# About Icinga 2 ## What is Icinga 2? Icinga 2 is an open source monitoring system which keeps watch over network resources, notifies users of outages and recoveries and generates performance data for reporting. Scalable and extensible, Icinga 2 can monitor complex, large environments across multiple locations. ## Licensing Icinga 2 and the Icinga 2 documentation are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, you will find a copy of this license in the LICENSE file included in the package. ## Support Support for Icinga 2 is available in a number of ways. Please have a look at the support overview page at [https://support.icinga.org]. ## Contribute There are many possiblities to contribute to Icinga - be it sending patches, testing and reporting bugs, reviewing and updating the documentation, ... every contribution is appreciated! :-) Please get in touch with the Icinga team at [https://www.icinga.org/ecosystem/] ## What's new ### What's New in Version 0.0.8 * Add [Dependency](#objecttype-dependency) object for advanced host/service dependency definition * Add optional [IcingaNodeName](#global-constants) for cluster feature * Populate check_source attribute with the checker's node name * [Cluster](#objecttype-endpoint) supports recursive config includes * Add [Cluster health check](#cluster-health-check) * Add more performance data to the [Icinga health check](#itl-icinga) * Add [IcingaStatusWriter](#objecttype-icingastatuswriter) feature writing a status json file * Smoother pending service checking during startup * Reduce virtual memory usage * Stack traces include file names and line numbers * Treat script variables as constants preventing override * Fix pending services are being checked with the retry interval * DB IDO: Fix deleted objects are not marked as is_active=0 * DB IDO: additional fields for cluster/checker nodes #### Changes * {host,service}_dependencies attributes have been changed to [Dependency](#objecttype-dependency) objects supporting new attributes: `disable_checks`, `disable_notifications`, `state_filter`, `period`. For better readability, there is `parent_service` and `child_service` for example. > **Note** > > Update your existing configuration! * DB IDO: Schema updates for 0.0.8: [MySQL](#upgrading-mysql-db) [PostgreSQL](#upgrading-postgresql-db) ### What's New in Version 0.0.7 * DB IDO performance improvements on startup * Fix notification_id handling in DB IDO * More automated tests (based on the Vagrant VM) * New documentation chapters ### What's New in Version 0.0.6 * Scheduled Downtimes as configuration object (also known as "Recurring Downtimes"). * Log command arguments * Performance improvements for the config compiler * Config validation provides stats at the end * icinga2-enable-feature lists already enabled features * Add support for latency statistics to IcingaCheckTask * Implement support for using custom attributes as macros * StatusDataWriter update interval as config attribute * Improve performance with fetching data for status.dat/objects.cache, DB IDO and Livestatus * Livestatus History Table performance improvements #### Changes * Generated object names (host with services array) use an exclamation mark instead of a colon as separator. State file objects with downtimes, comments, etc are invalid (unknown) for that reason. * Script variables are set using 'var' and 'const' instead of the previous 'set' identifier * ITL constants are now embedded in libicinga * Removed the ConsoleLogger object and keep the default console log enabled until we daemonize ### What's New in Version 0.0.5 * Cluster: Implement support for CRLs * Implement modified attributes * Log messages providing more context * Default log is a file (rather than syslog) * Improve latency after start-up * NSCA-ng support for the Vagrant demo VM * Configuration: Recursively include configuration files matching a certain pattern * IDO: Improve performance * Migration: Add fallback for objects.cache instead of cfg_{dir,file} * Lots of bugfixes and performance improvements * Package fixes (Note: GPG key of packages.icinga.org has been updated) ### What's New in Version 0.0.4 * IDO: PostgreSQL support * IDO: implemented options to filter which kind of events are written to the database * Livestatus: implemented support for the log and statehist tables * Livestatus: implemented regex filters (~ and ~~) * Replaced autotools-based build system with cmake * Lots of bug fixes and performance improvements ### What's New in Version 0.0.3 * `StatusDataWriter` and `ExternalCommandListener` (former `Compat`) and `CompatLogger` (former CompatLog) for status.dat/objects.cache/icinga2.cmd/icinga.log for Icinga 1.x Classic UI support * `IdoMysqlConnection` and `ExternalCommandListener` for Icinga 1.x Web * `IdoMysqlConnection` for Icinga 1.x Reporting, NagVis * `LivestatusListener` for addons using the livestatus interface (history tables tbd) * `PerfDataWriter` for graphing addons such as PNP/inGraph/graphite (can be loaded multiple times!) * `GraphiteWriter` for sending metrics directly to graphite carbon sockets * `CheckResultReader` to collect Icinga 1.x slave checkresults (migrate your distributed setup step-by-step) * `ClusterListener` for real distributed architecture including config and runtime data (checks, comments, downtimes) sync and replay * `SyslogLogger`, `FileLogger` and `ConsoleLogger` for different types of logging * Domain support for distributed cluster environments * Config migration script supporting easier migration from Icinga 1.x configuration * Reviewed configuration options, additional attributes added * Enhanced ITL, added sample configuration * Enable/Disable Icinga 2 features on CLI * Documentation using Markdown (`Getting Started`, `Monitoring Basics`, `Object Types`, `Icinga Template Library`, `Advanced Topics`, `Migration from Icinga 1.x`, `Differences between Icinga 1.x and 2`, `Vagrant Demo VM`) * Vagrant Demo VM supported by Puppet modules installing RPM snapshots for Icinga 2, Icinga 1.x Classic UI and Web * Package snapshots available on [packages.icinga.org]