/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "i2-compatido.h" using namespace icinga; EXPORT_COMPONENT(compatido, CompatIdoComponent); const String CompatIdoComponent::DefaultSocketAddress = ""; const String CompatIdoComponent::DefaultSocketPort = "5668"; const String CompatIdoComponent::DefaultInstanceName = "i2-default"; const int CompatIdoComponent::DefaultReconnectInterval = 15; #define PROGRAM_MODIFICATION_DATE "10-17-2012" #ifndef VERSION # define VERSION "2.0" #endif /* VERSION */ /** * Reads the socket address from the config * @returns address The config option, or static default */ String CompatIdoComponent::GetSocketAddress(void) const { Value address = GetConfig()->Get("socket_address"); if (address.IsEmpty()) return DefaultSocketAddress; else return address; } /** * Reads the socket port from the config * @returns port The config option, or static default */ String CompatIdoComponent::GetSocketPort(void) const { Value port = GetConfig()->Get("socket_port"); if (port.IsEmpty()) return DefaultSocketPort; else return port; } /** * Reads the instance name from the config * @returns instance The config option, or static default */ String CompatIdoComponent::GetInstanceName(void) const { Value instance = GetConfig()->Get("instance_name"); if (instance.IsEmpty()) return DefaultInstanceName; else return instance; } /** * Reads the reconnect interval from the config * @returns reconnect_interval The config option, or static default */ double CompatIdoComponent::GetReconnectInterval(void) const { Value interval = GetConfig()->Get("reconnect_interval"); if (interval.IsEmpty()) return DefaultReconnectInterval; else return interval; } /** * Starts the component. */ void CompatIdoComponent::Start(void) { const int StatusTimerInterval = 60; const int ConfigTimerInterval = 3600; //const int ProgramStatusTimerInterval = 15; const double ReconnectTimerInterval = GetReconnectInterval(); /* FIXME - make this a config option when unix sockets are realdy */ /* HINTS - XXX * - only tcp sockets * - only icinga idoutils 1.8 * - only "retained" config */ /* * open ido socket once */ OpenIdoSocket(); /* * ddump the config later (can't do that within start of the component) */ m_ConfigTimer = boost::make_shared(); m_ConfigTimer->SetInterval(ConfigTimerInterval); m_ConfigTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&CompatIdoComponent::ConfigTimerHandler, this)); m_ConfigTimer->Start(); m_ConfigTimer->Reschedule(0); /* * initialize timers */ m_StatusTimer = boost::make_shared(); m_StatusTimer->SetInterval(StatusTimerInterval); m_StatusTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&CompatIdoComponent::StatusTimerHandler, this)); m_StatusTimer->Start(); /* * do not dummp that asynchronous * TODO do that on dynamic updates for objects */ /* m_ProgramStatusTimer = boost::make_shared(); m_ProgramStatusTimer->SetInterval(ProgramStatusTimerInterval); m_ProgramStatusTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&CompatIdoComponent::ProgramStatusTimerHandler, this)); m_ProgramStatusTimer->Start(); m_ProgramStatusTimer->Reschedule(0); */ /* * scheck for reconnect once in a while */ m_ReconnectTimer = boost::make_shared(); m_ReconnectTimer->SetInterval(ReconnectTimerInterval); m_ReconnectTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&CompatIdoComponent::ReconnectTimerHandler, this)); m_ReconnectTimer->Start(); } /** * Stops the component. */ void CompatIdoComponent::Stop(void) { CloseIdoSocket(); } /** * Opens the ido socket, and sends hello to ido2db */ void CompatIdoComponent::OpenIdoSocket(void) { TcpSocket::Ptr socket = boost::make_shared(); socket->Connect(GetSocketAddress(), GetSocketPort()); socket->Start(); m_IdoConnection = boost::make_shared(socket); m_IdoConnection->OnClosed.connect(boost::bind(&CompatIdoComponent::SocketDisconnectHandler, this)); /* FIXME */ #define COMPATIDO_PROTOCOL 2 #define COMPATIDO_NAME "ICINGA2 COMPATIDO" #define COMPATIDO_RELEASE_VERSION "2.0" /* connection is always TCP */ /* connecttype is always initial */ stringstream msgHello; msgHello << "\n\n" << "HELLO" << "\n" << "PROTOCOL" << ": " << COMPATIDO_PROTOCOL<< "\n" << "AGENT" << ": " << COMPATIDO_NAME << "\n" << "AGENTVERSION" << ": " << VERSION << "\n" << "STARTTIME" << ": " << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" << "DISPOSITION" << ": " << "REALTIME" << "\n" << "CONNECTION" << ": " << "TCPSOCKET" << "\n" << "INSTANCENAME" << ": " << GetInstanceName() << "\n" << "STARTDATADUMP" << "\n\n"; m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(msgHello.str()); /* TODO */ #define PROGRAM_MODIFICATION_DATE "10-17-2012" #define PROGRAM_RELEASE_VERSION "2.0" stringstream msgProcessData; msgProcessData << "\n" << 200 << "\n" /* processdata */ << 1 << "=" << 104 << "\n" /* type = pprocess prelaunch */ << 2 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* flags */ << 3 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* attributes */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 105 << "=" << "Icinga2" << "\n" /* progranname */ << 107 << "=" << PROGRAM_RELEASE_VERSION << "\n" /* programversion */ << 104 << "=" << PROGRAM_MODIFICATION_DATE << "\n" /* programdata */ << 102 << "=" << Utility::GetPid() << "\n" /* process id */ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(msgProcessData.str()); } /* * Sends goodbye to ido2db, and closes ido socket */ void CompatIdoComponent::CloseIdoSocket(void) { stringstream message; message << "\n" << 1000 << "\n" /* enddatadump */ << "ENDTIME" << ": " << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* endtime */ << "GOODBYE" /* goodbye */ << "\n\n"; m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } void CompatIdoComponent::SocketDisconnectHandler(void) { m_IdoConnection.reset(); } /* TODO * subscribe to all status updates and checkresults and dump them * should remove the periodic statusdata dump * subscribe to config update events, and send insert/update/delete for configs to ido2db * detect if socket disconnected, add timer for reconnect */ /** * Periodically dumps status information */ void CompatIdoComponent::StatusTimerHandler(void) { Logger::Write(LogInformation, "compatido", "Writing compat ido status information"); DumpStatusData(); DumpProgramStatusData(); } /** * Periodically dumps config information */ void CompatIdoComponent::ConfigTimerHandler(void) { Logger::Write(LogInformation, "compatido", "Writing compat ido config information"); DumpConfigObjects(); } /** * Periodically dumps program status information */ void CompatIdoComponent::ProgramStatusTimerHandler(void) { Logger::Write(LogInformation, "compatido", "Writing compat ido program status information"); DumpProgramStatusData(); } /** * Periodically check if idosocket requires a reconnect */ void CompatIdoComponent::ReconnectTimerHandler(void) { Logger::Write(LogDebug, "compatido", "Checking if ido socket requires reconnect"); if (!m_IdoConnection) /* socket was disconnected, recconnect */ OpenIdoSocket(); } /** * enables host config object in ido */ void CompatIdoComponent::EnableHostObject(const Host::Ptr& host) { stringstream message; message << "\n" << 500 << ":" << "\n" /* enableobject */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 53 << "=" << host->GetName() << "\n" /* host */ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /** * enables service config object in ido */ void CompatIdoComponent::EnableServiceObject(const Service::Ptr& service) { stringstream message; message << "\n" << 500 << ":" << "\n" /* enableobject */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 53 << "=" << service->GetHost()->GetName() << "\n" /* host */ << 114 << "=" << service->GetShortName() << "\n" /* service */ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /** * disables host config object in ido */ void CompatIdoComponent::DisableHostObject(const Host::Ptr& host) { stringstream message; message << "\n" << 501 << ":" << "\n" /* disableobject */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 53 << "=" << host->GetName() << "\n" /* host */ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /** * disables service config object in ido */ void CompatIdoComponent::DisableServiceObject(const Service::Ptr& service) { stringstream message; message << "\n" << 501 << ":" << "\n" /* disableobject */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 53 << "=" << service->GetHost()->GetName() << "\n" /* host */ << 114 << "=" << service->GetShortName() << "\n" /* service */ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /** * dump host config to ido * * @param host Pointer to the Host object */ void CompatIdoComponent::DumpHostObject(const Host::Ptr& host) { stringstream log; log << "Dumping Host Config: " << host->GetName(); Logger::Write(LogDebug, "compatido", log.str()); stringstream message; message << "\n" << 400 << ":" << "\n" /* hostdefinition */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 174 << "=" << host->GetName() << "\n" /* hostname */ << 258 << "=" << host->GetDisplayName() << "\n" /* displayname */ << 159 << "=" << host->GetName() << "\n" /* hostalias */ << 158 << "=" << host->GetName() << "\n" /* hostaddress */ << 266 << "=" << host->GetName() << "\n" /* hostaddress6 */ << 160 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* hostcheckcommand */ << 163 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* hosteventhandler */ << 177 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* hostnotificationperiod */ << 162 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* hostcheckperiod */ << 166 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* hostfailurepredictionoptions */ << 161 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* hostcheckinterval */ << 247 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* hostretryinterval */ << 173 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* hostmaxcheckattempts */ << 246 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* firstnotificationdelay */ << 176 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* hostnotificationinterval */ << 189 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyhostdown */ << 192 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyhostunreachable */ << 191 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyhostrecovery */ << 190 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyhostflapping */ << 248 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyhostdowntime */ << 167 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* hostflapdetectionenabled */ << 251 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* flaptdetectiononup */ << 252 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* flapdetectionoidown */ << 253 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* flapdetectiononunreachable */ << 183 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* lowhostflatthreshold */ << 156 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* highhostflapthreshold */ << 230 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* stalkhostonup */ << 228 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* stalkhostoidown */ << 229 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* stalkhostonunreachable */ << 168 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* hostfreshnesschecksenable */ << 169 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* hostfreshnessthreshold */ << 201 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* processhostperformancedata */ << 8 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* activehostchecksenabled */ << 96 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* passivehostchecksenabled */ << 164 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* hosteventhanderenabled */ << 204 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* retainhoststatusinformation */ << 203 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* retainnonhoststatusinformation */ << 178 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* hostnotificationsenabled */ << 165 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* hostfailurepredictionenabled */ << 91 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* obsessoverhost */ << 186 << "=" << "i2_notes" << "\n" /* notes */ << 187 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* notesurl */ << 126 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* actionurl */ << 179 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* iconimage */ << 180 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* iconimagealt */ << 239 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* vrmlimage */ << 235 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* statusmapimage */ << 154 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* have2dcoords */ << 240 << "=" << 0.0 << "\n" /* x2d */ << 242 << "=" << 0.0 << "\n" /* y2d */ << 155 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* have3dcoords */ << 241 << "=" << 0.0 << "\n" /* x3d */ << 243 << "=" << 0.0 << "\n" /* y3d */ << 244<< "=" << 0.0 << "\n" /* z3d */ /* FIXME add more related config items * parents, contactgroups, contacts, custom vars * before sending the message */ << 200 << "=" << "i2_parent" << "\n" /* parenthost */ << 130 << "=" << "i2_contactgroup" << "\n" /* contactgroup */ << 264 << "=" << "i2_contact" << "\n" /* contact */ << 262 << "=" << "i2_customvar" << ":" << 1 << ":" << "i2_custom_var_mod" << "\n" /* customvariable */ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /** * dump host status to ido * * @param host Pointer to Host object */ void CompatIdoComponent::DumpHostStatus(const Host::Ptr& host) { stringstream log; log << "Dumping Host Status: " << host->GetName(); Logger::Write(LogDebug, "compatido", log.str()); int state; if (!host->IsReachable()) state = 2; /* unreachable */ else if (!host->IsUp()) state = 1; /* down */ else state = 0; /* up */ stringstream message; message << "\n" << 212 << ":" << "\n" /* hoststatusdata */ << 1 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* type */ << 2 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* flags */ << 3 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* attributes */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 53 << "=" << host->GetName() << "\n" /* host */ << 95 << "=" << "i2 static" << "\n" /* output */ << 125 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* longout */ << 99 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* perfdata */ << 27 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* currentstate */ << 51 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* hasbeenchecked */ << 115 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* shouldbescheduled */ << 25 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* currentcheckattempt */ << 76 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* maxcheckattempts */ << 58 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasthostcheck (seconds only) */ << 81 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* nexthostcheck (seconds only) */ << 12 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* checktype */ << 63 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* laststatechange */ << 57 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasthardstatechange */ << 56 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasthardstate */ << 69 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasttimeup */ << 65 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasttimedown */ << 68 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lastttimeunreachable */ << 121 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* statetype */ << 59 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasthostnotification */ << 82 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* nexthostnotification */ << 85 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* nomorenotifications */ << 88 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notificationsenabled */ << 101 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* problemhasbeenacknowledged */ << 7 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* acknowledgementtype */ << 26 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* currentnotificationnumber */ << 96 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* passivehostchecksenabled */ << 38 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* eventhandlerenabled */ << 8 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* activehostchecksenabled */ << 47 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* flapdetectionenabled */ << 54 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* isflapping */ << 98 << "=" << 0.0 << "\n" /* percentstatechange */ << 71 << "=" << 0.0 << "\n" /* latency */ << 42 << "=" << 0.0 << "\n" /* executiontime */ << 113 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* scheduleddowntimedepth */ << 45 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* failurepredictionsenabled */ << 103 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* processperformancedata */ << 91 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* obsessoverhost */ << 78 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* modifiedattributes */ << 37 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* eventhandler */ << 11 << "=" << "i2_virtual_check" << "\n" /* checkcommand */ << 86 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* normalcheckinterval */ << 109 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* retrycheckinterval */ << 162 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* hostcheckperiod */ /* FIXME dump all customvars in a loop */ << 262 << "=" << "i2_customvar" << ":" << "1" << ":" << "i2_customvarmod" << "\n" /* customvariable */ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /** * dump service config to ido * * @param service Pointer to Service object */ void CompatIdoComponent::DumpServiceObject(const Service::Ptr& service) { stringstream log; log << "Dumping Service Config: " << service->GetHost()->GetName() << "->" << service->GetShortName(); Logger::Write(LogDebug, "compatido", log.str()); stringstream message; message << "\n" << 402 << ":" << "\n" /* servicedefinition */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 174 << "=" << service->GetHost()->GetName() << "\n" /* hostname */ << 258 << "=" << service->GetDisplayName() << "\n" /* displayname */ << 210 << "=" << service->GetShortName() << "\n" /* servicedescription */ << 207 << "=" << "check_i2" << "\n" /* servicecheckcommand */ << 211 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* serviceeventhandler */ << 224 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* servicenotificationperiod */ << 209 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* servicecheckperiod */ << 214 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* servicefailurepredictionoptions */ << 208 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* servicecheckinterval */ << 226 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* serviceretryinterval */ << 185 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* maxservicecheckattempts */ << 246 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* firstnotificationdelay */ << 223 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* servicenotificationinterval */ << 196 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyserviceunknown */ << 197 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyservicewarning */ << 193 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyservicecritical */ << 195 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyservicerecovery */ << 194 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyserviceflapping */ << 249 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notifyservicedowntime */ << 232 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* stalkserviceonok */ << 234 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* stalkserviceonwarning */ << 233 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* stalkserviceonunknown */ << 231 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* stalkserviceoncritical */ << 221 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* serviceisvolatile */ << 215 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* serviceflapdetectionenabled */ << 254 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* flapdetectiononok */ << 255 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* flapdetectiononwarning */ << 256 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* flapdetectiononunknown */ << 257 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* flapdetectiononcritical */ << 184 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* lowserviceflapthreshold */ << 157 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* highserviceflapthreshold */ << 202 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* processserviceperformancedata */ << 216 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* servicefreshnesschecksenabled */ << 217 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* servicefreshnessthreshold */ << 97 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* passiveservicechecksenabled */ << 212 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* serviceeventhandlerenabled */ << 9 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* activeservicechecksenabled */ << 206 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* retainservicestatusinformation */ << 205 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* retainservicenonstatusinformation */ << 225 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* servicenotificationsenabled */ << 93 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* obsessoverservice */ << 213 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* servicefailurepredictionenabled */ << 186 << "=" << "i2_notes" << "\n" /* notes */ << 187 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* notesurl */ << 126 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* actionurl */ << 179 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* iconimage */ << 180 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* iconimagealt */ /* FIXME add more related config items * contactgroups, contacts, custom vars * before sending the message, in a loop */ << 130 << "=" << "i2_contactgroup" << "\n" /* contactgroup */ << 264 << "=" << "i2_contact" << "\n" /* contact */ << 262 << "=" << "i2_customvar" << ":" << 1 << ":" << "i2_custom_var_mod" << "\n" /* customvariable */ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /** * dump service status to ido * * @param service Pointer to Service object */ void CompatIdoComponent::DumpServiceStatus(const Service::Ptr& service) { stringstream log; log << "Dumping Service Status: " << service->GetHost()->GetName() << "->" << service->GetShortName(); Logger::Write(LogDebug, "compatido", log.str()); String output; String perfdata; double schedule_start = -1, schedule_end = -1; double execution_start = -1, execution_end = -1; Dictionary::Ptr cr = service->GetLastCheckResult(); if (cr) { output = cr->Get("output"); schedule_start = cr->Get("schedule_start"); schedule_end = cr->Get("schedule_end"); execution_start = cr->Get("execution_start"); execution_end = cr->Get("execution_end"); perfdata = cr->Get("performance_data_raw"); } double execution_time = (execution_end - execution_start); double latency = (schedule_end - schedule_start) - execution_time; int state = service->GetState(); if (state > StateUnknown) state = StateUnknown; stringstream message; message << "\n" << 213 << ":" << "\n" /* servicestatusdata */ << 1 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* type */ << 2 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* flags */ << 3 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* attributes */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 53 << "=" << service->GetHost()->GetName() << "\n" /* host */ << 114 << "=" << service->GetShortName() << "\n" /* service */ << 95 << "=" << output << "\n" /* output */ << 125 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* longoutput */ << 99 << "=" << perfdata << "\n" /* perfdata */ << 27 << "=" << state << "\n" /* currentstate */ << 51 << "=" << (service->GetLastCheckResult() ? 1 : 0) << "\n" /* hasbeenchecked */ << 115 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* shouldbescheduled */ << 25 << "=" << service->GetCurrentCheckAttempt() << "\n" /* currentcheckattempt */ << 76 << "=" << service->GetMaxCheckAttempts() << "\n" /* maxcheckattempts */ << 61 << "=" << static_cast(schedule_end) << "\n" /* lastservicecheck (seconds only) */ << 83 << "=" << static_cast(service->GetNextCheck()) << "\n" /* nextservicecheck (seconds only) */ << 12 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* checktype */ << 63 << "=" << static_cast(service->GetLastStateChange()) << "\n" /* laststatechange (seconds only) */ << 57 << "=" << static_cast(service->GetLastHardStateChange()) << "\n" /* lasthardstatechange (seconds only) */ << 56 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasthardstate */ << 66 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasttimeok */ << 70 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasttimewarning */ << 67 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasttimeunknown */ << 64 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lasttimecritical */ << 121 << "=" << service->GetStateType() << "\n" /* statetype */ << 62 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lastservicenotification */ << 84 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* nextservicenotification */ << 85 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* nomorenotifications */ << 88 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notificationsenabled */ << 101 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* problemhasbeenacknowledged */ << 7 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* acknowledgementtype */ << 26 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* currentnotifcationnumber */ << 97 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* passiveservicechecksenabled */ << 38 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* eventhandlerenabled */ << 9 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* activeservicechecksenabled */ << 47 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* flapdetectionenabled */ << 54 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* isflapping */ << 98 << "=" << 0.0 << "\n" /* percentstatechange */ << 71 << "=" << latency << "\n" /* latency */ << 42 << "=" << execution_time << "\n" /* executiontime */ << 113 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* scheduleddowntimedepth */ << 45 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* failurepredictionsenabled */ << 103 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* processperformancedata */ << 93 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* obsessoverservice */ << 80 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* modifiedserviceattributes */ << 37 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* eventhandler */ << 11 << "=" << "i2_check_service" << "\n" /* checkcommand */ << 86 << "=" << service->GetCheckInterval() / 60.0 << "\n" /* normalcheckinterval */ << 109 << "=" << service->GetRetryInterval() / 60.0 << "\n" /* retrycheckinterval */ << 209 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* servicecheckperiod */ /* FIXME dump customvars in a loop */ << 262 << "=" << "i2_customvar" << ":" << "1" << ":" << "i2_customvarmod" << "\n" /* customvariable */ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /** * dumps programstatus to ido */ void CompatIdoComponent::DumpProgramStatusData(void) { double start_time = IcingaApplication::GetInstance()->GetStartTime(); stringstream message; message << "\n" << 211 << ":" << "\n" /* programstatusdata */ << 1 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* type */ << 2 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* flags */ << 3 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* attributes */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 106 << "=" << static_cast(start_time) << "\n" /* programstarttime */ << 102 << "=" << Utility::GetPid() << "\n" /* processid */ << 28 << "=" << "1" << "\n" /* daemonmode */ << 55 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lastcommandcheck */ << 60 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* lastlogrotation */ << 88 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* notificationsenabled */ << 9 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* activeservicechecksenabled */ << 97 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* passiveservicechecksenabled */ << 8 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* activehostchecksenabled */ << 96 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* passivehostchecksenabled */ << 39 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* eventhandlersenabled */ << 47 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* flaptdetectionenabled */ << 45 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* failurepredictionenabled */ << 103 << "=" << 1 << "\n" /* processperformancedata */ << 92 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* obsessoverhosts */ << 94 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* obsessoverservices */ << 78 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* modifiedhostattributes */ << 80 << "=" << 0 << "\n" /* modifiedserviceattributes */ << 49 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* globalhosteventhandler */ << 50 << "=" << "" << "\n" /* globalserviceeventhandler */ << 270 << "=" << static_cast(Utility::GetTime()) << "\n" /* disablednotificationsexpiretime - supported in 1.8 XXX */ << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /** * process and dump all config objects */ void CompatIdoComponent::DumpConfigObjects(void) { /* TODO dump * commands, timeperiods, contact* * escalations, dependencies * if needed/available. */ /* tell ido2db that we start now */ /* configtype =1 (original), =2 (retained == default) */ stringstream msgStartConfigDump; msgStartConfigDump << "\n\n" << 900 << ":" << "\n" /* startconfigdump */ << 245 << "=" << "RETAINED" << "\n" /* configdumptype */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 999 /* enddata */ << "\n\n"; m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(msgStartConfigDump.str()); /* hosts and hostgroups */ DynamicObject::Ptr object; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("Host")->GetObjects()) { const Host::Ptr& host = static_pointer_cast(object); DumpHostObject(host); //FIXME remove me, debug only XXX //DisableHostObject(host); } BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("HostGroup")->GetObjects()) { const HostGroup::Ptr& hg = static_pointer_cast(object); /* dump the hostgroup and its attributes/members to ido */ stringstream message; message << "\n" << 401 << ":" << "\n" /* hostgroupdefinition */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 172 << "=" << hg->GetName() << "\n" /* hostgroupname */ << 170 << "=" << hg->GetName() << "\n"; /* hostgroupalias */ vector hglist; BOOST_FOREACH(const Host::Ptr& host, hg->GetMembers()) { hglist.push_back(host->GetName()); } SendMessageList(message, hglist, 171); /* hostgroupmember */ message << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /* services and servicegroups */ BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("Service")->GetObjects()) { Service::Ptr service = static_pointer_cast(object); DumpServiceObject(service); //FIXME remove me, debug only XXX //DisableServiceObject(service); } BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("ServiceGroup")->GetObjects()) { const ServiceGroup::Ptr& sg = static_pointer_cast(object); /* dump the servicegroup and its attributes/members to ido */ stringstream message; message << "\n" << 403 << ":" << "\n" /* servicegroupdefinition */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 220 << "=" << sg->GetName() << "\n" /* servicegroupname */ << 218 << "=" << sg->GetName() << "\n"; /* servicegroupalias */ vector sglist; vector::iterator vt; BOOST_FOREACH(const Service::Ptr& service, sg->GetMembers()) { sglist.push_back(service->GetHost()->GetName()); sglist.push_back(service->GetShortName()); } SendMessageList(message, sglist, 219); /* servicegroupmember */ message << 999 << "\n\n"; /* enddata */ m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(message.str()); } /* tell ido2db that we ended dumping the config */ stringstream msgEndConfigDump; msgEndConfigDump << "\n\n" << 901 << ":" << "\n" /* endconfigdump */ << 4 << "=" << std::setprecision(17) << Utility::GetTime() << "\n" /* timestamp */ << 999 /* enddata */ << "\n\n"; m_IdoConnection->SendMessage(msgEndConfigDump.str()); } /** * process and dump all status data */ void CompatIdoComponent::DumpStatusData(void) { /* hosts */ DynamicObject::Ptr object; BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("Host")->GetObjects()) { const Host::Ptr& host = static_pointer_cast(object); DumpHostStatus(host); } /* services */ BOOST_FOREACH(tie(tuples::ignore, object), DynamicType::GetByName("Service")->GetObjects()) { Service::Ptr service = static_pointer_cast(object); DumpServiceStatus(service); } }