/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "icinga/scheduleddowntime.hpp" #include "icinga/scheduleddowntime-ti.cpp" #include "icinga/legacytimeperiod.hpp" #include "icinga/downtime.hpp" #include "icinga/service.hpp" #include "base/timer.hpp" #include "base/configtype.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/logger.hpp" #include "base/exception.hpp" #include <boost/thread/once.hpp> using namespace icinga; REGISTER_TYPE(ScheduledDowntime); static Timer::Ptr l_Timer; String ScheduledDowntimeNameComposer::MakeName(const String& shortName, const Object::Ptr& context) const { ScheduledDowntime::Ptr downtime = dynamic_pointer_cast<ScheduledDowntime>(context); if (!downtime) return ""; String name = downtime->GetHostName(); if (!downtime->GetServiceName().IsEmpty()) name += "!" + downtime->GetServiceName(); name += "!" + shortName; return name; } Dictionary::Ptr ScheduledDowntimeNameComposer::ParseName(const String& name) const { std::vector<String> tokens = name.Split("!"); if (tokens.size() < 2) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Invalid ScheduledDowntime name.")); Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary(); result->Set("host_name", tokens[0]); if (tokens.size() > 2) { result->Set("service_name", tokens[1]); result->Set("name", tokens[2]); } else { result->Set("name", tokens[1]); } return result; } void ScheduledDowntime::OnAllConfigLoaded() { ObjectImpl<ScheduledDowntime>::OnAllConfigLoaded(); if (!GetCheckable()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("ScheduledDowntime '" + GetName() + "' references a host/service which doesn't exist.", GetDebugInfo())); m_AllConfigLoaded.store(true); } void ScheduledDowntime::Start(bool runtimeCreated) { ObjectImpl<ScheduledDowntime>::Start(runtimeCreated); static boost::once_flag once = BOOST_ONCE_INIT; boost::call_once(once, [this]() { l_Timer = new Timer(); l_Timer->SetInterval(60); l_Timer->OnTimerExpired.connect(std::bind(&ScheduledDowntime::TimerProc)); l_Timer->Start(); }); if (!IsPaused()) Utility::QueueAsyncCallback(std::bind(&ScheduledDowntime::CreateNextDowntime, this)); } void ScheduledDowntime::TimerProc() { for (const ScheduledDowntime::Ptr& sd : ConfigType::GetObjectsByType<ScheduledDowntime>()) { if (sd->IsActive() && !sd->IsPaused()) sd->CreateNextDowntime(); } } Checkable::Ptr ScheduledDowntime::GetCheckable() const { Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(GetHostName()); if (GetServiceName().IsEmpty()) return host; else return host->GetServiceByShortName(GetServiceName()); } std::pair<double, double> ScheduledDowntime::FindRunningSegment(double minEnd) { time_t refts = Utility::GetTime(); tm reference = Utility::LocalTime(refts); Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "Finding running scheduled downtime segment for time " << refts << " (minEnd " << (minEnd > 0 ? Utility::FormatDateTime("%c", minEnd) : "-") << ")"; Dictionary::Ptr ranges = GetRanges(); if (!ranges) return std::make_pair(0, 0); Array::Ptr segments = new Array(); Dictionary::Ptr bestSegment; double bestBegin = 0.0, bestEnd = 0.0; double now = Utility::GetTime(); ObjectLock olock(ranges); /* Find the longest lasting (and longer than minEnd, if given) segment that's already running */ for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : ranges) { Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "Evaluating (running?) segment: " << kv.first << ": " << kv.second; Dictionary::Ptr segment = LegacyTimePeriod::FindRunningSegment(kv.first, kv.second, &reference); if (!segment) continue; double begin = segment->Get("begin"); double end = segment->Get("end"); Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "Considering (running?) segment: " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%c", begin) << " -> " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%c", end); if (begin >= now || end < now) { Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "not running."; continue; } if (minEnd && end <= minEnd) { Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "ending too early."; continue; } if (!bestSegment || end > bestEnd) { Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "(best match yet)"; bestSegment = segment; bestBegin = begin; bestEnd = end; } } if (bestSegment) return std::make_pair(bestBegin, bestEnd); return std::make_pair(0, 0); } std::pair<double, double> ScheduledDowntime::FindNextSegment() { time_t refts = Utility::GetTime(); tm reference = Utility::LocalTime(refts); Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "Finding next scheduled downtime segment for time " << refts; Dictionary::Ptr ranges = GetRanges(); if (!ranges) return std::make_pair(0, 0); Array::Ptr segments = new Array(); Dictionary::Ptr bestSegment; double bestBegin = 0.0, bestEnd = 0.0; double now = Utility::GetTime(); ObjectLock olock(ranges); /* Find the segment starting earliest */ for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : ranges) { Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "Evaluating segment: " << kv.first << ": " << kv.second; Dictionary::Ptr segment = LegacyTimePeriod::FindNextSegment(kv.first, kv.second, &reference); if (!segment) continue; double begin = segment->Get("begin"); double end = segment->Get("end"); Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "Considering segment: " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%c", begin) << " -> " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%c", end); if (begin < now) { Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "already running."; continue; } if (!bestSegment || begin < bestBegin) { Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "(best match yet)"; bestSegment = segment; bestBegin = begin; bestEnd = end; } } if (bestSegment) return std::make_pair(bestBegin, bestEnd); return std::make_pair(0, 0); } void ScheduledDowntime::CreateNextDowntime() { /* HA enabled zones. */ if (IsActive() && IsPaused()) { Log(LogNotice, "Checkable") << "Skipping downtime creation for HA-paused Scheduled Downtime object '" << GetName() << "'"; return; } double minEnd = 0; for (const Downtime::Ptr& downtime : GetCheckable()->GetDowntimes()) { double end = downtime->GetEndTime(); if (end > minEnd) minEnd = end; if (downtime->GetScheduledBy() != GetName() || downtime->GetStartTime() < Utility::GetTime()) continue; /* We've found a downtime that is owned by us and that hasn't started yet - we're done. */ return; } Log(LogDebug, "ScheduledDowntime") << "Creating new Downtime for ScheduledDowntime \"" << GetName() << "\""; std::pair<double, double> segment = FindRunningSegment(minEnd); if (segment.first == 0 && segment.second == 0) { segment = FindNextSegment(); if (segment.first == 0 && segment.second == 0) return; } String downtimeName = Downtime::AddDowntime(GetCheckable(), GetAuthor(), GetComment(), segment.first, segment.second, GetFixed(), String(), GetDuration(), GetName(), GetName()); Downtime::Ptr downtime = Downtime::GetByName(downtimeName); int childOptions = Downtime::ChildOptionsFromValue(GetChildOptions()); if (childOptions > 0) { /* 'DowntimeTriggeredChildren' schedules child downtimes triggered by the parent downtime. * 'DowntimeNonTriggeredChildren' schedules non-triggered downtimes for all children. */ String triggerName; if (childOptions == 1) triggerName = downtimeName; Log(LogNotice, "ScheduledDowntime") << "Processing child options " << childOptions << " for downtime " << downtimeName; for (const Checkable::Ptr& child : GetCheckable()->GetAllChildren()) { Log(LogNotice, "ScheduledDowntime") << "Scheduling downtime for child object " << child->GetName(); String childDowntimeName = Downtime::AddDowntime(child, GetAuthor(), GetComment(), segment.first, segment.second, GetFixed(), triggerName, GetDuration(), GetName(), GetName()); Log(LogNotice, "ScheduledDowntime") << "Add child downtime '" << childDowntimeName << "'."; } } } void ScheduledDowntime::ValidateRanges(const Lazy<Dictionary::Ptr>& lvalue, const ValidationUtils& utils) { ObjectImpl<ScheduledDowntime>::ValidateRanges(lvalue, utils); if (!lvalue()) return; /* create a fake time environment to validate the definitions */ time_t refts = Utility::GetTime(); tm reference = Utility::LocalTime(refts); Array::Ptr segments = new Array(); ObjectLock olock(lvalue()); for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : lvalue()) { try { tm begin_tm, end_tm; int stride; LegacyTimePeriod::ParseTimeRange(kv.first, &begin_tm, &end_tm, &stride, &reference); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, { "ranges" }, "Invalid time specification '" + kv.first + "': " + ex.what())); } try { LegacyTimePeriod::ProcessTimeRanges(kv.second, &reference, segments); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, { "ranges" }, "Invalid time range definition '" + kv.second + "': " + ex.what())); } } } void ScheduledDowntime::ValidateChildOptions(const Lazy<Value>& lvalue, const ValidationUtils& utils) { ObjectImpl<ScheduledDowntime>::ValidateChildOptions(lvalue, utils); try { Downtime::ChildOptionsFromValue(lvalue()); } catch (const std::exception&) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, { "child_options" }, "Invalid child_options specified")); } } bool ScheduledDowntime::AllConfigIsLoaded() { return m_AllConfigLoaded.load(); } std::atomic<bool> ScheduledDowntime::m_AllConfigLoaded (false);