else { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_argument("Service description must be either a string or a dictionary.")); } ConfigItem::Ptr serviceItem = builder->Compile(); serviceItem->Commit(); newServices->Set(name, serviceItem); } } if (oldServices) { ConfigItem::Ptr service; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, service), oldServices) { if (!service) continue; if (!newServices->Contains(service->GetName())) service->Unregister(); } } host->Set("convenience_services", newServices); } void Host::ObjectRemovedHandler(const ConfigItem::Ptr& item) { if (item->GetType() != "Host") return; DynamicObject::Ptr host = item->GetDynamicObject(); if (!host) return; Dictionary::Ptr services = host->Get("convenience_services"); if (!services) return; ConfigItem::Ptr service; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, service), services) { service->Unregister(); } } void Host::OnAttributeChanged(const String& name, const Value&) { if (name == "hostgroups") HostGroup::InvalidateMembersCache(); else if (name == "downtimes") DowntimeProcessor::InvalidateDowntimeCache(); } set Host::GetServices(void) const { set services; ValidateServicesCache(); String key; Service::WeakPtr wservice; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(key, wservice), m_ServicesCache[GetName()]) { Service::Ptr service = wservice.lock(); if (!service) continue; services.insert(service); } return services; } AcknowledgementType Host::GetAcknowledgement(void) { Value value = Get("acknowledgement"); if (value.IsEmpty()) return AcknowledgementNone; int ivalue = static_cast(value); AcknowledgementType avalue = static_cast(ivalue); if (avalue != AcknowledgementNone) { double expiry = GetAcknowledgementExpiry(); if (expiry != 0 && expiry < Utility::GetTime()) { avalue = AcknowledgementNone; SetAcknowledgement(avalue); SetAcknowledgementExpiry(0); } } return avalue; } void Host::SetAcknowledgement(AcknowledgementType acknowledgement) { Set("acknowledgement", static_cast(acknowledgement)); } double Host::GetAcknowledgementExpiry(void) const { Value value = Get("acknowledgement_expiry"); if (value.IsEmpty()) return 0; return static_cast(value); } void Host::SetAcknowledgementExpiry(double timestamp) { Set("acknowledgement_expiry", timestamp); } void Host::InvalidateServicesCache(void) { m_ServicesCacheValid = false; m_ServicesCache.clear(); } void Host::ValidateServicesCache(void) { if (m_ServicesCacheValid) return; m_ServicesCache.clear(); DynamicObject::Ptr object; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("Service")->GetObjects()) { const Service::Ptr& service = static_pointer_cast(object); // TODO: assert for duplicate short_names m_ServicesCache[service->GetHost()->GetName()][service->GetShortName()] = service; } m_ServicesCacheValid = true; } void Host::ValidateServiceDictionary(const ScriptTask::Ptr& task, const vector& arguments) { if (arguments.size() < 1) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_argument("Missing argument: Location must be specified.")); if (arguments.size() < 2) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_argument("Missing argument: Attribute dictionary must be specified.")); String location = arguments[0]; Dictionary::Ptr attrs = arguments[1]; String key; Value value; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(key, value), attrs) { String name; if (value.IsScalar()) { name = value; } else if (value.IsObjectType()) { Dictionary::Ptr serviceDesc = value; if (serviceDesc->Contains("service")) name = serviceDesc->Get("service"); else name = key; } else { continue; } if (!ConfigItem::GetObject("Service", name)) { ConfigCompilerContext::GetContext()->AddError(false, "Validation failed for " + location + ": Service '" + name + "' not found."); } } task->FinishResult(Empty); } Service::Ptr Host::GetServiceByShortName(const String& name) const { ValidateServicesCache(); map >& services = m_ServicesCache[GetName()]; map >::iterator it = services.find(name); if (it != services.end()) { Service::Ptr service = it->second.lock(); assert(service); return service; } return Service::GetByName(name); } set Host::GetParentHosts(void) const { set parents; Dictionary::Ptr dependencies = GetHostDependencies(); if (dependencies) { String key; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(key, tuples::ignore), dependencies) { if (key == GetName()) continue; parents.insert(Host::GetByName(key)); } } return parents; } Service::Ptr Host::GetHostCheckService(void) const { String hostcheck = GetHostCheck(); if (hostcheck.IsEmpty()) return Service::Ptr(); return GetServiceByShortName(hostcheck); } set Host::GetParentServices(void) const { set parents; Dictionary::Ptr dependencies = GetServiceDependencies(); if (dependencies) { String key; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(key, tuples::ignore), dependencies) { // TODO(#3660): look up { host = "name", service = "name" } pairs parents.insert(GetServiceByShortName(key)); } } return parents; }