/****************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ object CheckCommand "interfacetable" { import "plugin-check-command" command = [ PluginContribDir + "/check_interface_table_v3t" ] arguments = { "-H" = { value = "$interfacetable_hostquery$" description = "Specifies the remote host to poll" } "-h" = { value = "$interfacetable_hostdisplay$" description = "Specifies the hostname to display in the HTML link" } "-r" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_regex$" description = "Interface names and property names for some other options will be interpreted as regular expressions" } "--outputshort" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_outputshort$" description = "Reduce the verbosity of the plugin output" } "-e" = { value = "$interfacetable_exclude$" description = "Comma separated list of interfaces globally excluded from the monitoring" } "-i" = { value = "$interfacetable_include$" description = "Comma separated list of interfaces globally included in the monitoring" } "--alias-matching" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_aliasmatching$" description = "Allow you to specify alias in addition to interface names" } "--et" = { value = "$interfacetable_excludetraffic$" description = "Comma separated list of interfaces excluded from traffic checks" } "--it" = { value = "$interfacetable_includetraffic$" description = "Comma separated list of interfaces included for traffic checks" } "--wt" = { value = "$interfacetable_warningtraffic$" description = "Interface traffic load percentage leading to a warning alert" } "--ct" = { value = "$interfacetable_criticaltraffic$" description = "Interface traffic load percentage leading to a critical alert" } "--pkt" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_pkt$" description = "Add unicast/non-unicast pkt stats for each interface" } "--tp" = { value = "$interfacetable_trackproperty$" description = "List of tracked properties" } "--ep" = { value = "$interfacetable_excludeproperty$" description = "Comma separated list of interfaces excluded from the property tracking" } "--ip" = { value = "$interfacetable_includeproperty$" description = "Comma separated list of interfaces included in the property tracking" } "--wp" = { value = "$interfacetable_warningproperty$" description = "Number of property changes before leading to a warning alert" } "--cp" = { value = "$interfacetable_criticalproperty$" description = "Number of property changes before leading to a critical alert" } "-C" = { value = "$interfacetable_community$" description = "Specifies the snmp v1/v2c community string" } "-2" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_snmpv2$" description = "Use snmp v2c" } "-l" = { value = "$interfacetable_login$" description = "Login for snmpv3 authentication" } "-x" = { value = "$interfacetable_passwd$" description = "Auth password for snmpv3 authentication" } "-X" = { value = "$interfacetable_privpass$" description = "Priv password for snmpv3" } "-L" = { value = "$interfacetable_protocols$" description = "Authentication protocol,Priv protocol" } "--domain" = { value = "$interfacetable_domain$" description = "SNMP transport domain" } "--contextname" = { value = "$interfacetable_contextname$" description = "Context name for the snmp requests" } "-P" = { value = "$interfacetable_port$" description = "SNMP port" } "--64bits" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_64bits$" description = "Use SNMP 64-bits counters" } "--max-repetitions" = { value = "$interfacetable_maxrepetitions$" description = "Increasing this value may enhance snmp query performances by gathering more results at one time" } "--snmp-timeout" = { value = "$interfacetable_snmptimeout$" description = "Define the Transport Layer timeout for the snmp queries" } "--snmp-retries" = { value = "$interfacetable_snmpretries$" description = "Define the number of times to retry sending a SNMP message" } "--unixsnmp" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_unixsnmp$" description = "Use unix snmp utilities for snmp requests" } "-f" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_enableperfdata$" description = "Enable port performance data" } "--perfdataformat" = { value = "$interfacetable_perfdataformat$" description = "Define which performance data will be generated" } "--perfdatathreshold" = { value = "$interfacetable_perfdatathreshold$" description = "Define which thresholds are printed in the generated performance data" } "--perfdatadir" = { value = "$interfacetable_perfdatadir$" description = "When specified, the performance data are also written directly to a file, in the specified location" } "--perfdataservicedesc" = { value = "$interfacetable_perfdataservicedesc$" description = "Specify additional parameters for output performance data to PNP" } "-g" = { value = "$interfacetable_grapher$" description = "Specify the used graphing solution" } "--grapherurl" = { value = "$interfacetable_grapherurl$" description = "Graphing system url" } "--portperfunit" = { value = "$interfacetable_portperfunit$" description = "Traffic could be reported in bits (counters) or in bps (calculated value)" } "--nodetype" = { value = "$interfacetable_nodetype$" description = "Specify the node type, for specific information to be printed / specific oids to be used" } "--duplex" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_duplex$" description = "Add the duplex mode property for each interface in the interface table" } "--stp" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_stp$" description = "Add the stp state property for each interface in the interface table" } "--vlan" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_vlan$" description = "Add the vlan attribution property for each interface in the interface table" } "--noipinfo" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_noipinfo$" description = "Remove the ip information for each interface from the interface table" } "--alias" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_alias$" description = "Add the alias information for each interface in the interface table" } "--accessmethod" = { value = "$interfacetable_accessmethod$" description = "Access method for a shortcut to the host in the HTML page" } "--htmltablelinktarget" = { value = "$interfacetable_htmltablelinktarget$" description = "Specifies the windows or the frame where the [details] link will load the generated html page" } "--delta" = { value = "$interfacetable_delta$" description = "Set the delta used for interface throuput calculation" } "--ifs" = { value = "$interfacetable_ifs$" description = "Input field separator" } "--cache" = { value = "$interfacetable_cache$" description = "Define the retention time of the cached data" } "--noifloadgradient" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_noifloadgradient$" description = "Disable color gradient from green over yellow to red for the load percentage" } "--nohuman" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_nohuman$" description = "Do not translate bandwidth usage in human readable format" } "--snapshot" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_snapshot$" description = "Force the plugin to run like if it was the first launch" } "--timeout" = { value = "$interfacetable_timeout$" description = "Define the global timeout limit of the plugin" } "--css" = { value = "$interfacetable_css$" description = "Define the css stylesheet used by the generated html files" } "--config" = { value = "$interfacetable_config$" description = "Specify a config file to load" } "--noconfigtable" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_noconfigtable$" description = "Disable configuration table on the generated HTML page" } "--notips" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_notips$" description = "Disable the tips in the generated html tables" } "--default-table-sorting" = { value = "$interfacetable_defaulttablesorting$" description = "Default table sorting" } "--table-split" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_tablesplit$" description = "Generate multiple interface tables, one per interface type" } "--notype" = { set_if = "$interfacetable_notype$" description = "Remove the interface type for each interface" } } vars.interfacetable_hostquery = "$address$" vars.interfacetable_hostdisplay = "$host.display_name$" vars.interfacetable_perfdataservicedesc = "$service.name$" vars.interfacetable_regex = false vars.interfacetable_outputshort = false vars.interfacetable_aliasmatching = false vars.interfacetable_pkt = false vars.interfacetable_snmpv2 = false vars.interfacetable_64bits = false vars.interfacetable_unixsnmp = false vars.interfacetable_enableperfdata = false vars.interfacetable_duplex = false vars.interfacetable_stp = false vars.interfacetable_vlan = false vars.interfacetable_noipinfo = false vars.interfacetable_noifloadgradient = false vars.interfacetable_nohuman = false vars.interfacetable_snapshot = false vars.interfacetable_noconfigtable = false vars.interfacetable_notips = false vars.interfacetable_notype = false } object CheckCommand "iftraffic" { import "plugin-check-command" import "ipv4-or-ipv6" command = [ PluginContribDir + "/check_iftraffic64.pl"] arguments = { "-H" = { value = "$iftraffic_address$" description = "Check interface on the indicated host." required = true } "-C" = { value = "$iftraffic_community$" description = "SNMP community. Defaults to 'public' if omitted." } "-i" = { value = "$iftraffic_interface$" description = "Interface name." required = true } "-b" = { value = "$iftraffic_bandwidth$" description = "Interface maximum speed in kilo/mega/giga/bits per second." required = true } "-u" = { value = "$iftraffic_units$" description = "g=gigabits/s,m=megabits/s,k=kilobits/s,b=bits/s." } "-w" = { value = "$iftraffic_warn$" description = "% of bandwidth usage necessary to result in warning status (default: 85%)" } "-c" = { value = "$iftraffic_crit$" description = "% of bandwidth usage necessary to result in critical status (default: 98%)" } "-M" = { value = "$iftraffic_max_counter$" description = "Max counter value of net devices in kilo/mega/giga/bytes." } } vars.iftraffic_address = "$check_address$" vars.iftraffic_warn = "85%" vars.iftraffic_crit = "98%" }