/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Icinga Development Team (https://www.icinga.com/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "remote/configpackageutility.hpp" #include "base/application.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace icinga; String ConfigPackageUtility::GetPackageDir() { return Configuration::DataDir + "/api/packages"; } void ConfigPackageUtility::CreatePackage(const String& name) { String path = GetPackageDir() + "/" + name; if (Utility::PathExists(path)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Package already exists.")); Utility::MkDirP(path, 0700); WritePackageConfig(name); } void ConfigPackageUtility::DeletePackage(const String& name) { String path = GetPackageDir() + "/" + name; if (!Utility::PathExists(path)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Package does not exist.")); Utility::RemoveDirRecursive(path); Application::RequestRestart(); } std::vector ConfigPackageUtility::GetPackages() { String packageDir = GetPackageDir(); std::vector packages; /* Package directory does not exist, no packages have been created thus far. */ if (!Utility::PathExists(packageDir)) return packages; Utility::Glob(packageDir + "/*", std::bind(&ConfigPackageUtility::CollectDirNames, _1, std::ref(packages)), GlobDirectory); return packages; } void ConfigPackageUtility::CollectDirNames(const String& path, std::vector& dirs) { dirs.emplace_back(Utility::BaseName(path)); } bool ConfigPackageUtility::PackageExists(const String& name) { return Utility::PathExists(GetPackageDir() + "/" + name); } String ConfigPackageUtility::CreateStage(const String& packageName, const Dictionary::Ptr& files) { String stageName = Utility::NewUniqueID(); String path = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName; if (!Utility::PathExists(path)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Package does not exist.")); path += "/" + stageName; Utility::MkDirP(path, 0700); Utility::MkDirP(path + "/conf.d", 0700); Utility::MkDirP(path + "/zones.d", 0700); WriteStageConfig(packageName, stageName); bool foundDotDot = false; if (files) { ObjectLock olock(files); for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : files) { if (ContainsDotDot(kv.first)) { foundDotDot = true; break; } String filePath = path + "/" + kv.first; Log(LogInformation, "ConfigPackageUtility") << "Updating configuration file: " << filePath; // Pass the directory and generate a dir tree, if it does not already exist Utility::MkDirP(Utility::DirName(filePath), 0750); std::ofstream fp(filePath.CStr(), std::ofstream::out | std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::trunc); fp << kv.second; fp.close(); } } if (foundDotDot) { Utility::RemoveDirRecursive(path); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Path must not contain '..'.")); } return stageName; } void ConfigPackageUtility::WritePackageConfig(const String& packageName) { String stageName = GetActiveStage(packageName); String includePath = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/include.conf"; std::ofstream fpInclude(includePath.CStr(), std::ofstream::out | std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::trunc); fpInclude << "include \"*/include.conf\"\n"; fpInclude.close(); String activePath = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/active.conf"; std::ofstream fpActive(activePath.CStr(), std::ofstream::out | std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::trunc); fpActive << "if (!globals.contains(\"ActiveStages\")) {\n" << " globals.ActiveStages = {}\n" << "}\n" << "\n" << "if (globals.contains(\"ActiveStageOverride\")) {\n" << " var arr = ActiveStageOverride.split(\":\")\n" << " if (arr[0] == \"" << packageName << "\") {\n" << " if (arr.len() < 2) {\n" << " log(LogCritical, \"Config\", \"Invalid value for ActiveStageOverride\")\n" << " } else {\n" << " ActiveStages[\"" << packageName << "\"] = arr[1]\n" << " }\n" << " }\n" << "}\n" << "\n" << "if (!ActiveStages.contains(\"" << packageName << "\")) {\n" << " ActiveStages[\"" << packageName << "\"] = \"" << stageName << "\"\n" << "}\n"; fpActive.close(); } void ConfigPackageUtility::WriteStageConfig(const String& packageName, const String& stageName) { String path = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/" + stageName + "/include.conf"; std::ofstream fp(path.CStr(), std::ofstream::out | std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::trunc); fp << "include \"../active.conf\"\n" << "if (ActiveStages[\"" << packageName << "\"] == \"" << stageName << "\") {\n" << " include_recursive \"conf.d\"\n" << " include_zones \"" << packageName << "\", \"zones.d\"\n" << "}\n"; fp.close(); } void ConfigPackageUtility::ActivateStage(const String& packageName, const String& stageName) { String activeStagePath = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/active-stage"; std::ofstream fpActiveStage(activeStagePath.CStr(), std::ofstream::out | std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::trunc); fpActiveStage << stageName; fpActiveStage.close(); WritePackageConfig(packageName); } void ConfigPackageUtility::TryActivateStageCallback(const ProcessResult& pr, const String& packageName, const String& stageName, bool reload) { String logFile = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/" + stageName + "/startup.log"; std::ofstream fpLog(logFile.CStr(), std::ofstream::out | std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::trunc); fpLog << pr.Output; fpLog.close(); String statusFile = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/" + stageName + "/status"; std::ofstream fpStatus(statusFile.CStr(), std::ofstream::out | std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::trunc); fpStatus << pr.ExitStatus; fpStatus.close(); /* validation went fine, activate stage and reload */ if (pr.ExitStatus == 0) { { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(GetStaticMutex()); ActivateStage(packageName, stageName); } if (reload) Application::RequestRestart(); } else { Log(LogCritical, "ConfigPackageUtility") << "Config validation failed for package '" << packageName << "' and stage '" << stageName << "'."; } } void ConfigPackageUtility::AsyncTryActivateStage(const String& packageName, const String& stageName, bool reload) { VERIFY(Application::GetArgC() >= 1); // prepare arguments Array::Ptr args = new Array({ Application::GetExePath(Application::GetArgV()[0]), }); // copy all arguments of parent process for (int i = 1; i < Application::GetArgC(); i++) { String argV = Application::GetArgV()[i]; if (argV == "-d" || argV == "--daemonize") continue; args->Add(argV); } // add arguments for validation args->Add("--validate"); args->Add("--define"); args->Add("ActiveStageOverride=" + packageName + ":" + stageName); Process::Ptr process = new Process(Process::PrepareCommand(args)); process->SetTimeout(300); process->Run(std::bind(&TryActivateStageCallback, _1, packageName, stageName, reload)); } void ConfigPackageUtility::DeleteStage(const String& packageName, const String& stageName) { String path = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/" + stageName; if (!Utility::PathExists(path)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Stage does not exist.")); if (GetActiveStage(packageName) == stageName) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Active stage cannot be deleted.")); Utility::RemoveDirRecursive(path); } std::vector ConfigPackageUtility::GetStages(const String& packageName) { std::vector stages; Utility::Glob(GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/*", std::bind(&ConfigPackageUtility::CollectDirNames, _1, std::ref(stages)), GlobDirectory); return stages; } String ConfigPackageUtility::GetActiveStage(const String& packageName) { String path = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/active-stage"; std::ifstream fp; fp.open(path.CStr()); String stage; std::getline(fp, stage.GetData()); fp.close(); if (fp.fail()) return ""; return stage.Trim(); } std::vector > ConfigPackageUtility::GetFiles(const String& packageName, const String& stageName) { std::vector > paths; Utility::GlobRecursive(GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/" + stageName, "*", std::bind(&ConfigPackageUtility::CollectPaths, _1, std::ref(paths)), GlobDirectory | GlobFile); return paths; } void ConfigPackageUtility::CollectPaths(const String& path, std::vector >& paths) { #ifndef _WIN32 struct stat statbuf; int rc = lstat(path.CStr(), &statbuf); if (rc < 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(posix_error() << boost::errinfo_api_function("lstat") << boost::errinfo_errno(errno) << boost::errinfo_file_name(path)); paths.emplace_back(path, S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)); #else /* _WIN32 */ struct _stat statbuf; int rc = _stat(path.CStr(), &statbuf); if (rc < 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(posix_error() << boost::errinfo_api_function("_stat") << boost::errinfo_errno(errno) << boost::errinfo_file_name(path)); paths.emplace_back(path, ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)); #endif /* _WIN32 */ } bool ConfigPackageUtility::ContainsDotDot(const String& path) { std::vector tokens = path.Split("/\\"); for (const String& part : tokens) { if (part == "..") return true; } return false; } bool ConfigPackageUtility::ValidateName(const String& name) { if (name.IsEmpty()) return false; /* check for path injection */ if (ContainsDotDot(name)) return false; boost::regex expr("^[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]*$", boost::regex::icase); boost::smatch what; return (!boost::regex_search(name.GetData(), what, expr)); } boost::mutex& ConfigPackageUtility::GetStaticMutex() { static boost::mutex mutex; return mutex; }