#include "i2-base.h" #ifndef _WIN32 # include #endif using namespace icinga; Application::Ptr I2_EXPORT Application::Instance; /** * Application * * Constructor for the Application class. */ Application::Application(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData); #else /* _WIN32 */ lt_dlinit(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ char *debugging = getenv("_DEBUG"); m_Debugging = (debugging && strtol(debugging, NULL, 10) != 0); #ifdef _WIN32 if (IsDebuggerPresent()) m_Debugging = true; #endif /* _WIN32 */ m_ShuttingDown = false; m_ConfigHive = make_shared(); } /** * ~Application * * Destructor for the application class. */ Application::~Application(void) { /* stop all components */ for (map::iterator i = m_Components.begin(); i != m_Components.end(); i++) { i->second->Stop(); } m_Components.clear(); #ifdef _WIN32 WSACleanup(); #else /* _WIN32 */ //lt_dlexit(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ } /** * RunEventLoop * * Processes events (e.g. sockets and timers). */ void Application::RunEventLoop(void) { while (!m_ShuttingDown) { fd_set readfds, writefds, exceptfds; int nfds = -1; Timer::CallExpiredTimers(); FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_ZERO(&exceptfds); Socket::CollectionType::iterator prev, i; for (i = Socket::Sockets.begin(); i != Socket::Sockets.end(); ) { Socket::Ptr socket = i->lock(); prev = i; i++; if (!socket) { Socket::Sockets.erase(prev); continue; } int fd = socket->GetFD(); if (socket->WantsToWrite()) FD_SET(fd, &writefds); if (socket->WantsToRead()) FD_SET(fd, &readfds); FD_SET(fd, &exceptfds); if (fd > nfds) nfds = fd; } time_t now = time(NULL); time_t next = Timer::GetNextCall(); time_t sleep = (next < now) ? 0 : (next - now); if (m_ShuttingDown) break; timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = (sleep < 0) ? 0 : (long)sleep; tv.tv_usec = 0; int ready; if (nfds == -1) { Sleep(tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec); ready = 0; } else ready = select(nfds + 1, &readfds, &writefds, &exceptfds, &tv); if (ready < 0) break; else if (ready == 0) continue; EventArgs ea; ea.Source = shared_from_this(); for (i = Socket::Sockets.begin(); i != Socket::Sockets.end(); ) { Socket::Ptr socket = i->lock(); prev = i; i++; if (!socket) { Socket::Sockets.erase(prev); continue; } int fd; fd = socket->GetFD(); if (fd != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET(fd, &writefds)) socket->OnWritable(ea); fd = socket->GetFD(); if (fd != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET(fd, &readfds)) socket->OnReadable(ea); fd = socket->GetFD(); if (fd != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET(fd, &exceptfds)) socket->OnException(ea); } } } /** * Shutdown * * Signals the application to shut down during the next * execution of the event loop. */ void Application::Shutdown(void) { m_ShuttingDown = true; } /** * GetConfigHive * * Returns the application's configuration hive. * * @returns The config hive. */ ConfigHive::Ptr Application::GetConfigHive(void) const { return m_ConfigHive; } /** * LoadComponent * * Loads a component from a library. * * @param path The path of the component library. * @param componentConfig The configuration for the component. * @returns The component. */ Component::Ptr Application::LoadComponent(const string& path, const ConfigObject::Ptr& componentConfig) { Component::Ptr component; Component *(*pCreateComponent)(); Log("Loading component '" + path + "'"); #ifdef _WIN32 HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(path.c_str()); #else /* _WIN32 */ lt_dlhandle hModule = lt_dlopen(path.c_str()); #endif /* _WIN32 */ if (hModule == NULL) throw ComponentLoadException("Could not load module"); #ifdef _WIN32 pCreateComponent = (CreateComponentFunction)GetProcAddress(hModule, "CreateComponent"); #else /* _WIN32 */ pCreateComponent = (CreateComponentFunction)lt_dlsym(hModule, "CreateComponent"); #endif /* _WIN32 */ if (pCreateComponent == NULL) throw ComponentLoadException("Loadable module does not " "contain CreateComponent function"); component = Component::Ptr(pCreateComponent()); component->SetConfig(componentConfig); RegisterComponent(component); return component; } /** * RegisterComponent * * Registers a component object and starts it. * * @param component The component. */ void Application::RegisterComponent(Component::Ptr component) { component->SetApplication(static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this())); m_Components[component->GetName()] = component; component->Start(); } /** * UnregisterComponent * * Unregisters a component object and stops it. * * @param component The component. */ void Application::UnregisterComponent(Component::Ptr component) { string name = component->GetName(); Log("Unloading component '" + name + "'"); map::iterator i = m_Components.find(name); if (i != m_Components.end()) m_Components.erase(i); component->Stop(); } /** * GetComponent * * Finds a loaded component by name. * * @param name The name of the component. * @returns The component or a null pointer if the component could not be found. */ Component::Ptr Application::GetComponent(const string& name) { map::iterator ci = m_Components.find(name); if (ci == m_Components.end()) return Component::Ptr(); return ci->second; } /** * Log * * Logs a message. * * @param message The message. */ void Application::Log(string message) { char timestamp[100]; time_t now; time(&now); tm tmnow = *localtime(&now); strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%a %B %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &tmnow); cout << "[" << timestamp << "]: " << message << endl; } /** * SetArguments * * Sets the application's arguments. * * @param arguments The arguments. */ void Application::SetArguments(const vector& arguments) { m_Arguments = arguments; } /** * GetArguments * * Retrieves the application's arguments. * * @returns The arguments. */ const vector& Application::GetArguments(void) const { return m_Arguments; } /** * GetExeDirectory * * Retrieves the directory the application's binary is contained in. * * @returns The directory. */ string Application::GetExeDirectory(void) const { static string ExePath; if (ExePath.length() != 0) return ExePath; #ifndef _WIN32 char Cwd[MAXPATHLEN]; char *Buf, *PathEnv, *Directory, PathTest[MAXPATHLEN], FullExePath[MAXPATHLEN]; bool FoundPath; const char *argv0 = m_Arguments[0].c_str(); if (getcwd(Cwd, sizeof(Cwd)) == NULL) throw PosixException("getcwd failed", errno); if (argv0[0] != '/') snprintf(FullExePath, sizeof(FullExePath), "%s/%s", Cwd, argv0); else strncpy(FullExePath, argv0, sizeof(FullExePath)); if (strchr(argv0, '/') == NULL) { PathEnv = getenv("PATH"); if (PathEnv != NULL) { PathEnv = Memory::StrDup(PathEnv); FoundPath = false; for (Directory = strtok(PathEnv, ":"); Directory != NULL; Directory = strtok(NULL, ":")) { if (snprintf(PathTest, sizeof(PathTest), "%s/%s", Directory, argv0) < 0) throw PosixException("snprintf failed", errno); if (access(PathTest, X_OK) == 0) { strncpy(FullExePath, PathTest, sizeof(FullExePath)); FoundPath = true; break; } } free(PathEnv); if (!FoundPath) throw Exception("Could not determine executable path."); } } if ((Buf = realpath(FullExePath, NULL)) == NULL) throw PosixException("realpath failed", errno); // remove filename char *LastSlash = strrchr(Buf, '/'); if (LastSlash != NULL) *LastSlash = '\0'; ExePath = string(Buf); free(Buf); #else /* _WIN32 */ char FullExePath[MAXPATHLEN]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, FullExePath, MAXPATHLEN); PathRemoveFileSpec(FullExePath); ExePath = string(FullExePath); #endif /* _WIN32 */ return ExePath; } /** * AddComponentSearchDir * * Adds a directory to the component search path. * * @param componentDirectory The directory. */ void Application::AddComponentSearchDir(const string& componentDirectory) { #ifdef _WIN32 SetDllDirectory(componentDirectory.c_str()); #else /* _WIN32 */ lt_dladdsearchdir(componentDirectory.c_str()); #endif /* _WIN32 */ } /** * IsDebugging * * Retrieves the debugging mode of the application. * * @returns true if the application is being debugged, false otherwise */ bool Application::IsDebugging(void) const { return m_Debugging; } #ifndef _WIN32 /** * ApplicationSigIntHandler * * Signal handler for SIGINT. * * @param signum The signal number. */ static void ApplicationSigIntHandler(int signum) { assert(signum == SIGINT); Application::Instance->Shutdown(); struct sigaction sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ /** * RunApplication * * Runs the specified application. * * @param argc The number of arguments. * @param argv The arguments that should be passed to the application. * @param instance The application instance. * @returns The application's exit code. */ int icinga::RunApplication(int argc, char **argv, Application *instance) { int result; Application::Instance = Application::Ptr(instance); #ifndef _WIN32 struct sigaction sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = ApplicationSigIntHandler; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); #endif /* _WIN32 */ vector args; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) args.push_back(string(argv[i])); Application::Instance->SetArguments(args); if (Application::Instance->IsDebugging()) { result = Application::Instance->Main(args); } else { try { result = Application::Instance->Main(args); } catch (const Exception& ex) { Application::Log("---"); Application::Log("Exception: " + Utility::GetTypeName(ex)); Application::Log("Message: " + ex.GetMessage()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } return result; }