## Object Types
### Host
A host.
> **Note**
> Unlike in Icinga 1.x hosts are not checkable objects in Icinga 2. Instead
> hosts inherit their state from the service that is specified using the `check`
> attribute.
object Host "localhost" {
display_name = "The best host there is",
groups = [ "all-hosts" ],
host_dependencies = [ "router" ],
service_dependencies = [
{ host = "db-server", service = "mysql" }
services["ping"] = {
templates = [ "ping" ]
services["http"] = {
templates = [ "my-http" ],
macros = {
vhost = "test1.example.org",
port = 81
check = "ping"
Name |Description
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the host.
check |**Optional.** A service that is used to determine whether the host is up or down. This must be a service short name of a service that belongs to the host.
groups |**Optional.** A list of host groups this host belongs to.
host_dependencies|**Optional.** A list of host names which this host depends on. These dependencies are used to determine whether the host is unreachable.
service_dependencies|**Optional.** A list of services which this host depends on. Each array element must be a dictionary containing the keys "host" and "service". These dependencies are used to determine whether the host is unreachable.
services |**Optional.** Inline definition of services. Each dictionary item specifies a service.
The `templates` attribute can be used to specify an array of templates that should be inherited by the service.
The new service's name is "hostname:service" - where "service" is the dictionary key in the services dictionary.
The dictionary key is used as the service's short name.
macros |**Optional.** A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this host.
### HostGroup
A group of hosts.
object HostGroup "my-hosts" {
display_name = "My hosts",
Name |Description
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the host group.
### Service
Service objects describe network services and how they should be checked
by Icinga 2.
> **Best Practice**
> Rather than creating a `Service` object for a specific host it is usually easier
> to just create a `Service` template and using the `services` attribute in the `Host`
> object to associate these templates with a host.
object Service "localhost-uptime" {
host = "localhost",
short_name = "uptime",
display_name = "localhost Uptime",
check_command = "check_snmp",
macros = {
community = "public",
oid = "DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance"
check_interval = 60s,
retry_interval = 15s,
servicegroups = [ "all-services", "snmp" ],
Name |Description
host |**Required.** The host this service belongs to. There must be a `Host` object with that name.
short_name |**Required.** The service name. Must be unique on a per-host basis (Similar to the service_description attribute in Icinga 1.x).
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the service.
macros |**Optional.** A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this host.
check\_command |**Required.** The name of the check command.
max\_check\_attempts|**Optional.** The number of times a service is re-checked before changing into a hard state. Defaults to 3.
check\_period |**Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when this service should be checked. Not set by default.
check\_interval |**Optional.** The check interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the service is in a `HARD` state. Defaults to 5 minutes.
retry\_interval |**Optional.** The retry interval (in seconds). This interval is used for checks when the service is in a `SOFT` state. Defaults to 1 minute.
enable\_notifications|**Optional.** Whether notifications are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_active\_checks|**Optional.** Whether active checks are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_passive\_checks|**Optional.** Whether passive checks are enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_event\_handler|**Optional.** Enables event handlers for this service. Defaults to true.
enable\_flap\_detection|**Optional.** Whether flap detection is enabled. Defaults to true.
enable\_perfdata|**Optional.** Whether performance data processing is enabled. Defaults to true.
event\_command |**Optional.** The name of an event command that should be executed every time the service's state changes.
flapping\_threshold|**Optional.** The flapping threshold in percent when a service is considered to be flapping.
volatile |**Optional.** The volatile setting enables always `HARD` state types if `NOT-OK` state changes occur.
host_dependencies|**Optional.** A list of host names which this host depends on. These dependencies are used to determine whether the host is unreachable.
service_dependencies|**Optional.** A list of services which this host depends on. Each array element must be a dictionary containing the keys "host" and "service". These dependencies are used to determine whether the host is unreachable.
groups |**Optional.** The service groups this service belongs to.
notifications |**Optional.** Inline definition of notifications. Each dictionary item specifies a notification.
The `templates` attribute can be used to specify an array of templates that should be inherited by the notification object.
The new notification object's name is "hostname:service:notification" - where "notification" is the dictionary key in the notifications dictionary.
### ServiceGroup
A group of services.
object ServiceGroup "snmp" {
display_name = "SNMP services",
Name |Description
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the service group.
### Notification
Notification objects are used to specify how users should be notified in case
of service state changes and other events.
> **Best Practice**
> Rather than creating a `Notification` object for a specific service it is usually easier
> to just create a `Notification` template and using the `notifications` attribute in the `Service`
> object to associate these templates with a service.
object Notification "localhost-ping-notification" {
host = "localhost",
service = "ping4",
notification_command = "mail-notification",
users = [ "user1", "user2" ]
Name |Description
host |**Required.** The name of the host this notification belongs to.
service |**Required.** The short name of the service this notification belongs to.
macros |**Optional.** A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this notification object.
users |**Optional.** A list of user names who should be notified.
user_groups |**Optional.** A list of user group names who should be notified.
times |**Optional.** A dictionary containing `begin` and `end` attributes for the notification.
notification_command|**Required.** The name of the notification command which should be executed when the notification is triggered.
notification_interval|**Optional.** The notification interval (in seconds). This interval is used for active notifications. Defaults to 5 minutes.
notification_period|**Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when this notification should be triggered. Not set by default.
notification_type_filter|**Optional.** A set of state filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
notification_state_filter|**Optional.** A set of type filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
Available notification type and state filters:
> **Note**
> In order to notify on problem states, you will need the type filter `NotificationFilterProblem`.
### User
A user.
object User "icingaadmin" {
display_name = "Icinga 2 Admin",
groups = [ "icingaadmins" ],
enable_notifications = 1,
notification_period = "24x7",
notification_state_filter = (StateFilterWarning |
StateFilterCritical |
notification_type_filter = (NotificationFilterProblem |
macros = {
"name" = "Icinga 2 Admin",
"email" = "icinga@localhost",
"pager" = "icingaadmin@localhost.localdomain"
custom = {
notes = "This is the Icinga 2 Admin account.",
Available notification type and state filters:
> **Note**
> In order to notify on problem states, you will need the type filter `NotificationFilterProblem`.
Name |Description
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the user.
macros |**Optional.** A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this user.
custom |**Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this user.
groups |**Optional.** An array of group names.
enable_notifications|**Optional.** Whether notifications are enabled for this user.
notification_period|**Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when this notification should be triggered. Not set by default.
notification_type_filter|**Optional.** A set of state filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
notification_state_filter|**Optional.** A set of type filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
### UserGroup
A user group.
object UserGroup "icingaadmins" {
display_name = "Icinga 2 Admin Group"
Name |Description
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the user group.
### TimePeriod
Time periods can be used to specify when services should be checked or to limit
when notifications should be sent out.
object TimePeriod "24x7" inherits "legacy-timeperiod" {
display_name = "Icinga 2 24x7 TimePeriod",
ranges = {
"monday" = "00:00-24:00",
"tuesday" = "00:00-24:00",
"wednesday" = "00:00-24:00",
"thursday" = "00:00-24:00",
"friday" = "00:00-24:00",
"saturday" = "00:00-24:00",
"sunday" = "00:00-24:00",
Name |Description
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the time period.
methods |**Required.** The "update" script method takes care of updating the internal representation of the time period. In virtually all cases you should just inherit from the "legacy-timeperiod" template to take care of this setting.
ranges |**Required.** A dictionary containing information which days and durations apply to this timeperiod.
The `/etc/icinga2/conf.d/timeperiods.conf` file is usually used to define
timeperiods including this one.
### ConsoleLogger
Specifies Icinga 2 logging to the console.
object ConsoleLogger "my-debug-console" {
severity = "debug"
Name |Description
severity |**Optional.** The minimum severity for this log. Can be "debug", "information", "warning" or "critical". Defaults to "information".
### FileLogger
Specifies Icinga 2 logging to a file.
object FileLogger "my-debug-file" {
severity = "debug",
path = "/var/log/icinga2/icinga2-debug.log"
Name |Description
path |**Required.** The log path.
severity |**Optional.** The minimum severity for this log. Can be "debug", "information", "warning" or "critical". Defaults to "information".
### SyslogLogger
Specifies Icinga 2 logging to syslog.
object SyslogLogger "my-crit-syslog" {
severity = "critical"
Name |Description
severity |**Optional.** The minimum severity for this log. Can be "debug", "information", "warning" or "critical". Defaults to "information".
### CheckCommand
A check command definition. Additional default command macros can be
defined here.
object CheckCommand "check_snmp" inherits "plugin-check-command" {
command = "$plugindir$/check_snmp -H $address$ -C $community$ -o $oid$",
macros = {
address = "",
community = "public",
Name |Description
methods |**Required.** The "execute" script method takes care of executing the check. In virtually all cases you should just inherit from the "plugin-check-command" template to take care of this setting.
command |**Required.** The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command.
export_macros |**Optional.** A list of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
escape_macros |**Optional.** A list of macros which should be shell-escaped in the command.
macros |**Optional.** A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this command.
timeout |**Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 5 minutes.
### NotificationCommand
A notification command definition.
object NotificationCommand "mail-service-notification" inherits "plugin-notification-command" {
command = [
{{{***** Icinga *****
Notification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$
Additional Info: $SERVICEOUTPUT$
Name |Description
methods |**Required.** The "execute" script method takes care of executing the notification. In virtually all cases you should just inherit from the "plugin-notification-command" template to take care of this setting.
command |**Required.** The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command.
export_macros |**Optional.** A list of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
escape_macros |**Optional.** A list of macros which should be shell-escaped in the command.
macros |**Optional.** A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this command.
timeout |**Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 5 minutes.
### EventCommand
An event command definition.
> **Note**
> Similar to Icinga 1.x event handlers.
object EventCommand "restart-httpd-event" inherits "plugin-event-command" {
command = "/opt/bin/restart-httpd.sh",
Name |Description
methods |**Required.** The "execute" script method takes care of executing the event handler. In virtually all cases you should just inherit from the "plugin-event-command" template to take care of this setting.
command |**Required.** The command. This can either be an array of individual command arguments. Alternatively a string can be specified in which case the shell interpreter (usually /bin/sh) takes care of parsing the command.
export_macros |**Optional.** A list of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
escape_macros |**Optional.** A list of macros which should be shell-escaped in the command.
macros |**Optional.** A dictionary containing macros that are specific to this command.
timeout |**Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 5 minutes.
### PerfdataWriter
Writes check result performance data to a defined path using macro
library "perfdata"
object PerfdataWriter "pnp" {
perfdata_path = "/var/spool/icinga2/perfdata/service-perfdata",
rotation_interval = 15s,
Name |Description
perfdata\_path |**Optional.** Path to the service performance data file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/spool/icinga2/perfdata/perfdata".
temp\_path |**Optional.** Path to the temporary file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/spool/icinga2/tmp/perfdata".
format\_template|**Optional.** Format template for the performance data file. Defaults to a template that's suitable for use with PNP4Nagios.
rotation\_interval|**Optional.** Rotation interval for the file specified in `perfdata\_path`. Defaults to 30 seconds.
> **Note**
> When rotating the performance data file the current UNIX timestamp is appended to the path specified
> in `perfdata\_path` to generate a unique filename.
### GraphiteWriter
Writes check result metrics and performance data to a defined
Graphite Carbon host.
library "perfdata"
object GraphiteWriter "graphite" {
host = "",
port = 2003
Name |Description
host |**Optional.** Graphite Carbon host address. Defaults to ''.
port |**Optional.** Graphite Carbon port. Defaults to 2003.
### IdoMySqlConnection
IDO database adapter for MySQL.
library "db_ido_mysql"
object IdoMysqlConnection "mysql-ido" {
host = "",
port = 3306,
user = "icinga",
password = "icinga",
database = "icinga",
table_prefix = "icinga_",
instance_name = "icinga2",
instance_description = "icinga2 dev instance",
cleanup = {
downtimehistory_age = 48h,
logentries_age = 31d,
categories = (DbCatConfig | DbCatState)
Name |Description
host |**Optional.** MySQL database host address. Defaults to "localhost".
port |**Optional.** MySQL database port. Defaults to 3306.
user |**Optional.** MySQL database user with read/write permission to the icinga database. Defaults to "icinga".
password |**Optional.** MySQL database user's password. Defaults to "icinga".
database |**Optional.** MySQL database name. Defaults to "icinga".
table\_prefix |**Optional.** MySQL database table prefix. Defaults to "icinga\_".
instance\_name |**Optional.** Unique identifier for the local Icinga 2 instance. Defaults to "default".
instance\_description|**Optional.** Description for the Icinga 2 instance.
cleanup |**Optional.** Dictionary with items for historical table cleanup.
categories |**Optional.** The types of information that should be written to the database.
Cleanup Items:
Name | Description
acknowledgements_age |**Optional.** Max age for acknowledgements table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
commenthistory_age |**Optional.** Max age for commenthistory table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
contactnotifications_age |**Optional.** Max age for contactnotifications table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
contactnotificationmethods_age |**Optional.** Max age for contactnotificationmethods table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
downtimehistory_age |**Optional.** Max age for downtimehistory table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
eventhandlers_age |**Optional.** Max age for eventhandlers table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
externalcommands_age |**Optional.** Max age for externalcommands table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
flappinghistory_age |**Optional.** Max age for flappinghistory table rows (event_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
hostchecks_age |**Optional.** Max age for hostchecks table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
logentries_age |**Optional.** Max age for logentries table rows (logentry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
notifications_age |**Optional.** Max age for notifications table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
processevents_age |**Optional.** Max age for processevents table rows (event_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
statehistory_age |**Optional.** Max age for statehistory table rows (state_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
servicechecks_age |**Optional.** Max age for servicechecks table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
systemcommands_age |**Optional.** Max age for systemcommands table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
Data Categories:
Name | Description
DbCatConfig | Configuration data
DbCatState | Current state data
DbCatAcknowledgement | Acknowledgements
DbCatComment | Comments
DbCatDowntime | Downtimes
DbCatEventHandler | Event handler data
DbCatExternalCommand | External commands
DbCatFlapping | Flap detection data
DbCatCheck | Check results
DbCatLog | Log messages
DbCatNotification | Notifications
DbCatProgramStatus | Program status data
DbCatRetention | Retention data
DbCatStateHistory | Historical state data
Multiple categories can be combined using the `|` operator. In addition to
the category flags listed above the `DbCatEverything` flag may be used as
a shortcut for listing all flags.
### IdoPgSqlConnection
IDO database adapter for PostgreSQL.
library "db_ido_pgsql"
object IdoMysqlConnection "pgsql-ido" {
host = "",
port = 5432,
user = "icinga",
password = "icinga",
database = "icinga",
table_prefix = "icinga_",
instance_name = "icinga2",
instance_description = "icinga2 dev instance",
cleanup = {
downtimehistory_age = 48h,
logentries_age = 31d,
categories = (DbCatConfig | DbCatState)
Name |Description
host |**Optional.** PostgreSQL database host address. Defaults to "localhost".
port |**Optional.** PostgreSQL database port. Defaults to "5432".
user |**Optional.** PostgreSQL database user with read/write permission to the icinga database. Defaults to "icinga".
password |**Optional.** PostgreSQL database user's password. Defaults to "icinga".
database |**Optional.** PostgreSQL database name. Defaults to "icinga".
table\_prefix |**Optional.** PostgreSQL database table prefix. Defaults to "icinga\_".
instance\_name |**Optional.** Unique identifier for the local Icinga 2 instance. Defaults to "default".
instance\_description|**Optional.** Description for the Icinga 2 instance.
cleanup |**Optional.** Dictionary with items for historical table cleanup.
categories |**Optional.** The types of information that should be written to the database.
Cleanup Items:
Name | Description
acknowledgements_age |**Optional.** Max age for acknowledgements table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
commenthistory_age |**Optional.** Max age for commenthistory table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
contactnotifications_age |**Optional.** Max age for contactnotifications table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
contactnotificationmethods_age |**Optional.** Max age for contactnotificationmethods table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
downtimehistory_age |**Optional.** Max age for downtimehistory table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
eventhandlers_age |**Optional.** Max age for eventhandlers table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
externalcommands_age |**Optional.** Max age for externalcommands table rows (entry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
flappinghistory_age |**Optional.** Max age for flappinghistory table rows (event_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
hostchecks_age |**Optional.** Max age for hostchecks table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
logentries_age |**Optional.** Max age for logentries table rows (logentry_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
notifications_age |**Optional.** Max age for notifications table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
processevents_age |**Optional.** Max age for processevents table rows (event_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
statehistory_age |**Optional.** Max age for statehistory table rows (state_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
servicechecks_age |**Optional.** Max age for servicechecks table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
systemcommands_age |**Optional.** Max age for systemcommands table rows (start_time). Defaults to 0 (never).
Data Categories:
Name | Description
DbCatConfig | Configuration data
DbCatState | Current state data
DbCatAcknowledgement | Acknowledgements
DbCatComment | Comments
DbCatDowntime | Downtimes
DbCatEventHandler | Event handler data
DbCatExternalCommand | External commands
DbCatFlapping | Flap detection data
DbCatCheck | Check results
DbCatLog | Log messages
DbCatNotification | Notifications
DbCatProgramStatus | Program status data
DbCatRetention | Retention data
DbCatStateHistory | Historical state data
Multiple categories can be combined using the `|` operator. In addition to
the category flags listed above the `DbCatEverything` flag may be used as
a shortcut for listing all flags.
### LiveStatusListener
Livestatus API interface available as TCP or UNIX socket. Historical table queries
require the `CompatLogger` feature enabled pointing to the log files using the
`compat_log_path` configuration attribute.
library "livestatus"
object LivestatusListener "livestatus-tcp" {
socket_type = "tcp",
bind_host = "",
bind_port = "6558"
object LivestatusListener "livestatus-unix" {
socket_type = "unix",
socket_path = "/var/run/icinga2/livestatus"
Name |Description
socket\_type |**Optional.** Specifies the socket type. Can be either "tcp" or "unix". Defaults to "unix".
bind\_host |**Optional.** Only valid when socket\_type is "tcp". Host address to listen on for connections. Defaults to "".
bind\_port |**Optional.** Only valid when `socket\_type` is "tcp". Port to listen on for connections. Defaults to 6558.
socket\_path |**Optional.** Only valid when `socket\_type` is "unix". Specifies the path to the UNIX socket file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/run/icinga2/livestatus".
compat\_log\_path |**Optional.** Required for historical table queries. Requires `CompatLogger` feature enabled. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/log/icinga2/compat"
> **Note**
> UNIX sockets are not supported on Windows.
### StatusDataWriter
Periodically writes status data files which are used by the Classic UI and other third-party tools.
library "compat"
object StatusDataWriter "status" {
status\_path = "/var/cache/icinga2/status.dat",
objects\_path = "/var/cache/icinga2/objects.path"
Name |Description
status\_path |**Optional.** Path to the status.dat file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/cache/icinga2/status.dat".
objects\_path |**Optional.** Path to the objects.cache file. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/cache/icinga2/objects.cache".
### ExternalCommandListener
Implements the Icinga 1.x command pipe which can be used to send commands to Icinga.
library "compat"
object ExternalCommandListener "external" {
command\_path = "/var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd"
Name |Description
command\_path |**Optional.** Path to the command pipe. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd".
### CompatLogger
Writes log files in a format that's compatible with Icinga 1.x.
library "compat"
object CompatLogger "my-log" {
log\_dir = "/var/log/icinga2/compat",
rotation\_method = "HOURLY"
Name |Description
log\_dir |**Optional.** Path to the compat log directory. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/log/icinga2/compat".
rotation\_method|**Optional.** Specifies when to rotate log files. Can be one of "HOURLY", "DAILY", "WEEKLY" or "MONTHLY". Defaults to "HOURLY".
### CheckResultReader
Reads Icinga 1.x check results from a directory. This functionality is provided
to help existing Icinga 1.x users and might be useful for certain cluster
library "compat"
object CheckResultReader "reader" {
spool_dir = "/data/check-results"
Name |Description
spool\_dir |**Optional.** The directory which contains the check result files. Defaults to IcingaLocalStateDir + "/lib/icinga2/spool/checkresults/".
### CheckerComponent
The checker component is responsible for scheduling active checks. There are no configurable options.
library "checker"
object CheckerComponent "checker" { }
### NotificationComponent
The notification component is responsible for sending notifications. There are no configurable options.
library "notification"
object NotificationComponent "notification" { }
### ClusterListener
ClusterListener objects are used to specify remote cluster
node peers and the certificate files used for ssl
library "cluster"
object ClusterListener "cluster" {
ca_path = "/etc/icinga2/ca/ca.crt",
cert_path = "/etc/icinga2/ca/icinga-node-1.crt",
key_path = "/etc/icinga2/ca/icinga-node-1.key",
bind_port = 8888,
peers = [ "icinga-node-2" ]
Name |Description
cert\_path |**Required.** Path to the public key.
key\_path |**Required.** Path to the private key.
ca\_path |**Required.** Path to the CA certificate file.
crl\_path |**Optional.** Path to the CRL file.
bind\_host |**Optional.** The IP address the cluster listener should be bound to.
bind\_port |**Optional.** The port the cluster listener should be bound to.
peers |**Optional.** A list of
### Endpoint
Endpoint objects are used to specify connection information for remote
Icinga 2 instances.
library "cluster"
object Endpoint "icinga-c2" {
node = "",
service = 7777,
Name |Description
node |**Required.** The hostname/IP address of the remote Icinga 2 instance.
service |**Required.** The service name/port of the remote Icinga 2 instance.
config\_files |**Optional.** A list of configuration files sent to remote peers (wildcards possible).
accept\_config |**Optional.** A list of endpoint names from which this endpoint accepts configuration files.
### Domain
Name |Description
acl |TODO