#!/bin/sh # load system specific defines SYSCONFIGFILE=$1 if [ ! -f "$SYSCONFIGFILE" ]; then echo "Error: You need to supply the path to the Icinga2 sysconfig file as a parameter." exit 1 fi . $SYSCONFIGFILE printf "Validating config files: " OUTPUTFILE=`mktemp` if type chcon >/dev/null 2&>1; then chcon -t icinga2_tmp_t $OUTPUTFILE fi if ! $DAEMON daemon --validate --color > $OUTPUTFILE; then echo "Failed" cat $OUTPUTFILE rm -f $OUTPUTFILE exit 1 fi echo "Done" rm -f $OUTPUTFILE printf "Reloading Icinga 2: " if [ ! -e $ICINGA2_PID_FILE ]; then exit 7 fi pid=`cat $ICINGA2_PID_FILE` if ! kill -HUP $pid >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error: Icinga not running" exit 7 fi echo "Done" exit 0