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249 lines
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* Icinga 2 *
* Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Icinga Development Team (https://www.icinga.com/) *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation *
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "icinga/i2-icinga.hpp"
#include "icinga/checkable-ti.hpp"
#include "icinga/timeperiod.hpp"
#include "icinga/notification.hpp"
#include "icinga/comment.hpp"
#include "icinga/downtime.hpp"
#include "remote/endpoint.hpp"
#include "remote/messageorigin.hpp"
namespace icinga
* @ingroup icinga
enum DependencyType
* Checkable Types
* @ingroup icinga
enum CheckableType
* Severity Flags
* @ingroup icinga
enum SeverityFlag
SeverityFlagDowntime = 1,
SeverityFlagAcknowledgement = 2,
SeverityFlagUnhandled = 8,
SeverityFlagPending = 16,
SeverityFlagWarning = 32,
SeverityFlagUnknown = 64,
SeverityFlagCritical = 128,
class CheckCommand;
class EventCommand;
class Dependency;
* An Icinga service.
* @ingroup icinga
class Checkable : public ObjectImpl<Checkable>
static void StaticInitialize();
std::set<Checkable::Ptr> GetParents() const;
std::set<Checkable::Ptr> GetChildren() const;
std::set<Checkable::Ptr> GetAllChildren() const;
void AddGroup(const String& name);
bool IsReachable(DependencyType dt = DependencyState, intrusive_ptr<Dependency> *failedDependency = nullptr, int rstack = 0) const;
AcknowledgementType GetAcknowledgement();
void AcknowledgeProblem(const String& author, const String& comment, AcknowledgementType type, bool notify = true, bool persistent = false, double expiry = 0, const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin = nullptr);
void ClearAcknowledgement(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin = nullptr);
int GetSeverity() const override;
/* Checks */
intrusive_ptr<CheckCommand> GetCheckCommand() const;
TimePeriod::Ptr GetCheckPeriod() const;
long GetSchedulingOffset();
void SetSchedulingOffset(long offset);
void UpdateNextCheck(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin = nullptr);
bool HasBeenChecked() const;
virtual bool IsStateOK(ServiceState state) = 0;
double GetLastCheck() const final;
virtual void SaveLastState(ServiceState state, double timestamp) = 0;
static void UpdateStatistics(const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, CheckableType type);
void ExecuteRemoteCheck(const Dictionary::Ptr& resolvedMacros = nullptr);
void ExecuteCheck();
void ProcessCheckResult(const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin = nullptr);
Endpoint::Ptr GetCommandEndpoint() const;
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Checkable::Ptr&, const CheckResult::Ptr&, const MessageOrigin::Ptr&)> OnNewCheckResult;
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Checkable::Ptr&, const CheckResult::Ptr&, StateType, const MessageOrigin::Ptr&)> OnStateChange;
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Checkable::Ptr&, const CheckResult::Ptr&, std::set<Checkable::Ptr>, const MessageOrigin::Ptr&)> OnReachabilityChanged;
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Checkable::Ptr&, NotificationType, const CheckResult::Ptr&,
const String&, const String&, const MessageOrigin::Ptr&)> OnNotificationsRequested;
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Notification::Ptr&, const Checkable::Ptr&, const User::Ptr&,
const NotificationType&, const CheckResult::Ptr&, const String&, const String&, const String&,
const MessageOrigin::Ptr&)> OnNotificationSentToUser;
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Notification::Ptr&, const Checkable::Ptr&, const std::set<User::Ptr>&,
const NotificationType&, const CheckResult::Ptr&, const String&,
const String&, const MessageOrigin::Ptr&)> OnNotificationSentToAllUsers;
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Checkable::Ptr&, const String&, const String&, AcknowledgementType,
bool, bool, double, const MessageOrigin::Ptr&)> OnAcknowledgementSet;
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Checkable::Ptr&, const MessageOrigin::Ptr&)> OnAcknowledgementCleared;
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Checkable::Ptr&)> OnNextCheckUpdated;
static boost::signals2::signal<void (const Checkable::Ptr&)> OnEventCommandExecuted;
/* Downtimes */
int GetDowntimeDepth() const final;
void RemoveAllDowntimes();
void TriggerDowntimes();
bool IsInDowntime() const;
bool IsAcknowledged() const;
std::set<Downtime::Ptr> GetDowntimes() const;
void RegisterDowntime(const Downtime::Ptr& downtime);
void UnregisterDowntime(const Downtime::Ptr& downtime);
/* Comments */
void RemoveAllComments();
void RemoveCommentsByType(int type);
std::set<Comment::Ptr> GetComments() const;
void RegisterComment(const Comment::Ptr& comment);
void UnregisterComment(const Comment::Ptr& comment);
/* Notifications */
void SendNotifications(NotificationType type, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, const String& author = "", const String& text = "");
std::set<Notification::Ptr> GetNotifications() const;
void RegisterNotification(const Notification::Ptr& notification);
void UnregisterNotification(const Notification::Ptr& notification);
void ResetNotificationNumbers();
/* Event Handler */
void ExecuteEventHandler(const Dictionary::Ptr& resolvedMacros = nullptr,
bool useResolvedMacros = false);
intrusive_ptr<EventCommand> GetEventCommand() const;
/* Flapping Detection */
bool IsFlapping() const;
/* Dependencies */
void AddDependency(const intrusive_ptr<Dependency>& dep);
void RemoveDependency(const intrusive_ptr<Dependency>& dep);
std::vector<intrusive_ptr<Dependency> > GetDependencies() const;
void AddReverseDependency(const intrusive_ptr<Dependency>& dep);
void RemoveReverseDependency(const intrusive_ptr<Dependency>& dep);
std::vector<intrusive_ptr<Dependency> > GetReverseDependencies() const;
void ValidateCheckInterval(const Lazy<double>& lvalue, const ValidationUtils& value) final;
void ValidateMaxCheckAttempts(const Lazy<int>& lvalue, const ValidationUtils& value) final;
static void IncreasePendingChecks();
static void DecreasePendingChecks();
static int GetPendingChecks();
static Object::Ptr GetPrototype();
void Start(bool runtimeCreated) override;
void OnAllConfigLoaded() override;
mutable boost::mutex m_CheckableMutex;
bool m_CheckRunning{false};
long m_SchedulingOffset;
static boost::mutex m_StatsMutex;
static int m_PendingChecks;
/* Downtimes */
std::set<Downtime::Ptr> m_Downtimes;
mutable boost::mutex m_DowntimeMutex;
static void NotifyFixedDowntimeStart(const Downtime::Ptr& downtime);
static void NotifyFlexibleDowntimeStart(const Downtime::Ptr& downtime);
static void NotifyDowntimeInternal(const Downtime::Ptr& downtime);
static void NotifyDowntimeEnd(const Downtime::Ptr& downtime);
/* Comments */
std::set<Comment::Ptr> m_Comments;
mutable boost::mutex m_CommentMutex;
/* Notifications */
std::set<Notification::Ptr> m_Notifications;
mutable boost::mutex m_NotificationMutex;
/* Dependencies */
mutable boost::mutex m_DependencyMutex;
std::set<intrusive_ptr<Dependency> > m_Dependencies;
std::set<intrusive_ptr<Dependency> > m_ReverseDependencies;
void GetAllChildrenInternal(std::set<Checkable::Ptr>& children, int level = 0) const;
/* Flapping */
void UpdateFlappingStatus(bool stateChange);
#endif /* CHECKABLE_H */
#include "icinga/dependency.hpp"