
524 lines
15 KiB

* Icinga 2 *
* Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org) *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation *
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "config/expression.hpp"
#include "config/configitem.hpp"
#include "config/vmops.hpp"
#include "base/array.hpp"
#include "base/json.hpp"
#include "base/object.hpp"
#include "base/logger.hpp"
#include "base/scripterror.hpp"
#include "base/scriptglobal.hpp"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/exception_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/exception/errinfo_nested_exception.hpp>
using namespace icinga;
{ }
Value Expression::Evaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
try {
#ifdef _DEBUG
/* std::ostringstream msgbuf;
ShowCodeFragment(msgbuf, GetDebugInfo(), false);
Log(LogDebug, "Expression")
<< "Executing:\n" << msgbuf.str();*/
#endif /* _DEBUG */
return DoEvaluate(frame, dhint);
} catch (const InterruptExecutionError&) {
} catch (const ScriptError& ex) {
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Error while evaluating expression: " + String(ex.what()), GetDebugInfo())
<< boost::errinfo_nested_exception(boost::current_exception()));
bool Expression::GetReference(ScriptFrame& frame, bool init_dict, Value *parent, String *index, DebugHint **dhint) const
return false;
const DebugInfo& Expression::GetDebugInfo(void) const
static DebugInfo debugInfo;
return debugInfo;
Expression *icinga::MakeIndexer(ScopeSpecifier scopeSpec, const String& index)
Expression *scope = new GetScopeExpression(scopeSpec);
return new IndexerExpression(scope, MakeLiteral(index));
void DictExpression::MakeInline(void)
m_Inline = true;
LiteralExpression::LiteralExpression(const Value& value)
: m_Value(value)
{ }
Value LiteralExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Value;
const DebugInfo& DebuggableExpression::GetDebugInfo(void) const
return m_DebugInfo;
Value VariableExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
if (frame.Locals && frame.Locals->Contains(m_Variable))
return frame.Locals->Get(m_Variable);
else if (frame.Self.IsObject() && frame.Locals != static_cast<Object::Ptr>(frame.Self) && VMOps::HasField(frame.Self, m_Variable))
return VMOps::GetField(frame.Self, m_Variable, m_DebugInfo);
return ScriptGlobal::Get(m_Variable);
bool VariableExpression::GetReference(ScriptFrame& frame, bool init_dict, Value *parent, String *index, DebugHint **dhint) const
*index = m_Variable;
if (frame.Locals && frame.Locals->Contains(m_Variable)) {
*parent = frame.Locals;
if (dhint)
*dhint = NULL;
} else if (frame.Self.IsObject() && frame.Locals != static_cast<Object::Ptr>(frame.Self) && VMOps::HasField(frame.Self, m_Variable)) {
*parent = frame.Self;
if (dhint && *dhint)
*dhint = new DebugHint((*dhint)->GetChild(m_Variable));
} else if (ScriptGlobal::Exists(m_Variable)) {
*parent = ScriptGlobal::GetGlobals();
if (dhint)
*dhint = NULL;
} else
*parent = frame.Locals;
return true;
Value NegateExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return ~(long)m_Operand->Evaluate(frame);
Value LogicalNegateExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return !m_Operand->Evaluate(frame).ToBool();
Value AddExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) + m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value SubtractExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) - m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value MultiplyExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) * m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value DivideExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) / m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value ModuloExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) % m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value XorExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) ^ m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value BinaryAndExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) & m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value BinaryOrExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) | m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value ShiftLeftExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) << m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value ShiftRightExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) >> m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value EqualExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) == m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value NotEqualExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) != m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value LessThanExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) < m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value GreaterThanExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) > m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value LessThanOrEqualExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) <= m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value GreaterThanOrEqualExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame) >= m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
Value InExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
Value right = m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
if (right.IsEmpty())
return false;
else if (!right.IsObjectType<Array>())
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Invalid right side argument for 'in' operator: " + JsonEncode(right), m_DebugInfo));
Value left = m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame);
Array::Ptr arr = right;
return arr->Contains(left);
Value NotInExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
Value right = m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
if (right.IsEmpty())
return true;
else if (!right.IsObjectType<Array>())
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Invalid right side argument for 'in' operator: " + JsonEncode(right), m_DebugInfo));
Value left = m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame);
Array::Ptr arr = right;
return !arr->Contains(left);
Value LogicalAndExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame).ToBool() && m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame).ToBool();
Value LogicalOrExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame).ToBool() || m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame).ToBool();
Value FunctionCallExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
Value self, vfunc;
String index;
if (m_FName->GetReference(frame, false, &self, &index))
vfunc = VMOps::GetField(self, index, m_DebugInfo);
vfunc = m_FName->Evaluate(frame);
if (!vfunc.IsObjectType<ScriptFunction>())
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Argument is not a callable object.", m_DebugInfo));
ScriptFunction::Ptr func = vfunc;
std::vector<Value> arguments;
BOOST_FOREACH(Expression *arg, m_Args) {
return VMOps::FunctionCall(frame, self, func, arguments);
Value ArrayExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
Array::Ptr result = new Array();
BOOST_FOREACH(Expression *aexpr, m_Expressions) {
return result;
Value DictExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
ScriptFrame *dframe;
ScriptFrame rframe;
if (!m_Inline) {
dframe = &rframe;
rframe.Locals = frame.Locals;
rframe.Self = new Dictionary();
} else {
dframe = &frame;
Value result;
BOOST_FOREACH(Expression *aexpr, m_Expressions) {
result = aexpr->Evaluate(*dframe, dhint);
if (m_Inline)
return result;
return dframe->Self;
Value GetScopeExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
if (m_ScopeSpec == ScopeLocal)
return frame.Locals;
else if (m_ScopeSpec == ScopeCurrent)
return frame.Self;
else if (m_ScopeSpec == ScopeThis)
return frame.Self;
else if (m_ScopeSpec == ScopeGlobal)
return ScriptGlobal::GetGlobals();
ASSERT(!"Invalid scope.");
Value SetExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
DebugHint *psdhint = dhint;
Value parent;
String index;
if (!m_Operand1->GetReference(frame, true, &parent, &index, &psdhint))
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Expression cannot be assigned to.", m_DebugInfo));
Value right = m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame, dhint);
if (m_Op != OpSetLiteral) {
Value object = VMOps::GetField(parent, index, m_DebugInfo);
Expression *lhs = MakeLiteral(object);
Expression *rhs = MakeLiteral(right);
switch (m_Op) {
case OpSetAdd:
right = AddExpression(lhs, rhs, m_DebugInfo).Evaluate(frame, dhint);
case OpSetSubtract:
right = SubtractExpression(lhs, rhs, m_DebugInfo).Evaluate(frame, dhint);
case OpSetMultiply:
right = MultiplyExpression(lhs, rhs, m_DebugInfo).Evaluate(frame, dhint);
case OpSetDivide:
right = DivideExpression(lhs, rhs, m_DebugInfo).Evaluate(frame, dhint);
case OpSetModulo:
right = ModuloExpression(lhs, rhs, m_DebugInfo).Evaluate(frame, dhint);
case OpSetXor:
right = XorExpression(lhs, rhs, m_DebugInfo).Evaluate(frame, dhint);
case OpSetBinaryAnd:
right = BinaryAndExpression(lhs, rhs, m_DebugInfo).Evaluate(frame, dhint);
case OpSetBinaryOr:
right = BinaryOrExpression(lhs, rhs, m_DebugInfo).Evaluate(frame, dhint);
VERIFY(!"Invalid opcode.");
VMOps::SetField(parent, index, right, m_DebugInfo);
if (psdhint) {
psdhint->AddMessage("=", m_DebugInfo);
if (psdhint != dhint)
delete psdhint;
return right;
Value ConditionalExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
if (m_Condition->Evaluate(frame, dhint).ToBool())
return m_TrueBranch->Evaluate(frame, dhint);
else if (m_FalseBranch)
return m_FalseBranch->Evaluate(frame, dhint);
return Empty;
Value ReturnExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
Value IndexerExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
Value object = m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame, dhint);
String index = m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame, dhint);
return VMOps::GetField(object, index, m_DebugInfo);
bool IndexerExpression::GetReference(ScriptFrame& frame, bool init_dict, Value *parent, String *index, DebugHint **dhint) const
Value vparent;
String vindex;
if (m_Operand1->GetReference(frame, init_dict, &vparent, &vindex, dhint)) {
if (init_dict && VMOps::GetField(vparent, vindex).IsEmpty())
VMOps::SetField(vparent, vindex, new Dictionary());
*parent = VMOps::GetField(vparent, vindex, m_DebugInfo);
} else
*parent = m_Operand1->Evaluate(frame);
*index = m_Operand2->Evaluate(frame);
if (dhint && *dhint)
*dhint = new DebugHint((*dhint)->GetChild(*index));
return true;
void icinga::BindToScope(Expression *& expr, ScopeSpecifier scopeSpec)
DictExpression *dexpr = dynamic_cast<DictExpression *>(expr);
if (dexpr) {
BOOST_FOREACH(Expression *& expr, dexpr->m_Expressions)
BindToScope(expr, scopeSpec);
SetExpression *aexpr = dynamic_cast<SetExpression *>(expr);
if (aexpr) {
BindToScope(aexpr->m_Operand1, scopeSpec);
IndexerExpression *iexpr = dynamic_cast<IndexerExpression *>(expr);
if (iexpr) {
BindToScope(iexpr->m_Operand1, scopeSpec);
LiteralExpression *lexpr = dynamic_cast<LiteralExpression *>(expr);
ScriptFrame frame;
if (lexpr && lexpr->Evaluate(frame).IsString()) {
Expression *scope = new GetScopeExpression(scopeSpec);
expr = new IndexerExpression(scope, lexpr, lexpr->GetDebugInfo());
VariableExpression *vexpr = dynamic_cast<VariableExpression *>(expr);
if (vexpr) {
Expression *scope = new GetScopeExpression(scopeSpec);
Expression *new_expr = new IndexerExpression(scope, MakeLiteral(vexpr->GetVariable()), vexpr->GetDebugInfo());
delete expr;
expr = new_expr;
Value ImportExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
String type = VMOps::GetField(frame.Self, "type", m_DebugInfo);
Value name = m_Name->Evaluate(frame);
ConfigItem::Ptr item = ConfigItem::GetObject(type, name);
if (!item)
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Import references unknown template: '" + name + "'", m_DebugInfo));
item->GetExpression()->Evaluate(frame, dhint);
return Empty;
Value FunctionExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return VMOps::NewFunction(frame, m_Args, m_ClosedVars, m_Expression);
Value ApplyExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
return VMOps::NewApply(frame, m_Type, m_Target, m_Name->Evaluate(frame), m_Filter,
m_FKVar, m_FVVar, m_FTerm, m_ClosedVars, m_Expression, m_DebugInfo);
Value ObjectExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
String name;
if (m_Name)
name = m_Name->Evaluate(frame, dhint);
return VMOps::NewObject(frame, m_Abstract, m_Type, name, m_Filter, m_Zone,
m_ClosedVars, m_Expression, m_DebugInfo);
Value ForExpression::DoEvaluate(ScriptFrame& frame, DebugHint *dhint) const
Value value = m_Value->Evaluate(frame, dhint);
return VMOps::For(frame, m_FKVar, m_FVVar, m_Value->Evaluate(frame), m_Expression, m_DebugInfo);