
301 lines
9.3 KiB

* Icinga 2 *
* Copyright (C) 2012 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org/) *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation *
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
package Icinga2::ImportIcinga1Cfg;
push (@INC, 'pwd');
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Find;
use Storable qw(dclone);
use feature 'say';
#use Icinga2;
use Icinga2::Utils;
# PARSE 1.x
sub get_key_from_icinga1_main_cfg {
my ($file, $key) = @_;
my @key_arr = ();
if ( !-f $file) {
errlog(1, "cfg file $file does not exist!");
if ( open ( my $fh, '<', $file ) ) {
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
$line =~ s/#.*//;
if ($line =~ /^\s*$key=([^\s]+)/) {
push @key_arr, $1; # we may have multiple occurences
return @key_arr;
sub parse_icinga1_resource_cfg {
my $file = shift;
my @cfg = Icinga2::Utils::slurp($file);
my $user_macros = {};
foreach my $line (@cfg) {
$line = Icinga2::Utils::strip($line);
# skip comments and empty lines
next if ($line eq "" || !defined($line) || $line =~ /^\s+$/);
next if ($line =~ /^[#;]/ || $line =~ /;.*/);
my ($macro_name, $macro_value) = split /=/, $line, 2;
$macro_name =~ /\$(.*)\$/;
$macro_name = $1;
$user_macros->{$macro_name} = $macro_value;
return $user_macros;
sub parse_icinga1_user_macros {
my $icinga1_cfg = shift;
my ($icinga1_resource_file) = get_key_from_icinga1_main_cfg($icinga1_cfg, "resource_file");
my $user_macros = parse_icinga1_resource_cfg($icinga1_resource_file);
return $user_macros;
sub parse_icinga1_object_cfg {
my $cfg_obj = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $obj = {}; #hashref
my $in_define = 0;
my $in_timeperiod = 0;
my $type;
my $append; # this is a special case where multiple lines are appended with \ - not sure if we support THAT.
my $inline_comment;
my $attr;
my $val;
my @cfg = Icinga2::Utils::slurp($file);
#Icinga2::Utils::debug("File: $file");
foreach my $line (@cfg) {
$line = Icinga2::Utils::strip($line);
#Icinga2::Utils::debug("Processing line: '$line'");
# skip comments and empty lines
next if ($line eq "" || !defined($line) || $line =~ /^\s+$/);
next if ($line =~ /^[#;]/);
# || $line =~ /;.*/);
$line =~ s/[\r\n\s]+$//;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
# end of def
if ($line =~ /}(\s*)$/) {
$in_define = undef;
# store type for later
$cfg_obj->{'type_cnt'}->{$type} = $cfg_obj->{'type_cnt'}->{$type} + 1;
$type = "";
# start of def
elsif ($line =~ /define\s+(\w+)\s*{?(.*)$/) {
$type = $1;
$append = $2;
if ($type eq "timeperiod") {
$in_timeperiod = 1;
} else {
$in_timeperiod = 0;
# save the type
$cfg_obj->{$type}->{$cfg_obj->{'type_cnt'}->{$type}}->{'__I2CONVERT_TYPE'} = $type;
# we're ready to process entries
$in_define = 1;
# save the current type counter, being our unique key here
# in def
elsif ($in_define == 1) {
# first, remove the annoying inline comments after ';'
$line =~ s/\s*;(.*)$//;
$inline_comment = $1;
# then split it and save it by type->cnt->attr->val
#($attr, $val) = split (/\s+/, $line, 2); # important - only split into 2 elements
# timeperiods require special parser
if ($in_timeperiod == 1) {
if ($line =~ /timeperiod_name/ || $line =~ /alias/ || $line =~ /exclude/) {
$line =~ m/([\w]+)\s*(.*)/;
$attr = Icinga2::Utils::strip($1); $val = Icinga2::Utils::strip($2);
} else {
$line =~ m/(.*)\s+([\d\W]+)/;
$attr = Icinga2::Utils::strip($1); $val = Icinga2::Utils::strip($2);
} else {
$line =~ m/([\w]+)\s*(.*)/;
$attr = Icinga2::Utils::strip($1); $val = Icinga2::Utils::strip($2);
# ignore empty values
next if (!defined($val));
next if ($val eq "");
#Icinga2::Utils::debug("cnt: $cfg_obj->{'type_cnt'}->{$type}");
#Icinga2::Utils::debug("line: '$line'");
#Icinga2::Utils::debug("type: $type");
#Icinga2::Utils::debug("attr: $attr");
#Icinga2::Utils::debug("val: $val");
# strip illegal object name characters, replace with _
if ( ($attr =~ /name/ && $attr !~ /display_name/) ||
$attr =~ /description/ ||
$attr =~ /contact/ ||
$attr =~ /groups/ ||
$attr =~ /members/ ||
$attr =~ /use/ ||
$attr =~ /parents/
) {
$val = Icinga2::Utils::strip_object_name($val);
# treat 'null' (disable) as '0'
if ($val eq "null") {
$val = 0;
$cfg_obj->{$type}->{$cfg_obj->{'type_cnt'}->{$type}}->{$attr} = $val;
# ignore duplicated attributes, last one wins
else {
$in_define = 0;
return $cfg_obj;
# the idea is to reduce work load - get all the existing object relations (host->service)
# and have core 1.x already mapped that. we focus on getting the details when
# needed, but do not print the object without templates - only if there's no other way.
sub parse_icinga1_objects_cache {
my $icinga1_cfg = shift;
# XXX not needed right now
return undef;
# functions return array in case of multiple occurences, we'll take only the first one
my ($object_cache_file) = get_key_from_icinga1_main_cfg($icinga1_cfg, "object_cache_file");
if(!defined($object_cache_file)) {
print "ERROR: No objects cache file found in $icinga1_cfg! We'll need for final object conversion.\n";
return -1;
if(! -r $object_cache_file) {
print "ERROR: objects cache file '$object_cache_file' from $icinga1_cfg not found! We'll need it for final object conversion.\n";
return -1;
my $cfg_obj_cache = {};
$cfg_obj_cache = parse_icinga1_object_cfg($cfg_obj_cache, $object_cache_file);
#say Dumper($cfg_obj_cache);
return $cfg_obj_cache;
# parse all existing config object included in icinga.cfg, with all their templates
# and grouping tricks
sub parse_icinga1_objects {
my $icinga1_cfg = shift;
my @cfg_files = get_key_from_icinga1_main_cfg($icinga1_cfg, "cfg_file");
my @cfg_dirs = get_key_from_icinga1_main_cfg($icinga1_cfg, "cfg_dir");
sub find_icinga1_cfg_files {
my $file = $File::Find::name;
return if -d $file;
if ($file =~ /\.cfg$/) {
push @cfg_files, $file;
foreach my $cfg_dir (@cfg_dirs) {
find(\&find_icinga1_cfg_files, $cfg_dir);
# check if there was nothing to include
if (!@cfg_files) {
print "ERROR: $icinga1_cfg did not contain any object includes.\n";
return -1;
#print "@cfg_files";
# now fetch all the config information into our global hash ref
my $cfg_objs = {};
foreach my $cfg_file (@cfg_files) {
$cfg_objs = parse_icinga1_object_cfg($cfg_objs, $cfg_file);
#say Dumper($cfg_obj);
#say Dumper($cfg_obj->{'service'});
return $cfg_objs;
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