/***************************************************************************** * Icinga 2 * * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Icinga Development Team (https://www.icinga.org/) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "base/application.hpp" #include "base/console.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include "base/json.hpp" #include "base/netstring.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/stdiostream.hpp" #include "cli/daemonutility.hpp" #include "cli/featureutility.hpp" #include "cli/objectlistutility.hpp" #include "cli/troubleshootcommand.hpp" #include "cli/variableutility.hpp" #include "config/configitembuilder.hpp" #include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp> #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace icinga; namespace po = boost::program_options; REGISTER_CLICOMMAND("troubleshoot", TroubleshootCommand); String TroubleshootCommand::GetDescription(void) const { return "Collect logs and other relevant information for troubleshooting purposes."; } String TroubleshootCommand::GetShortDescription(void) const { return "collect information for troubleshooting"; } class TroubleshootCommand::InfoLog { public: InfoLog(const String& path, const bool cons) { m_Console = cons; m_ConsoleType = Console_Dumb; if (m_Console) { m_Stream = new std::ostream(std::cout.rdbuf()); #ifndef _WIN32 m_ConsoleType = Console_VT100; #else /*_WIN32*/ m_ConsoleType = Console_Windows; #endif /*_WIN32*/ } else { std::ofstream *ofs = new std::ofstream(); ofs->open(path.CStr(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); m_Stream = ofs; } } ~InfoLog(void) { delete m_Stream; } void WriteLine(const LogSeverity sev, const int color, const String& str) { if (!m_Console) Log(sev, "troubleshoot", str); if (sev == LogWarning) { *m_Stream << '\n' << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundYellow, m_ConsoleType) << std::string(24, '#') << '\n' << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal, m_ConsoleType) << str << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundYellow, m_ConsoleType) << std::string(24, '#') << "\n\n" << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal, m_ConsoleType); } else if (sev == LogCritical) { *m_Stream << '\n' << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundRed, m_ConsoleType) << std::string(24, '#') << '\n' << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal, m_ConsoleType) << str << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundRed, m_ConsoleType) << std::string(24, '#') << "\n\n" << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal, m_ConsoleType); } else *m_Stream << ConsoleColorTag(color, m_ConsoleType) << str << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal, m_ConsoleType); } bool GetStreamHealth(void) const { return m_Stream->good(); } private: bool m_Console; ConsoleType m_ConsoleType; std::ostream *m_Stream; }; class TroubleshootCommand::InfoLogLine { public: InfoLogLine(InfoLog& log, int col = Console_Normal, LogSeverity sev = LogInformation) : m_Log(log), m_Color(col), m_Sev(sev) {} ~InfoLogLine(void) { m_Log.WriteLine(m_Sev, m_Color, m_String.str()); } template <typename T> InfoLogLine& operator<<(const T& info) { m_String << info; return *this; } private: std::ostringstream m_String; InfoLog& m_Log; int m_Color; LogSeverity m_Sev; }; bool TroubleshootCommand::GeneralInfo(InfoLog& log, const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm) { InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue) << std::string(14, '=') << " GENERAL INFORMATION " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n"; //Application::DisplayInfoMessage() but formatted InfoLogLine(log) << "\tApplication version: " << Application::GetAppVersion() << '\n' << "\tInstallation root: " << Application::GetPrefixDir() << '\n' << "\tSysconf directory: " << Application::GetSysconfDir() << '\n' << "\tRun directory: " << Application::GetRunDir() << '\n' << "\tLocal state directory: " << Application::GetLocalStateDir() << '\n' << "\tPackage data directory: " << Application::GetPkgDataDir() << '\n' << "\tState path: " << Application::GetStatePath() << '\n' << "\tObjects path: " << Application::GetObjectsPath() << '\n' << "\tVars path: " << Application::GetVarsPath() << '\n' << "\tPID path: " << Application::GetPidPath() << '\n'; InfoLogLine(log) << '\n'; return true; } bool TroubleshootCommand::FeatureInfo(InfoLog& log, const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm) { TroubleshootCommand::CheckFeatures(log); //TODO Check whether active features are operational. return true; } bool TroubleshootCommand::ObjectInfo(InfoLog& log, const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, Dictionary::Ptr& logs, const String& path) { InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue) << std::string(14, '=') << " OBJECT INFORMATION " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n"; String objectfile = Application::GetObjectsPath(); std::set<String> configs; if (!Utility::PathExists(objectfile)) { InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogCritical) << "Cannot open object file '" << objectfile << "'.\n" << "FAILED: This probably means you have a fault configuration.\n"; return false; } else { InfoLog *OFile = NULL; bool OConsole = false; if (vm.count("include-objects")) { if (vm.count("console")) OConsole = true; else { OFile = new InfoLog(path+"-objects", false); if (!OFile->GetStreamHealth()) { InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "Failed to open Object-write-stream, not printing objects\n\n"; delete OFile; OFile = NULL; } else InfoLogLine(log) << "Printing all objects to " << path+"-objects\n"; } } CheckObjectFile(objectfile, log, OFile, OConsole, logs, configs); delete OFile; } if (vm.count("include-vars")) { if (vm.count("console")) { InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue) << "\n[begin: varsfile]\n"; if (!PrintVarsFile(path, true)) InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "Failed to print vars file\n"; InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue) << "[end: varsfile]\n"; } else { if (PrintVarsFile(path, false)) InfoLogLine(log) << "Successfully printed all variables to " << path+"-vars\n"; else InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "Failed to print vars to " << path+"-vars\n"; } } InfoLogLine(log) << '\n'; return true; } bool TroubleshootCommand::ReportInfo(InfoLog& log, const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, Dictionary::Ptr& logs) { InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue) << std::string(14, '=') << " LOGS AND CRASH REPORTS " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n"; PrintLoggers(log, logs); PrintCrashReports(log); InfoLogLine(log) << '\n'; return true; } bool TroubleshootCommand::ConfigInfo(InfoLog& log, const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm) { InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue) << std::string(14, '=') << " CONFIGURATION FILES " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n"; InfoLogLine(log) << "A collection of important configuration files follows, please make sure to remove any sensitive data such as credentials, internal company names, etc\n"; if (!PrintFile(log, Application::GetSysconfDir() + "/icinga2/icinga2.conf")) { InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "icinga2.conf not found, therefore skipping validation.\n" << "If you are using an icinga2.conf somewhere but the default path please validate it via 'icinga2 daemon -C -c \"path\to/icinga2.conf\"'\n" << "and provide it with your support request.\n"; } if (!PrintFile(log, Application::GetSysconfDir() + "/icinga2/zones.conf")) { InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "zones.conf not found.\n" << "If you are using a zones.conf somewhere but the default path please provide it with your support request\n"; } InfoLogLine(log) << '\n'; return true; } /*Print the last *numLines* of *file* to *os* */ int TroubleshootCommand::Tail(const String& file, int numLines, InfoLog& log) { boost::circular_buffer<std::string> ringBuf(numLines); std::ifstream text; text.open(file.CStr(), std::ifstream::in); if (!text.good()) return 0; std::string line; int lines = 0; while (std::getline(text, line)) { ringBuf.push_back(line); lines++; } if (lines < numLines) numLines = lines; InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundCyan) << "[begin: '" << file << "' line: " << lines-numLines << "]\n"; for (int k = 0; k < numLines; k++) { InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundCyan) << "# "; InfoLogLine(log) << ringBuf[k] << '\n'; } text.close(); InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundCyan) << "[end: '" << file << "' line: " << lines << "]\n\n"; return numLines; } bool TroubleshootCommand::CheckFeatures(InfoLog& log) { Dictionary::Ptr features = new Dictionary; std::vector<String> disabled_features; std::vector<String> enabled_features; if (!FeatureUtility::GetFeatures(disabled_features, true) || !FeatureUtility::GetFeatures(enabled_features, false)) { InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogCritical) << "Failed to collect enabled and/or disabled features. Check\n" << FeatureUtility::GetFeaturesAvailablePath() << '\n' << FeatureUtility::GetFeaturesEnabledPath() << '\n'; return false; } BOOST_FOREACH(const String feature, disabled_features) features->Set(feature, false); BOOST_FOREACH(const String feature, enabled_features) features->Set(feature, true); InfoLogLine(log) << "Enabled features:\n"; InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundGreen) << '\t' << boost::algorithm::join(enabled_features, " ") << '\n'; InfoLogLine(log) << "Disabled features:\n"; InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundRed) << '\t' << boost::algorithm::join(disabled_features, " ") << '\n'; if (!features->Get("checker").ToBool()) InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "checker is disabled, no checks can be run from this instance\n"; if (!features->Get("mainlog").ToBool()) InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "mainlog is disabled, please activate it and rerun icinga2\n"; if (!features->Get("debuglog").ToBool()) InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "debuglog is disabled, please activate it and rerun icinga2\n"; return true; } void TroubleshootCommand::GetLatestReport(const String& filename, time_t& bestTimestamp, String& bestFilename) { #ifdef _WIN32 struct _stat buf; if (_stat(filename.CStr(), &buf)) return; #else struct stat buf; if (stat(filename.CStr(), &buf)) return; #endif /*_WIN32*/ if (buf.st_mtime > bestTimestamp) { bestTimestamp = buf.st_mtime; bestFilename = filename; } } bool TroubleshootCommand::PrintCrashReports(InfoLog& log) { String spath = Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/log/icinga2/crash/report.*"; time_t bestTimestamp = 0; String bestFilename; try { Utility::Glob(spath, boost::bind(&GetLatestReport, _1, boost::ref(bestTimestamp), boost::ref(bestFilename)), GlobFile); } #ifdef _WIN32 catch (win32_error &ex) { if (int const * err = boost::get_error_info<errinfo_win32_error>(ex)) { if (*err != 3) {//Error code for path does not exist InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << Application::GetLocalStateDir() << "/log/icinga2/crash/ does not exist\n"; return false; } } InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "Error printing crash reports\n"; return false; } #else catch (...) { InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "Error printing crash reports.\n" << "Does " << Application::GetLocalStateDir() << "/log/icinga2/crash/ exist?\n"; return false; } #endif /*_WIN32*/ if (!bestTimestamp) InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundYellow) << "No crash logs found in " << Application::GetLocalStateDir().CStr() << "/log/icinga2/crash/\n\n"; else { InfoLogLine(log) << "Latest crash report is from " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", Utility::GetTime()) << '\n' << "File: " << bestFilename << "\n\n"; PrintFile(log, bestFilename); InfoLogLine(log) << '\n'; } return true; } bool TroubleshootCommand::PrintFile(InfoLog& log, const String& path) { std::ifstream text; text.open(path.CStr(), std::ifstream::in); if (!text.is_open()) return false; std::string line; InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundCyan) << "[begin: '" << path << "']\n"; while (std::getline(text, line)) { InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundCyan) << "# "; InfoLogLine(log) << line << '\n'; } InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundCyan) << "[end: '" << path << "']\n"; return true; } bool TroubleshootCommand::CheckConfig(void) { std::vector<std::string> configs; configs.push_back(Application::GetSysconfDir() + "/icinga2/icinga2.conf"); return DaemonUtility::ValidateConfigFiles(configs, Application::GetObjectsPath()); } //print is supposed allow the user to print the object file void TroubleshootCommand::CheckObjectFile(const String& objectfile, InfoLog& log, InfoLog *OFile, const bool objectConsole, Dictionary::Ptr& logs, std::set<String>& configs) { InfoLogLine(log) << "Checking object file from " << objectfile << '\n'; std::fstream fp; fp.open(objectfile.CStr(), std::ios_base::in); if (!fp.is_open()) { InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "Could not open object file.\n"; return; } StdioStream::Ptr sfp = new StdioStream(&fp, false); String::SizeType typeL = 0, countTotal = 0; String message; StreamReadContext src; StreamReadStatus srs; std::map<String, int> type_count; bool first = true; std::stringstream sStream; if (objectConsole) InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue) << "\n[begin: objectfile]\n"; while ((srs = NetString::ReadStringFromStream(sfp, &message, src)) != StatusEof) { if (srs != StatusNewItem) continue; if (objectConsole) { ObjectListUtility::PrintObject(std::cout, first, message, type_count, "", ""); } else { ObjectListUtility::PrintObject(sStream, first, message, type_count, "", ""); if (OFile) { InfoLogLine(*OFile) << sStream.str(); sStream.flush(); } } Dictionary::Ptr object = JsonDecode(message); Dictionary::Ptr properties = object->Get("properties"); String name = object->Get("name"); String type = object->Get("type"); //Find longest typename for padding typeL = type.GetLength() > typeL ? type.GetLength() : typeL; countTotal++; Array::Ptr debug_info = object->Get("debug_info"); if (debug_info) configs.insert(debug_info->Get(0)); if (Utility::Match(type, "FileLogger")) { Dictionary::Ptr debug_hints = object->Get("debug_hints"); Dictionary::Ptr properties = object->Get("properties"); ObjectLock olock(properties); BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, properties) { if (Utility::Match(kv.first, "path")) logs->Set(name, kv.second); } } } if (objectConsole) InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue) << "\n[end: objectfile]\n"; if (!countTotal) { InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogCritical) << "No objects found in objectfile.\n"; return; } //Print objects with count InfoLogLine(log) << "Found the " << countTotal << " objects:\n" << " Type" << std::string(typeL-4, ' ') << " : Count\n"; BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, type_count) { InfoLogLine(log) << " " << kv.first << std::string(typeL - kv.first.GetLength(), ' ') << " : " << kv.second << '\n'; } InfoLogLine(log) << '\n'; TroubleshootCommand::PrintObjectOrigin(log, configs); } bool TroubleshootCommand::PrintVarsFile(const String& path, const bool console) { if (!console) { std::ofstream *ofs = new std::ofstream(); ofs->open((path+"-vars").CStr(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); if (!ofs->is_open()) return false; else VariableUtility::PrintVariables(*ofs); ofs->close(); } else VariableUtility::PrintVariables(std::cout); return true; } void TroubleshootCommand::PrintLoggers(InfoLog& log, Dictionary::Ptr& logs) { if (!logs->GetLength()) { InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << "No loggers found, check whether you enabled any logging features\n"; } else { InfoLogLine(log) << "Getting the last 20 lines of " << logs->GetLength() << " FileLogger objects.\n"; ObjectLock ulock(logs); BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, logs) { InfoLogLine(log) << "Logger " << kv.first << " at path: " << kv.second << '\n'; if (!Tail(kv.second, 20, log)) { InfoLogLine(log, 0, LogWarning) << kv.second << " either does not exist or is empty\n"; } } } } void TroubleshootCommand::PrintObjectOrigin(InfoLog& log, const std::set<String>& configSet) { InfoLogLine(log) << "The objects origins are:\n"; for (std::set<String>::iterator it = configSet.begin(); it != configSet.end(); it++) { InfoLogLine(log) << " " << *it << '\n'; } } void TroubleshootCommand::InitParameters(boost::program_options::options_description& visibleDesc, boost::program_options::options_description& hiddenDesc) const { visibleDesc.add_options() ("console,c", "print to console instead of file") ("output,o", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "path to output file") ("include-objects", "Print the whole objectfile (like `object list`)") ("include-vars", "Print all Variables (like `variable list`)") ; } int TroubleshootCommand::Run(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, const std::vector<std::string>& ap) const { #ifdef _WIN32 //Dislikes ':' in filenames String path = Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/log/icinga2/troubleshooting-" + Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", Utility::GetTime()) + ".log"; #else String path = Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/log/icinga2/troubleshooting-" + Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", Utility::GetTime()) + ".log"; #endif /*_WIN32*/ InfoLog *log; Logger::SetConsoleLogSeverity(LogWarning); if (vm.count("output")) path = vm["output"].as<std::string>(); if (vm.count("console")) { log = new InfoLog("", true); } else { log = new InfoLog(path, false); if (!log->GetStreamHealth()) { Log(LogCritical, "troubleshoot", "Failed to open file to write: " + path); delete log; return 3; } } String appName = Utility::BaseName(Application::GetArgV()[0]); double goTime = Utility::GetTime(); InfoLogLine(*log) << appName << " -- Troubleshooting help:\n" << "Should you run into problems with Icinga please add this file to your help request\n" << "Started collection at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", goTime) << "\n"; InfoLogLine(*log, Console_ForegroundMagenta) << std::string(52, '=') << "\n\n"; if (appName.GetLength() > 3 && appName.SubStr(0, 3) == "lt-") appName = appName.SubStr(3, appName.GetLength() - 3); Dictionary::Ptr logs = new Dictionary; if (!GeneralInfo(*log, vm) || !FeatureInfo(*log, vm) || !ObjectInfo(*log, vm, logs, path) || !ReportInfo(*log, vm, logs) || !ConfigInfo(*log, vm)) { InfoLogLine(*log, 0, LogCritical) << "Could not recover from critical failure, exiting.\n"; delete log; return 3; } double endTime = Utility::GetTime(); InfoLogLine(*log, Console_ForegroundMagenta) << std::string(52, '=') << '\n'; InfoLogLine(*log, Console_ForegroundGreen) << "Finished collection at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", endTime) << "\nTook " << Convert::ToString(endTime - goTime) << " seconds\n"; if (!vm.count("console")) { std::cout << "Started collection at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", goTime) << "\n" << "Finished collection at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", endTime) << "\nTook " << Convert::ToString(endTime - goTime) << " seconds\n\n"; std::cout << "General log file: '" << path << "'\n"; if (vm.count("include-vars")) std::cout << "Vars log file: '" << path << "-vars'\n"; if (vm.count("include-objects")) std::cout << "Objects log file: '" << path << "-objects'\n"; std::cout << "\nPlease compress the files before uploading them,, for example:\n" << " # tar czf troubleshoot.tar.gz " << path << "*\n"; } delete log; return 0; }