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original message field, other fields can be concatenated to form a human-readable summary of the event. If multiple messages exist, they can be combined into one message. -type: text +type: match_only_text example: Hello World @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ example: Google LLC *`as.organization.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ example: Google LLC *`client.as.organization.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ example: Albert Einstein *`client.user.full_name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -768,6 +768,8 @@ Unique identifier of the user. type: keyword +example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + -- *`client.user.name`*:: @@ -777,14 +779,14 @@ Short name or login of the user. type: keyword -example: albert +example: a.einstein -- *`client.user.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -832,7 +834,7 @@ example: elastic-dev *`cloud.availability_zone`*:: + -- -Availability zone in which this host is running. +Availability zone in which this host, resource, or service is located. type: keyword @@ -909,7 +911,7 @@ example: aws *`cloud.region`*:: + -- -Region in which this host is running. +Region in which this host, resource, or service is located. type: keyword @@ -935,6 +937,18 @@ example: lambda These fields contain information about binary code signatures. +*`code_signature.digest_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. +This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm. + +type: keyword + +example: sha256 + +-- + *`code_signature.exists`*:: + -- @@ -993,6 +1007,17 @@ example: EQHXZ8M8AV -- +*`code_signature.timestamp`*:: ++ +-- +Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + +type: date + +example: 2021-01-01T12:10:30Z + +-- + *`code_signature.trusted`*:: + -- @@ -1172,7 +1197,7 @@ example: Google LLC *`destination.as.organization.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -1457,7 +1482,7 @@ example: Albert Einstein *`destination.user.full_name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -1506,6 +1531,8 @@ Unique identifier of the user. type: keyword +example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + -- *`destination.user.name`*:: @@ -1515,14 +1542,14 @@ Short name or login of the user. type: keyword -example: albert +example: a.einstein -- *`destination.user.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -1548,6 +1575,18 @@ Many operating systems refer to "shared code libraries" with different names, bu * Dynamic library (`.dylib`) commonly used on macOS +*`dll.code_signature.digest_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. +This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm. + +type: keyword + +example: sha256 + +-- + *`dll.code_signature.exists`*:: + -- @@ -1606,6 +1645,17 @@ example: EQHXZ8M8AV -- +*`dll.code_signature.timestamp`*:: ++ +-- +Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + +type: date + +example: 2021-01-01T12:10:30Z + +-- + *`dll.code_signature.trusted`*:: + -- @@ -2012,6 +2062,293 @@ required: True -- +[float] +=== elf + +These fields contain Linux Executable Linkable Format (ELF) metadata. + + +*`elf.architecture`*:: ++ +-- +Machine architecture of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: x86-64 + +-- + +*`elf.byte_order`*:: ++ +-- +Byte sequence of ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Little Endian + +-- + +*`elf.cpu_type`*:: ++ +-- +CPU type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Intel + +-- + +*`elf.creation_date`*:: ++ +-- +Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + +type: date + +-- + +*`elf.exports`*:: ++ +-- +List of exported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`elf.header.abi_version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.header.class`*:: ++ +-- +Header class of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.header.data`*:: ++ +-- +Data table of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.header.entrypoint`*:: ++ +-- +Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`elf.header.object_version`*:: ++ +-- +"0x1" for original ELF files. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.header.os_abi`*:: ++ +-- +Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.header.type`*:: ++ +-- +Header type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.header.version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.imports`*:: ++ +-- +List of imported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`elf.sections`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.sections.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`elf.sections.chi2`*:: ++ +-- +Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`elf.sections.entropy`*:: ++ +-- +Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`elf.sections.flags`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List flags. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.sections.name`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List name. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.sections.physical_offset`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List offset. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.sections.physical_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List physical size. + +type: long + +format: bytes + +-- + +*`elf.sections.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.sections.virtual_address`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual address. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`elf.sections.virtual_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual size. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`elf.segments`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.segments.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`elf.segments.sections`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment sections. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.segments.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.shared_libraries`*:: ++ +-- +List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`elf.telfhash`*:: ++ +-- +telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + [float] === error @@ -2042,7 +2379,7 @@ type: keyword -- Error message. -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -2051,16 +2388,14 @@ type: text -- The stack trace of this error in plain text. -type: keyword - -Field is not indexed. +type: wildcard -- *`error.stack_trace.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -2094,6 +2429,24 @@ example: user-password-change -- +*`event.agent_id_status`*:: ++ +-- +Agents are normally responsible for populating the `agent.id` field value. If the system receiving events is capable of validating the value based on authentication information for the client then this field can be used to reflect the outcome of that validation. +For example if the agent's connection is authenticated with mTLS and the client cert contains the ID of the agent to which the cert was issued then the `agent.id` value in events can be checked against the certificate. If the values match then `event.agent_id_status: verified` is added to the event, otherwise one of the other allowed values should be used. +If no validation is performed then the field should be omitted. +The allowed values are: +`verified` - The `agent.id` field value matches expected value obtained from auth metadata. +`mismatch` - The `agent.id` field value does not match the expected value obtained from auth metadata. +`missing` - There was no `agent.id` field in the event to validate. +`auth_metadata_missing` - There was no auth metadata or it was missing information about the agent ID. + +type: keyword + +example: verified + +-- + *`event.category`*:: + -- @@ -2230,8 +2583,8 @@ example: apache *`event.original`*:: + -- -Raw text message of entire event. Used to demonstrate log integrity. -This field is not indexed and doc_values are disabled. It cannot be searched, but it can be retrieved from `_source`. If users wish to override this and index this field, consider using the wildcard data type. +Raw text message of entire event. Used to demonstrate log integrity or where the full log message (before splitting it up in multiple parts) may be required, e.g. for reindex. +This field is not indexed and doc_values are disabled. It cannot be searched, but it can be retrieved from `_source`. If users wish to override this and index this field, please see `Field data types` in the `Elasticsearch Reference`. type: keyword @@ -2409,6 +2762,18 @@ example: ["readonly", "system"] -- +*`file.code_signature.digest_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. +This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm. + +type: keyword + +example: sha256 + +-- + *`file.code_signature.exists`*:: + -- @@ -2467,6 +2832,17 @@ example: EQHXZ8M8AV -- +*`file.code_signature.timestamp`*:: ++ +-- +Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + +type: date + +example: 2021-01-01T12:10:30Z + +-- + *`file.code_signature.trusted`*:: + -- @@ -2545,6 +2921,287 @@ example: C -- +*`file.elf.architecture`*:: ++ +-- +Machine architecture of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: x86-64 + +-- + +*`file.elf.byte_order`*:: ++ +-- +Byte sequence of ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Little Endian + +-- + +*`file.elf.cpu_type`*:: ++ +-- +CPU type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Intel + +-- + +*`file.elf.creation_date`*:: ++ +-- +Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + +type: date + +-- + +*`file.elf.exports`*:: ++ +-- +List of exported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`file.elf.header.abi_version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.header.class`*:: ++ +-- +Header class of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.header.data`*:: ++ +-- +Data table of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.header.entrypoint`*:: ++ +-- +Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`file.elf.header.object_version`*:: ++ +-- +"0x1" for original ELF files. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.header.os_abi`*:: ++ +-- +Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.header.type`*:: ++ +-- +Header type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.header.version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.imports`*:: ++ +-- +List of imported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`file.elf.sections`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.sections.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`file.elf.sections.chi2`*:: ++ +-- +Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`file.elf.sections.entropy`*:: ++ +-- +Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`file.elf.sections.flags`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List flags. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.sections.name`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List name. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.sections.physical_offset`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List offset. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.sections.physical_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List physical size. + +type: long + +format: bytes + +-- + +*`file.elf.sections.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.sections.virtual_address`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual address. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`file.elf.sections.virtual_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual size. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`file.elf.segments`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.segments.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`file.elf.segments.sections`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment sections. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.segments.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.shared_libraries`*:: ++ +-- +List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`file.elf.telfhash`*:: ++ +-- +telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + *`file.extension`*:: + -- @@ -2557,6 +3214,19 @@ example: png -- +*`file.fork_name`*:: ++ +-- +A fork is additional data associated with a filesystem object. +On Linux, a resource fork is used to store additional data with a filesystem object. A file always has at least one fork for the data portion, and additional forks may exist. +On NTFS, this is analogous to an Alternate Data Stream (ADS), and the default data stream for a file is just called $DATA. Zone.Identifier is commonly used by Windows to track contents downloaded from the Internet. An ADS is typically of the form: `C:\path\to\filename.extension:some_fork_name`, and `some_fork_name` is the value that should populate `fork_name`. `filename.extension` should populate `file.name`, and `extension` should populate `file.extension`. The full path, `file.path`, will include the fork name. + +type: keyword + +example: Zone.Identifer + +-- + *`file.gid`*:: + -- @@ -2700,7 +3370,7 @@ example: /home/alice/example.png *`file.path.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -2806,7 +3476,7 @@ type: keyword *`file.target_path.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -3610,7 +4280,7 @@ example: Mac OS Mojave *`host.os.full.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -3639,7 +4309,7 @@ example: Mac OS X *`host.os.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -3732,7 +4402,7 @@ example: Albert Einstein *`host.user.full_name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -3781,6 +4451,8 @@ Unique identifier of the user. type: keyword +example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + -- *`host.user.name`*:: @@ -3790,14 +4462,14 @@ Short name or login of the user. type: keyword -example: albert +example: a.einstein -- *`host.user.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -3836,7 +4508,7 @@ format: bytes -- The full HTTP request body. -type: keyword +type: wildcard example: Hello world @@ -3845,7 +4517,7 @@ example: Hello world *`http.request.body.content.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -3929,7 +4601,7 @@ format: bytes -- The full HTTP response body. -type: keyword +type: wildcard example: Hello world @@ -3938,7 +4610,7 @@ example: Hello world *`http.response.body.content.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -4111,6 +4783,7 @@ example: init *`log.original`*:: + -- +Deprecated for removal in next major version release. This field is superseded by `event.original`. This is the original log message and contains the full log message before splitting it up in multiple parts. In contrast to the `message` field which can contain an extracted part of the log message, this field contains the original, full log message. It can have already some modifications applied like encoding or new lines removed to clean up the log message. This field is not indexed and doc_values are disabled so it can't be queried but the value can be retrieved from `_source`. @@ -4746,7 +5419,7 @@ example: Mac OS Mojave *`observer.os.full.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -4775,7 +5448,7 @@ example: Mac OS X *`observer.os.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -4993,7 +5666,7 @@ type: keyword *`organization.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -5028,7 +5701,7 @@ example: Mac OS Mojave *`os.full.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -5057,7 +5730,7 @@ example: Mac OS X *`os.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -5363,6 +6036,18 @@ example: 4 -- +*`process.code_signature.digest_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. +This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm. + +type: keyword + +example: sha256 + +-- + *`process.code_signature.exists`*:: + -- @@ -5421,6 +6106,17 @@ example: EQHXZ8M8AV -- +*`process.code_signature.timestamp`*:: ++ +-- +Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + +type: date + +example: 2021-01-01T12:10:30Z + +-- + *`process.code_signature.trusted`*:: + -- @@ -5451,7 +6147,7 @@ example: true Full command line that started the process, including the absolute path to the executable, and all arguments. Some arguments may be filtered to protect sensitive information. -type: keyword +type: wildcard example: /usr/bin/ssh -l user @@ -5460,7 +6156,299 @@ example: /usr/bin/ssh -l user *`process.command_line.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`process.elf.architecture`*:: ++ +-- +Machine architecture of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: x86-64 + +-- + +*`process.elf.byte_order`*:: ++ +-- +Byte sequence of ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Little Endian + +-- + +*`process.elf.cpu_type`*:: ++ +-- +CPU type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Intel + +-- + +*`process.elf.creation_date`*:: ++ +-- +Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + +type: date + +-- + +*`process.elf.exports`*:: ++ +-- +List of exported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`process.elf.header.abi_version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.header.class`*:: ++ +-- +Header class of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.header.data`*:: ++ +-- +Data table of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.header.entrypoint`*:: ++ +-- +Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`process.elf.header.object_version`*:: ++ +-- +"0x1" for original ELF files. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.header.os_abi`*:: ++ +-- +Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.header.type`*:: ++ +-- +Header type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.header.version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.imports`*:: ++ +-- +List of imported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`process.elf.sections`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.sections.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`process.elf.sections.chi2`*:: ++ +-- +Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`process.elf.sections.entropy`*:: ++ +-- +Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`process.elf.sections.flags`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List flags. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.sections.name`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List name. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.sections.physical_offset`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List offset. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.sections.physical_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List physical size. + +type: long + +format: bytes + +-- + +*`process.elf.sections.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.sections.virtual_address`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual address. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`process.elf.sections.virtual_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual size. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`process.elf.segments`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.segments.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`process.elf.segments.sections`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment sections. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.segments.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.shared_libraries`*:: ++ +-- +List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.elf.telfhash`*:: ++ +-- +telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.end`*:: ++ +-- +The time the process ended. + +type: date + +example: 2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z -- @@ -5491,7 +6479,7 @@ example: /usr/bin/ssh *`process.executable.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -5567,7 +6555,7 @@ example: ssh *`process.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -5595,6 +6583,18 @@ example: 4 -- +*`process.parent.code_signature.digest_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. +This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm. + +type: keyword + +example: sha256 + +-- + *`process.parent.code_signature.exists`*:: + -- @@ -5653,6 +6653,17 @@ example: EQHXZ8M8AV -- +*`process.parent.code_signature.timestamp`*:: ++ +-- +Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + +type: date + +example: 2021-01-01T12:10:30Z + +-- + *`process.parent.code_signature.trusted`*:: + -- @@ -5683,7 +6694,7 @@ example: true Full command line that started the process, including the absolute path to the executable, and all arguments. Some arguments may be filtered to protect sensitive information. -type: keyword +type: wildcard example: /usr/bin/ssh -l user @@ -5692,7 +6703,299 @@ example: /usr/bin/ssh -l user *`process.parent.command_line.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.architecture`*:: ++ +-- +Machine architecture of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: x86-64 + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.byte_order`*:: ++ +-- +Byte sequence of ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Little Endian + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.cpu_type`*:: ++ +-- +CPU type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Intel + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.creation_date`*:: ++ +-- +Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + +type: date + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.exports`*:: ++ +-- +List of exported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.header.abi_version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.header.class`*:: ++ +-- +Header class of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.header.data`*:: ++ +-- +Data table of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.header.entrypoint`*:: ++ +-- +Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.header.object_version`*:: ++ +-- +"0x1" for original ELF files. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.header.os_abi`*:: ++ +-- +Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.header.type`*:: ++ +-- +Header type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.header.version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.imports`*:: ++ +-- +List of imported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.sections`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.sections.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.sections.chi2`*:: ++ +-- +Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.sections.entropy`*:: ++ +-- +Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.sections.flags`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List flags. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.sections.name`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List name. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.sections.physical_offset`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List offset. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.sections.physical_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List physical size. + +type: long + +format: bytes + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.sections.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.sections.virtual_address`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual address. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.sections.virtual_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual size. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.segments`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.segments.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.segments.sections`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment sections. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.segments.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.shared_libraries`*:: ++ +-- +List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.elf.telfhash`*:: ++ +-- +telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`process.parent.end`*:: ++ +-- +The time the process ended. + +type: date + +example: 2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z -- @@ -5723,7 +7026,7 @@ example: /usr/bin/ssh *`process.parent.executable.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -5799,7 +7102,7 @@ example: ssh *`process.parent.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -5966,7 +7269,7 @@ type: keyword *`process.parent.title.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -5995,7 +7298,7 @@ example: /home/alice *`process.parent.working_directory.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -6162,7 +7465,7 @@ type: keyword *`process.title.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -6191,7 +7494,7 @@ example: /home/alice *`process.working_directory.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -6219,7 +7522,7 @@ example: ZQBuAC0AVQBTAAAAZQBuAAAAAAA= Content when writing string types. Populated as an array when writing string data to the registry. For single string registry types (REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ), this should be an array with one string. For sequences of string with REG_MULTI_SZ, this array will be variable length. For numeric data, such as REG_DWORD and REG_QWORD, this should be populated with the decimal representation (e.g `"1"`). -type: keyword +type: wildcard example: ["C:\rta\red_ttp\bin\myapp.exe"] @@ -6318,7 +7621,7 @@ type: ip *`related.user`*:: + -- -All the user names seen on your event. +All the user names or other user identifiers seen on the event. type: keyword @@ -6485,7 +7788,7 @@ example: Google LLC *`server.as.organization.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -6770,7 +8073,7 @@ example: Albert Einstein *`server.user.full_name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -6819,6 +8122,8 @@ Unique identifier of the user. type: keyword +example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + -- *`server.user.name`*:: @@ -6828,14 +8133,14 @@ Short name or login of the user. type: keyword -example: albert +example: a.einstein -- *`server.user.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -6857,6 +8162,30 @@ The service fields describe the service for or from which the data was collected These fields help you find and correlate logs for a specific service and version. +*`service.address`*:: ++ +-- +Address where data about this service was collected from. +This should be a URI, network address (ipv4:port or [ipv6]:port) or a resource path (sockets). + +type: keyword + +example: + +-- + +*`service.environment`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies the environment where the service is running. +If the same service runs in different environments (production, staging, QA, development, etc.), the environment can identify other instances of the same service. Can also group services and applications from the same environment. + +type: keyword + +example: production + +-- + *`service.ephemeral_id`*:: + -- @@ -6984,7 +8313,7 @@ example: Google LLC *`source.as.organization.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -7269,7 +8598,7 @@ example: Albert Einstein *`source.user.full_name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -7318,6 +8647,8 @@ Unique identifier of the user. type: keyword +example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + -- *`source.user.name`*:: @@ -7327,14 +8658,14 @@ Short name or login of the user. type: keyword -example: albert +example: a.einstein -- *`source.user.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -7356,6 +8687,1691 @@ Fields to classify events and alerts according to a threat taxonomy such as the These fields are for users to classify alerts from all of their sources (e.g. IDS, NGFW, etc.) within a common taxonomy. The threat.tactic.* are meant to capture the high level category of the threat (e.g. "impact"). The threat.technique.* fields are meant to capture which kind of approach is used by this detected threat, to accomplish the goal (e.g. "endpoint denial of service"). +*`threat.enrichments`*:: ++ +-- +A list of associated indicators objects enriching the event, and the context of that association/enrichment. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator`*:: ++ +-- +Object containing associated indicators enriching the event. + +type: object + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.as.number`*:: ++ +-- +Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. + +type: long + +example: 15169 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.as.organization.name`*:: ++ +-- +Organization name. + +type: keyword + +example: Google LLC + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.as.organization.name.text`*:: ++ +-- +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.confidence`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies the confidence rating assigned by the provider using STIX confidence scales. Expected values: + * Not Specified, None, Low, Medium, High + * 0-10 + * Admirality Scale (1-6) + * DNI Scale (5-95) + * WEP Scale (Impossible - Certain) + +type: keyword + +example: High + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.description`*:: ++ +-- +Describes the type of action conducted by the threat. + +type: keyword + +example: IP x.x.x.x was observed delivering the Angler EK. + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.email.address`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies a threat indicator as an email address (irrespective of direction). + +type: keyword + +example: phish@example.com + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.accessed`*:: ++ +-- +Last time the file was accessed. +Note that not all filesystems keep track of access time. + +type: date + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.attributes`*:: ++ +-- +Array of file attributes. +Attributes names will vary by platform. Here's a non-exhaustive list of values that are expected in this field: archive, compressed, directory, encrypted, execute, hidden, read, readonly, system, write. + +type: keyword + +example: ["readonly", "system"] + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.digest_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. +This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm. + +type: keyword + +example: sha256 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.exists`*:: ++ +-- +Boolean to capture if a signature is present. + +type: boolean + +example: true + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.signing_id`*:: ++ +-- +The identifier used to sign the process. +This is used to identify the application manufactured by a software vendor. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only. + +type: keyword + +example: com.apple.xpc.proxy + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.status`*:: ++ +-- +Additional information about the certificate status. +This is useful for logging cryptographic errors with the certificate validity or trust status. Leave unpopulated if the validity or trust of the certificate was unchecked. + +type: keyword + +example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.subject_name`*:: ++ +-- +Subject name of the code signer + +type: keyword + +example: Microsoft Corporation + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.team_id`*:: ++ +-- +The team identifier used to sign the process. +This is used to identify the team or vendor of a software product. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only. + +type: keyword + +example: EQHXZ8M8AV + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.timestamp`*:: ++ +-- +Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + +type: date + +example: 2021-01-01T12:10:30Z + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.trusted`*:: ++ +-- +Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. +Validating the trust of the certificate chain may be complicated, and this field should only be populated by tools that actively check the status. + +type: boolean + +example: true + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.valid`*:: ++ +-- +Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against the binary content. +Leave unpopulated if a certificate was unchecked. + +type: boolean + +example: true + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.created`*:: ++ +-- +File creation time. +Note that not all filesystems store the creation time. + +type: date + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.ctime`*:: ++ +-- +Last time the file attributes or metadata changed. +Note that changes to the file content will update `mtime`. This implies `ctime` will be adjusted at the same time, since `mtime` is an attribute of the file. + +type: date + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.device`*:: ++ +-- +Device that is the source of the file. + +type: keyword + +example: sda + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.directory`*:: ++ +-- +Directory where the file is located. It should include the drive letter, when appropriate. + +type: keyword + +example: /home/alice + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.drive_letter`*:: ++ +-- +Drive letter where the file is located. This field is only relevant on Windows. +The value should be uppercase, and not include the colon. + +type: keyword + +example: C + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.architecture`*:: ++ +-- +Machine architecture of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: x86-64 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.byte_order`*:: ++ +-- +Byte sequence of ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Little Endian + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.cpu_type`*:: ++ +-- +CPU type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Intel + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.creation_date`*:: ++ +-- +Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + +type: date + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.exports`*:: ++ +-- +List of exported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.abi_version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.class`*:: ++ +-- +Header class of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.data`*:: ++ +-- +Data table of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.entrypoint`*:: ++ +-- +Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.object_version`*:: ++ +-- +"0x1" for original ELF files. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.os_abi`*:: ++ +-- +Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.type`*:: ++ +-- +Header type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.imports`*:: ++ +-- +List of imported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.sections.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.chi2`*:: ++ +-- +Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.entropy`*:: ++ +-- +Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.flags`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List flags. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.name`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List name. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.physical_offset`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List offset. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.physical_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List physical size. + +type: long + +format: bytes + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.virtual_address`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual address. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.virtual_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual size. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.segments`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.segments.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.segments.sections`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment sections. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.segments.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.shared_libraries`*:: ++ +-- +List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.elf.telfhash`*:: ++ +-- +telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.extension`*:: ++ +-- +File extension, excluding the leading dot. +Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz"). + +type: keyword + +example: png + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.fork_name`*:: ++ +-- +A fork is additional data associated with a filesystem object. +On Linux, a resource fork is used to store additional data with a filesystem object. A file always has at least one fork for the data portion, and additional forks may exist. +On NTFS, this is analogous to an Alternate Data Stream (ADS), and the default data stream for a file is just called $DATA. Zone.Identifier is commonly used by Windows to track contents downloaded from the Internet. An ADS is typically of the form: `C:\path\to\filename.extension:some_fork_name`, and `some_fork_name` is the value that should populate `fork_name`. `filename.extension` should populate `file.name`, and `extension` should populate `file.extension`. The full path, `file.path`, will include the fork name. + +type: keyword + +example: Zone.Identifer + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.gid`*:: ++ +-- +Primary group ID (GID) of the file. + +type: keyword + +example: 1001 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.group`*:: ++ +-- +Primary group name of the file. + +type: keyword + +example: alice + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.hash.md5`*:: ++ +-- +MD5 hash. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.hash.sha1`*:: ++ +-- +SHA1 hash. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.hash.sha256`*:: ++ +-- +SHA256 hash. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.hash.sha512`*:: ++ +-- +SHA512 hash. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.hash.ssdeep`*:: ++ +-- +SSDEEP hash. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.inode`*:: ++ +-- +Inode representing the file in the filesystem. + +type: keyword + +example: 256383 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.mime_type`*:: ++ +-- +MIME type should identify the format of the file or stream of bytes using https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml[IANA official types], where possible. When more than one type is applicable, the most specific type should be used. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.mode`*:: ++ +-- +Mode of the file in octal representation. + +type: keyword + +example: 0640 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.mtime`*:: ++ +-- +Last time the file content was modified. + +type: date + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.name`*:: ++ +-- +Name of the file including the extension, without the directory. + +type: keyword + +example: example.png + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.owner`*:: ++ +-- +File owner's username. + +type: keyword + +example: alice + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.path`*:: ++ +-- +Full path to the file, including the file name. It should include the drive letter, when appropriate. + +type: keyword + +example: /home/alice/example.png + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.path.text`*:: ++ +-- +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.pe.architecture`*:: ++ +-- +CPU architecture target for the file. + +type: keyword + +example: x64 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.pe.company`*:: ++ +-- +Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. + +type: keyword + +example: Microsoft Corporation + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.pe.description`*:: ++ +-- +Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. + +type: keyword + +example: Paint + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.pe.file_version`*:: ++ +-- +Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. + +type: keyword + +example: 6.3.9600.17415 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.pe.imphash`*:: ++ +-- +A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash -- can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values. +Learn more at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html. + +type: keyword + +example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.pe.original_file_name`*:: ++ +-- +Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. + +type: keyword + +example: MSPAINT.EXE + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.pe.product`*:: ++ +-- +Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. + +type: keyword + +example: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.size`*:: ++ +-- +File size in bytes. +Only relevant when `file.type` is "file". + +type: long + +example: 16384 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.target_path`*:: ++ +-- +Target path for symlinks. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.target_path.text`*:: ++ +-- +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.type`*:: ++ +-- +File type (file, dir, or symlink). + +type: keyword + +example: file + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.file.uid`*:: ++ +-- +The user ID (UID) or security identifier (SID) of the file owner. + +type: keyword + +example: 1001 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.first_seen`*:: ++ +-- +The date and time when intelligence source first reported sighting this indicator. + +type: date + +example: 2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.city_name`*:: ++ +-- +City name. + +type: keyword + +example: Montreal + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.continent_code`*:: ++ +-- +Two-letter code representing continent's name. + +type: keyword + +example: NA + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.continent_name`*:: ++ +-- +Name of the continent. + +type: keyword + +example: North America + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.country_iso_code`*:: ++ +-- +Country ISO code. + +type: keyword + +example: CA + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.country_name`*:: ++ +-- +Country name. + +type: keyword + +example: Canada + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.location`*:: ++ +-- +Longitude and latitude. + +type: geo_point + +example: { "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 } + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.name`*:: ++ +-- +User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity they care about. +Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes a local physical entity, city names. +Not typically used in automated geolocation. + +type: keyword + +example: boston-dc + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.postal_code`*:: ++ +-- +Postal code associated with the location. +Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code and will vary widely from country to country. + +type: keyword + +example: 94040 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.region_iso_code`*:: ++ +-- +Region ISO code. + +type: keyword + +example: CA-QC + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.region_name`*:: ++ +-- +Region name. + +type: keyword + +example: Quebec + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.geo.timezone`*:: ++ +-- +The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + +type: keyword + +example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.ip`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies a threat indicator as an IP address (irrespective of direction). + +type: ip + +example: + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.last_seen`*:: ++ +-- +The date and time when intelligence source last reported sighting this indicator. + +type: date + +example: 2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.marking.tlp`*:: ++ +-- +Traffic Light Protocol sharing markings. Recommended values are: + * WHITE + * GREEN + * AMBER + * RED + +type: keyword + +example: White + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.modified_at`*:: ++ +-- +The date and time when intelligence source last modified information for this indicator. + +type: date + +example: 2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.port`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies a threat indicator as a port number (irrespective of direction). + +type: long + +example: 443 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.provider`*:: ++ +-- +The name of the indicator's provider. + +type: keyword + +example: lrz_urlhaus + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.reference`*:: ++ +-- +Reference URL linking to additional information about this indicator. + +type: keyword + +example: https://system.example.com/indicator/0001234 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.registry.data.bytes`*:: ++ +-- +Original bytes written with base64 encoding. +For Windows registry operations, such as SetValueEx and RegQueryValueEx, this corresponds to the data pointed by `lp_data`. This is optional but provides better recoverability and should be populated for REG_BINARY encoded values. + +type: keyword + +example: ZQBuAC0AVQBTAAAAZQBuAAAAAAA= + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.registry.data.strings`*:: ++ +-- +Content when writing string types. +Populated as an array when writing string data to the registry. For single string registry types (REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ), this should be an array with one string. For sequences of string with REG_MULTI_SZ, this array will be variable length. For numeric data, such as REG_DWORD and REG_QWORD, this should be populated with the decimal representation (e.g `"1"`). + +type: wildcard + +example: ["C:\rta\red_ttp\bin\myapp.exe"] + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.registry.data.type`*:: ++ +-- +Standard registry type for encoding contents + +type: keyword + +example: REG_SZ + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.registry.hive`*:: ++ +-- +Abbreviated name for the hive. + +type: keyword + +example: HKLM + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.registry.key`*:: ++ +-- +Hive-relative path of keys. + +type: keyword + +example: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winword.exe + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.registry.path`*:: ++ +-- +Full path, including hive, key and value + +type: keyword + +example: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winword.exe\Debugger + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.registry.value`*:: ++ +-- +Name of the value written. + +type: keyword + +example: Debugger + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.scanner_stats`*:: ++ +-- +Count of AV/EDR vendors that successfully detected malicious file or URL. + +type: long + +example: 4 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.sightings`*:: ++ +-- +Number of times this indicator was observed conducting threat activity. + +type: long + +example: 20 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.type`*:: ++ +-- +Type of indicator as represented by Cyber Observable in STIX 2.0. Recommended values: + * autonomous-system + * artifact + * directory + * domain-name + * email-addr + * file + * ipv4-addr + * ipv6-addr + * mac-addr + * mutex + * port + * process + * software + * url + * user-account + * windows-registry-key + * x509-certificate + +type: keyword + +example: ipv4-addr + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.domain`*:: ++ +-- +Domain of the url, such as "www.elastic.co". +In some cases a URL may refer to an IP and/or port directly, without a domain name. In this case, the IP address would go to the `domain` field. +If the URL contains a literal IPv6 address enclosed by `[` and `]` (IETF RFC 2732), the `[` and `]` characters should also be captured in the `domain` field. + +type: keyword + +example: www.elastic.co + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.extension`*:: ++ +-- +The field contains the file extension from the original request url, excluding the leading dot. +The file extension is only set if it exists, as not every url has a file extension. +The leading period must not be included. For example, the value must be "png", not ".png". +Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz"). + +type: keyword + +example: png + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.fragment`*:: ++ +-- +Portion of the url after the `#`, such as "top". +The `#` is not part of the fragment. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.full`*:: ++ +-- +If full URLs are important to your use case, they should be stored in `url.full`, whether this field is reconstructed or present in the event source. + +type: wildcard + +example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.full.text`*:: ++ +-- +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.original`*:: ++ +-- +Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. +Note that in network monitoring, the observed URL may be a full URL, whereas in access logs, the URL is often just represented as a path. +This field is meant to represent the URL as it was observed, complete or not. + +type: wildcard + +example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top or /search?q=elasticsearch + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.original.text`*:: ++ +-- +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.password`*:: ++ +-- +Password of the request. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.path`*:: ++ +-- +Path of the request, such as "/search". + +type: wildcard + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.port`*:: ++ +-- +Port of the request, such as 443. + +type: long + +example: 443 + +format: string + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.query`*:: ++ +-- +The query field describes the query string of the request, such as "q=elasticsearch". +The `?` is excluded from the query string. If a URL contains no `?`, there is no query field. If there is a `?` but no query, the query field exists with an empty string. The `exists` query can be used to differentiate between the two cases. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.registered_domain`*:: ++ +-- +The highest registered url domain, stripped of the subdomain. +For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". +This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk". + +type: keyword + +example: example.com + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.scheme`*:: ++ +-- +Scheme of the request, such as "https". +Note: The `:` is not part of the scheme. + +type: keyword + +example: https + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.subdomain`*:: ++ +-- +The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes all of the names except the host name under the registered_domain. In a partially qualified domain, or if the the qualification level of the full name cannot be determined, subdomain contains all of the names below the registered domain. +For example the subdomain portion of "www.east.mydomain.co.uk" is "east". If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period. + +type: keyword + +example: east + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.top_level_domain`*:: ++ +-- +The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain for example.com is "com". +This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk". + +type: keyword + +example: co.uk + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.url.username`*:: ++ +-- +Username of the request. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.alternative_names`*:: ++ +-- +List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names (and wildcards), and email addresses. + +type: keyword + +example: *.elastic.co + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.common_name`*:: ++ +-- +List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. + +type: keyword + +example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.country`*:: ++ +-- +List of country (C) codes + +type: keyword + +example: US + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.distinguished_name`*:: ++ +-- +Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. + +type: keyword + +example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.locality`*:: ++ +-- +List of locality names (L) + +type: keyword + +example: Mountain View + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.organization`*:: ++ +-- +List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. + +type: keyword + +example: Example Inc + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.organizational_unit`*:: ++ +-- +List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. + +type: keyword + +example: www.example.com + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.state_or_province`*:: ++ +-- +List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + +type: keyword + +example: California + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.not_after`*:: ++ +-- +Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. + +type: date + +example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.not_before`*:: ++ +-- +Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. + +type: date + +example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.public_key_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +Algorithm used to generate the public key. + +type: keyword + +example: RSA + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.public_key_curve`*:: ++ +-- +The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This is algorithm specific. + +type: keyword + +example: nistp521 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.public_key_exponent`*:: ++ +-- +Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. + +type: long + +example: 65537 + +Field is not indexed. + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.public_key_size`*:: ++ +-- +The size of the public key space in bits. + +type: long + +example: 2048 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.serial_number`*:: ++ +-- +Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase characters. + +type: keyword + +example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.signature_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. + +type: keyword + +example: SHA256-RSA + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.common_name`*:: ++ +-- +List of common names (CN) of subject. + +type: keyword + +example: shared.global.example.net + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.country`*:: ++ +-- +List of country (C) code + +type: keyword + +example: US + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.distinguished_name`*:: ++ +-- +Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. + +type: keyword + +example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.locality`*:: ++ +-- +List of locality names (L) + +type: keyword + +example: San Francisco + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.organization`*:: ++ +-- +List of organizations (O) of subject. + +type: keyword + +example: Example, Inc. + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.organizational_unit`*:: ++ +-- +List of organizational units (OU) of subject. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.state_or_province`*:: ++ +-- +List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + +type: keyword + +example: California + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.indicator.x509.version_number`*:: ++ +-- +Version of x509 format. + +type: keyword + +example: 3 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.matched.atomic`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies the atomic indicator value that matched a local environment endpoint or network event. + +type: keyword + +example: bad-domain.com + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.matched.field`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies the field of the atomic indicator that matched a local environment endpoint or network event. + +type: keyword + +example: file.hash.sha256 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.matched.id`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies the _id of the indicator document enriching the event. + +type: keyword + +example: ff93aee5-86a1-4a61-b0e6-0cdc313d01b5 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.matched.index`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies the _index of the indicator document enriching the event. + +type: keyword + +example: filebeat-8.0.0-2021.05.23-000011 + +-- + +*`threat.enrichments.matched.type`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies the type of match that caused the event to be enriched with the given indicator + +type: keyword + +example: indicator_match_rule + +-- + *`threat.framework`*:: + -- @@ -7367,6 +10383,1757 @@ example: MITRE ATT&CK -- +*`threat.group.alias`*:: ++ +-- +The alias(es) of the group for a set of related intrusion activity that are tracked by a common name in the security community. +While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK® group alias(es). + +type: keyword + +example: [ "Magecart Group 6" ] + +-- + +*`threat.group.id`*:: ++ +-- +The id of the group for a set of related intrusion activity that are tracked by a common name in the security community. +While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK® group id. + +type: keyword + +example: G0037 + +-- + +*`threat.group.name`*:: ++ +-- +The name of the group for a set of related intrusion activity that are tracked by a common name in the security community. +While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK® group name. + +type: keyword + +example: FIN6 + +-- + +*`threat.group.reference`*:: ++ +-- +The reference URL of the group for a set of related intrusion activity that are tracked by a common name in the security community. +While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK® group reference URL. + +type: keyword + +example: https://attack.mitre.org/groups/G0037/ + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.as.number`*:: ++ +-- +Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. + +type: long + +example: 15169 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.as.organization.name`*:: ++ +-- +Organization name. + +type: keyword + +example: Google LLC + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.as.organization.name.text`*:: ++ +-- +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.confidence`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies the confidence rating assigned by the provider using STIX confidence scales. +Recommended values: + * Not Specified, None, Low, Medium, High + * 0-10 + * Admirality Scale (1-6) + * DNI Scale (5-95) + * WEP Scale (Impossible - Certain) + +type: keyword + +example: High + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.description`*:: ++ +-- +Describes the type of action conducted by the threat. + +type: keyword + +example: IP x.x.x.x was observed delivering the Angler EK. + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.email.address`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies a threat indicator as an email address (irrespective of direction). + +type: keyword + +example: phish@example.com + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.accessed`*:: ++ +-- +Last time the file was accessed. +Note that not all filesystems keep track of access time. + +type: date + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.attributes`*:: ++ +-- +Array of file attributes. +Attributes names will vary by platform. Here's a non-exhaustive list of values that are expected in this field: archive, compressed, directory, encrypted, execute, hidden, read, readonly, system, write. + +type: keyword + +example: ["readonly", "system"] + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.code_signature.digest_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. +This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm. + +type: keyword + +example: sha256 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.code_signature.exists`*:: ++ +-- +Boolean to capture if a signature is present. + +type: boolean + +example: true + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.code_signature.signing_id`*:: ++ +-- +The identifier used to sign the process. +This is used to identify the application manufactured by a software vendor. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only. + +type: keyword + +example: com.apple.xpc.proxy + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.code_signature.status`*:: ++ +-- +Additional information about the certificate status. +This is useful for logging cryptographic errors with the certificate validity or trust status. Leave unpopulated if the validity or trust of the certificate was unchecked. + +type: keyword + +example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.code_signature.subject_name`*:: ++ +-- +Subject name of the code signer + +type: keyword + +example: Microsoft Corporation + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.code_signature.team_id`*:: ++ +-- +The team identifier used to sign the process. +This is used to identify the team or vendor of a software product. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only. + +type: keyword + +example: EQHXZ8M8AV + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.code_signature.timestamp`*:: ++ +-- +Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + +type: date + +example: 2021-01-01T12:10:30Z + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.code_signature.trusted`*:: ++ +-- +Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. +Validating the trust of the certificate chain may be complicated, and this field should only be populated by tools that actively check the status. + +type: boolean + +example: true + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.code_signature.valid`*:: ++ +-- +Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against the binary content. +Leave unpopulated if a certificate was unchecked. + +type: boolean + +example: true + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.created`*:: ++ +-- +File creation time. +Note that not all filesystems store the creation time. + +type: date + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.ctime`*:: ++ +-- +Last time the file attributes or metadata changed. +Note that changes to the file content will update `mtime`. This implies `ctime` will be adjusted at the same time, since `mtime` is an attribute of the file. + +type: date + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.device`*:: ++ +-- +Device that is the source of the file. + +type: keyword + +example: sda + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.directory`*:: ++ +-- +Directory where the file is located. It should include the drive letter, when appropriate. + +type: keyword + +example: /home/alice + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.drive_letter`*:: ++ +-- +Drive letter where the file is located. This field is only relevant on Windows. +The value should be uppercase, and not include the colon. + +type: keyword + +example: C + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.architecture`*:: ++ +-- +Machine architecture of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: x86-64 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.byte_order`*:: ++ +-- +Byte sequence of ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Little Endian + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.cpu_type`*:: ++ +-- +CPU type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +example: Intel + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.creation_date`*:: ++ +-- +Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + +type: date + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.exports`*:: ++ +-- +List of exported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.header.abi_version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.header.class`*:: ++ +-- +Header class of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.header.data`*:: ++ +-- +Data table of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.header.entrypoint`*:: ++ +-- +Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.header.object_version`*:: ++ +-- +"0x1" for original ELF files. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.header.os_abi`*:: ++ +-- +Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.header.type`*:: ++ +-- +Header type of the ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.header.version`*:: ++ +-- +Version of the ELF header. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.imports`*:: ++ +-- +List of imported element names and types. + +type: flattened + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.sections`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.sections.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.sections.chi2`*:: ++ +-- +Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.sections.entropy`*:: ++ +-- +Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + +type: long + +format: number + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.sections.flags`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List flags. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.sections.name`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List name. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.sections.physical_offset`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List offset. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.sections.physical_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List physical size. + +type: long + +format: bytes + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.sections.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.sections.virtual_address`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual address. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.sections.virtual_size`*:: ++ +-- +ELF Section List virtual size. + +type: long + +format: string + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.segments`*:: ++ +-- +An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. +The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields underneath `elf.segments.*`. + +type: nested + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.segments.sections`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment sections. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.segments.type`*:: ++ +-- +ELF object segment type. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.shared_libraries`*:: ++ +-- +List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.elf.telfhash`*:: ++ +-- +telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.extension`*:: ++ +-- +File extension, excluding the leading dot. +Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz"). + +type: keyword + +example: png + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.fork_name`*:: ++ +-- +A fork is additional data associated with a filesystem object. +On Linux, a resource fork is used to store additional data with a filesystem object. A file always has at least one fork for the data portion, and additional forks may exist. +On NTFS, this is analogous to an Alternate Data Stream (ADS), and the default data stream for a file is just called $DATA. Zone.Identifier is commonly used by Windows to track contents downloaded from the Internet. An ADS is typically of the form: `C:\path\to\filename.extension:some_fork_name`, and `some_fork_name` is the value that should populate `fork_name`. `filename.extension` should populate `file.name`, and `extension` should populate `file.extension`. The full path, `file.path`, will include the fork name. + +type: keyword + +example: Zone.Identifer + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.gid`*:: ++ +-- +Primary group ID (GID) of the file. + +type: keyword + +example: 1001 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.group`*:: ++ +-- +Primary group name of the file. + +type: keyword + +example: alice + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.hash.md5`*:: ++ +-- +MD5 hash. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.hash.sha1`*:: ++ +-- +SHA1 hash. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.hash.sha256`*:: ++ +-- +SHA256 hash. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.hash.sha512`*:: ++ +-- +SHA512 hash. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.hash.ssdeep`*:: ++ +-- +SSDEEP hash. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.inode`*:: ++ +-- +Inode representing the file in the filesystem. + +type: keyword + +example: 256383 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.mime_type`*:: ++ +-- +MIME type should identify the format of the file or stream of bytes using https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml[IANA official types], where possible. When more than one type is applicable, the most specific type should be used. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.mode`*:: ++ +-- +Mode of the file in octal representation. + +type: keyword + +example: 0640 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.mtime`*:: ++ +-- +Last time the file content was modified. + +type: date + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.name`*:: ++ +-- +Name of the file including the extension, without the directory. + +type: keyword + +example: example.png + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.owner`*:: ++ +-- +File owner's username. + +type: keyword + +example: alice + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.path`*:: ++ +-- +Full path to the file, including the file name. It should include the drive letter, when appropriate. + +type: keyword + +example: /home/alice/example.png + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.path.text`*:: ++ +-- +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.pe.architecture`*:: ++ +-- +CPU architecture target for the file. + +type: keyword + +example: x64 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.pe.company`*:: ++ +-- +Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. + +type: keyword + +example: Microsoft Corporation + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.pe.description`*:: ++ +-- +Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. + +type: keyword + +example: Paint + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.pe.file_version`*:: ++ +-- +Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. + +type: keyword + +example: 6.3.9600.17415 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.pe.imphash`*:: ++ +-- +A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash -- can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values. +Learn more at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html. + +type: keyword + +example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.pe.original_file_name`*:: ++ +-- +Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. + +type: keyword + +example: MSPAINT.EXE + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.pe.product`*:: ++ +-- +Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. + +type: keyword + +example: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.size`*:: ++ +-- +File size in bytes. +Only relevant when `file.type` is "file". + +type: long + +example: 16384 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.target_path`*:: ++ +-- +Target path for symlinks. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.target_path.text`*:: ++ +-- +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.type`*:: ++ +-- +File type (file, dir, or symlink). + +type: keyword + +example: file + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.file.uid`*:: ++ +-- +The user ID (UID) or security identifier (SID) of the file owner. + +type: keyword + +example: 1001 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.first_seen`*:: ++ +-- +The date and time when intelligence source first reported sighting this indicator. + +type: date + +example: 2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.city_name`*:: ++ +-- +City name. + +type: keyword + +example: Montreal + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.continent_code`*:: ++ +-- +Two-letter code representing continent's name. + +type: keyword + +example: NA + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.continent_name`*:: ++ +-- +Name of the continent. + +type: keyword + +example: North America + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.country_iso_code`*:: ++ +-- +Country ISO code. + +type: keyword + +example: CA + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.country_name`*:: ++ +-- +Country name. + +type: keyword + +example: Canada + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.location`*:: ++ +-- +Longitude and latitude. + +type: geo_point + +example: { "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 } + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.name`*:: ++ +-- +User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity they care about. +Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes a local physical entity, city names. +Not typically used in automated geolocation. + +type: keyword + +example: boston-dc + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.postal_code`*:: ++ +-- +Postal code associated with the location. +Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code and will vary widely from country to country. + +type: keyword + +example: 94040 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.region_iso_code`*:: ++ +-- +Region ISO code. + +type: keyword + +example: CA-QC + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.region_name`*:: ++ +-- +Region name. + +type: keyword + +example: Quebec + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.geo.timezone`*:: ++ +-- +The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + +type: keyword + +example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.ip`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies a threat indicator as an IP address (irrespective of direction). + +type: ip + +example: + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.last_seen`*:: ++ +-- +The date and time when intelligence source last reported sighting this indicator. + +type: date + +example: 2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.marking.tlp`*:: ++ +-- +Traffic Light Protocol sharing markings. +Recommended values are: + * WHITE + * GREEN + * AMBER + * RED + +type: keyword + +example: WHITE + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.modified_at`*:: ++ +-- +The date and time when intelligence source last modified information for this indicator. + +type: date + +example: 2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.port`*:: ++ +-- +Identifies a threat indicator as a port number (irrespective of direction). + +type: long + +example: 443 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.provider`*:: ++ +-- +The name of the indicator's provider. + +type: keyword + +example: lrz_urlhaus + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.reference`*:: ++ +-- +Reference URL linking to additional information about this indicator. + +type: keyword + +example: https://system.example.com/indicator/0001234 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.registry.data.bytes`*:: ++ +-- +Original bytes written with base64 encoding. +For Windows registry operations, such as SetValueEx and RegQueryValueEx, this corresponds to the data pointed by `lp_data`. This is optional but provides better recoverability and should be populated for REG_BINARY encoded values. + +type: keyword + +example: ZQBuAC0AVQBTAAAAZQBuAAAAAAA= + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.registry.data.strings`*:: ++ +-- +Content when writing string types. +Populated as an array when writing string data to the registry. For single string registry types (REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ), this should be an array with one string. For sequences of string with REG_MULTI_SZ, this array will be variable length. For numeric data, such as REG_DWORD and REG_QWORD, this should be populated with the decimal representation (e.g `"1"`). + +type: wildcard + +example: ["C:\rta\red_ttp\bin\myapp.exe"] + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.registry.data.type`*:: ++ +-- +Standard registry type for encoding contents + +type: keyword + +example: REG_SZ + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.registry.hive`*:: ++ +-- +Abbreviated name for the hive. + +type: keyword + +example: HKLM + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.registry.key`*:: ++ +-- +Hive-relative path of keys. + +type: keyword + +example: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winword.exe + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.registry.path`*:: ++ +-- +Full path, including hive, key and value + +type: keyword + +example: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winword.exe\Debugger + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.registry.value`*:: ++ +-- +Name of the value written. + +type: keyword + +example: Debugger + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.scanner_stats`*:: ++ +-- +Count of AV/EDR vendors that successfully detected malicious file or URL. + +type: long + +example: 4 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.sightings`*:: ++ +-- +Number of times this indicator was observed conducting threat activity. + +type: long + +example: 20 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.type`*:: ++ +-- +Type of indicator as represented by Cyber Observable in STIX 2.0. +Recommended values: + * autonomous-system + * artifact + * directory + * domain-name + * email-addr + * file + * ipv4-addr + * ipv6-addr + * mac-addr + * mutex + * port + * process + * software + * url + * user-account + * windows-registry-key + * x509-certificate + +type: keyword + +example: ipv4-addr + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.domain`*:: ++ +-- +Domain of the url, such as "www.elastic.co". +In some cases a URL may refer to an IP and/or port directly, without a domain name. In this case, the IP address would go to the `domain` field. +If the URL contains a literal IPv6 address enclosed by `[` and `]` (IETF RFC 2732), the `[` and `]` characters should also be captured in the `domain` field. + +type: keyword + +example: www.elastic.co + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.extension`*:: ++ +-- +The field contains the file extension from the original request url, excluding the leading dot. +The file extension is only set if it exists, as not every url has a file extension. +The leading period must not be included. For example, the value must be "png", not ".png". +Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz"). + +type: keyword + +example: png + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.fragment`*:: ++ +-- +Portion of the url after the `#`, such as "top". +The `#` is not part of the fragment. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.full`*:: ++ +-- +If full URLs are important to your use case, they should be stored in `url.full`, whether this field is reconstructed or present in the event source. + +type: wildcard + +example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.full.text`*:: ++ +-- +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.original`*:: ++ +-- +Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. +Note that in network monitoring, the observed URL may be a full URL, whereas in access logs, the URL is often just represented as a path. +This field is meant to represent the URL as it was observed, complete or not. + +type: wildcard + +example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top or /search?q=elasticsearch + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.original.text`*:: ++ +-- +type: match_only_text + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.password`*:: ++ +-- +Password of the request. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.path`*:: ++ +-- +Path of the request, such as "/search". + +type: wildcard + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.port`*:: ++ +-- +Port of the request, such as 443. + +type: long + +example: 443 + +format: string + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.query`*:: ++ +-- +The query field describes the query string of the request, such as "q=elasticsearch". +The `?` is excluded from the query string. If a URL contains no `?`, there is no query field. If there is a `?` but no query, the query field exists with an empty string. The `exists` query can be used to differentiate between the two cases. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.registered_domain`*:: ++ +-- +The highest registered url domain, stripped of the subdomain. +For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". +This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk". + +type: keyword + +example: example.com + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.scheme`*:: ++ +-- +Scheme of the request, such as "https". +Note: The `:` is not part of the scheme. + +type: keyword + +example: https + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.subdomain`*:: ++ +-- +The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes all of the names except the host name under the registered_domain. In a partially qualified domain, or if the the qualification level of the full name cannot be determined, subdomain contains all of the names below the registered domain. +For example the subdomain portion of "www.east.mydomain.co.uk" is "east". If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period. + +type: keyword + +example: east + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.top_level_domain`*:: ++ +-- +The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain for example.com is "com". +This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk". + +type: keyword + +example: co.uk + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.url.username`*:: ++ +-- +Username of the request. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.alternative_names`*:: ++ +-- +List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names (and wildcards), and email addresses. + +type: keyword + +example: *.elastic.co + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.issuer.common_name`*:: ++ +-- +List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. + +type: keyword + +example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.issuer.country`*:: ++ +-- +List of country (C) codes + +type: keyword + +example: US + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.issuer.distinguished_name`*:: ++ +-- +Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. + +type: keyword + +example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.issuer.locality`*:: ++ +-- +List of locality names (L) + +type: keyword + +example: Mountain View + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.issuer.organization`*:: ++ +-- +List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. + +type: keyword + +example: Example Inc + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.issuer.organizational_unit`*:: ++ +-- +List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. + +type: keyword + +example: www.example.com + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.issuer.state_or_province`*:: ++ +-- +List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + +type: keyword + +example: California + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.not_after`*:: ++ +-- +Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. + +type: date + +example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.not_before`*:: ++ +-- +Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. + +type: date + +example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.public_key_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +Algorithm used to generate the public key. + +type: keyword + +example: RSA + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.public_key_curve`*:: ++ +-- +The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This is algorithm specific. + +type: keyword + +example: nistp521 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.public_key_exponent`*:: ++ +-- +Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. + +type: long + +example: 65537 + +Field is not indexed. + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.public_key_size`*:: ++ +-- +The size of the public key space in bits. + +type: long + +example: 2048 + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.serial_number`*:: ++ +-- +Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase characters. + +type: keyword + +example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.signature_algorithm`*:: ++ +-- +Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. + +type: keyword + +example: SHA256-RSA + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.subject.common_name`*:: ++ +-- +List of common names (CN) of subject. + +type: keyword + +example: shared.global.example.net + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.subject.country`*:: ++ +-- +List of country (C) code + +type: keyword + +example: US + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.subject.distinguished_name`*:: ++ +-- +Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. + +type: keyword + +example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.subject.locality`*:: ++ +-- +List of locality names (L) + +type: keyword + +example: San Francisco + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.subject.organization`*:: ++ +-- +List of organizations (O) of subject. + +type: keyword + +example: Example, Inc. + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.subject.organizational_unit`*:: ++ +-- +List of organizational units (OU) of subject. + +type: keyword + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.subject.state_or_province`*:: ++ +-- +List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + +type: keyword + +example: California + +-- + +*`threat.indicator.x509.version_number`*:: ++ +-- +Version of x509 format. + +type: keyword + +example: 3 + +-- + +*`threat.software.alias`*:: ++ +-- +The alias(es) of the software for a set of related intrusion activity that are tracked by a common name in the security community. +While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK® associated software description. + +type: keyword + +example: [ "X-Agent" ] + +-- + +*`threat.software.id`*:: ++ +-- +The id of the software used by this threat to conduct behavior commonly modeled using MITRE ATT&CK®. +While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK® software id. + +type: keyword + +example: S0552 + +-- + +*`threat.software.name`*:: ++ +-- +The name of the software used by this threat to conduct behavior commonly modeled using MITRE ATT&CK®. +While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK® software name. + +type: keyword + +example: AdFind + +-- + +*`threat.software.platforms`*:: ++ +-- +The platforms of the software used by this threat to conduct behavior commonly modeled using MITRE ATT&CK®. +Recommended Values: + * AWS + * Azure + * Azure AD + * GCP + * Linux + * macOS + * Network + * Office 365 + * SaaS + * Windows + +While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK® software platforms. + +type: keyword + +example: [ "Windows" ] + +-- + +*`threat.software.reference`*:: ++ +-- +The reference URL of the software used by this threat to conduct behavior commonly modeled using MITRE ATT&CK®. +While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK® software reference URL. + +type: keyword + +example: https://attack.mitre.org/software/S0552/ + +-- + +*`threat.software.type`*:: ++ +-- +The type of software used by this threat to conduct behavior commonly modeled using MITRE ATT&CK®. +Recommended values + * Malware + * Tool + + While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK® software type. + +type: keyword + +example: Tool + +-- + *`threat.tactic.id`*:: + -- @@ -7425,7 +12192,7 @@ example: Command and Scripting Interpreter *`threat.technique.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -7465,7 +12232,7 @@ example: PowerShell *`threat.technique.subtechnique.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -8413,7 +13180,7 @@ type: keyword -- If full URLs are important to your use case, they should be stored in `url.full`, whether this field is reconstructed or present in the event source. -type: keyword +type: wildcard example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top @@ -8422,7 +13189,7 @@ example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top *`url.full.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -8433,7 +13200,7 @@ Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. Note that in network monitoring, the observed URL may be a full URL, whereas in access logs, the URL is often just represented as a path. This field is meant to represent the URL as it was observed, complete or not. -type: keyword +type: wildcard example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top or /search?q=elasticsearch @@ -8442,7 +13209,7 @@ example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top or /search?q=elas *`url.original.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -8460,7 +13227,7 @@ type: keyword -- Path of the request, such as "/search". -type: keyword +type: wildcard -- @@ -8585,7 +13352,7 @@ example: Albert Einstein *`user.changes.full_name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -8634,6 +13401,8 @@ Unique identifier of the user. type: keyword +example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + -- *`user.changes.name`*:: @@ -8643,14 +13412,14 @@ Short name or login of the user. type: keyword -example: albert +example: a.einstein -- *`user.changes.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -8708,7 +13477,7 @@ example: Albert Einstein *`user.effective.full_name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -8757,6 +13526,8 @@ Unique identifier of the user. type: keyword +example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + -- *`user.effective.name`*:: @@ -8766,14 +13537,14 @@ Short name or login of the user. type: keyword -example: albert +example: a.einstein -- *`user.effective.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -8811,7 +13582,7 @@ example: Albert Einstein *`user.full_name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -8860,6 +13631,8 @@ Unique identifier of the user. type: keyword +example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + -- *`user.name`*:: @@ -8869,14 +13642,14 @@ Short name or login of the user. type: keyword -example: albert +example: a.einstein -- *`user.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -8924,7 +13697,7 @@ example: Albert Einstein *`user.target.full_name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -8973,6 +13746,8 @@ Unique identifier of the user. type: keyword +example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + -- *`user.target.name`*:: @@ -8982,14 +13757,14 @@ Short name or login of the user. type: keyword -example: albert +example: a.einstein -- *`user.target.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -9047,7 +13822,7 @@ example: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605. *`user_agent.original.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -9076,7 +13851,7 @@ example: Mac OS Mojave *`user_agent.os.full.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -9105,7 +13880,7 @@ example: Mac OS X *`user_agent.os.name.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- @@ -9229,7 +14004,7 @@ example: In macOS before 2.12.6, there is a vulnerability in the RPC... *`vulnerability.description.text`*:: + -- -type: text +type: match_only_text -- diff --git a/fields.yml b/fields.yml index 8abebe12..57da7dde 100644 --- a/fields.yml +++ b/fields.yml @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ # WARNING! Do not edit this file directly, it was generated by the ECS project, -# based on ECS version 1.10.0. +# based on ECS version 1.12.0. # Please visit https://github.com/elastic/ecs to suggest changes to ECS fields. - key: ecs title: ECS description: ECS Fields. fields: - - name: '@timestamp' - level: core - required: true - type: date - description: 'Date/time when the event originated. + - name: '@timestamp' + level: core + required: true + type: date + description: 'Date/time when the event originated. This is the date/time extracted from the event, typically representing when the event was generated by the source. @@ -19,136 +19,135 @@ by the first time the event was received by the pipeline. Required field for all events.' - example: '2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z' - - name: labels - level: core - type: object - object_type: keyword - description: 'Custom key/value pairs. + example: '2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z' + - name: labels + level: core + type: object + object_type: keyword + description: 'Custom key/value pairs. Can be used to add meta information to events. Should not contain nested objects. All values are stored as keyword. Example: `docker` and `k8s` labels.' - example: '{"application": "foo-bar", "env": "production"}' - - name: message - level: core - type: text - description: 'For log events the message field contains the log message, optimized + example: '{"application": "foo-bar", "env": "production"}' + - name: message + level: core + type: match_only_text + description: 'For log events the message field contains the log message, optimized for viewing in a log viewer. For structured logs without an original message field, other fields can be concatenated to form a human-readable summary of the event. If multiple messages exist, they can be combined into one message.' - example: Hello World - - name: tags - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of keywords used to tag each event. - example: '["production", "env2"]' - - name: agent - title: Agent - group: 2 - description: 'The agent fields contain the data about the software entity, if + example: Hello World + - name: tags + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of keywords used to tag each event. + example: '["production", "env2"]' + - name: agent + title: Agent + group: 2 + description: 'The agent fields contain the data about the software entity, if any, that collects, detects, or observes events on a host, or takes measurements on a host. Examples include Beats. Agents may also run on observers. ECS agent.* fields shall be populated with details of the agent running on the host or observer where the event happened or the measurement was taken.' - footnote: 'Examples: In the case of Beats for logs, the agent.name is filebeat. + footnote: 'Examples: In the case of Beats for logs, the agent.name is filebeat. For APM, it is the agent running in the app/service. The agent information does not change if data is sent through queuing systems like Kafka, Redis, or processing systems such as Logstash or APM Server.' - type: group - fields: - - name: build.original - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Extended build information for the agent. + type: group + fields: + - name: build.original + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Extended build information for the agent. This field is intended to contain any build information that a data source may provide, no specific formatting is required.' - example: metricbeat version 7.6.0 (amd64), libbeat 7.6.0 [6a23e8f8f30f5001ba344e4e54d8d9cb82cb107c - built 2020-02-05 23:10:10 +0000 UTC] - default_field: false - - name: ephemeral_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Ephemeral identifier of this agent (if one exists). + example: metricbeat version 7.6.0 (amd64), libbeat 7.6.0 [6a23e8f8f30f5001ba344e4e54d8d9cb82cb107c + built 2020-02-05 23:10:10 +0000 UTC] + default_field: false + - name: ephemeral_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Ephemeral identifier of this agent (if one exists). This id normally changes across restarts, but `agent.id` does not.' - example: 8a4f500f - - name: id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique identifier of this agent (if one exists). + example: 8a4f500f + - name: id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique identifier of this agent (if one exists). Example: For Beats this would be beat.id.' - example: 8a4f500d - - name: name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Custom name of the agent. + example: 8a4f500d + - name: name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Custom name of the agent. This is a name that can be given to an agent. This can be helpful if for example two Filebeat instances are running on the same host but a human readable separation is needed on which Filebeat instance data is coming from. If no name is given, the name is often left empty.' - example: foo - - name: type - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Type of the agent. + example: foo + - name: type + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Type of the agent. The agent type always stays the same and should be given by the agent used. In case of Filebeat the agent would always be Filebeat also if two Filebeat instances are run on the same machine.' - example: filebeat - - name: version - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Version of the agent. - example: 6.0.0-rc2 - - name: as - title: Autonomous System - group: 2 - description: An autonomous system (AS) is a collection of connected Internet Protocol - (IP) routing prefixes under the control of one or more network operators on - behalf of a single administrative entity or domain that presents a common, clearly - defined routing policy to the internet. - type: group - fields: - - name: number - level: extended - type: long - description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous - system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. - example: 15169 - - name: organization.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Organization name. - example: Google LLC - - name: client - title: Client - group: 2 - description: 'A client is defined as the initiator of a network connection for + example: filebeat + - name: version + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the agent. + example: 6.0.0-rc2 + - name: as + title: Autonomous System + group: 2 + description: An autonomous system (AS) is a collection of connected Internet Protocol + (IP) routing prefixes under the control of one or more network operators on + behalf of a single administrative entity or domain that presents a common, clearly + defined routing policy to the internet. + type: group + fields: + - name: number + level: extended + type: long + description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous + system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. + example: 15169 + - name: organization.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Organization name. + example: Google LLC + - name: client + title: Client + group: 2 + description: 'A client is defined as the initiator of a network connection for events regarding sessions, connections, or bidirectional flow records. For TCP events, the client is the initiator of the TCP connection that sends @@ -163,180 +162,179 @@ is helpful to visualize the data in certain situations. If your context falls in that category, you should still ensure that source and destination are filled appropriately.' - type: group - fields: - - name: address - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Some event client addresses are defined ambiguously. The event + type: group + fields: + - name: address + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Some event client addresses are defined ambiguously. The event will sometimes list an IP, a domain or a unix socket. You should always store the raw address in the `.address` field. Then it should be duplicated to `.ip` or `.domain`, depending on which one it is.' - - name: as.number - level: extended - type: long - description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous - system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. - example: 15169 - - name: as.organization.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Organization name. - example: Google LLC - - name: bytes - level: core - type: long - format: bytes - description: Bytes sent from the client to the server. - example: 184 - - name: domain - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Client domain. - - name: geo.city_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: City name. - example: Montreal - - name: geo.continent_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. - example: NA - default_field: false - - name: geo.continent_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the continent. - example: North America - - name: geo.country_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country ISO code. - example: CA - - name: geo.country_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country name. - example: Canada - - name: geo.location - level: core - type: geo_point - description: Longitude and latitude. - example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' - - name: geo.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity + - name: as.number + level: extended + type: long + description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous + system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. + example: 15169 + - name: as.organization.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Organization name. + example: Google LLC + - name: bytes + level: core + type: long + format: bytes + description: Bytes sent from the client to the server. + example: 184 + - name: domain + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Client domain. + - name: geo.city_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: City name. + example: Montreal + - name: geo.continent_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. + example: NA + default_field: false + - name: geo.continent_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the continent. + example: North America + - name: geo.country_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country ISO code. + example: CA + - name: geo.country_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country name. + example: Canada + - name: geo.location + level: core + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. + example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' + - name: geo.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity they care about. Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes a local physical entity, city names. Not typically used in automated geolocation.' - example: boston-dc - - name: geo.postal_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Postal code associated with the location. + example: boston-dc + - name: geo.postal_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Postal code associated with the location. Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code and will vary widely from country to country.' - example: 94040 - default_field: false - - name: geo.region_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region ISO code. - example: CA-QC - - name: geo.region_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region name. - example: Quebec - - name: geo.timezone - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. - example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires - default_field: false - - name: ip - level: core - type: ip - description: IP address of the client (IPv4 or IPv6). - - name: mac - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'MAC address of the client. + example: 94040 + default_field: false + - name: geo.region_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region ISO code. + example: CA-QC + - name: geo.region_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region name. + example: Quebec + - name: geo.timezone + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + default_field: false + - name: ip + level: core + type: ip + description: IP address of the client (IPv4 or IPv6). + - name: mac + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'MAC address of the client. The notation format from RFC 7042 is suggested: Each octet (that is, 8-bit byte) is represented by two [uppercase] hexadecimal digits giving the value of the octet as an unsigned integer. Successive octets are separated by a hyphen.' - example: 00-00-5E-00-53-23 - - name: nat.ip - level: extended - type: ip - description: 'Translated IP of source based NAT sessions (e.g. internal client + example: 00-00-5E-00-53-23 + - name: nat.ip + level: extended + type: ip + description: 'Translated IP of source based NAT sessions (e.g. internal client to internet). Typically connections traversing load balancers, firewalls, or routers.' - - name: nat.port - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: 'Translated port of source based NAT sessions (e.g. internal client + - name: nat.port + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: 'Translated port of source based NAT sessions (e.g. internal client to internet). Typically connections traversing load balancers, firewalls, or routers.' - - name: packets - level: core - type: long - description: Packets sent from the client to the server. - example: 12 - - name: port - level: core - type: long - format: string - description: Port of the client. - - name: registered_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The highest registered client domain, stripped of the subdomain. + - name: packets + level: core + type: long + description: Packets sent from the client to the server. + example: 12 + - name: port + level: core + type: long + format: string + description: Port of the client. + - name: registered_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The highest registered client domain, stripped of the subdomain. For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: example.com - - name: subdomain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes + example: example.com + - name: subdomain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes all of the names except the host name under the registered_domain. In a partially qualified domain, or if the the qualification level of the full name cannot be determined, subdomain contains all of the names below the registered domain. @@ -344,300 +342,315 @@ For example the subdomain portion of "www.east.mydomain.co.uk" is "east". If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period.' - example: east - default_field: false - - name: top_level_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain + example: east + default_field: false + - name: top_level_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain for example.com is "com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: co.uk - - name: user.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. + example: co.uk + - name: user.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: user.email - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: User email address. - - name: user.full_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: User's full name, if available. - example: Albert Einstein - - name: user.group.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. + - name: user.email + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: User email address. + - name: user.full_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: User's full name, if available. + example: Albert Einstein + - name: user.group.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: user.group.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. - - name: user.group.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the group. - - name: user.hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized + - name: user.group.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. + - name: user.group.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the group. + - name: user.hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized form. Useful if `user.id` or `user.name` contain confidential information and cannot be used.' - - name: user.id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier of the user. - - name: user.name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Short name or login of the user. - example: albert - - name: user.roles - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. - example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' - default_field: false - - name: cloud - title: Cloud - group: 2 - description: Fields related to the cloud or infrastructure the events are coming - from. - footnote: 'Examples: If Metricbeat is running on an EC2 host and fetches data + - name: user.id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier of the user. + example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + - name: user.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: a.einstein + - name: user.roles + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. + example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' + default_field: false + - name: cloud + title: Cloud + group: 2 + description: Fields related to the cloud or infrastructure the events are coming + from. + footnote: 'Examples: If Metricbeat is running on an EC2 host and fetches data from its host, the cloud info contains the data about this machine. If Metricbeat runs on a remote machine outside the cloud and fetches data from a service running in the cloud, the field contains cloud data from the machine the service is running on.' - type: group - fields: - - name: account.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The cloud account or organization id used to identify different + type: group + fields: + - name: account.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The cloud account or organization id used to identify different entities in a multi-tenant environment. Examples: AWS account id, Google Cloud ORG Id, or other unique identifier.' - example: 666777888999 - - name: account.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The cloud account name or alias used to identify different entities + example: 666777888999 + - name: account.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The cloud account name or alias used to identify different entities in a multi-tenant environment. Examples: AWS account name, Google Cloud ORG display name.' - example: elastic-dev - default_field: false - - name: availability_zone - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Availability zone in which this host is running. - example: us-east-1c - - name: instance.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Instance ID of the host machine. - example: i-1234567890abcdef0 - - name: instance.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Instance name of the host machine. - - name: machine.type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Machine type of the host machine. - example: t2.medium - - name: project.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The cloud project identifier. + example: elastic-dev + default_field: false + - name: availability_zone + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Availability zone in which this host, resource, or service is located. + example: us-east-1c + - name: instance.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Instance ID of the host machine. + example: i-1234567890abcdef0 + - name: instance.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Instance name of the host machine. + - name: machine.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Machine type of the host machine. + example: t2.medium + - name: project.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The cloud project identifier. Examples: Google Cloud Project id, Azure Project id.' - example: my-project - default_field: false - - name: project.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The cloud project name. + example: my-project + default_field: false + - name: project.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The cloud project name. Examples: Google Cloud Project name, Azure Project name.' - example: my project - default_field: false - - name: provider - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the cloud provider. Example values are aws, azure, gcp, - or digitalocean. - example: aws - - name: region - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region in which this host is running. - example: us-east-1 - - name: service.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The cloud service name is intended to distinguish services running + example: my project + default_field: false + - name: provider + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the cloud provider. Example values are aws, azure, gcp, + or digitalocean. + example: aws + - name: region + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region in which this host, resource, or service is located. + example: us-east-1 + - name: service.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The cloud service name is intended to distinguish services running on different platforms within a provider, eg AWS EC2 vs Lambda, GCP GCE vs App Engine, Azure VM vs App Server. Examples: app engine, app service, cloud run, fargate, lambda.' - example: lambda - default_field: false - - name: code_signature - title: Code Signature - group: 2 - description: These fields contain information about binary code signatures. - type: group - fields: - - name: exists - level: core - type: boolean - description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: signing_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. + example: lambda + default_field: false + - name: code_signature + title: Code Signature + group: 2 + description: These fields contain information about binary code signatures. + type: group + fields: + - name: digest_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. + + This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times + by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm.' + example: sha256 + default_field: false + - name: exists + level: core + type: boolean + description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: signing_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. This is used to identify the application manufactured by a software vendor. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' - example: com.apple.xpc.proxy - default_field: false - - name: status - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. + example: com.apple.xpc.proxy + default_field: false + - name: status + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. This is useful for logging cryptographic errors with the certificate validity or trust status. Leave unpopulated if the validity or trust of the certificate was unchecked.' - example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT - default_field: false - - name: subject_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Subject name of the code signer - example: Microsoft Corporation - default_field: false - - name: team_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. + example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT + default_field: false + - name: subject_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Subject name of the code signer + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: team_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. This is used to identify the team or vendor of a software product. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' - example: EQHXZ8M8AV - default_field: false - - name: trusted - level: extended - type: boolean - description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. + example: EQHXZ8M8AV + default_field: false + - name: timestamp + level: extended + type: date + description: Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + example: '2021-01-01T12:10:30Z' + default_field: false + - name: trusted + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. Validating the trust of the certificate chain may be complicated, and this field should only be populated by tools that actively check the status.' - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: valid - level: extended - type: boolean - description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: valid + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against the binary content. Leave unpopulated if a certificate was unchecked.' - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: container - title: Container - group: 2 - description: 'Container fields are used for meta information about the specific + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: container + title: Container + group: 2 + description: 'Container fields are used for meta information about the specific container that is the source of information. These fields help correlate data based containers from any runtime.' - type: group - fields: - - name: id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique container id. - - name: image.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the image the container was built on. - - name: image.tag - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Container image tags. - - name: labels - level: extended - type: object - object_type: keyword - description: Image labels. - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Container name. - - name: runtime - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Runtime managing this container. - example: docker - - name: data_stream - title: Data Stream - group: 2 - description: 'The data_stream fields take part in defining the new data stream + type: group + fields: + - name: id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique container id. + - name: image.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the image the container was built on. + - name: image.tag + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Container image tags. + - name: labels + level: extended + type: object + object_type: keyword + description: Image labels. + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Container name. + - name: runtime + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Runtime managing this container. + example: docker + - name: data_stream + title: Data Stream + group: 2 + description: 'The data_stream fields take part in defining the new data stream naming scheme. In the new data stream naming scheme the value of the data stream fields combine @@ -651,45 +664,45 @@ data streams must also follow index naming restrictions. For example, data stream names cannot include `\`, `/`, `*`, `?`, `"`, `<`, `>`, `|`, ` ` (space character), `,`, or `#`. Please see the Elasticsearch reference for additional https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-create-index.html#indices-create-api-path-params[restrictions].' - type: group - fields: - - name: dataset - level: extended - type: constant_keyword - description: "The field can contain anything that makes sense to signify the\ + type: group + fields: + - name: dataset + level: extended + type: constant_keyword + description: "The field can contain anything that makes sense to signify the\ \ source of the data.\nExamples include `nginx.access`, `prometheus`, `endpoint`\ \ etc. For data streams that otherwise fit, but that do not have dataset set\ \ we use the value \"generic\" for the dataset value. `event.dataset` should\ \ have the same value as `data_stream.dataset`.\nBeyond the Elasticsearch\ \ data stream naming criteria noted above, the `dataset` value has additional\ \ restrictions:\n * Must not contain `-`\n * No longer than 100 characters" - example: nginx.access - default_field: false - - name: namespace - level: extended - type: constant_keyword - description: "A user defined namespace. Namespaces are useful to allow grouping\ + example: nginx.access + default_field: false + - name: namespace + level: extended + type: constant_keyword + description: "A user defined namespace. Namespaces are useful to allow grouping\ \ of data.\nMany users already organize their indices this way, and the data\ \ stream naming scheme now provides this best practice as a default. Many\ \ users will populate this field with `default`. If no value is used, it falls\ \ back to `default`.\nBeyond the Elasticsearch index naming criteria noted\ \ above, `namespace` value has the additional restrictions:\n * Must not\ \ contain `-`\n * No longer than 100 characters" - example: production - default_field: false - - name: type - level: extended - type: constant_keyword - description: 'An overarching type for the data stream. + example: production + default_field: false + - name: type + level: extended + type: constant_keyword + description: 'An overarching type for the data stream. Currently allowed values are "logs" and "metrics". We expect to also add "traces" and "synthetics" in the near future.' - example: logs - default_field: false - - name: destination - title: Destination - group: 2 - description: 'Destination fields capture details about the receiver of a network + example: logs + default_field: false + - name: destination + title: Destination + group: 2 + description: 'Destination fields capture details about the receiver of a network exchange/packet. These fields are populated from a network event, packet, or other event containing details of a network transaction. @@ -698,179 +711,178 @@ be filled if an event contains source and destination details from a network transaction. If the event also contains identification of the client and server roles, then the client and server fields should also be populated.' - type: group - fields: - - name: address - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Some event destination addresses are defined ambiguously. The + type: group + fields: + - name: address + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Some event destination addresses are defined ambiguously. The event will sometimes list an IP, a domain or a unix socket. You should always store the raw address in the `.address` field. Then it should be duplicated to `.ip` or `.domain`, depending on which one it is.' - - name: as.number - level: extended - type: long - description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous - system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. - example: 15169 - - name: as.organization.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Organization name. - example: Google LLC - - name: bytes - level: core - type: long - format: bytes - description: Bytes sent from the destination to the source. - example: 184 - - name: domain - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Destination domain. - - name: geo.city_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: City name. - example: Montreal - - name: geo.continent_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. - example: NA - default_field: false - - name: geo.continent_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the continent. - example: North America - - name: geo.country_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country ISO code. - example: CA - - name: geo.country_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country name. - example: Canada - - name: geo.location - level: core - type: geo_point - description: Longitude and latitude. - example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' - - name: geo.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity + - name: as.number + level: extended + type: long + description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous + system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. + example: 15169 + - name: as.organization.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Organization name. + example: Google LLC + - name: bytes + level: core + type: long + format: bytes + description: Bytes sent from the destination to the source. + example: 184 + - name: domain + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Destination domain. + - name: geo.city_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: City name. + example: Montreal + - name: geo.continent_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. + example: NA + default_field: false + - name: geo.continent_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the continent. + example: North America + - name: geo.country_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country ISO code. + example: CA + - name: geo.country_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country name. + example: Canada + - name: geo.location + level: core + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. + example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' + - name: geo.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity they care about. Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes a local physical entity, city names. Not typically used in automated geolocation.' - example: boston-dc - - name: geo.postal_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Postal code associated with the location. + example: boston-dc + - name: geo.postal_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Postal code associated with the location. Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code and will vary widely from country to country.' - example: 94040 - default_field: false - - name: geo.region_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region ISO code. - example: CA-QC - - name: geo.region_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region name. - example: Quebec - - name: geo.timezone - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. - example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires - default_field: false - - name: ip - level: core - type: ip - description: IP address of the destination (IPv4 or IPv6). - - name: mac - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'MAC address of the destination. + example: 94040 + default_field: false + - name: geo.region_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region ISO code. + example: CA-QC + - name: geo.region_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region name. + example: Quebec + - name: geo.timezone + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + default_field: false + - name: ip + level: core + type: ip + description: IP address of the destination (IPv4 or IPv6). + - name: mac + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'MAC address of the destination. The notation format from RFC 7042 is suggested: Each octet (that is, 8-bit byte) is represented by two [uppercase] hexadecimal digits giving the value of the octet as an unsigned integer. Successive octets are separated by a hyphen.' - example: 00-00-5E-00-53-23 - - name: nat.ip - level: extended - type: ip - description: 'Translated ip of destination based NAT sessions (e.g. internet + example: 00-00-5E-00-53-23 + - name: nat.ip + level: extended + type: ip + description: 'Translated ip of destination based NAT sessions (e.g. internet to private DMZ) Typically used with load balancers, firewalls, or routers.' - - name: nat.port - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: 'Port the source session is translated to by NAT Device. + - name: nat.port + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: 'Port the source session is translated to by NAT Device. Typically used with load balancers, firewalls, or routers.' - - name: packets - level: core - type: long - description: Packets sent from the destination to the source. - example: 12 - - name: port - level: core - type: long - format: string - description: Port of the destination. - - name: registered_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The highest registered destination domain, stripped of the subdomain. + - name: packets + level: core + type: long + description: Packets sent from the destination to the source. + example: 12 + - name: port + level: core + type: long + format: string + description: Port of the destination. + - name: registered_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The highest registered destination domain, stripped of the subdomain. For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: example.com - - name: subdomain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes + example: example.com + - name: subdomain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes all of the names except the host name under the registered_domain. In a partially qualified domain, or if the the qualification level of the full name cannot be determined, subdomain contains all of the names below the registered domain. @@ -878,96 +890,95 @@ For example the subdomain portion of "www.east.mydomain.co.uk" is "east". If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period.' - example: east - default_field: false - - name: top_level_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain + example: east + default_field: false + - name: top_level_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain for example.com is "com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: co.uk - - name: user.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. + example: co.uk + - name: user.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: user.email - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: User email address. - - name: user.full_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: User's full name, if available. - example: Albert Einstein - - name: user.group.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. + - name: user.email + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: User email address. + - name: user.full_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: User's full name, if available. + example: Albert Einstein + - name: user.group.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: user.group.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. - - name: user.group.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the group. - - name: user.hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized + - name: user.group.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. + - name: user.group.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the group. + - name: user.hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized form. Useful if `user.id` or `user.name` contain confidential information and cannot be used.' - - name: user.id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier of the user. - - name: user.name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Short name or login of the user. - example: albert - - name: user.roles - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. - example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' - default_field: false - - name: dll - title: DLL - group: 2 - description: 'These fields contain information about code libraries dynamically + - name: user.id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier of the user. + example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + - name: user.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: a.einstein + - name: user.roles + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. + example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' + default_field: false + - name: dll + title: DLL + group: 2 + description: 'These fields contain information about code libraries dynamically loaded into processes. @@ -979,184 +990,200 @@ * Shared Object (`.so`) commonly used on Unix-like operating systems * Dynamic library (`.dylib`) commonly used on macOS' - type: group - fields: - - name: code_signature.exists - level: core - type: boolean - description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.signing_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. + type: group + fields: + - name: code_signature.digest_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. + + This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times + by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm.' + example: sha256 + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.exists + level: core + type: boolean + description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.signing_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. This is used to identify the application manufactured by a software vendor. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' - example: com.apple.xpc.proxy - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.status - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. + example: com.apple.xpc.proxy + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.status + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. This is useful for logging cryptographic errors with the certificate validity or trust status. Leave unpopulated if the validity or trust of the certificate was unchecked.' - example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.subject_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Subject name of the code signer - example: Microsoft Corporation - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.team_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. + example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.subject_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Subject name of the code signer + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.team_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. This is used to identify the team or vendor of a software product. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' - example: EQHXZ8M8AV - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.trusted - level: extended - type: boolean - description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. + example: EQHXZ8M8AV + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.timestamp + level: extended + type: date + description: Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + example: '2021-01-01T12:10:30Z' + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.trusted + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. Validating the trust of the certificate chain may be complicated, and this field should only be populated by tools that actively check the status.' - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.valid - level: extended - type: boolean - description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.valid + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against the binary content. Leave unpopulated if a certificate was unchecked.' - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: hash.md5 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: MD5 hash. - default_field: false - - name: hash.sha1 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA1 hash. - default_field: false - - name: hash.sha256 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA256 hash. - default_field: false - - name: hash.sha512 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA512 hash. - default_field: false - - name: hash.ssdeep - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SSDEEP hash. - default_field: false - - name: name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the library. + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: hash.md5 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: MD5 hash. + default_field: false + - name: hash.sha1 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA1 hash. + default_field: false + - name: hash.sha256 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA256 hash. + default_field: false + - name: hash.sha512 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA512 hash. + default_field: false + - name: hash.ssdeep + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SSDEEP hash. + default_field: false + - name: name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the library. This generally maps to the name of the file on disk.' - example: kernel32.dll - default_field: false - - name: path - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Full file path of the library. - example: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll - default_field: false - - name: pe.architecture - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: CPU architecture target for the file. - example: x64 - default_field: false - - name: pe.company - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: Microsoft Corporation - default_field: false - - name: pe.description - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: Paint - default_field: false - - name: pe.file_version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: 6.3.9600.17415 - default_field: false - - name: pe.imphash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash + example: kernel32.dll + default_field: false + - name: path + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Full file path of the library. + example: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll + default_field: false + - name: pe.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU architecture target for the file. + example: x64 + default_field: false + - name: pe.company + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: pe.description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Paint + default_field: false + - name: pe.file_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: 6.3.9600.17415 + default_field: false + - name: pe.imphash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash -- can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values. Learn more at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html.' - example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf - default_field: false - - name: pe.original_file_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: MSPAINT.EXE - default_field: false - - name: pe.product - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" - default_field: false - - name: dns - title: DNS - group: 2 - description: 'Fields describing DNS queries and answers. + example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf + default_field: false + - name: pe.original_file_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: MSPAINT.EXE + default_field: false + - name: pe.product + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" + default_field: false + - name: dns + title: DNS + group: 2 + description: 'Fields describing DNS queries and answers. DNS events should either represent a single DNS query prior to getting answers (`dns.type:query`) or they should represent a full exchange and contain the query details as well as all of the answers that were provided for this query (`dns.type:answer`).' - type: group - fields: - - name: answers - level: extended - type: object - description: 'An array containing an object for each answer section returned + type: group + fields: + - name: answers + level: extended + type: object + description: 'An array containing an object for each answer section returned by the server. The main keys that should be present in these objects are defined by ECS. @@ -1166,143 +1193,143 @@ objects must contain the `data` key. If more information is available, map as much of it to ECS as possible, and add any additional fields to the answer objects as custom fields.' - - name: answers.class - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The class of DNS data contained in this resource record. - example: IN - - name: answers.data - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The data describing the resource. + - name: answers.class + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The class of DNS data contained in this resource record. + example: IN + - name: answers.data + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The data describing the resource. The meaning of this data depends on the type and class of the resource record.' - example: - - name: answers.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The domain name to which this resource record pertains. + example: + - name: answers.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The domain name to which this resource record pertains. If a chain of CNAME is being resolved, each answer''s `name` should be the one that corresponds with the answer''s `data`. It should not simply be the original `question.name` repeated.' - example: www.example.com - - name: answers.ttl - level: extended - type: long - description: The time interval in seconds that this resource record may be cached - before it should be discarded. Zero values mean that the data should not be - cached. - example: 180 - - name: answers.type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The type of data contained in this resource record. - example: CNAME - - name: header_flags - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Array of 2 letter DNS header flags. + example: www.example.com + - name: answers.ttl + level: extended + type: long + description: The time interval in seconds that this resource record may be cached + before it should be discarded. Zero values mean that the data should not be + cached. + example: 180 + - name: answers.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The type of data contained in this resource record. + example: CNAME + - name: header_flags + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Array of 2 letter DNS header flags. Expected values are: AA, TC, RD, RA, AD, CD, DO.' - example: '["RD", "RA"]' - - name: id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The DNS packet identifier assigned by the program that generated - the query. The identifier is copied to the response. - example: 62111 - - name: op_code - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The DNS operation code that specifies the kind of query in the - message. This value is set by the originator of a query and copied into the - response. - example: QUERY - - name: question.class - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The class of records being queried. - example: IN - - name: question.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The name being queried. + example: '["RD", "RA"]' + - name: id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The DNS packet identifier assigned by the program that generated + the query. The identifier is copied to the response. + example: 62111 + - name: op_code + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The DNS operation code that specifies the kind of query in the + message. This value is set by the originator of a query and copied into the + response. + example: QUERY + - name: question.class + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The class of records being queried. + example: IN + - name: question.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The name being queried. If the name field contains non-printable characters (below 32 or above 126), those characters should be represented as escaped base 10 integers (\DDD). Back slashes and quotes should be escaped. Tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds should be converted to \t, \r, and \n respectively.' - example: www.example.com - - name: question.registered_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The highest registered domain, stripped of the subdomain. + example: www.example.com + - name: question.registered_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The highest registered domain, stripped of the subdomain. For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: example.com - - name: question.subdomain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The subdomain is all of the labels under the registered_domain. + example: example.com + - name: question.subdomain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The subdomain is all of the labels under the registered_domain. If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period.' - example: www - - name: question.top_level_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain + example: www + - name: question.top_level_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain for example.com is "com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: co.uk - - name: question.type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The type of record being queried. - example: AAAA - - name: resolved_ip - level: extended - type: ip - description: 'Array containing all IPs seen in `answers.data`. + example: co.uk + - name: question.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The type of record being queried. + example: AAAA + - name: resolved_ip + level: extended + type: ip + description: 'Array containing all IPs seen in `answers.data`. The `answers` array can be difficult to use, because of the variety of data formats it can contain. Extracting all IP addresses seen in there to `dns.resolved_ip` makes it possible to index them as IP addresses, and makes them easier to visualize and query for.' - example: '["", ""]' - - name: response_code - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The DNS response code. - example: NOERROR - - name: type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The type of DNS event captured, query or answer. + example: '["", ""]' + - name: response_code + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The DNS response code. + example: NOERROR + - name: type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The type of DNS event captured, query or answer. If your source of DNS events only gives you DNS queries, you should only create dns events of type `dns.type:query`. @@ -1310,69 +1337,251 @@ If your source of DNS events gives you answers as well, you should create one event per query (optionally as soon as the query is seen). And a second event containing all query details as well as an array of answers.' - example: answer - - name: ecs - title: ECS - group: 2 - description: Meta-information specific to ECS. - type: group - fields: - - name: version - level: core - required: true - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'ECS version this event conforms to. `ecs.version` is a required + example: answer + - name: ecs + title: ECS + group: 2 + description: Meta-information specific to ECS. + type: group + fields: + - name: version + level: core + required: true + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'ECS version this event conforms to. `ecs.version` is a required field and must exist in all events. When querying across multiple indices -- which may conform to slightly different ECS versions -- this field lets integrations adjust to the schema version of the events.' - example: 1.0.0 - - name: error - title: Error - group: 2 - description: 'These fields can represent errors of any kind. + example: 1.0.0 + - name: elf + title: ELF Header + group: 2 + description: These fields contain Linux Executable Linkable Format (ELF) metadata. + type: group + fields: + - name: architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Machine architecture of the ELF file. + example: x86-64 + default_field: false + - name: byte_order + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Byte sequence of ELF file. + example: Little Endian + default_field: false + - name: cpu_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU type of the ELF file. + example: Intel + default_field: false + - name: creation_date + level: extended + type: date + description: Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when + it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + default_field: false + - name: exports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of exported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: header.abi_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + default_field: false + - name: header.class + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header class of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: header.data + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Data table of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: header.entrypoint + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: header.object_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: '"0x1" for original ELF files.' + default_field: false + - name: header.os_abi + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + default_field: false + - name: header.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header type of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: header.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: imports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of imported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: sections + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.sections.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: sections.chi2 + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + default_field: false + - name: sections.entropy + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + default_field: false + - name: sections.flags + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List flags. + default_field: false + - name: sections.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List name. + default_field: false + - name: sections.physical_offset + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List offset. + default_field: false + - name: sections.physical_size + level: extended + type: long + format: bytes + description: ELF Section List physical size. + default_field: false + - name: sections.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List type. + default_field: false + - name: sections.virtual_address + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual address. + default_field: false + - name: sections.virtual_size + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual size. + default_field: false + - name: segments + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.segments.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: segments.sections + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment sections. + default_field: false + - name: segments.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment type. + default_field: false + - name: shared_libraries + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + default_field: false + - name: telfhash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: error + title: Error + group: 2 + description: 'These fields can represent errors of any kind. Use them for errors that happen while fetching events or in cases where the event itself contains an error.' - type: group - fields: - - name: code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Error code describing the error. - - name: id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the error. - - name: message - level: core - type: text - description: Error message. - - name: stack_trace - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: The stack trace of this error in plain text. - index: false - - name: type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The type of the error, for example the class name of the exception. - example: java.lang.NullPointerException - - name: event - title: Event - group: 2 - description: 'The event fields are used for context information about the log + type: group + fields: + - name: code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Error code describing the error. + - name: id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the error. + - name: message + level: core + type: match_only_text + description: Error message. + - name: stack_trace + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: The stack trace of this error in plain text. + - name: type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The type of the error, for example the class name of the exception. + example: java.lang.NullPointerException + - name: event + title: Event + group: 2 + description: 'The event fields are used for context information about the log or metric event itself. A log is defined as an event containing details of something that happened. @@ -1384,23 +1593,54 @@ Examples of metric events include memory pressure measured on a host and device temperature. See the `event.kind` definition in this section for additional details about metric and state events.' - type: group - fields: - - name: action - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The action captured by the event. + type: group + fields: + - name: action + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The action captured by the event. This describes the information in the event. It is more specific than `event.category`. Examples are `group-add`, `process-started`, `file-created`. The value is normally defined by the implementer.' - example: user-password-change - - name: category - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the + example: user-password-change + - name: agent_id_status + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Agents are normally responsible for populating the `agent.id` + field value. If the system receiving events is capable of validating the value + based on authentication information for the client then this field can be + used to reflect the outcome of that validation. + + For example if the agent''s connection is authenticated with mTLS and the + client cert contains the ID of the agent to which the cert was issued then + the `agent.id` value in events can be checked against the certificate. If + the values match then `event.agent_id_status: verified` is added to the event, + otherwise one of the other allowed values should be used. + + If no validation is performed then the field should be omitted. + + The allowed values are: + + `verified` - The `agent.id` field value matches expected value obtained from + auth metadata. + + `mismatch` - The `agent.id` field value does not match the expected value + obtained from auth metadata. + + `missing` - There was no `agent.id` field in the event to validate. + + `auth_metadata_missing` - There was no auth metadata or it was missing information + about the agent ID.' + example: verified + default_field: false + - name: category + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the second level in the ECS category hierarchy. `event.category` represents the "big buckets" of ECS categories. For example, @@ -1410,21 +1650,21 @@ This field is an array. This will allow proper categorization of some events that fall in multiple categories.' - example: authentication - - name: code - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Identification code for this event, if one exists. + example: authentication + - name: code + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Identification code for this event, if one exists. Some event sources use event codes to identify messages unambiguously, regardless of message language or wording adjustments over time. An example of this is the Windows Event ID.' - example: 4648 - - name: created - level: core - type: date - description: 'event.created contains the date/time when the event was first + example: 4648 + - name: created + level: core + type: date + description: 'event.created contains the date/time when the event was first read by an agent, or by your pipeline. This field is distinct from @timestamp in that @timestamp typically contain @@ -1436,12 +1676,12 @@ your agent''s or pipeline''s ability to keep up with your event source. In case the two timestamps are identical, @timestamp should be used.' - example: '2016-05-23T08:05:34.857Z' - - name: dataset - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the dataset. + example: '2016-05-23T08:05:34.857Z' + - name: dataset + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the dataset. If an event source publishes more than one type of log or events (e.g. access log, error log), the dataset is used to specify which one the event comes @@ -1449,40 +1689,40 @@ It''s recommended but not required to start the dataset name with the module name, followed by a dot, then the dataset name.' - example: apache.access - - name: duration - level: core - type: long - format: duration - input_format: nanoseconds - output_format: asMilliseconds - output_precision: 1 - description: 'Duration of the event in nanoseconds. + example: apache.access + - name: duration + level: core + type: long + format: duration + input_format: nanoseconds + output_format: asMilliseconds + output_precision: 1 + description: 'Duration of the event in nanoseconds. If event.start and event.end are known this value should be the difference between the end and start time.' - - name: end - level: extended - type: date - description: event.end contains the date when the event ended or when the activity - was last observed. - - name: hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Hash (perhaps logstash fingerprint) of raw field to be able to - demonstrate log integrity. - example: 123456789012345678901234567890ABCD - - name: id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique ID to describe the event. - example: 8a4f500d - - name: ingested - level: core - type: date - description: 'Timestamp when an event arrived in the central data store. + - name: end + level: extended + type: date + description: event.end contains the date when the event ended or when the activity + was last observed. + - name: hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Hash (perhaps logstash fingerprint) of raw field to be able to + demonstrate log integrity. + example: 123456789012345678901234567890ABCD + - name: id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique ID to describe the event. + example: 8a4f500d + - name: ingested + level: core + type: date + description: 'Timestamp when an event arrived in the central data store. This is different from `@timestamp`, which is when the event originally occurred. It''s also different from `event.created`, which is meant to capture the first time @@ -1490,13 +1730,13 @@ In normal conditions, assuming no tampering, the timestamps should chronologically look like this: `@timestamp` < `event.created` < `event.ingested`.' - example: '2016-05-23T08:05:35.101Z' - default_field: false - - name: kind - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the + example: '2016-05-23T08:05:35.101Z' + default_field: false + - name: kind + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the highest level in the ECS category hierarchy. `event.kind` gives high-level information about what type of information the @@ -1507,34 +1747,36 @@ be handled. They may warrant different retention, different access control, it may also help understand whether the data coming in at a regular interval or not.' - example: alert - - name: module - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the module this data is coming from. + example: alert + - name: module + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the module this data is coming from. If your monitoring agent supports the concept of modules or plugins to process events of a given source (e.g. Apache logs), `event.module` should contain the name of this module.' - example: apache - - name: original - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Raw text message of entire event. Used to demonstrate log integrity. + example: apache + - name: original + level: core + type: keyword + description: 'Raw text message of entire event. Used to demonstrate log integrity + or where the full log message (before splitting it up in multiple parts) may + be required, e.g. for reindex. This field is not indexed and doc_values are disabled. It cannot be searched, but it can be retrieved from `_source`. If users wish to override this and - index this field, consider using the wildcard data type.' - example: Sep 19 08:26:10 host CEF:0|Security| threatmanager|1.0|100| - worm successfully stopped|10|src= dst= - index: false - - name: outcome - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the + index this field, please see `Field data types` in the `Elasticsearch Reference`.' + example: Sep 19 08:26:10 host CEF:0|Security| threatmanager|1.0|100| + worm successfully stopped|10|src= dst= + index: false + doc_values: false + - name: outcome + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the lowest level in the ECS category hierarchy. `event.outcome` simply denotes whether the event represents a success or a @@ -1552,67 +1794,67 @@ Further note that not all events will have an associated outcome. For example, this field is generally not populated for metric events, events with `event.type:info`, or any events for which an outcome does not make logical sense.' - example: success - - name: provider - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Source of the event. + example: success + - name: provider + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Source of the event. Event transports such as Syslog or the Windows Event Log typically mention the source of an event. It can be the name of the software that generated the event (e.g. Sysmon, httpd), or of a subsystem of the operating system (kernel, Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing).' - example: kernel - - name: reason - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Reason why this event happened, according to the source. + example: kernel + - name: reason + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Reason why this event happened, according to the source. This describes the why of a particular action or outcome captured in the event. Where `event.action` captures the action from the event, `event.reason` describes why that action was taken. For example, a web proxy with an `event.action` which denied the request may also populate `event.reason` with the reason why (e.g. `blocked site`).' - example: Terminated an unexpected process - default_field: false - - name: reference - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Reference URL linking to additional information about this event. + example: Terminated an unexpected process + default_field: false + - name: reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Reference URL linking to additional information about this event. This URL links to a static definition of this event. Alert events, indicated by `event.kind:alert`, are a common use case for this field.' - example: https://system.example.com/event/#0001234 - default_field: false - - name: risk_score - level: core - type: float - description: Risk score or priority of the event (e.g. security solutions). - Use your system's original value here. - - name: risk_score_norm - level: extended - type: float - description: 'Normalized risk score or priority of the event, on a scale of + example: https://system.example.com/event/#0001234 + default_field: false + - name: risk_score + level: core + type: float + description: Risk score or priority of the event (e.g. security solutions). + Use your system's original value here. + - name: risk_score_norm + level: extended + type: float + description: 'Normalized risk score or priority of the event, on a scale of 0 to 100. This is mainly useful if you use more than one system that assigns risk scores, and you want to see a normalized value across all systems.' - - name: sequence - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: 'Sequence number of the event. + - name: sequence + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: 'Sequence number of the event. The sequence number is a value published by some event sources, to make the exact ordering of events unambiguous, regardless of the timestamp precision.' - - name: severity - level: core - type: long - format: string - description: 'The numeric severity of the event according to your event source. + - name: severity + level: core + type: long + format: string + description: 'The numeric severity of the event according to your event source. What the different severity values mean can be different between sources and use cases. It''s up to the implementer to make sure severities are consistent @@ -1622,27 +1864,27 @@ is meant to represent the severity according to the event source (e.g. firewall, IDS). If the event source does not publish its own severity, you may optionally copy the `log.syslog.severity.code` to `event.severity`.' - example: 7 - - name: start - level: extended - type: date - description: event.start contains the date when the event started or when the - activity was first observed. - - name: timezone - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'This field should be populated when the event''s timestamp does + example: 7 + - name: start + level: extended + type: date + description: event.start contains the date when the event started or when the + activity was first observed. + - name: timezone + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'This field should be populated when the event''s timestamp does not include timezone information already (e.g. default Syslog timestamps). It''s optional otherwise. Acceptable timezone formats are: a canonical ID (e.g. "Europe/Amsterdam"), abbreviated (e.g. "EST") or an HH:mm differential (e.g. "-05:00").' - - name: type - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the + - name: type + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the third level in the ECS category hierarchy. `event.type` represents a categorization "sub-bucket" that, when used along @@ -1651,609 +1893,822 @@ This field is an array. This will allow proper categorization of some events that fall in multiple event types.' - - name: url - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'URL linking to an external system to continue investigation of + - name: url + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'URL linking to an external system to continue investigation of this event. This URL links to another system where in-depth investigation of the specific occurrence of this event can take place. Alert events, indicated by `event.kind:alert`, are a common use case for this field.' - example: https://mysystem.example.com/alert/5271dedb-f5b0-4218-87f0-4ac4870a38fe - default_field: false - - name: file - title: File - group: 2 - description: 'A file is defined as a set of information that has been created + example: https://mysystem.example.com/alert/5271dedb-f5b0-4218-87f0-4ac4870a38fe + default_field: false + - name: file + title: File + group: 2 + description: 'A file is defined as a set of information that has been created on, or has existed on a filesystem. File objects can be associated with host events, network events, and/or file events (e.g., those produced by File Integrity Monitoring [FIM] products or services). File fields provide details about the affected file associated with the event or metric.' - type: group - fields: - - name: accessed - level: extended - type: date - description: 'Last time the file was accessed. + type: group + fields: + - name: accessed + level: extended + type: date + description: 'Last time the file was accessed. Note that not all filesystems keep track of access time.' - - name: attributes - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Array of file attributes. + - name: attributes + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Array of file attributes. Attributes names will vary by platform. Here''s a non-exhaustive list of values that are expected in this field: archive, compressed, directory, encrypted, execute, hidden, read, readonly, system, write.' - example: '["readonly", "system"]' - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.exists - level: core - type: boolean - description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.signing_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. + example: '["readonly", "system"]' + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.digest_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. + + This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times + by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm.' + example: sha256 + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.exists + level: core + type: boolean + description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.signing_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. This is used to identify the application manufactured by a software vendor. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' - example: com.apple.xpc.proxy - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.status - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. + example: com.apple.xpc.proxy + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.status + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. This is useful for logging cryptographic errors with the certificate validity or trust status. Leave unpopulated if the validity or trust of the certificate was unchecked.' - example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.subject_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Subject name of the code signer - example: Microsoft Corporation - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.team_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. + example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.subject_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Subject name of the code signer + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.team_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. This is used to identify the team or vendor of a software product. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' - example: EQHXZ8M8AV - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.trusted - level: extended - type: boolean - description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. + example: EQHXZ8M8AV + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.timestamp + level: extended + type: date + description: Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + example: '2021-01-01T12:10:30Z' + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.trusted + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. Validating the trust of the certificate chain may be complicated, and this field should only be populated by tools that actively check the status.' - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.valid - level: extended - type: boolean - description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.valid + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against the binary content. Leave unpopulated if a certificate was unchecked.' - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: created - level: extended - type: date - description: 'File creation time. + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: created + level: extended + type: date + description: 'File creation time. Note that not all filesystems store the creation time.' - - name: ctime - level: extended - type: date - description: 'Last time the file attributes or metadata changed. + - name: ctime + level: extended + type: date + description: 'Last time the file attributes or metadata changed. Note that changes to the file content will update `mtime`. This implies `ctime` will be adjusted at the same time, since `mtime` is an attribute of the file.' - - name: device - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Device that is the source of the file. - example: sda - - name: directory - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Directory where the file is located. It should include the drive - letter, when appropriate. - example: /home/alice - - name: drive_letter - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1 - description: 'Drive letter where the file is located. This field is only relevant + - name: device + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Device that is the source of the file. + example: sda + - name: directory + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Directory where the file is located. It should include the drive + letter, when appropriate. + example: /home/alice + - name: drive_letter + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1 + description: 'Drive letter where the file is located. This field is only relevant on Windows. The value should be uppercase, and not include the colon.' - example: C - default_field: false - - name: extension - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'File extension, excluding the leading dot. + example: C + default_field: false + - name: elf.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Machine architecture of the ELF file. + example: x86-64 + default_field: false + - name: elf.byte_order + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Byte sequence of ELF file. + example: Little Endian + default_field: false + - name: elf.cpu_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU type of the ELF file. + example: Intel + default_field: false + - name: elf.creation_date + level: extended + type: date + description: Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when + it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + default_field: false + - name: elf.exports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of exported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.abi_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.class + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header class of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.data + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Data table of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.entrypoint + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.object_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: '"0x1" for original ELF files.' + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.os_abi + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header type of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: elf.imports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of imported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.sections.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.chi2 + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.entropy + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.flags + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List flags. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List name. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.physical_offset + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List offset. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.physical_size + level: extended + type: long + format: bytes + description: ELF Section List physical size. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List type. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.virtual_address + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual address. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.virtual_size + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual size. + default_field: false + - name: elf.segments + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.segments.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: elf.segments.sections + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment sections. + default_field: false + - name: elf.segments.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment type. + default_field: false + - name: elf.shared_libraries + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + default_field: false + - name: elf.telfhash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: extension + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'File extension, excluding the leading dot. Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz").' - example: png - - name: gid - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Primary group ID (GID) of the file. - example: '1001' - - name: group - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Primary group name of the file. - example: alice - - name: hash.md5 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: MD5 hash. - - name: hash.sha1 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA1 hash. - - name: hash.sha256 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA256 hash. - - name: hash.sha512 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA512 hash. - - name: hash.ssdeep - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SSDEEP hash. - default_field: false - - name: inode - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Inode representing the file in the filesystem. - example: '256383' - - name: mime_type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: MIME type should identify the format of the file or stream of bytes - using https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml[IANA - official types], where possible. When more than one type is applicable, the - most specific type should be used. - default_field: false - - name: mode - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Mode of the file in octal representation. - example: '0640' - - name: mtime - level: extended - type: date - description: Last time the file content was modified. - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the file including the extension, without the directory. - example: example.png - - name: owner - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: File owner's username. - example: alice - - name: path - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Full path to the file, including the file name. It should include - the drive letter, when appropriate. - example: /home/alice/example.png - - name: pe.architecture - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: CPU architecture target for the file. - example: x64 - default_field: false - - name: pe.company - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: Microsoft Corporation - default_field: false - - name: pe.description - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: Paint - default_field: false - - name: pe.file_version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: 6.3.9600.17415 - default_field: false - - name: pe.imphash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash + example: png + - name: fork_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A fork is additional data associated with a filesystem object. + + On Linux, a resource fork is used to store additional data with a filesystem + object. A file always has at least one fork for the data portion, and additional + forks may exist. + + On NTFS, this is analogous to an Alternate Data Stream (ADS), and the default + data stream for a file is just called $DATA. Zone.Identifier is commonly used + by Windows to track contents downloaded from the Internet. An ADS is typically + of the form: `C:\path\to\filename.extension:some_fork_name`, and `some_fork_name` + is the value that should populate `fork_name`. `filename.extension` should + populate `file.name`, and `extension` should populate `file.extension`. The + full path, `file.path`, will include the fork name.' + example: Zone.Identifer + default_field: false + - name: gid + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Primary group ID (GID) of the file. + example: '1001' + - name: group + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Primary group name of the file. + example: alice + - name: hash.md5 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: MD5 hash. + - name: hash.sha1 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA1 hash. + - name: hash.sha256 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA256 hash. + - name: hash.sha512 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA512 hash. + - name: hash.ssdeep + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SSDEEP hash. + default_field: false + - name: inode + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Inode representing the file in the filesystem. + example: '256383' + - name: mime_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: MIME type should identify the format of the file or stream of bytes + using https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml[IANA + official types], where possible. When more than one type is applicable, the + most specific type should be used. + default_field: false + - name: mode + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Mode of the file in octal representation. + example: '0640' + - name: mtime + level: extended + type: date + description: Last time the file content was modified. + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the file including the extension, without the directory. + example: example.png + - name: owner + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: File owner's username. + example: alice + - name: path + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Full path to the file, including the file name. It should include + the drive letter, when appropriate. + example: /home/alice/example.png + - name: pe.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU architecture target for the file. + example: x64 + default_field: false + - name: pe.company + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: pe.description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Paint + default_field: false + - name: pe.file_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: 6.3.9600.17415 + default_field: false + - name: pe.imphash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash -- can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values. Learn more at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html.' - example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf - default_field: false - - name: pe.original_file_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: MSPAINT.EXE - default_field: false - - name: pe.product - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" - default_field: false - - name: size - level: extended - type: long - description: 'File size in bytes. + example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf + default_field: false + - name: pe.original_file_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: MSPAINT.EXE + default_field: false + - name: pe.product + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" + default_field: false + - name: size + level: extended + type: long + description: 'File size in bytes. Only relevant when `file.type` is "file".' - example: 16384 - - name: target_path - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Target path for symlinks. - - name: type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: File type (file, dir, or symlink). - example: file - - name: uid - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The user ID (UID) or security identifier (SID) of the file owner. - example: '1001' - - name: x509.alternative_names - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate - authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names - (and wildcards), and email addresses. - example: '*.elastic.co' - default_field: false - - name: x509.issuer.common_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. - example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA - default_field: false - - name: x509.issuer.country - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of country (C) codes - example: US - default_field: false - - name: x509.issuer.distinguished_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. - example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance - Server CA - default_field: false - - name: x509.issuer.locality - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of locality names (L) - example: Mountain View - default_field: false - - name: x509.issuer.organization - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. - example: Example Inc - default_field: false - - name: x509.issuer.organizational_unit - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. - example: www.example.com - default_field: false - - name: x509.issuer.state_or_province - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) - example: California - default_field: false - - name: x509.not_after - level: extended - type: date - description: Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. - example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 - default_field: false - - name: x509.not_before - level: extended - type: date - description: Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. - example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 - default_field: false - - name: x509.public_key_algorithm - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Algorithm used to generate the public key. - example: RSA - default_field: false - - name: x509.public_key_curve - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This - is algorithm specific. - example: nistp521 - default_field: false - - name: x509.public_key_exponent - level: extended - type: long - description: Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. - example: 65537 - index: false - default_field: false - - name: x509.public_key_size - level: extended - type: long - description: The size of the public key space in bits. - example: 2048 - default_field: false - - name: x509.serial_number - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, - if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase - characters. - example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA - default_field: false - - name: x509.signature_algorithm - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using - names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. - example: SHA256-RSA - default_field: false - - name: x509.subject.common_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of common names (CN) of subject. - example: shared.global.example.net - default_field: false - - name: x509.subject.country - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of country (C) code - example: US - default_field: false - - name: x509.subject.distinguished_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. - example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net - default_field: false - - name: x509.subject.locality - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of locality names (L) - example: San Francisco - default_field: false - - name: x509.subject.organization - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizations (O) of subject. - example: Example, Inc. - default_field: false - - name: x509.subject.organizational_unit - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizational units (OU) of subject. - default_field: false - - name: x509.subject.state_or_province - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) - example: California - default_field: false - - name: x509.version_number - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Version of x509 format. - example: 3 - default_field: false - - name: geo - title: Geo - group: 2 - description: 'Geo fields can carry data about a specific location related to an + example: 16384 + - name: target_path + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Target path for symlinks. + - name: type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: File type (file, dir, or symlink). + example: file + - name: uid + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The user ID (UID) or security identifier (SID) of the file owner. + example: '1001' + - name: x509.alternative_names + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate + authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names + (and wildcards), and email addresses. + example: '*.elastic.co' + default_field: false + - name: x509.issuer.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA + default_field: false + - name: x509.issuer.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) codes + example: US + default_field: false + - name: x509.issuer.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance + Server CA + default_field: false + - name: x509.issuer.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: Mountain View + default_field: false + - name: x509.issuer.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example Inc + default_field: false + - name: x509.issuer.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. + example: www.example.com + default_field: false + - name: x509.issuer.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: x509.not_after + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. + example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: x509.not_before + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. + example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: x509.public_key_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Algorithm used to generate the public key. + example: RSA + default_field: false + - name: x509.public_key_curve + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This + is algorithm specific. + example: nistp521 + default_field: false + - name: x509.public_key_exponent + level: extended + type: long + description: Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. + example: 65537 + index: false + doc_values: false + default_field: false + - name: x509.public_key_size + level: extended + type: long + description: The size of the public key space in bits. + example: 2048 + default_field: false + - name: x509.serial_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, + if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase + characters. + example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA + default_field: false + - name: x509.signature_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using + names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. + example: SHA256-RSA + default_field: false + - name: x509.subject.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common names (CN) of subject. + example: shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: x509.subject.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) code + example: US + default_field: false + - name: x509.subject.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. + example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: x509.subject.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: San Francisco + default_field: false + - name: x509.subject.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of subject. + example: Example, Inc. + default_field: false + - name: x509.subject.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of subject. + default_field: false + - name: x509.subject.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: x509.version_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of x509 format. + example: 3 + default_field: false + - name: geo + title: Geo + group: 2 + description: 'Geo fields can carry data about a specific location related to an event. This geolocation information can be derived from techniques such as Geo IP, or be user-supplied.' - type: group - fields: - - name: city_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: City name. - example: Montreal - - name: continent_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. - example: NA - default_field: false - - name: continent_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the continent. - example: North America - - name: country_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country ISO code. - example: CA - - name: country_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country name. - example: Canada - - name: location - level: core - type: geo_point - description: Longitude and latitude. - example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity + type: group + fields: + - name: city_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: City name. + example: Montreal + - name: continent_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. + example: NA + default_field: false + - name: continent_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the continent. + example: North America + - name: country_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country ISO code. + example: CA + - name: country_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country name. + example: Canada + - name: location + level: core + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. + example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity they care about. Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes a local physical entity, city names. Not typically used in automated geolocation.' - example: boston-dc - - name: postal_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Postal code associated with the location. + example: boston-dc + - name: postal_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Postal code associated with the location. Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code and will vary widely from country to country.' - example: 94040 - default_field: false - - name: region_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region ISO code. - example: CA-QC - - name: region_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region name. - example: Quebec - - name: timezone - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. - example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires - default_field: false - - name: group - title: Group - group: 2 - description: The group fields are meant to represent groups that are relevant - to the event. - type: group - fields: - - name: domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. + example: 94040 + default_field: false + - name: region_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region ISO code. + example: CA-QC + - name: region_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region name. + example: Quebec + - name: timezone + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + default_field: false + - name: group + title: Group + group: 2 + description: The group fields are meant to represent groups that are relevant + to the event. + type: group + fields: + - name: domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the group. - - name: hash - title: Hash - group: 2 - description: 'The hash fields represent different bitwise hash algorithms and + - name: id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the group. + - name: hash + title: Hash + group: 2 + description: 'The hash fields represent different bitwise hash algorithms and their values. Field names for common hashes (e.g. MD5, SHA1) are predefined. Add fields for @@ -2263,271 +2718,269 @@ Note that this fieldset is used for common hashes that may be computed over a range of generic bytes. Entity-specific hashes such as ja3 or imphash are placed in the fieldsets to which they relate (tls and pe, respectively).' - type: group - fields: - - name: md5 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: MD5 hash. - - name: sha1 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA1 hash. - - name: sha256 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA256 hash. - - name: sha512 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA512 hash. - - name: ssdeep - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SSDEEP hash. - default_field: false - - name: host - title: Host - group: 2 - description: 'A host is defined as a general computing instance. + type: group + fields: + - name: md5 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: MD5 hash. + - name: sha1 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA1 hash. + - name: sha256 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA256 hash. + - name: sha512 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA512 hash. + - name: ssdeep + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SSDEEP hash. + default_field: false + - name: host + title: Host + group: 2 + description: 'A host is defined as a general computing instance. ECS host.* fields should be populated with details about the host on which the event happened, or from which the measurement was taken. Host types include hardware, virtual machines, Docker containers, and Kubernetes nodes.' - type: group - fields: - - name: architecture - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system architecture. - example: x86_64 - - name: cpu.usage - level: extended - type: scaled_float - description: 'Percent CPU used which is normalized by the number of CPU cores + type: group + fields: + - name: architecture + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system architecture. + example: x86_64 + - name: cpu.usage + level: extended + type: scaled_float + description: 'Percent CPU used which is normalized by the number of CPU cores and it ranges from 0 to 1. Scaling factor: 1000. For example: For a two core host, this value should be the average of the two cores, between 0 and 1.' - scaling_factor: 1000 - default_field: false - - name: disk.read.bytes - level: extended - type: long - description: The total number of bytes (gauge) read successfully (aggregated - from all disks) since the last metric collection. - default_field: false - - name: disk.write.bytes - level: extended - type: long - description: The total number of bytes (gauge) written successfully (aggregated - from all disks) since the last metric collection. - default_field: false - - name: domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the domain of which the host is a member. + scaling_factor: 1000 + default_field: false + - name: disk.read.bytes + level: extended + type: long + description: The total number of bytes (gauge) read successfully (aggregated + from all disks) since the last metric collection. + default_field: false + - name: disk.write.bytes + level: extended + type: long + description: The total number of bytes (gauge) written successfully (aggregated + from all disks) since the last metric collection. + default_field: false + - name: domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the domain of which the host is a member. For example, on Windows this could be the host''s Active Directory domain or NetBIOS domain name. For Linux this could be the domain of the host''s LDAP provider.' - example: CONTOSO - default_field: false - - name: geo.city_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: City name. - example: Montreal - - name: geo.continent_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. - example: NA - default_field: false - - name: geo.continent_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the continent. - example: North America - - name: geo.country_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country ISO code. - example: CA - - name: geo.country_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country name. - example: Canada - - name: geo.location - level: core - type: geo_point - description: Longitude and latitude. - example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' - - name: geo.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity + example: CONTOSO + default_field: false + - name: geo.city_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: City name. + example: Montreal + - name: geo.continent_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. + example: NA + default_field: false + - name: geo.continent_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the continent. + example: North America + - name: geo.country_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country ISO code. + example: CA + - name: geo.country_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country name. + example: Canada + - name: geo.location + level: core + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. + example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' + - name: geo.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity they care about. Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes a local physical entity, city names. Not typically used in automated geolocation.' - example: boston-dc - - name: geo.postal_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Postal code associated with the location. + example: boston-dc + - name: geo.postal_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Postal code associated with the location. Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code and will vary widely from country to country.' - example: 94040 - default_field: false - - name: geo.region_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region ISO code. - example: CA-QC - - name: geo.region_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region name. - example: Quebec - - name: geo.timezone - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. - example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires - default_field: false - - name: hostname - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Hostname of the host. + example: 94040 + default_field: false + - name: geo.region_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region ISO code. + example: CA-QC + - name: geo.region_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region name. + example: Quebec + - name: geo.timezone + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + default_field: false + - name: hostname + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Hostname of the host. It normally contains what the `hostname` command returns on the host machine.' - - name: id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique host id. + - name: id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique host id. As hostname is not always unique, use values that are meaningful in your environment. Example: The current usage of `beat.name`.' - - name: ip - level: core - type: ip - description: Host ip addresses. - - name: mac - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Host MAC addresses. + - name: ip + level: core + type: ip + description: Host ip addresses. + - name: mac + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Host MAC addresses. The notation format from RFC 7042 is suggested: Each octet (that is, 8-bit byte) is represented by two [uppercase] hexadecimal digits giving the value of the octet as an unsigned integer. Successive octets are separated by a hyphen.' - example: '["00-00-5E-00-53-23", "00-00-5E-00-53-24"]' - - name: name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the host. + example: '["00-00-5E-00-53-23", "00-00-5E-00-53-24"]' + - name: name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the host. It can contain what `hostname` returns on Unix systems, the fully qualified domain name, or a name specified by the user. The sender decides which value to use.' - - name: network.egress.bytes - level: extended - type: long - description: The number of bytes (gauge) sent out on all network interfaces - by the host since the last metric collection. - default_field: false - - name: network.egress.packets - level: extended - type: long - description: The number of packets (gauge) sent out on all network interfaces - by the host since the last metric collection. - default_field: false - - name: network.ingress.bytes - level: extended - type: long - description: The number of bytes received (gauge) on all network interfaces - by the host since the last metric collection. - default_field: false - - name: network.ingress.packets - level: extended - type: long - description: The number of packets (gauge) received on all network interfaces - by the host since the last metric collection. - default_field: false - - name: os.family - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). - example: debian - - name: os.full - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Operating system name, including the version or code name. - example: Mac OS Mojave - - name: os.kernel - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system kernel version as a raw string. - example: 4.4.0-112-generic - - name: os.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Operating system name, without the version. - example: Mac OS X - - name: os.platform - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). - example: darwin - - name: os.type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Use the `os.type` field to categorize the operating system into + - name: network.egress.bytes + level: extended + type: long + description: The number of bytes (gauge) sent out on all network interfaces + by the host since the last metric collection. + default_field: false + - name: network.egress.packets + level: extended + type: long + description: The number of packets (gauge) sent out on all network interfaces + by the host since the last metric collection. + default_field: false + - name: network.ingress.bytes + level: extended + type: long + description: The number of bytes received (gauge) on all network interfaces + by the host since the last metric collection. + default_field: false + - name: network.ingress.packets + level: extended + type: long + description: The number of packets (gauge) received on all network interfaces + by the host since the last metric collection. + default_field: false + - name: os.family + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). + example: debian + - name: os.full + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Operating system name, including the version or code name. + example: Mac OS Mojave + - name: os.kernel + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system kernel version as a raw string. + example: 4.4.0-112-generic + - name: os.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Operating system name, without the version. + example: Mac OS X + - name: os.platform + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). + example: darwin + - name: os.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Use the `os.type` field to categorize the operating system into one of the broad commercial families. One of these following values should be used (lowercase): linux, macos, unix, @@ -2536,146 +2989,143 @@ If the OS you''re dealing with is not in the list, the field should not be populated. Please let us know by opening an issue with ECS, to propose its addition.' - example: macos - default_field: false - - name: os.version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system version as a raw string. - example: 10.14.1 - - name: type - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Type of host. + example: macos + default_field: false + - name: os.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system version as a raw string. + example: 10.14.1 + - name: type + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Type of host. For Cloud providers this can be the machine type like `t2.medium`. If vm, this could be the container, for example, or other information meaningful in your environment.' - - name: uptime - level: extended - type: long - description: Seconds the host has been up. - example: 1325 - - name: user.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. + - name: uptime + level: extended + type: long + description: Seconds the host has been up. + example: 1325 + - name: user.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: user.email - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: User email address. - - name: user.full_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: User's full name, if available. - example: Albert Einstein - - name: user.group.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. + - name: user.email + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: User email address. + - name: user.full_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: User's full name, if available. + example: Albert Einstein + - name: user.group.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: user.group.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. - - name: user.group.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the group. - - name: user.hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized + - name: user.group.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. + - name: user.group.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the group. + - name: user.hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized form. Useful if `user.id` or `user.name` contain confidential information and cannot be used.' - - name: user.id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier of the user. - - name: user.name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Short name or login of the user. - example: albert - - name: user.roles - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. - example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' - default_field: false - - name: http - title: HTTP - group: 2 - description: Fields related to HTTP activity. Use the `url` field set to store - the url of the request. - type: group - fields: - - name: request.body.bytes - level: extended - type: long - format: bytes - description: Size in bytes of the request body. - example: 887 - - name: request.body.content - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: The full HTTP request body. - example: Hello world - - name: request.bytes - level: extended - type: long - format: bytes - description: Total size in bytes of the request (body and headers). - example: 1437 - - name: request.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'A unique identifier for each HTTP request to correlate logs between + - name: user.id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier of the user. + example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + - name: user.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: a.einstein + - name: user.roles + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. + example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' + default_field: false + - name: http + title: HTTP + group: 2 + description: Fields related to HTTP activity. Use the `url` field set to store + the url of the request. + type: group + fields: + - name: request.body.bytes + level: extended + type: long + format: bytes + description: Size in bytes of the request body. + example: 887 + - name: request.body.content + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: The full HTTP request body. + example: Hello world + - name: request.bytes + level: extended + type: long + format: bytes + description: Total size in bytes of the request (body and headers). + example: 1437 + - name: request.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A unique identifier for each HTTP request to correlate logs between clients and servers in transactions. The id may be contained in a non-standard HTTP header, such as `X-Request-ID` or `X-Correlation-ID`.' - example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 - default_field: false - - name: request.method - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'HTTP request method. + example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 + default_field: false + - name: request.method + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'HTTP request method. Prior to ECS 1.6.0 the following guidance was provided: @@ -2684,109 +3134,107 @@ As of ECS 1.6.0, the guidance is deprecated because the original case of the method may be useful in anomaly detection. Original case will be mandated in ECS 2.0.0' - example: GET, POST, PUT, PoST - - name: request.mime_type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Mime type of the body of the request. + example: GET, POST, PUT, PoST + - name: request.mime_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Mime type of the body of the request. This value must only be populated based on the content of the request body, not on the `Content-Type` header. Comparing the mime type of a request with the request''s Content-Type header can be helpful in detecting threats or misconfigured clients.' - example: image/gif - default_field: false - - name: request.referrer - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Referrer for this HTTP request. - example: https://blog.example.com/ - - name: response.body.bytes - level: extended - type: long - format: bytes - description: Size in bytes of the response body. - example: 887 - - name: response.body.content - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: The full HTTP response body. - example: Hello world - - name: response.bytes - level: extended - type: long - format: bytes - description: Total size in bytes of the response (body and headers). - example: 1437 - - name: response.mime_type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Mime type of the body of the response. + example: image/gif + default_field: false + - name: request.referrer + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Referrer for this HTTP request. + example: https://blog.example.com/ + - name: response.body.bytes + level: extended + type: long + format: bytes + description: Size in bytes of the response body. + example: 887 + - name: response.body.content + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: The full HTTP response body. + example: Hello world + - name: response.bytes + level: extended + type: long + format: bytes + description: Total size in bytes of the response (body and headers). + example: 1437 + - name: response.mime_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Mime type of the body of the response. This value must only be populated based on the content of the response body, not on the `Content-Type` header. Comparing the mime type of a response with the response''s Content-Type header can be helpful in detecting misconfigured servers.' - example: image/gif - default_field: false - - name: response.status_code - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: HTTP response status code. - example: 404 - - name: version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: HTTP version. - example: 1.1 - - name: interface - title: Interface - group: 2 - description: The interface fields are used to record ingress and egress interface - information when reported by an observer (e.g. firewall, router, load balancer) - in the context of the observer handling a network connection. In the case of - a single observer interface (e.g. network sensor on a span port) only the observer.ingress - information should be populated. - type: group - fields: - - name: alias - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Interface alias as reported by the system, typically used in firewall - implementations for e.g. inside, outside, or dmz logical interface naming. - example: outside - default_field: false - - name: id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Interface ID as reported by an observer (typically SNMP interface - ID). - example: 10 - default_field: false - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Interface name as reported by the system. - example: eth0 - default_field: false - - name: log - title: Log - group: 2 - description: 'Details about the event''s logging mechanism or logging transport. + example: image/gif + default_field: false + - name: response.status_code + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: HTTP response status code. + example: 404 + - name: version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: HTTP version. + example: 1.1 + - name: interface + title: Interface + group: 2 + description: The interface fields are used to record ingress and egress interface + information when reported by an observer (e.g. firewall, router, load balancer) + in the context of the observer handling a network connection. In the case of + a single observer interface (e.g. network sensor on a span port) only the observer.ingress + information should be populated. + type: group + fields: + - name: alias + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Interface alias as reported by the system, typically used in firewall + implementations for e.g. inside, outside, or dmz logical interface naming. + example: outside + default_field: false + - name: id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Interface ID as reported by an observer (typically SNMP interface + ID). + example: 10 + default_field: false + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Interface name as reported by the system. + example: eth0 + default_field: false + - name: log + title: Log + group: 2 + description: 'Details about the event''s logging mechanism or logging transport. The log.* fields are typically populated with details about the logging mechanism used to create and/or transport the event. For example, syslog details belong @@ -2794,65 +3242,67 @@ The details specific to your event source are typically not logged under `log.*`, but rather in `event.*` or in other ECS fields.' - type: group - fields: - - name: file.path - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Full path to the log file this event came from, including the + type: group + fields: + - name: file.path + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Full path to the log file this event came from, including the file name. It should include the drive letter, when appropriate. If the event wasn''t read from a log file, do not populate this field.' - example: /var/log/fun-times.log - default_field: false - - name: level - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Original log level of the log event. + example: /var/log/fun-times.log + default_field: false + - name: level + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Original log level of the log event. If the source of the event provides a log level or textual severity, this is the one that goes in `log.level`. If your source doesn''t specify one, you may put your event transport''s severity here (e.g. Syslog severity). Some examples are `warn`, `err`, `i`, `informational`.' - example: error - - name: logger - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The name of the logger inside an application. This is usually the - name of the class which initialized the logger, or can be a custom name. - example: org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap - - name: origin.file.line - level: extended - type: integer - description: The line number of the file containing the source code which originated - the log event. - example: 42 - - name: origin.file.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The name of the file containing the source code which originated + example: error + - name: logger + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The name of the logger inside an application. This is usually the + name of the class which initialized the logger, or can be a custom name. + example: org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap + - name: origin.file.line + level: extended + type: integer + description: The line number of the file containing the source code which originated + the log event. + example: 42 + - name: origin.file.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The name of the file containing the source code which originated the log event. Note that this field is not meant to capture the log file. The correct field to capture the log file is `log.file.path`.' - example: Bootstrap.java - - name: origin.function - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The name of the function or method which originated the log event. - example: init - - name: original - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'This is the original log message and contains the full log message - before splitting it up in multiple parts. + example: Bootstrap.java + - name: origin.function + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The name of the function or method which originated the log event. + example: init + - name: original + level: core + type: keyword + description: 'Deprecated for removal in next major version release. This field + is superseded by `event.original`. + + This is the original log message and contains the full log message before + splitting it up in multiple parts. In contrast to the `message` field which can contain an extracted part of the log message, this field contains the original, full log message. It can @@ -2861,73 +3311,74 @@ This field is not indexed and doc_values are disabled so it can''t be queried but the value can be retrieved from `_source`.' - example: Sep 19 08:26:10 localhost My log - index: false - - name: syslog - level: extended - type: object - description: The Syslog metadata of the event, if the event was transmitted - via Syslog. Please see RFCs 5424 or 3164. - - name: syslog.facility.code - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: 'The Syslog numeric facility of the log event, if available. + example: Sep 19 08:26:10 localhost My log + index: false + doc_values: false + - name: syslog + level: extended + type: object + description: The Syslog metadata of the event, if the event was transmitted + via Syslog. Please see RFCs 5424 or 3164. + - name: syslog.facility.code + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: 'The Syslog numeric facility of the log event, if available. According to RFCs 5424 and 3164, this value should be an integer between 0 and 23.' - example: 23 - - name: syslog.facility.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The Syslog text-based facility of the log event, if available. - example: local7 - - name: syslog.priority - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: 'Syslog numeric priority of the event, if available. + example: 23 + - name: syslog.facility.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The Syslog text-based facility of the log event, if available. + example: local7 + - name: syslog.priority + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: 'Syslog numeric priority of the event, if available. According to RFCs 5424 and 3164, the priority is 8 * facility + severity. This number is therefore expected to contain a value between 0 and 191.' - example: 135 - - name: syslog.severity.code - level: extended - type: long - description: 'The Syslog numeric severity of the log event, if available. + example: 135 + - name: syslog.severity.code + level: extended + type: long + description: 'The Syslog numeric severity of the log event, if available. If the event source publishing via Syslog provides a different numeric severity value (e.g. firewall, IDS), your source''s numeric severity should go to `event.severity`. If the event source does not specify a distinct severity, you can optionally copy the Syslog severity to `event.severity`.' - example: 3 - - name: syslog.severity.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The Syslog numeric severity of the log event, if available. + example: 3 + - name: syslog.severity.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The Syslog numeric severity of the log event, if available. If the event source publishing via Syslog provides a different severity value (e.g. firewall, IDS), your source''s text severity should go to `log.level`. If the event source does not specify a distinct severity, you can optionally copy the Syslog severity to `log.level`.' - example: Error - - name: network - title: Network - group: 2 - description: 'The network is defined as the communication path over which a host + example: Error + - name: network + title: Network + group: 2 + description: 'The network is defined as the communication path over which a host or network event happens. The network.* fields should be populated with details about the network activity associated with an event.' - type: group - fields: - - name: application - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'A name given to an application level protocol. This can be arbitrarily + type: group + fields: + - name: application + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A name given to an application level protocol. This can be arbitrarily assigned for things like microservices, but also apply to things like skype, icq, facebook, twitter. This would be used in situations where the vendor or service can be decoded such as from the source/dest IP owners, ports, or @@ -2935,31 +3386,31 @@ The field value must be normalized to lowercase for querying. See the documentation section "Implementing ECS".' - example: aim - - name: bytes - level: core - type: long - format: bytes - description: 'Total bytes transferred in both directions. + example: aim + - name: bytes + level: core + type: long + format: bytes + description: 'Total bytes transferred in both directions. If `source.bytes` and `destination.bytes` are known, `network.bytes` is their sum.' - example: 368 - - name: community_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'A hash of source and destination IPs and ports, as well as the + example: 368 + - name: community_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A hash of source and destination IPs and ports, as well as the protocol used in a communication. This is a tool-agnostic standard to identify flows. Learn more at https://github.com/corelight/community-id-spec.' - example: 1:hO+sN4H+MG5MY/8hIrXPqc4ZQz0= - - name: direction - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: "Direction of the network traffic.\nRecommended values are:\n \ + example: 1:hO+sN4H+MG5MY/8hIrXPqc4ZQz0= + - name: direction + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "Direction of the network traffic.\nRecommended values are:\n \ \ * ingress\n * egress\n * inbound\n * outbound\n * internal\n * external\n\ \ * unknown\n\nWhen mapping events from a host-based monitoring context,\ \ populate this field from the host's point of view, using the values \"ingress\"\ @@ -2971,104 +3422,104 @@ \ that \"external\" is meant to describe traffic between two hosts that are\ \ external to the perimeter. This could for example be useful for ISPs or\ \ VPN service providers." - example: inbound - - name: forwarded_ip - level: core - type: ip - description: Host IP address when the source IP address is the proxy. - example: - - name: iana_number - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: IANA Protocol Number (https://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml). - Standardized list of protocols. This aligns well with NetFlow and sFlow related - logs which use the IANA Protocol Number. - example: 6 - - name: inner - level: extended - type: object - description: Network.inner fields are added in addition to network.vlan fields - to describe the innermost VLAN when q-in-q VLAN tagging is present. Allowed - fields include vlan.id and vlan.name. Inner vlan fields are typically used - when sending traffic with multiple 802.1q encapsulations to a network sensor - (e.g. Zeek, Wireshark.) - default_field: false - - name: inner.vlan.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: VLAN ID as reported by the observer. - example: 10 - default_field: false - - name: inner.vlan.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Optional VLAN name as reported by the observer. - example: outside - default_field: false - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name given by operators to sections of their network. - example: Guest Wifi - - name: packets - level: core - type: long - description: 'Total packets transferred in both directions. + example: inbound + - name: forwarded_ip + level: core + type: ip + description: Host IP address when the source IP address is the proxy. + example: + - name: iana_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: IANA Protocol Number (https://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml). + Standardized list of protocols. This aligns well with NetFlow and sFlow related + logs which use the IANA Protocol Number. + example: 6 + - name: inner + level: extended + type: object + description: Network.inner fields are added in addition to network.vlan fields + to describe the innermost VLAN when q-in-q VLAN tagging is present. Allowed + fields include vlan.id and vlan.name. Inner vlan fields are typically used + when sending traffic with multiple 802.1q encapsulations to a network sensor + (e.g. Zeek, Wireshark.) + default_field: false + - name: inner.vlan.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: VLAN ID as reported by the observer. + example: 10 + default_field: false + - name: inner.vlan.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Optional VLAN name as reported by the observer. + example: outside + default_field: false + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name given by operators to sections of their network. + example: Guest Wifi + - name: packets + level: core + type: long + description: 'Total packets transferred in both directions. If `source.packets` and `destination.packets` are known, `network.packets` is their sum.' - example: 24 - - name: protocol - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'L7 Network protocol name. ex. http, lumberjack, transport protocol. + example: 24 + - name: protocol + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'L7 Network protocol name. ex. http, lumberjack, transport protocol. The field value must be normalized to lowercase for querying. See the documentation section "Implementing ECS".' - example: http - - name: transport - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Same as network.iana_number, but instead using the Keyword name + example: http + - name: transport + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Same as network.iana_number, but instead using the Keyword name of the transport layer (udp, tcp, ipv6-icmp, etc.) The field value must be normalized to lowercase for querying. See the documentation section "Implementing ECS".' - example: tcp - - name: type - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'In the OSI Model this would be the Network Layer. ipv4, ipv6, + example: tcp + - name: type + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'In the OSI Model this would be the Network Layer. ipv4, ipv6, ipsec, pim, etc The field value must be normalized to lowercase for querying. See the documentation section "Implementing ECS".' - example: ipv4 - - name: vlan.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: VLAN ID as reported by the observer. - example: 10 - default_field: false - - name: vlan.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Optional VLAN name as reported by the observer. - example: outside - default_field: false - - name: observer - title: Observer - group: 2 - description: 'An observer is defined as a special network, security, or application + example: ipv4 + - name: vlan.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: VLAN ID as reported by the observer. + example: 10 + default_field: false + - name: vlan.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Optional VLAN name as reported by the observer. + example: outside + default_field: false + - name: observer + title: Observer + group: 2 + description: 'An observer is defined as a special network, security, or application device used to detect, observe, or create network, security, or application-related events and metrics. @@ -3080,269 +3531,267 @@ that detects, observes and/or creates a network, security, or application event or metric. Message queues and ETL components used in processing events or metrics are not considered observers in ECS.' - type: group - fields: - - name: egress - level: extended - type: object - description: Observer.egress holds information like interface number and name, - vlan, and zone information to classify egress traffic. Single armed monitoring - such as a network sensor on a span port should only use observer.ingress to - categorize traffic. - default_field: false - - name: egress.interface.alias - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Interface alias as reported by the system, typically used in firewall - implementations for e.g. inside, outside, or dmz logical interface naming. - example: outside - default_field: false - - name: egress.interface.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Interface ID as reported by an observer (typically SNMP interface - ID). - example: 10 - default_field: false - - name: egress.interface.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Interface name as reported by the system. - example: eth0 - default_field: false - - name: egress.vlan.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: VLAN ID as reported by the observer. - example: 10 - default_field: false - - name: egress.vlan.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Optional VLAN name as reported by the observer. - example: outside - default_field: false - - name: egress.zone - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Network zone of outbound traffic as reported by the observer to - categorize the destination area of egress traffic, e.g. Internal, External, - DMZ, HR, Legal, etc. - example: Public_Internet - default_field: false - - name: geo.city_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: City name. - example: Montreal - - name: geo.continent_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. - example: NA - default_field: false - - name: geo.continent_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the continent. - example: North America - - name: geo.country_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country ISO code. - example: CA - - name: geo.country_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country name. - example: Canada - - name: geo.location - level: core - type: geo_point - description: Longitude and latitude. - example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' - - name: geo.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity + type: group + fields: + - name: egress + level: extended + type: object + description: Observer.egress holds information like interface number and name, + vlan, and zone information to classify egress traffic. Single armed monitoring + such as a network sensor on a span port should only use observer.ingress to + categorize traffic. + default_field: false + - name: egress.interface.alias + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Interface alias as reported by the system, typically used in firewall + implementations for e.g. inside, outside, or dmz logical interface naming. + example: outside + default_field: false + - name: egress.interface.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Interface ID as reported by an observer (typically SNMP interface + ID). + example: 10 + default_field: false + - name: egress.interface.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Interface name as reported by the system. + example: eth0 + default_field: false + - name: egress.vlan.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: VLAN ID as reported by the observer. + example: 10 + default_field: false + - name: egress.vlan.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Optional VLAN name as reported by the observer. + example: outside + default_field: false + - name: egress.zone + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Network zone of outbound traffic as reported by the observer to + categorize the destination area of egress traffic, e.g. Internal, External, + DMZ, HR, Legal, etc. + example: Public_Internet + default_field: false + - name: geo.city_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: City name. + example: Montreal + - name: geo.continent_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. + example: NA + default_field: false + - name: geo.continent_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the continent. + example: North America + - name: geo.country_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country ISO code. + example: CA + - name: geo.country_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country name. + example: Canada + - name: geo.location + level: core + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. + example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' + - name: geo.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity they care about. Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes a local physical entity, city names. Not typically used in automated geolocation.' - example: boston-dc - - name: geo.postal_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Postal code associated with the location. + example: boston-dc + - name: geo.postal_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Postal code associated with the location. Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code and will vary widely from country to country.' - example: 94040 - default_field: false - - name: geo.region_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region ISO code. - example: CA-QC - - name: geo.region_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region name. - example: Quebec - - name: geo.timezone - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. - example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires - default_field: false - - name: hostname - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Hostname of the observer. - - name: ingress - level: extended - type: object - description: Observer.ingress holds information like interface number and name, - vlan, and zone information to classify ingress traffic. Single armed monitoring - such as a network sensor on a span port should only use observer.ingress to - categorize traffic. - default_field: false - - name: ingress.interface.alias - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Interface alias as reported by the system, typically used in firewall - implementations for e.g. inside, outside, or dmz logical interface naming. - example: outside - default_field: false - - name: ingress.interface.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Interface ID as reported by an observer (typically SNMP interface - ID). - example: 10 - default_field: false - - name: ingress.interface.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Interface name as reported by the system. - example: eth0 - default_field: false - - name: ingress.vlan.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: VLAN ID as reported by the observer. - example: 10 - default_field: false - - name: ingress.vlan.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Optional VLAN name as reported by the observer. - example: outside - default_field: false - - name: ingress.zone - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Network zone of incoming traffic as reported by the observer to - categorize the source area of ingress traffic. e.g. internal, External, DMZ, - HR, Legal, etc. - example: DMZ - default_field: false - - name: ip - level: core - type: ip - description: IP addresses of the observer. - - name: mac - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'MAC addresses of the observer. + example: 94040 + default_field: false + - name: geo.region_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region ISO code. + example: CA-QC + - name: geo.region_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region name. + example: Quebec + - name: geo.timezone + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + default_field: false + - name: hostname + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Hostname of the observer. + - name: ingress + level: extended + type: object + description: Observer.ingress holds information like interface number and name, + vlan, and zone information to classify ingress traffic. Single armed monitoring + such as a network sensor on a span port should only use observer.ingress to + categorize traffic. + default_field: false + - name: ingress.interface.alias + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Interface alias as reported by the system, typically used in firewall + implementations for e.g. inside, outside, or dmz logical interface naming. + example: outside + default_field: false + - name: ingress.interface.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Interface ID as reported by an observer (typically SNMP interface + ID). + example: 10 + default_field: false + - name: ingress.interface.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Interface name as reported by the system. + example: eth0 + default_field: false + - name: ingress.vlan.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: VLAN ID as reported by the observer. + example: 10 + default_field: false + - name: ingress.vlan.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Optional VLAN name as reported by the observer. + example: outside + default_field: false + - name: ingress.zone + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Network zone of incoming traffic as reported by the observer to + categorize the source area of ingress traffic. e.g. internal, External, DMZ, + HR, Legal, etc. + example: DMZ + default_field: false + - name: ip + level: core + type: ip + description: IP addresses of the observer. + - name: mac + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'MAC addresses of the observer. The notation format from RFC 7042 is suggested: Each octet (that is, 8-bit byte) is represented by two [uppercase] hexadecimal digits giving the value of the octet as an unsigned integer. Successive octets are separated by a hyphen.' - example: '["00-00-5E-00-53-23", "00-00-5E-00-53-24"]' - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Custom name of the observer. + example: '["00-00-5E-00-53-23", "00-00-5E-00-53-24"]' + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Custom name of the observer. This is a name that can be given to an observer. This can be helpful for example if multiple firewalls of the same model are used in an organization. If no custom name is needed, the field can be left empty.' - example: 1_proxySG - - name: os.family - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). - example: debian - - name: os.full - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Operating system name, including the version or code name. - example: Mac OS Mojave - - name: os.kernel - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system kernel version as a raw string. - example: 4.4.0-112-generic - - name: os.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Operating system name, without the version. - example: Mac OS X - - name: os.platform - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). - example: darwin - - name: os.type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Use the `os.type` field to categorize the operating system into + example: 1_proxySG + - name: os.family + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). + example: debian + - name: os.full + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Operating system name, including the version or code name. + example: Mac OS Mojave + - name: os.kernel + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system kernel version as a raw string. + example: 4.4.0-112-generic + - name: os.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Operating system name, without the version. + example: Mac OS X + - name: os.platform + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). + example: darwin + - name: os.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Use the `os.type` field to categorize the operating system into one of the broad commercial families. One of these following values should be used (lowercase): linux, macos, unix, @@ -3351,189 +3800,186 @@ If the OS you''re dealing with is not in the list, the field should not be populated. Please let us know by opening an issue with ECS, to propose its addition.' - example: macos - default_field: false - - name: os.version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system version as a raw string. - example: 10.14.1 - - name: product - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The product name of the observer. - example: s200 - - name: serial_number - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Observer serial number. - - name: type - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The type of the observer the data is coming from. + example: macos + default_field: false + - name: os.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system version as a raw string. + example: 10.14.1 + - name: product + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The product name of the observer. + example: s200 + - name: serial_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Observer serial number. + - name: type + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The type of the observer the data is coming from. There is no predefined list of observer types. Some examples are `forwarder`, `firewall`, `ids`, `ips`, `proxy`, `poller`, `sensor`, `APM server`.' - example: firewall - - name: vendor - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Vendor name of the observer. - example: Symantec - - name: version - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Observer version. - - name: orchestrator - title: Orchestrator - group: 2 - description: Fields that describe the resources which container orchestrators - manage or act upon. - type: group - fields: - - name: api_version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: API version being used to carry out the action - example: v1beta1 - default_field: false - - name: cluster.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the cluster. - default_field: false - - name: cluster.url - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: URL of the API used to manage the cluster. - default_field: false - - name: cluster.version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The version of the cluster. - default_field: false - - name: namespace - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Namespace in which the action is taking place. - example: kube-system - default_field: false - - name: organization - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Organization affected by the event (for multi-tenant orchestrator - setups). - example: elastic - default_field: false - - name: resource.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the resource being acted upon. - example: test-pod-cdcws - default_field: false - - name: resource.type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Type of resource being acted upon. - example: service - default_field: false - - name: type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Orchestrator cluster type (e.g. kubernetes, nomad or cloudfoundry). - example: kubernetes - default_field: false + example: firewall + - name: vendor + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Vendor name of the observer. + example: Symantec + - name: version + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Observer version. + - name: orchestrator + title: Orchestrator + group: 2 + description: Fields that describe the resources which container orchestrators + manage or act upon. + type: group + fields: + - name: api_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: API version being used to carry out the action + example: v1beta1 + default_field: false + - name: cluster.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the cluster. + default_field: false + - name: cluster.url + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: URL of the API used to manage the cluster. + default_field: false + - name: cluster.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The version of the cluster. + default_field: false + - name: namespace + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Namespace in which the action is taking place. + example: kube-system + default_field: false - name: organization - title: Organization - group: 2 - description: 'The organization fields enrich data with information about the company + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Organization affected by the event (for multi-tenant orchestrator + setups). + example: elastic + default_field: false + - name: resource.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the resource being acted upon. + example: test-pod-cdcws + default_field: false + - name: resource.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Type of resource being acted upon. + example: service + default_field: false + - name: type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Orchestrator cluster type (e.g. kubernetes, nomad or cloudfoundry). + example: kubernetes + default_field: false + - name: organization + title: Organization + group: 2 + description: 'The organization fields enrich data with information about the company or entity the data is associated with. These fields help you arrange or filter data stored in an index by one or multiple organizations.' - type: group - fields: - - name: id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the organization. - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Organization name. - - name: os - title: Operating System - group: 2 - description: The OS fields contain information about the operating system. - type: group - fields: - - name: family - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). - example: debian - - name: full - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Operating system name, including the version or code name. - example: Mac OS Mojave - - name: kernel - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system kernel version as a raw string. - example: 4.4.0-112-generic - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Operating system name, without the version. - example: Mac OS X - - name: platform - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). - example: darwin - - name: type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Use the `os.type` field to categorize the operating system into + type: group + fields: + - name: id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the organization. + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Organization name. + - name: os + title: Operating System + group: 2 + description: The OS fields contain information about the operating system. + type: group + fields: + - name: family + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). + example: debian + - name: full + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Operating system name, including the version or code name. + example: Mac OS Mojave + - name: kernel + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system kernel version as a raw string. + example: 4.4.0-112-generic + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Operating system name, without the version. + example: Mac OS X + - name: platform + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). + example: darwin + - name: type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Use the `os.type` field to categorize the operating system into one of the broad commercial families. One of these following values should be used (lowercase): linux, macos, unix, @@ -3542,281 +3988,480 @@ If the OS you''re dealing with is not in the list, the field should not be populated. Please let us know by opening an issue with ECS, to propose its addition.' - example: macos - default_field: false - - name: version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system version as a raw string. - example: 10.14.1 - - name: package - title: Package - group: 2 - description: These fields contain information about an installed software package. - It contains general information about a package, such as name, version or size. - It also contains installation details, such as time or location. - type: group - fields: - - name: architecture - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Package architecture. - example: x86_64 - - name: build_version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Additional information about the build version of the installed + example: macos + default_field: false + - name: version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system version as a raw string. + example: 10.14.1 + - name: package + title: Package + group: 2 + description: These fields contain information about an installed software package. + It contains general information about a package, such as name, version or size. + It also contains installation details, such as time or location. + type: group + fields: + - name: architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Package architecture. + example: x86_64 + - name: build_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Additional information about the build version of the installed package. For example use the commit SHA of a non-released package.' - example: 36f4f7e89dd61b0988b12ee000b98966867710cd - default_field: false - - name: checksum - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Checksum of the installed package for verification. - example: 68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940 - - name: description - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Description of the package. - example: Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient - software. - - name: install_scope - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Indicating how the package was installed, e.g. user-local, global. - example: global - - name: installed - level: extended - type: date - description: Time when package was installed. - - name: license - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'License under which the package was released. + example: 36f4f7e89dd61b0988b12ee000b98966867710cd + default_field: false + - name: checksum + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Checksum of the installed package for verification. + example: 68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940 + - name: description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Description of the package. + example: Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient + software. + - name: install_scope + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Indicating how the package was installed, e.g. user-local, global. + example: global + - name: installed + level: extended + type: date + description: Time when package was installed. + - name: license + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'License under which the package was released. Use a short name, e.g. the license identifier from SPDX License List where possible (https://spdx.org/licenses/).' - example: Apache License 2.0 - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Package name - example: go - - name: path - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Path where the package is installed. - example: /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.12.9/ - - name: reference - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Home page or reference URL of the software in this package, if - available. - example: https://golang.org - default_field: false - - name: size - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: Package size in bytes. - example: 62231 - - name: type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Type of package. + example: Apache License 2.0 + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Package name + example: go + - name: path + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Path where the package is installed. + example: /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.12.9/ + - name: reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Home page or reference URL of the software in this package, if + available. + example: https://golang.org + default_field: false + - name: size + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Package size in bytes. + example: 62231 + - name: type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Type of package. This should contain the package file type, rather than the package manager name. Examples: rpm, dpkg, brew, npm, gem, nupkg, jar.' - example: rpm - default_field: false - - name: version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Package version - example: 1.12.9 - - name: pe - title: PE Header - group: 2 - description: These fields contain Windows Portable Executable (PE) metadata. - type: group - fields: - - name: architecture - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: CPU architecture target for the file. - example: x64 - default_field: false - - name: company - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: Microsoft Corporation - default_field: false - - name: description - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: Paint - default_field: false - - name: file_version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: 6.3.9600.17415 - default_field: false - - name: imphash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash + example: rpm + default_field: false + - name: version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Package version + example: 1.12.9 + - name: pe + title: PE Header + group: 2 + description: These fields contain Windows Portable Executable (PE) metadata. + type: group + fields: + - name: architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU architecture target for the file. + example: x64 + default_field: false + - name: company + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Paint + default_field: false + - name: file_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: 6.3.9600.17415 + default_field: false + - name: imphash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash -- can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values. Learn more at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html.' - example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf - default_field: false - - name: original_file_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: MSPAINT.EXE - default_field: false - - name: product - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" - default_field: false - - name: process - title: Process - group: 2 - description: 'These fields contain information about a process. + example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf + default_field: false + - name: original_file_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: MSPAINT.EXE + default_field: false + - name: product + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" + default_field: false + - name: process + title: Process + group: 2 + description: 'These fields contain information about a process. These fields can help you correlate metrics information with a process id/name from a log message. The `process.pid` often stays in the metric itself and is copied to the global field for correlation.' - type: group - fields: - - name: args - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Array of process arguments, starting with the absolute path to + type: group + fields: + - name: args + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Array of process arguments, starting with the absolute path to the executable. May be filtered to protect sensitive information.' - example: '["/usr/bin/ssh", "-l", "user", ""]' - - name: args_count - level: extended - type: long - description: 'Length of the process.args array. + example: '["/usr/bin/ssh", "-l", "user", ""]' + - name: args_count + level: extended + type: long + description: 'Length of the process.args array. This field can be useful for querying or performing bucket analysis on how many arguments were provided to start a process. More arguments may be an indication of suspicious activity.' - example: 4 - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.exists - level: core - type: boolean - description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.signing_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. + example: 4 + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.digest_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. + + This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times + by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm.' + example: sha256 + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.exists + level: core + type: boolean + description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.signing_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. This is used to identify the application manufactured by a software vendor. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' - example: com.apple.xpc.proxy - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.status - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. + example: com.apple.xpc.proxy + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.status + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. This is useful for logging cryptographic errors with the certificate validity or trust status. Leave unpopulated if the validity or trust of the certificate was unchecked.' - example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.subject_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Subject name of the code signer - example: Microsoft Corporation - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.team_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. + example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.subject_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Subject name of the code signer + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.team_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. This is used to identify the team or vendor of a software product. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' - example: EQHXZ8M8AV - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.trusted - level: extended - type: boolean - description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. + example: EQHXZ8M8AV + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.timestamp + level: extended + type: date + description: Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + example: '2021-01-01T12:10:30Z' + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.trusted + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. Validating the trust of the certificate chain may be complicated, and this field should only be populated by tools that actively check the status.' - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: code_signature.valid - level: extended - type: boolean - description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: code_signature.valid + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against the binary content. Leave unpopulated if a certificate was unchecked.' - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: command_line - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: 'Full command line that started the process, including the absolute + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: command_line + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: 'Full command line that started the process, including the absolute path to the executable, and all arguments. Some arguments may be filtered to protect sensitive information.' - example: /usr/bin/ssh -l user - default_field: false - - name: entity_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique identifier for the process. + example: /usr/bin/ssh -l user + default_field: false + - name: elf.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Machine architecture of the ELF file. + example: x86-64 + default_field: false + - name: elf.byte_order + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Byte sequence of ELF file. + example: Little Endian + default_field: false + - name: elf.cpu_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU type of the ELF file. + example: Intel + default_field: false + - name: elf.creation_date + level: extended + type: date + description: Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when + it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + default_field: false + - name: elf.exports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of exported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.abi_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.class + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header class of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.data + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Data table of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.entrypoint + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.object_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: '"0x1" for original ELF files.' + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.os_abi + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header type of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: elf.header.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: elf.imports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of imported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.sections.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.chi2 + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.entropy + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.flags + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List flags. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List name. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.physical_offset + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List offset. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.physical_size + level: extended + type: long + format: bytes + description: ELF Section List physical size. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List type. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.virtual_address + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual address. + default_field: false + - name: elf.sections.virtual_size + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual size. + default_field: false + - name: elf.segments + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.segments.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: elf.segments.sections + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment sections. + default_field: false + - name: elf.segments.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment type. + default_field: false + - name: elf.shared_libraries + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + default_field: false + - name: elf.telfhash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: end + level: extended + type: date + description: The time the process ended. + example: '2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z' + default_field: false + - name: entity_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique identifier for the process. The implementation of this is specified by the data source, but some examples of what could be used here are a process-generated UUID, Sysmon Process GUIDs, @@ -3825,168 +4470,365 @@ Constructing a globally unique identifier is a common practice to mitigate PID reuse as well as to identify a specific process over time, across multiple monitored hosts.' - example: c2c455d9f99375d - default_field: false - - name: executable - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Absolute path to the process executable. - example: /usr/bin/ssh - - name: exit_code - level: extended - type: long - description: 'The exit code of the process, if this is a termination event. + example: c2c455d9f99375d + default_field: false + - name: executable + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Absolute path to the process executable. + example: /usr/bin/ssh + - name: exit_code + level: extended + type: long + description: 'The exit code of the process, if this is a termination event. The field should be absent if there is no exit code for the event (e.g. process start).' - example: 137 - default_field: false - - name: hash.md5 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: MD5 hash. - - name: hash.sha1 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA1 hash. - - name: hash.sha256 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA256 hash. - - name: hash.sha512 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA512 hash. - - name: hash.ssdeep - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SSDEEP hash. - default_field: false - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: 'Process name. + example: 137 + default_field: false + - name: hash.md5 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: MD5 hash. + - name: hash.sha1 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA1 hash. + - name: hash.sha256 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA256 hash. + - name: hash.sha512 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA512 hash. + - name: hash.ssdeep + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SSDEEP hash. + default_field: false + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: 'Process name. Sometimes called program name or similar.' - example: ssh - - name: parent.args - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Array of process arguments, starting with the absolute path to + example: ssh + - name: parent.args + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Array of process arguments, starting with the absolute path to the executable. May be filtered to protect sensitive information.' - example: '["/usr/bin/ssh", "-l", "user", ""]' - default_field: false - - name: parent.args_count - level: extended - type: long - description: 'Length of the process.args array. + example: '["/usr/bin/ssh", "-l", "user", ""]' + default_field: false + - name: parent.args_count + level: extended + type: long + description: 'Length of the process.args array. This field can be useful for querying or performing bucket analysis on how many arguments were provided to start a process. More arguments may be an indication of suspicious activity.' - example: 4 - default_field: false - - name: parent.code_signature.exists - level: core - type: boolean - description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: parent.code_signature.signing_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. + example: 4 + default_field: false + - name: parent.code_signature.digest_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. + + This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times + by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm.' + example: sha256 + default_field: false + - name: parent.code_signature.exists + level: core + type: boolean + description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: parent.code_signature.signing_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. This is used to identify the application manufactured by a software vendor. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' - example: com.apple.xpc.proxy - default_field: false - - name: parent.code_signature.status - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. + example: com.apple.xpc.proxy + default_field: false + - name: parent.code_signature.status + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. This is useful for logging cryptographic errors with the certificate validity or trust status. Leave unpopulated if the validity or trust of the certificate was unchecked.' - example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT - default_field: false - - name: parent.code_signature.subject_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Subject name of the code signer - example: Microsoft Corporation - default_field: false - - name: parent.code_signature.team_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. + example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT + default_field: false + - name: parent.code_signature.subject_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Subject name of the code signer + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: parent.code_signature.team_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. This is used to identify the team or vendor of a software product. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' - example: EQHXZ8M8AV - default_field: false - - name: parent.code_signature.trusted - level: extended - type: boolean - description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. + example: EQHXZ8M8AV + default_field: false + - name: parent.code_signature.timestamp + level: extended + type: date + description: Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + example: '2021-01-01T12:10:30Z' + default_field: false + - name: parent.code_signature.trusted + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. Validating the trust of the certificate chain may be complicated, and this field should only be populated by tools that actively check the status.' - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: parent.code_signature.valid - level: extended - type: boolean - description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: parent.code_signature.valid + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against the binary content. Leave unpopulated if a certificate was unchecked.' - example: 'true' - default_field: false - - name: parent.command_line - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: 'Full command line that started the process, including the absolute + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: parent.command_line + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: 'Full command line that started the process, including the absolute path to the executable, and all arguments. Some arguments may be filtered to protect sensitive information.' - example: /usr/bin/ssh -l user - default_field: false - - name: parent.entity_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique identifier for the process. + example: /usr/bin/ssh -l user + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Machine architecture of the ELF file. + example: x86-64 + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.byte_order + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Byte sequence of ELF file. + example: Little Endian + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.cpu_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU type of the ELF file. + example: Intel + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.creation_date + level: extended + type: date + description: Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when + it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.exports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of exported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.header.abi_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.header.class + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header class of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.header.data + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Data table of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.header.entrypoint + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.header.object_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: '"0x1" for original ELF files.' + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.header.os_abi + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.header.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header type of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.header.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.imports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of imported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.sections + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.sections.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.sections.chi2 + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.sections.entropy + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.sections.flags + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List flags. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.sections.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List name. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.sections.physical_offset + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List offset. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.sections.physical_size + level: extended + type: long + format: bytes + description: ELF Section List physical size. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.sections.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List type. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.sections.virtual_address + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual address. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.sections.virtual_size + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual size. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.segments + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.segments.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.segments.sections + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment sections. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.segments.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment type. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.shared_libraries + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + default_field: false + - name: parent.elf.telfhash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: parent.end + level: extended + type: date + description: The time the process ended. + example: '2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z' + default_field: false + - name: parent.entity_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique identifier for the process. The implementation of this is specified by the data source, but some examples of what could be used here are a process-generated UUID, Sysmon Process GUIDs, @@ -3995,380 +4837,373 @@ Constructing a globally unique identifier is a common practice to mitigate PID reuse as well as to identify a specific process over time, across multiple monitored hosts.' - example: c2c455d9f99375d - default_field: false - - name: parent.executable - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: Absolute path to the process executable. - example: /usr/bin/ssh - default_field: false - - name: parent.exit_code - level: extended - type: long - description: 'The exit code of the process, if this is a termination event. + example: c2c455d9f99375d + default_field: false + - name: parent.executable + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Absolute path to the process executable. + example: /usr/bin/ssh + default_field: false + - name: parent.exit_code + level: extended + type: long + description: 'The exit code of the process, if this is a termination event. The field should be absent if there is no exit code for the event (e.g. process start).' - example: 137 - default_field: false - - name: parent.hash.md5 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: MD5 hash. - default_field: false - - name: parent.hash.sha1 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA1 hash. - default_field: false - - name: parent.hash.sha256 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA256 hash. - default_field: false - - name: parent.hash.sha512 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SHA512 hash. - default_field: false - - name: parent.hash.ssdeep - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: SSDEEP hash. - default_field: false - - name: parent.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: 'Process name. + example: 137 + default_field: false + - name: parent.hash.md5 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: MD5 hash. + default_field: false + - name: parent.hash.sha1 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA1 hash. + default_field: false + - name: parent.hash.sha256 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA256 hash. + default_field: false + - name: parent.hash.sha512 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA512 hash. + default_field: false + - name: parent.hash.ssdeep + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SSDEEP hash. + default_field: false + - name: parent.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: 'Process name. Sometimes called program name or similar.' - example: ssh - default_field: false - - name: parent.pe.architecture - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: CPU architecture target for the file. - example: x64 - default_field: false - - name: parent.pe.company - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: Microsoft Corporation - default_field: false - - name: parent.pe.description - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: Paint - default_field: false - - name: parent.pe.file_version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: 6.3.9600.17415 - default_field: false - - name: parent.pe.imphash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash + example: ssh + default_field: false + - name: parent.pe.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU architecture target for the file. + example: x64 + default_field: false + - name: parent.pe.company + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: parent.pe.description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Paint + default_field: false + - name: parent.pe.file_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: 6.3.9600.17415 + default_field: false + - name: parent.pe.imphash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash -- can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values. Learn more at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html.' - example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf - default_field: false - - name: parent.pe.original_file_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: MSPAINT.EXE - default_field: false - - name: parent.pe.product - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" - default_field: false - - name: parent.pgid - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: Identifier of the group of processes the process belongs to. - default_field: false - - name: parent.pid - level: core - type: long - format: string - description: Process id. - example: 4242 - default_field: false - - name: parent.ppid - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: Parent process' pid. - example: 4241 - default_field: false - - name: parent.start - level: extended - type: date - description: The time the process started. - example: '2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z' - default_field: false - - name: parent.thread.id - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: Thread ID. - example: 4242 - default_field: false - - name: parent.thread.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Thread name. - example: thread-0 - default_field: false - - name: parent.title - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: 'Process title. + example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf + default_field: false + - name: parent.pe.original_file_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: MSPAINT.EXE + default_field: false + - name: parent.pe.product + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" + default_field: false + - name: parent.pgid + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Identifier of the group of processes the process belongs to. + default_field: false + - name: parent.pid + level: core + type: long + format: string + description: Process id. + example: 4242 + default_field: false + - name: parent.ppid + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Parent process' pid. + example: 4241 + default_field: false + - name: parent.start + level: extended + type: date + description: The time the process started. + example: '2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z' + default_field: false + - name: parent.thread.id + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Thread ID. + example: 4242 + default_field: false + - name: parent.thread.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Thread name. + example: thread-0 + default_field: false + - name: parent.title + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: 'Process title. The proctitle, some times the same as process name. Can also be different: for example a browser setting its title to the web page currently opened.' - default_field: false - - name: parent.uptime - level: extended - type: long - description: Seconds the process has been up. - example: 1325 - default_field: false - - name: parent.working_directory - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: The working directory of the process. - example: /home/alice - default_field: false - - name: pe.architecture - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: CPU architecture target for the file. - example: x64 - default_field: false - - name: pe.company - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: Microsoft Corporation - default_field: false - - name: pe.description - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: Paint - default_field: false - - name: pe.file_version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: 6.3.9600.17415 - default_field: false - - name: pe.imphash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash + default_field: false + - name: parent.uptime + level: extended + type: long + description: Seconds the process has been up. + example: 1325 + default_field: false + - name: parent.working_directory + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: The working directory of the process. + example: /home/alice + default_field: false + - name: pe.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU architecture target for the file. + example: x64 + default_field: false + - name: pe.company + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: pe.description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Paint + default_field: false + - name: pe.file_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: 6.3.9600.17415 + default_field: false + - name: pe.imphash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash -- can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values. Learn more at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html.' - example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf - default_field: false - - name: pe.original_file_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: MSPAINT.EXE - default_field: false - - name: pe.product - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. - example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" - default_field: false - - name: pgid - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: Identifier of the group of processes the process belongs to. - - name: pid - level: core - type: long - format: string - description: Process id. - example: 4242 - - name: ppid - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: Parent process' pid. - example: 4241 - - name: start - level: extended - type: date - description: The time the process started. - example: '2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z' - - name: thread.id - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: Thread ID. - example: 4242 - - name: thread.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Thread name. - example: thread-0 - - name: title - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: 'Process title. + example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf + default_field: false + - name: pe.original_file_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: MSPAINT.EXE + default_field: false + - name: pe.product + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" + default_field: false + - name: pgid + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Identifier of the group of processes the process belongs to. + - name: pid + level: core + type: long + format: string + description: Process id. + example: 4242 + - name: ppid + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Parent process' pid. + example: 4241 + - name: start + level: extended + type: date + description: The time the process started. + example: '2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z' + - name: thread.id + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Thread ID. + example: 4242 + - name: thread.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Thread name. + example: thread-0 + - name: title + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: 'Process title. The proctitle, some times the same as process name. Can also be different: for example a browser setting its title to the web page currently opened.' - - name: uptime - level: extended - type: long - description: Seconds the process has been up. - example: 1325 - - name: working_directory - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: The working directory of the process. - example: /home/alice - - name: registry - title: Registry - group: 2 - description: Fields related to Windows Registry operations. - type: group - fields: - - name: data.bytes - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Original bytes written with base64 encoding. + - name: uptime + level: extended + type: long + description: Seconds the process has been up. + example: 1325 + - name: working_directory + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: The working directory of the process. + example: /home/alice + - name: registry + title: Registry + group: 2 + description: Fields related to Windows Registry operations. + type: group + fields: + - name: data.bytes + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Original bytes written with base64 encoding. For Windows registry operations, such as SetValueEx and RegQueryValueEx, this corresponds to the data pointed by `lp_data`. This is optional but provides better recoverability and should be populated for REG_BINARY encoded values.' - example: ZQBuAC0AVQBTAAAAZQBuAAAAAAA= - default_field: false - - name: data.strings - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Content when writing string types. + example: ZQBuAC0AVQBTAAAAZQBuAAAAAAA= + default_field: false + - name: data.strings + level: core + type: wildcard + description: 'Content when writing string types. Populated as an array when writing string data to the registry. For single string registry types (REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ), this should be an array with one string. For sequences of string with REG_MULTI_SZ, this array will be variable length. For numeric data, such as REG_DWORD and REG_QWORD, this should be populated with the decimal representation (e.g `"1"`).' - example: '["C:\rta\red_ttp\bin\myapp.exe"]' - default_field: false - - name: data.type - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Standard registry type for encoding contents - example: REG_SZ - default_field: false - - name: hive - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Abbreviated name for the hive. - example: HKLM - default_field: false - - name: key - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Hive-relative path of keys. - example: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winword.exe - default_field: false - - name: path - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Full path, including hive, key and value - example: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution - Options\winword.exe\Debugger - default_field: false - - name: value - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the value written. - example: Debugger - default_field: false - - name: related - title: Related - group: 2 - description: 'This field set is meant to facilitate pivoting around a piece of + example: '["C:\rta\red_ttp\bin\myapp.exe"]' + default_field: false + - name: data.type + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Standard registry type for encoding contents + example: REG_SZ + default_field: false + - name: hive + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Abbreviated name for the hive. + example: HKLM + default_field: false + - name: key + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Hive-relative path of keys. + example: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winword.exe + default_field: false + - name: path + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Full path, including hive, key and value + example: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution + Options\winword.exe\Debugger + default_field: false + - name: value + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the value written. + example: Debugger + default_field: false + - name: related + title: Related + group: 2 + description: 'This field set is meant to facilitate pivoting around a piece of data. Some pieces of information can be seen in many places in an ECS event. To facilitate @@ -4379,131 +5214,131 @@ destination, client, server, and network.forwarded_ip. If you append all IPs to `related.ip`, you can then search for a given IP trivially, no matter where it appeared, by querying `related.ip:`.' - type: group - fields: - - name: hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: All the hashes seen on your event. Populating this field, then - using it to search for hashes can help in situations where you're unsure what - the hash algorithm is (and therefore which key name to search). - default_field: false - - name: hosts - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: All hostnames or other host identifiers seen on your event. Example - identifiers include FQDNs, domain names, workstation names, or aliases. - default_field: false - - name: ip - level: extended - type: ip - description: All of the IPs seen on your event. - - name: user - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: All the user names seen on your event. - default_field: false - - name: rule - title: Rule - group: 2 - description: 'Rule fields are used to capture the specifics of any observer or + type: group + fields: + - name: hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: All the hashes seen on your event. Populating this field, then + using it to search for hashes can help in situations where you're unsure what + the hash algorithm is (and therefore which key name to search). + default_field: false + - name: hosts + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: All hostnames or other host identifiers seen on your event. Example + identifiers include FQDNs, domain names, workstation names, or aliases. + default_field: false + - name: ip + level: extended + type: ip + description: All of the IPs seen on your event. + - name: user + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: All the user names or other user identifiers seen on the event. + default_field: false + - name: rule + title: Rule + group: 2 + description: 'Rule fields are used to capture the specifics of any observer or agent rules that generate alerts or other notable events. Examples of data sources that would populate the rule fields include: network admission control platforms, network or host IDS/IPS, network firewalls, web application firewalls, url filters, endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems, etc.' - type: group - fields: - - name: author - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name, organization, or pseudonym of the author or authors who created - the rule used to generate this event. - example: '["Star-Lord"]' - default_field: false - - name: category - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: A categorization value keyword used by the entity using the rule - for detection of this event. - example: Attempted Information Leak - default_field: false - - name: description - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The description of the rule generating the event. - example: Block requests to public DNS over HTTPS / TLS protocols - default_field: false - - name: id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: A rule ID that is unique within the scope of an agent, observer, - or other entity using the rule for detection of this event. - example: 101 - default_field: false - - name: license - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the license under which the rule used to generate this - event is made available. - example: Apache 2.0 - default_field: false - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The name of the rule or signature generating the event. - example: BLOCK_DNS_over_TLS - default_field: false - - name: reference - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Reference URL to additional information about the rule used to + type: group + fields: + - name: author + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name, organization, or pseudonym of the author or authors who created + the rule used to generate this event. + example: '["Star-Lord"]' + default_field: false + - name: category + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: A categorization value keyword used by the entity using the rule + for detection of this event. + example: Attempted Information Leak + default_field: false + - name: description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The description of the rule generating the event. + example: Block requests to public DNS over HTTPS / TLS protocols + default_field: false + - name: id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: A rule ID that is unique within the scope of an agent, observer, + or other entity using the rule for detection of this event. + example: 101 + default_field: false + - name: license + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the license under which the rule used to generate this + event is made available. + example: Apache 2.0 + default_field: false + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The name of the rule or signature generating the event. + example: BLOCK_DNS_over_TLS + default_field: false + - name: reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Reference URL to additional information about the rule used to generate this event. The URL can point to the vendor''s documentation about the rule. If that''s not available, it can also be a link to a more general page describing this type of alert.' - example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_TLS - default_field: false - - name: ruleset - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the ruleset, policy, group, or parent category in which - the rule used to generate this event is a member. - example: Standard_Protocol_Filters - default_field: false - - name: uuid - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: A rule ID that is unique within the scope of a set or group of - agents, observers, or other entities using the rule for detection of this - event. - example: 1100110011 - default_field: false - - name: version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The version / revision of the rule being used for analysis. - example: 1.1 - default_field: false - - name: server - title: Server - group: 2 - description: 'A Server is defined as the responder in a network connection for + example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_over_TLS + default_field: false + - name: ruleset + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the ruleset, policy, group, or parent category in which + the rule used to generate this event is a member. + example: Standard_Protocol_Filters + default_field: false + - name: uuid + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: A rule ID that is unique within the scope of a set or group of + agents, observers, or other entities using the rule for detection of this + event. + example: 1100110011 + default_field: false + - name: version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The version / revision of the rule being used for analysis. + example: 1.1 + default_field: false + - name: server + title: Server + group: 2 + description: 'A Server is defined as the responder in a network connection for events regarding sessions, connections, or bidirectional flow records. For TCP events, the server is the receiver of the initial SYN packet(s) of the @@ -4518,180 +5353,179 @@ is helpful to visualize the data in certain situations. If your context falls in that category, you should still ensure that source and destination are filled appropriately.' - type: group - fields: - - name: address - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Some event server addresses are defined ambiguously. The event + type: group + fields: + - name: address + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Some event server addresses are defined ambiguously. The event will sometimes list an IP, a domain or a unix socket. You should always store the raw address in the `.address` field. Then it should be duplicated to `.ip` or `.domain`, depending on which one it is.' - - name: as.number - level: extended - type: long - description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous - system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. - example: 15169 - - name: as.organization.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Organization name. - example: Google LLC - - name: bytes - level: core - type: long - format: bytes - description: Bytes sent from the server to the client. - example: 184 - - name: domain - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Server domain. - - name: geo.city_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: City name. - example: Montreal - - name: geo.continent_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. - example: NA - default_field: false - - name: geo.continent_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the continent. - example: North America - - name: geo.country_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country ISO code. - example: CA - - name: geo.country_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country name. - example: Canada - - name: geo.location - level: core - type: geo_point - description: Longitude and latitude. - example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' - - name: geo.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity + - name: as.number + level: extended + type: long + description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous + system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. + example: 15169 + - name: as.organization.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Organization name. + example: Google LLC + - name: bytes + level: core + type: long + format: bytes + description: Bytes sent from the server to the client. + example: 184 + - name: domain + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Server domain. + - name: geo.city_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: City name. + example: Montreal + - name: geo.continent_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. + example: NA + default_field: false + - name: geo.continent_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the continent. + example: North America + - name: geo.country_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country ISO code. + example: CA + - name: geo.country_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country name. + example: Canada + - name: geo.location + level: core + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. + example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' + - name: geo.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity they care about. Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes a local physical entity, city names. Not typically used in automated geolocation.' - example: boston-dc - - name: geo.postal_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Postal code associated with the location. + example: boston-dc + - name: geo.postal_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Postal code associated with the location. Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code and will vary widely from country to country.' - example: 94040 - default_field: false - - name: geo.region_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region ISO code. - example: CA-QC - - name: geo.region_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region name. - example: Quebec - - name: geo.timezone - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. - example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires - default_field: false - - name: ip - level: core - type: ip - description: IP address of the server (IPv4 or IPv6). - - name: mac - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'MAC address of the server. + example: 94040 + default_field: false + - name: geo.region_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region ISO code. + example: CA-QC + - name: geo.region_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region name. + example: Quebec + - name: geo.timezone + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + default_field: false + - name: ip + level: core + type: ip + description: IP address of the server (IPv4 or IPv6). + - name: mac + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'MAC address of the server. The notation format from RFC 7042 is suggested: Each octet (that is, 8-bit byte) is represented by two [uppercase] hexadecimal digits giving the value of the octet as an unsigned integer. Successive octets are separated by a hyphen.' - example: 00-00-5E-00-53-23 - - name: nat.ip - level: extended - type: ip - description: 'Translated ip of destination based NAT sessions (e.g. internet + example: 00-00-5E-00-53-23 + - name: nat.ip + level: extended + type: ip + description: 'Translated ip of destination based NAT sessions (e.g. internet to private DMZ) Typically used with load balancers, firewalls, or routers.' - - name: nat.port - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: 'Translated port of destination based NAT sessions (e.g. internet + - name: nat.port + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: 'Translated port of destination based NAT sessions (e.g. internet to private DMZ) Typically used with load balancers, firewalls, or routers.' - - name: packets - level: core - type: long - description: Packets sent from the server to the client. - example: 12 - - name: port - level: core - type: long - format: string - description: Port of the server. - - name: registered_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The highest registered server domain, stripped of the subdomain. + - name: packets + level: core + type: long + description: Packets sent from the server to the client. + example: 12 + - name: port + level: core + type: long + format: string + description: Port of the server. + - name: registered_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The highest registered server domain, stripped of the subdomain. For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: example.com - - name: subdomain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes + example: example.com + - name: subdomain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes all of the names except the host name under the registered_domain. In a partially qualified domain, or if the the qualification level of the full name cannot be determined, subdomain contains all of the names below the registered domain. @@ -4699,114 +5533,134 @@ For example the subdomain portion of "www.east.mydomain.co.uk" is "east". If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period.' - example: east - default_field: false - - name: top_level_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain + example: east + default_field: false + - name: top_level_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain for example.com is "com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: co.uk - - name: user.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. + example: co.uk + - name: user.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: user.email - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: User email address. - - name: user.full_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: User's full name, if available. - example: Albert Einstein - - name: user.group.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. + - name: user.email + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: User email address. + - name: user.full_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: User's full name, if available. + example: Albert Einstein + - name: user.group.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: user.group.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. - - name: user.group.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the group. - - name: user.hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized + - name: user.group.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. + - name: user.group.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the group. + - name: user.hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized form. Useful if `user.id` or `user.name` contain confidential information and cannot be used.' - - name: user.id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier of the user. - - name: user.name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Short name or login of the user. - example: albert - - name: user.roles - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. - example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' - default_field: false - - name: service - title: Service - group: 2 - description: 'The service fields describe the service for or from which the data + - name: user.id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier of the user. + example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + - name: user.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: a.einstein + - name: user.roles + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. + example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' + default_field: false + - name: service + title: Service + group: 2 + description: 'The service fields describe the service for or from which the data was collected. These fields help you find and correlate logs for a specific service and version.' - type: group - fields: - - name: ephemeral_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Ephemeral identifier of this service (if one exists). + type: group + fields: + - name: address + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Address where data about this service was collected from. + + This should be a URI, network address (ipv4:port or [ipv6]:port) or a resource + path (sockets).' + example: + default_field: false + - name: environment + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Identifies the environment where the service is running. + + If the same service runs in different environments (production, staging, QA, + development, etc.), the environment can identify other instances of the same + service. Can also group services and applications from the same environment.' + example: production + default_field: false + - name: ephemeral_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Ephemeral identifier of this service (if one exists). This id normally changes across restarts, but `service.id` does not.' - example: 8a4f500f - - name: id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique identifier of the running service. If the service is comprised + example: 8a4f500f + - name: id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique identifier of the running service. If the service is comprised of many nodes, the `service.id` should be the same for all nodes. This id should uniquely identify the service. This makes it possible to correlate @@ -4815,12 +5669,12 @@ Note that if you need to see the events from one specific host of the service, you should filter on that `host.name` or `host.id` instead.' - example: d37e5ebfe0ae6c4972dbe9f0174a1637bb8247f6 - - name: name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the service data is collected from. + example: d37e5ebfe0ae6c4972dbe9f0174a1637bb8247f6 + - name: name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the service data is collected from. The name of the service is normally user given. This allows for distributed services that run on multiple hosts to correlate the related instances based @@ -4829,12 +5683,12 @@ In the case of Elasticsearch the `service.name` could contain the cluster name. For Beats the `service.name` is by default a copy of the `service.type` field if no name is specified.' - example: elasticsearch-metrics - - name: node.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of a service node. + example: elasticsearch-metrics + - name: node.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of a service node. This allows for two nodes of the same service running on the same host to be differentiated. Therefore, `service.node.name` should typically be unique @@ -4846,36 +5700,36 @@ to distinguish running instances that make up this service. If those do not provide uniqueness (e.g. multiple instances of the service running on the same host) - the node name can be manually set.' - example: instance-0000000016 - - name: state - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Current state of the service. - - name: type - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The type of the service data is collected from. + example: instance-0000000016 + - name: state + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Current state of the service. + - name: type + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The type of the service data is collected from. The type can be used to group and correlate logs and metrics from one service type. Example: If logs or metrics are collected from Elasticsearch, `service.type` would be `elasticsearch`.' - example: elasticsearch - - name: version - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Version of the service the data was collected from. + example: elasticsearch + - name: version + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Version of the service the data was collected from. This allows to look at a data set only for a specific version of a service.' - example: 3.2.4 - - name: source - title: Source - group: 2 - description: 'Source fields capture details about the sender of a network exchange/packet. + example: 3.2.4 + - name: source + title: Source + group: 2 + description: 'Source fields capture details about the sender of a network exchange/packet. These fields are populated from a network event, packet, or other event containing details of a network transaction. @@ -4884,180 +5738,179 @@ be filled if an event contains source and destination details from a network transaction. If the event also contains identification of the client and server roles, then the client and server fields should also be populated.' - type: group - fields: - - name: address - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Some event source addresses are defined ambiguously. The event + type: group + fields: + - name: address + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Some event source addresses are defined ambiguously. The event will sometimes list an IP, a domain or a unix socket. You should always store the raw address in the `.address` field. Then it should be duplicated to `.ip` or `.domain`, depending on which one it is.' - - name: as.number - level: extended - type: long - description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous - system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. - example: 15169 - - name: as.organization.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Organization name. - example: Google LLC - - name: bytes - level: core - type: long - format: bytes - description: Bytes sent from the source to the destination. - example: 184 - - name: domain - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Source domain. - - name: geo.city_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: City name. - example: Montreal - - name: geo.continent_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. - example: NA - default_field: false - - name: geo.continent_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the continent. - example: North America - - name: geo.country_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country ISO code. - example: CA - - name: geo.country_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Country name. - example: Canada - - name: geo.location - level: core - type: geo_point - description: Longitude and latitude. - example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' - - name: geo.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity + - name: as.number + level: extended + type: long + description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous + system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. + example: 15169 + - name: as.organization.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Organization name. + example: Google LLC + - name: bytes + level: core + type: long + format: bytes + description: Bytes sent from the source to the destination. + example: 184 + - name: domain + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Source domain. + - name: geo.city_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: City name. + example: Montreal + - name: geo.continent_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. + example: NA + default_field: false + - name: geo.continent_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the continent. + example: North America + - name: geo.country_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country ISO code. + example: CA + - name: geo.country_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country name. + example: Canada + - name: geo.location + level: core + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. + example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' + - name: geo.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity they care about. Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes a local physical entity, city names. Not typically used in automated geolocation.' - example: boston-dc - - name: geo.postal_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Postal code associated with the location. + example: boston-dc + - name: geo.postal_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Postal code associated with the location. Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code and will vary widely from country to country.' - example: 94040 - default_field: false - - name: geo.region_iso_code - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region ISO code. - example: CA-QC - - name: geo.region_name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Region name. - example: Quebec - - name: geo.timezone - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. - example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires - default_field: false - - name: ip - level: core - type: ip - description: IP address of the source (IPv4 or IPv6). - - name: mac - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'MAC address of the source. + example: 94040 + default_field: false + - name: geo.region_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region ISO code. + example: CA-QC + - name: geo.region_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region name. + example: Quebec + - name: geo.timezone + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + default_field: false + - name: ip + level: core + type: ip + description: IP address of the source (IPv4 or IPv6). + - name: mac + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'MAC address of the source. The notation format from RFC 7042 is suggested: Each octet (that is, 8-bit byte) is represented by two [uppercase] hexadecimal digits giving the value of the octet as an unsigned integer. Successive octets are separated by a hyphen.' - example: 00-00-5E-00-53-23 - - name: nat.ip - level: extended - type: ip - description: 'Translated ip of source based NAT sessions (e.g. internal client + example: 00-00-5E-00-53-23 + - name: nat.ip + level: extended + type: ip + description: 'Translated ip of source based NAT sessions (e.g. internal client to internet) Typically connections traversing load balancers, firewalls, or routers.' - - name: nat.port - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: 'Translated port of source based NAT sessions. (e.g. internal client + - name: nat.port + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: 'Translated port of source based NAT sessions. (e.g. internal client to internet) Typically used with load balancers, firewalls, or routers.' - - name: packets - level: core - type: long - description: Packets sent from the source to the destination. - example: 12 - - name: port - level: core - type: long - format: string - description: Port of the source. - - name: registered_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The highest registered source domain, stripped of the subdomain. + - name: packets + level: core + type: long + description: Packets sent from the source to the destination. + example: 12 + - name: port + level: core + type: long + format: string + description: Port of the source. + - name: registered_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The highest registered source domain, stripped of the subdomain. For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: example.com - - name: subdomain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes + example: example.com + - name: subdomain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes all of the names except the host name under the registered_domain. In a partially qualified domain, or if the the qualification level of the full name cannot be determined, subdomain contains all of the names below the registered domain. @@ -5065,810 +5918,911 @@ For example the subdomain portion of "www.east.mydomain.co.uk" is "east". If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period.' - example: east - default_field: false - - name: top_level_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain + example: east + default_field: false + - name: top_level_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain for example.com is "com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: co.uk - - name: user.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. + example: co.uk + - name: user.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: user.email - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: User email address. - - name: user.full_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: User's full name, if available. - example: Albert Einstein - - name: user.group.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. + - name: user.email + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: User email address. + - name: user.full_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: User's full name, if available. + example: Albert Einstein + - name: user.group.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: user.group.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. - - name: user.group.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the group. - - name: user.hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized + - name: user.group.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. + - name: user.group.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the group. + - name: user.hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized form. Useful if `user.id` or `user.name` contain confidential information and cannot be used.' - - name: user.id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier of the user. - - name: user.name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Short name or login of the user. - example: albert - - name: user.roles - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. - example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' - default_field: false - - name: threat - title: Threat - group: 2 - description: "Fields to classify events and alerts according to a threat taxonomy\ + - name: user.id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier of the user. + example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + - name: user.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: a.einstein + - name: user.roles + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. + example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' + default_field: false + - name: threat + title: Threat + group: 2 + description: "Fields to classify events and alerts according to a threat taxonomy\ \ such as the MITRE ATT&CK\xAE framework.\nThese fields are for users to classify\ \ alerts from all of their sources (e.g. IDS, NGFW, etc.) within a common taxonomy.\ \ The threat.tactic.* are meant to capture the high level category of the threat\ \ (e.g. \"impact\"). The threat.technique.* fields are meant to capture which\ \ kind of approach is used by this detected threat, to accomplish the goal (e.g.\ \ \"endpoint denial of service\")." - type: group - fields: - - name: framework - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the threat framework used to further categorize and classify - the tactic and technique of the reported threat. Framework classification - can be provided by detecting systems, evaluated at ingest time, or retrospectively - tagged to events. - example: MITRE ATT&CK - - name: tactic.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: "The id of tactic used by this threat. You can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE\ - \ tactic, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0002/ )" - example: TA0002 - - name: tactic.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: "Name of the type of tactic used by this threat. You can use a\ - \ MITRE ATT&CK\xAE tactic, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0002/)" - example: Execution - - name: tactic.reference - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: "The reference url of tactic used by this threat. You can use a\ - \ MITRE ATT&CK\xAE tactic, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0002/\ - \ )" - example: https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0002/ - - name: technique.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: "The id of technique used by this threat. You can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE\ - \ technique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/)" - example: T1059 - - name: technique.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: "The name of technique used by this threat. You can use a MITRE\ - \ ATT&CK\xAE technique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/)" - example: Command and Scripting Interpreter - - name: technique.reference - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: "The reference url of technique used by this threat. You can use\ - \ a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE technique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/)" - example: https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/ - - name: technique.subtechnique.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: "The full id of subtechnique used by this threat. You can use a\ - \ MITRE ATT&CK\xAE subtechnique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/001/)" - example: T1059.001 - default_field: false - - name: technique.subtechnique.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: "The name of subtechnique used by this threat. You can use a MITRE\ - \ ATT&CK\xAE subtechnique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/001/)" - example: PowerShell - default_field: false - - name: technique.subtechnique.reference - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: "The reference url of subtechnique used by this threat. You can\ - \ use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE subtechnique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/001/)" - example: https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/001/ - default_field: false - - name: tls - title: TLS - group: 2 - description: Fields related to a TLS connection. These fields focus on the TLS - protocol itself and intentionally avoids in-depth analysis of the related x.509 - certificate files. - type: group - fields: - - name: cipher - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: String indicating the cipher used during the current connection. - example: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 - default_field: false - - name: client.certificate - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: PEM-encoded stand-alone certificate offered by the client. This - is usually mutually-exclusive of `client.certificate_chain` since this value - also exists in that list. - example: MII... - default_field: false - - name: client.certificate_chain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of PEM-encoded certificates that make up the certificate - chain offered by the client. This is usually mutually-exclusive of `client.certificate` - since that value should be the first certificate in the chain. - example: '["MII...", "MII..."]' - default_field: false - - name: client.hash.md5 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Certificate fingerprint using the MD5 digest of DER-encoded version - of certificate offered by the client. For consistency with other hash values, - this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. - example: 0F76C7F2C55BFD7D8E8B8F4BFBF0C9EC - default_field: false - - name: client.hash.sha1 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Certificate fingerprint using the SHA1 digest of DER-encoded version - of certificate offered by the client. For consistency with other hash values, - this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. - example: 9E393D93138888D288266C2D915214D1D1CCEB2A - default_field: false - - name: client.hash.sha256 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Certificate fingerprint using the SHA256 digest of DER-encoded - version of certificate offered by the client. For consistency with other hash - values, this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. - example: 0687F666A054EF17A08E2F2162EAB4CBC0D265E1D7875BE74BF3C712CA92DAF0 - default_field: false - - name: client.issuer - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Distinguished name of subject of the issuer of the x.509 certificate - presented by the client. - example: CN=Example Root CA, OU=Infrastructure Team, DC=example, DC=com - default_field: false - - name: client.ja3 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: A hash that identifies clients based on how they perform an SSL/TLS - handshake. - example: d4e5b18d6b55c71272893221c96ba240 - default_field: false - - name: client.not_after - level: extended - type: date - description: Date/Time indicating when client certificate is no longer considered - valid. - example: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' - default_field: false - - name: client.not_before - level: extended - type: date - description: Date/Time indicating when client certificate is first considered - valid. - example: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' - default_field: false - - name: client.server_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Also called an SNI, this tells the server which hostname to which - the client is attempting to connect to. When this value is available, it should - get copied to `destination.domain`. - example: www.elastic.co - default_field: false - - name: client.subject - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Distinguished name of subject of the x.509 certificate presented - by the client. - example: CN=myclient, OU=Documentation Team, DC=example, DC=com - default_field: false - - name: client.supported_ciphers - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of ciphers offered by the client during the client hello. - example: '["TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", - "..."]' - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.alternative_names - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate - authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names - (and wildcards), and email addresses. - example: '*.elastic.co' - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.issuer.common_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. - example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.issuer.country - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of country (C) codes - example: US - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.issuer.distinguished_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. - example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance - Server CA - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.issuer.locality - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of locality names (L) - example: Mountain View - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.issuer.organization - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. - example: Example Inc - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.issuer.organizational_unit - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. - example: www.example.com - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.issuer.state_or_province - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) - example: California - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.not_after - level: extended - type: date - description: Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. - example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.not_before - level: extended - type: date - description: Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. - example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.public_key_algorithm - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Algorithm used to generate the public key. - example: RSA - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.public_key_curve - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This - is algorithm specific. - example: nistp521 - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.public_key_exponent - level: extended - type: long - description: Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. - example: 65537 - index: false - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.public_key_size - level: extended - type: long - description: The size of the public key space in bits. - example: 2048 - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.serial_number - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, - if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase - characters. - example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.signature_algorithm - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using - names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. - example: SHA256-RSA - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.subject.common_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of common names (CN) of subject. - example: shared.global.example.net - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.subject.country - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of country (C) code - example: US - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.subject.distinguished_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. - example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.subject.locality - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of locality names (L) - example: San Francisco - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.subject.organization - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizations (O) of subject. - example: Example, Inc. - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.subject.organizational_unit - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizational units (OU) of subject. - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.subject.state_or_province - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) - example: California - default_field: false - - name: client.x509.version_number - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Version of x509 format. - example: 3 - default_field: false - - name: curve - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: String indicating the curve used for the given cipher, when applicable. - example: secp256r1 - default_field: false - - name: established - level: extended - type: boolean - description: Boolean flag indicating if the TLS negotiation was successful and - transitioned to an encrypted tunnel. - default_field: false - - name: next_protocol - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: String indicating the protocol being tunneled. Per the values in - the IANA registry (https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values/tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml#alpn-protocol-ids), - this string should be lower case. - example: http/1.1 - default_field: false - - name: resumed - level: extended - type: boolean - description: Boolean flag indicating if this TLS connection was resumed from - an existing TLS negotiation. - default_field: false - - name: server.certificate - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: PEM-encoded stand-alone certificate offered by the server. This - is usually mutually-exclusive of `server.certificate_chain` since this value - also exists in that list. - example: MII... - default_field: false - - name: server.certificate_chain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of PEM-encoded certificates that make up the certificate - chain offered by the server. This is usually mutually-exclusive of `server.certificate` - since that value should be the first certificate in the chain. - example: '["MII...", "MII..."]' - default_field: false - - name: server.hash.md5 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Certificate fingerprint using the MD5 digest of DER-encoded version - of certificate offered by the server. For consistency with other hash values, - this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. - example: 0F76C7F2C55BFD7D8E8B8F4BFBF0C9EC - default_field: false - - name: server.hash.sha1 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Certificate fingerprint using the SHA1 digest of DER-encoded version - of certificate offered by the server. For consistency with other hash values, - this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. - example: 9E393D93138888D288266C2D915214D1D1CCEB2A - default_field: false - - name: server.hash.sha256 - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Certificate fingerprint using the SHA256 digest of DER-encoded - version of certificate offered by the server. For consistency with other hash - values, this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. - example: 0687F666A054EF17A08E2F2162EAB4CBC0D265E1D7875BE74BF3C712CA92DAF0 - default_field: false - - name: server.issuer - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Subject of the issuer of the x.509 certificate presented by the - server. - example: CN=Example Root CA, OU=Infrastructure Team, DC=example, DC=com - default_field: false - - name: server.ja3s - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: A hash that identifies servers based on how they perform an SSL/TLS - handshake. - example: 394441ab65754e2207b1e1b457b3641d - default_field: false - - name: server.not_after - level: extended - type: date - description: Timestamp indicating when server certificate is no longer considered - valid. - example: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' - default_field: false - - name: server.not_before - level: extended - type: date - description: Timestamp indicating when server certificate is first considered - valid. - example: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' - default_field: false - - name: server.subject - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Subject of the x.509 certificate presented by the server. - example: CN=www.example.com, OU=Infrastructure Team, DC=example, DC=com - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.alternative_names - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate - authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names - (and wildcards), and email addresses. - example: '*.elastic.co' - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.issuer.common_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. - example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.issuer.country - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of country (C) codes - example: US - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.issuer.distinguished_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. - example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance - Server CA - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.issuer.locality - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of locality names (L) - example: Mountain View - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.issuer.organization - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. - example: Example Inc - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.issuer.organizational_unit - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. - example: www.example.com - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.issuer.state_or_province - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) - example: California - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.not_after - level: extended - type: date - description: Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. - example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.not_before - level: extended - type: date - description: Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. - example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.public_key_algorithm - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Algorithm used to generate the public key. - example: RSA - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.public_key_curve - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This - is algorithm specific. - example: nistp521 - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.public_key_exponent - level: extended - type: long - description: Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. - example: 65537 - index: false - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.public_key_size - level: extended - type: long - description: The size of the public key space in bits. - example: 2048 - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.serial_number - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, - if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase - characters. - example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.signature_algorithm - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using - names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. - example: SHA256-RSA - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.subject.common_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of common names (CN) of subject. - example: shared.global.example.net - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.subject.country - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of country (C) code - example: US - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.subject.distinguished_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. - example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.subject.locality - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of locality names (L) - example: San Francisco - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.subject.organization - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizations (O) of subject. - example: Example, Inc. - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.subject.organizational_unit - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizational units (OU) of subject. - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.subject.state_or_province - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) - example: California - default_field: false - - name: server.x509.version_number - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Version of x509 format. - example: 3 - default_field: false - - name: version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Numeric part of the version parsed from the original string. - example: '1.2' - default_field: false - - name: version_protocol - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Normalized lowercase protocol name parsed from original string. - example: tls - default_field: false - - name: span.id + type: group + fields: + - name: enrichments level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique identifier of the span within the scope of its trace. - - A span represents an operation within a transaction, such as a request to another - service, or a database query.' - example: 3ff9a8981b7ccd5a + type: nested + description: A list of associated indicators objects enriching the event, and + the context of that association/enrichment. default_field: false - - name: trace.id + - name: enrichments.indicator + level: extended + type: object + description: Object containing associated indicators enriching the event. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.as.number + level: extended + type: long + description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous + system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. + example: 15169 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.as.organization.name level: extended type: keyword ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique identifier of the trace. - - A trace groups multiple events like transactions that belong together. For example, - a user request handled by multiple inter-connected services.' - example: 4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736 - - name: transaction.id + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Organization name. + example: Google LLC + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.confidence level: extended type: keyword ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique identifier of the transaction within the scope of its trace. + description: "Identifies\_the\_confidence\_rating\_assigned\_by\_the\_provider\_\ + using\_STIX\_confidence scales. Expected values:\n * Not Specified, None,\ + \ Low, Medium, High\n * 0-10\n * Admirality Scale (1-6)\n * DNI Scale (5-95)\n\ + \ * WEP Scale (Impossible - Certain)" + example: High + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Describes the type of action conducted by the threat. + example: IP x.x.x.x was observed delivering the Angler EK. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.email.address + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifies a threat indicator as an email address (irrespective + of direction). + example: phish@example.com + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.accessed + level: extended + type: date + description: 'Last time the file was accessed. - A transaction is the highest level of work measured within a service, such as - a request to a server.' - example: 00f067aa0ba902b7 - - name: url - title: URL - group: 2 - description: URL fields provide support for complete or partial URLs, and supports - the breaking down into scheme, domain, path, and so on. - type: group - fields: - - name: domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Domain of the url, such as "www.elastic.co". + Note that not all filesystems keep track of access time.' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.attributes + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Array of file attributes. + + Attributes names will vary by platform. Here''s a non-exhaustive list of values + that are expected in this field: archive, compressed, directory, encrypted, + execute, hidden, read, readonly, system, write.' + example: '["readonly", "system"]' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.digest_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. + + This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times + by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm.' + example: sha256 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.exists + level: core + type: boolean + description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.signing_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. + + This is used to identify the application manufactured by a software vendor. + The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' + example: com.apple.xpc.proxy + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.status + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. + + This is useful for logging cryptographic errors with the certificate validity + or trust status. Leave unpopulated if the validity or trust of the certificate + was unchecked.' + example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.subject_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Subject name of the code signer + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.team_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. + + This is used to identify the team or vendor of a software product. The field + is relevant to Apple *OS only.' + example: EQHXZ8M8AV + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.timestamp + level: extended + type: date + description: Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + example: '2021-01-01T12:10:30Z' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.trusted + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. + + Validating the trust of the certificate chain may be complicated, and this + field should only be populated by tools that actively check the status.' + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.code_signature.valid + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against + the binary content. + + Leave unpopulated if a certificate was unchecked.' + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.created + level: extended + type: date + description: 'File creation time. + + Note that not all filesystems store the creation time.' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.ctime + level: extended + type: date + description: 'Last time the file attributes or metadata changed. + + Note that changes to the file content will update `mtime`. This implies `ctime` + will be adjusted at the same time, since `mtime` is an attribute of the file.' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.device + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Device that is the source of the file. + example: sda + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.directory + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Directory where the file is located. It should include the drive + letter, when appropriate. + example: /home/alice + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.drive_letter + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1 + description: 'Drive letter where the file is located. This field is only relevant + on Windows. + + The value should be uppercase, and not include the colon.' + example: C + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Machine architecture of the ELF file. + example: x86-64 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.byte_order + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Byte sequence of ELF file. + example: Little Endian + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.cpu_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU type of the ELF file. + example: Intel + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.creation_date + level: extended + type: date + description: Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when + it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.exports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of exported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.abi_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.class + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header class of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.data + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Data table of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.entrypoint + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.object_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: '"0x1" for original ELF files.' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.os_abi + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header type of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.header.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.imports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of imported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.sections.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.chi2 + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.entropy + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.flags + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List flags. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List name. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.physical_offset + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List offset. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.physical_size + level: extended + type: long + format: bytes + description: ELF Section List physical size. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List type. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.virtual_address + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual address. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.sections.virtual_size + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual size. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.segments + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.segments.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.segments.sections + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment sections. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.segments.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment type. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.shared_libraries + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.elf.telfhash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.extension + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'File extension, excluding the leading dot. + + Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only + the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz").' + example: png + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.fork_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A fork is additional data associated with a filesystem object. + + On Linux, a resource fork is used to store additional data with a filesystem + object. A file always has at least one fork for the data portion, and additional + forks may exist. + + On NTFS, this is analogous to an Alternate Data Stream (ADS), and the default + data stream for a file is just called $DATA. Zone.Identifier is commonly used + by Windows to track contents downloaded from the Internet. An ADS is typically + of the form: `C:\path\to\filename.extension:some_fork_name`, and `some_fork_name` + is the value that should populate `fork_name`. `filename.extension` should + populate `file.name`, and `extension` should populate `file.extension`. The + full path, `file.path`, will include the fork name.' + example: Zone.Identifer + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.gid + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Primary group ID (GID) of the file. + example: '1001' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.group + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Primary group name of the file. + example: alice + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.hash.md5 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: MD5 hash. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.hash.sha1 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA1 hash. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.hash.sha256 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA256 hash. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.hash.sha512 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA512 hash. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.hash.ssdeep + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SSDEEP hash. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.inode + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Inode representing the file in the filesystem. + example: '256383' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.mime_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: MIME type should identify the format of the file or stream of bytes + using https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml[IANA + official types], where possible. When more than one type is applicable, the + most specific type should be used. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.mode + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Mode of the file in octal representation. + example: '0640' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.mtime + level: extended + type: date + description: Last time the file content was modified. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the file including the extension, without the directory. + example: example.png + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.owner + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: File owner's username. + example: alice + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.path + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Full path to the file, including the file name. It should include + the drive letter, when appropriate. + example: /home/alice/example.png + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.pe.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU architecture target for the file. + example: x64 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.pe.company + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.pe.description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Paint + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.pe.file_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: 6.3.9600.17415 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.pe.imphash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash + -- can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level + transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values. + + Learn more at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html.' + example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.pe.original_file_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: MSPAINT.EXE + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.pe.product + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.size + level: extended + type: long + description: 'File size in bytes. + + Only relevant when `file.type` is "file".' + example: 16384 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.target_path + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Target path for symlinks. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: File type (file, dir, or symlink). + example: file + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.file.uid + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The user ID (UID) or security identifier (SID) of the file owner. + example: '1001' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.first_seen + level: extended + type: date + description: The date and time when intelligence source first reported sighting + this indicator. + example: '2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.city_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: City name. + example: Montreal + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.continent_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. + example: NA + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.continent_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the continent. + example: North America + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.country_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country ISO code. + example: CA + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.country_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country name. + example: Canada + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.location + level: core + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. + example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity + they care about. + + Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes + a local physical entity, city names. + + Not typically used in automated geolocation.' + example: boston-dc + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.postal_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Postal code associated with the location. + + Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code + and will vary widely from country to country.' + example: 94040 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.region_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region ISO code. + example: CA-QC + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.region_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region name. + example: Quebec + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.geo.timezone + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.ip + level: extended + type: ip + description: Identifies a threat indicator as an IP address (irrespective of + direction). + example: + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.last_seen + level: extended + type: date + description: The date and time when intelligence source last reported sighting + this indicator. + example: '2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.marking.tlp + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "Traffic Light Protocol sharing markings. Recommended values are:\n\ + \ * WHITE\n * GREEN\n * AMBER\n * RED" + example: White + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.modified_at + level: extended + type: date + description: The date and time when intelligence source last modified information + for this indicator. + example: '2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.port + level: extended + type: long + description: Identifies a threat indicator as a port number (irrespective of + direction). + example: 443 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.provider + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The name of the indicator's provider. + example: lrz_urlhaus + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Reference URL linking to additional information about this indicator. + example: https://system.example.com/indicator/0001234 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.registry.data.bytes + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Original bytes written with base64 encoding. + + For Windows registry operations, such as SetValueEx and RegQueryValueEx, this + corresponds to the data pointed by `lp_data`. This is optional but provides + better recoverability and should be populated for REG_BINARY encoded values.' + example: ZQBuAC0AVQBTAAAAZQBuAAAAAAA= + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.registry.data.strings + level: core + type: wildcard + description: 'Content when writing string types. + + Populated as an array when writing string data to the registry. For single + string registry types (REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ), this should be an array with + one string. For sequences of string with REG_MULTI_SZ, this array will be + variable length. For numeric data, such as REG_DWORD and REG_QWORD, this should + be populated with the decimal representation (e.g `"1"`).' + example: '["C:\rta\red_ttp\bin\myapp.exe"]' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.registry.data.type + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Standard registry type for encoding contents + example: REG_SZ + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.registry.hive + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Abbreviated name for the hive. + example: HKLM + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.registry.key + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Hive-relative path of keys. + example: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winword.exe + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.registry.path + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Full path, including hive, key and value + example: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution + Options\winword.exe\Debugger + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.registry.value + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the value written. + example: Debugger + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.scanner_stats + level: extended + type: long + description: Count of AV/EDR vendors that successfully detected malicious file + or URL. + example: 4 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.sightings + level: extended + type: long + description: Number of times this indicator was observed conducting threat activity. + example: 20 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "Type of indicator as represented by Cyber Observable in STIX 2.0.\ + \ Recommended values:\n * autonomous-system\n * artifact\n * directory\n\ + \ * domain-name\n * email-addr\n * file\n * ipv4-addr\n * ipv6-addr\n\ + \ * mac-addr\n * mutex\n * port\n * process\n * software\n * url\n \ + \ * user-account\n * windows-registry-key\n * x509-certificate" + example: ipv4-addr + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Domain of the url, such as "www.elastic.co". In some cases a URL may refer to an IP and/or port directly, without a domain name. In this case, the IP address would go to the `domain` field. @@ -5876,12 +6830,13 @@ If the URL contains a literal IPv6 address enclosed by `[` and `]` (IETF RFC 2732), the `[` and `]` characters should also be captured in the `domain` field.' - example: www.elastic.co - - name: extension - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The field contains the file extension from the original request + example: www.elastic.co + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.extension + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The field contains the file extension from the original request url, excluding the leading dot. The file extension is only set if it exists, as not every url has a file extension. @@ -5891,95 +6846,98 @@ Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz").' - example: png - - name: fragment - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Portion of the url after the `#`, such as "top". + example: png + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.fragment + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Portion of the url after the `#`, such as "top". The `#` is not part of the fragment.' - - name: full - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: If full URLs are important to your use case, they should be stored - in `url.full`, whether this field is reconstructed or present in the event - source. - example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top - - name: original - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: 'Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.full + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: If full URLs are important to your use case, they should be stored + in `url.full`, whether this field is reconstructed or present in the event + source. + example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.original + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: 'Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. Note that in network monitoring, the observed URL may be a full URL, whereas in access logs, the URL is often just represented as a path. This field is meant to represent the URL as it was observed, complete or not.' - example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top or /search?q=elasticsearch - - name: password - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Password of the request. - - name: path - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Path of the request, such as "/search". - - name: port - level: extended - type: long - format: string - description: Port of the request, such as 443. - example: 443 - - name: query - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The query field describes the query string of the request, such + example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top or /search?q=elasticsearch + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.password + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Password of the request. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.path + level: extended + type: wildcard + description: Path of the request, such as "/search". + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.port + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Port of the request, such as 443. + example: 443 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.query + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The query field describes the query string of the request, such as "q=elasticsearch". The `?` is excluded from the query string. If a URL contains no `?`, there is no query field. If there is a `?` but no query, the query field exists with an empty string. The `exists` query can be used to differentiate between the two cases.' - - name: registered_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The highest registered url domain, stripped of the subdomain. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.registered_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The highest registered url domain, stripped of the subdomain. For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: example.com - - name: scheme - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Scheme of the request, such as "https". + example: example.com + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.scheme + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Scheme of the request, such as "https". Note: The `:` is not part of the scheme.' - example: https - - name: subdomain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes + example: https + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.subdomain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes all of the names except the host name under the registered_domain. In a partially qualified domain, or if the the qualification level of the full name cannot be determined, subdomain contains all of the names below the registered domain. @@ -5987,420 +6945,2667 @@ For example the subdomain portion of "www.east.mydomain.co.uk" is "east". If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period.' - example: east - default_field: false - - name: top_level_domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain + example: east + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.top_level_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain for example.com is "com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk".' - example: co.uk - - name: username - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Username of the request. - - name: user - title: User - group: 2 - description: 'The user fields describe information about the user that is relevant + example: co.uk + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.url.username + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Username of the request. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.alternative_names + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate + authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names + (and wildcards), and email addresses. + example: '*.elastic.co' + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) codes + example: US + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance + Server CA + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: Mountain View + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example Inc + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. + example: www.example.com + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.issuer.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.not_after + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. + example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.not_before + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. + example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.public_key_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Algorithm used to generate the public key. + example: RSA + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.public_key_curve + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This + is algorithm specific. + example: nistp521 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.public_key_exponent + level: extended + type: long + description: Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. + example: 65537 + index: false + doc_values: false + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.public_key_size + level: extended + type: long + description: The size of the public key space in bits. + example: 2048 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.serial_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, + if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase + characters. + example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.signature_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using + names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. + example: SHA256-RSA + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common names (CN) of subject. + example: shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) code + example: US + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. + example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: San Francisco + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of subject. + example: Example, Inc. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of subject. + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.subject.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.indicator.x509.version_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of x509 format. + example: 3 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.matched.atomic + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifies the atomic indicator value that matched a local environment + endpoint or network event. + example: bad-domain.com + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.matched.field + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifies the field of the atomic indicator that matched a local + environment endpoint or network event. + example: file.hash.sha256 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.matched.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifies the _id of the indicator document enriching the event. + example: ff93aee5-86a1-4a61-b0e6-0cdc313d01b5 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.matched.index + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifies the _index of the indicator document enriching the event. + example: filebeat-8.0.0-2021.05.23-000011 + default_field: false + - name: enrichments.matched.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifies the type of match that caused the event to be enriched + with the given indicator + example: indicator_match_rule + default_field: false + - name: framework + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the threat framework used to further categorize and classify + the tactic and technique of the reported threat. Framework classification + can be provided by detecting systems, evaluated at ingest time, or retrospectively + tagged to events. + example: MITRE ATT&CK + - name: group.alias + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The alias(es) of the group for a set of related intrusion activity\ + \ that are tracked by a common name in the security community.\nWhile not\ + \ required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE group alias(es)." + example: '[ "Magecart Group 6" ]' + default_field: false + - name: group.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The id of the group for a set of related intrusion activity that\ + \ are tracked by a common name in the security community.\nWhile not required,\ + \ you can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE group id." + example: G0037 + default_field: false + - name: group.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The name of the group for a set of related intrusion activity\ + \ that are tracked by a common name in the security community.\nWhile not\ + \ required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE group name." + example: FIN6 + default_field: false + - name: group.reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The reference URL of the group for a set of related intrusion\ + \ activity that are tracked by a common name in the security community.\n\ + While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE group reference URL." + example: https://attack.mitre.org/groups/G0037/ + default_field: false + - name: indicator.as.number + level: extended + type: long + description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous + system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. + example: 15169 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.as.organization.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Organization name. + example: Google LLC + default_field: false + - name: indicator.confidence + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "Identifies the confidence rating assigned by the provider using\ + \ STIX confidence scales.\nRecommended values:\n * Not Specified, None, Low,\ + \ Medium, High\n * 0-10\n * Admirality Scale (1-6)\n * DNI Scale (5-95)\n\ + \ * WEP Scale (Impossible - Certain)" + example: High + default_field: false + - name: indicator.description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Describes the type of action conducted by the threat. + example: IP x.x.x.x was observed delivering the Angler EK. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.email.address + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifies a threat indicator as an email address (irrespective + of direction). + example: phish@example.com + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.accessed + level: extended + type: date + description: 'Last time the file was accessed. + + Note that not all filesystems keep track of access time.' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.attributes + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Array of file attributes. + + Attributes names will vary by platform. Here''s a non-exhaustive list of values + that are expected in this field: archive, compressed, directory, encrypted, + execute, hidden, read, readonly, system, write.' + example: '["readonly", "system"]' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.code_signature.digest_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The hashing algorithm used to sign the process. + + This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times + by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm.' + example: sha256 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.code_signature.exists + level: core + type: boolean + description: Boolean to capture if a signature is present. + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.code_signature.signing_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The identifier used to sign the process. + + This is used to identify the application manufactured by a software vendor. + The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.' + example: com.apple.xpc.proxy + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.code_signature.status + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Additional information about the certificate status. + + This is useful for logging cryptographic errors with the certificate validity + or trust status. Leave unpopulated if the validity or trust of the certificate + was unchecked.' + example: ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ROOT + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.code_signature.subject_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Subject name of the code signer + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.code_signature.team_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The team identifier used to sign the process. + + This is used to identify the team or vendor of a software product. The field + is relevant to Apple *OS only.' + example: EQHXZ8M8AV + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.code_signature.timestamp + level: extended + type: date + description: Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed. + example: '2021-01-01T12:10:30Z' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.code_signature.trusted + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Stores the trust status of the certificate chain. + + Validating the trust of the certificate chain may be complicated, and this + field should only be populated by tools that actively check the status.' + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.code_signature.valid + level: extended + type: boolean + description: 'Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against + the binary content. + + Leave unpopulated if a certificate was unchecked.' + example: 'true' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.created + level: extended + type: date + description: 'File creation time. + + Note that not all filesystems store the creation time.' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.ctime + level: extended + type: date + description: 'Last time the file attributes or metadata changed. + + Note that changes to the file content will update `mtime`. This implies `ctime` + will be adjusted at the same time, since `mtime` is an attribute of the file.' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.device + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Device that is the source of the file. + example: sda + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.directory + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Directory where the file is located. It should include the drive + letter, when appropriate. + example: /home/alice + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.drive_letter + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1 + description: 'Drive letter where the file is located. This field is only relevant + on Windows. + + The value should be uppercase, and not include the colon.' + example: C + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Machine architecture of the ELF file. + example: x86-64 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.byte_order + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Byte sequence of ELF file. + example: Little Endian + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.cpu_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU type of the ELF file. + example: Intel + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.creation_date + level: extended + type: date + description: Extracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when + it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.exports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of exported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.header.abi_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF Application Binary Interface (ABI). + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.header.class + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header class of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.header.data + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Data table of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.header.entrypoint + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Header entrypoint of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.header.object_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: '"0x1" for original ELF files.' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.header.os_abi + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the Linux OS. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.header.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Header type of the ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.header.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the ELF header. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.imports + level: extended + type: flattened + description: List of imported element names and types. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.sections + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each section of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.sections.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.sections.chi2 + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Chi-square probability distribution of the section. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.sections.entropy + level: extended + type: long + format: number + description: Shannon entropy calculation from the section. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.sections.flags + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List flags. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.sections.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List name. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.sections.physical_offset + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List offset. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.sections.physical_size + level: extended + type: long + format: bytes + description: ELF Section List physical size. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.sections.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF Section List type. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.sections.virtual_address + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual address. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.sections.virtual_size + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: ELF Section List virtual size. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.segments + level: extended + type: nested + description: 'An array containing an object for each segment of the ELF file. + + The keys that should be present in these objects are defined by sub-fields + underneath `elf.segments.*`.' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.segments.sections + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment sections. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.segments.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: ELF object segment type. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.shared_libraries + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of shared libraries used by this ELF object. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.elf.telfhash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: telfhash symbol hash for ELF file. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.extension + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'File extension, excluding the leading dot. + + Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only + the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz").' + example: png + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.fork_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A fork is additional data associated with a filesystem object. + + On Linux, a resource fork is used to store additional data with a filesystem + object. A file always has at least one fork for the data portion, and additional + forks may exist. + + On NTFS, this is analogous to an Alternate Data Stream (ADS), and the default + data stream for a file is just called $DATA. Zone.Identifier is commonly used + by Windows to track contents downloaded from the Internet. An ADS is typically + of the form: `C:\path\to\filename.extension:some_fork_name`, and `some_fork_name` + is the value that should populate `fork_name`. `filename.extension` should + populate `file.name`, and `extension` should populate `file.extension`. The + full path, `file.path`, will include the fork name.' + example: Zone.Identifer + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.gid + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Primary group ID (GID) of the file. + example: '1001' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.group + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Primary group name of the file. + example: alice + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.hash.md5 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: MD5 hash. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.hash.sha1 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA1 hash. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.hash.sha256 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA256 hash. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.hash.sha512 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SHA512 hash. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.hash.ssdeep + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: SSDEEP hash. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.inode + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Inode representing the file in the filesystem. + example: '256383' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.mime_type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: MIME type should identify the format of the file or stream of bytes + using https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml[IANA + official types], where possible. When more than one type is applicable, the + most specific type should be used. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.mode + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Mode of the file in octal representation. + example: '0640' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.mtime + level: extended + type: date + description: Last time the file content was modified. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the file including the extension, without the directory. + example: example.png + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.owner + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: File owner's username. + example: alice + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.path + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Full path to the file, including the file name. It should include + the drive letter, when appropriate. + example: /home/alice/example.png + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.pe.architecture + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: CPU architecture target for the file. + example: x64 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.pe.company + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal company name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Microsoft Corporation + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.pe.description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal description of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: Paint + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.pe.file_version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal version of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: 6.3.9600.17415 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.pe.imphash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'A hash of the imports in a PE file. An imphash -- or import hash + -- can be used to fingerprint binaries even after recompilation or other code-level + transformations have occurred, which would change more traditional hash values. + + Learn more at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2014/01/tracking-malware-import-hashing.html.' + example: 0c6803c4e922103c4dca5963aad36ddf + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.pe.original_file_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: MSPAINT.EXE + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.pe.product + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Internal product name of the file, provided at compile-time. + example: "Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System" + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.size + level: extended + type: long + description: 'File size in bytes. + + Only relevant when `file.type` is "file".' + example: 16384 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.target_path + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Target path for symlinks. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: File type (file, dir, or symlink). + example: file + default_field: false + - name: indicator.file.uid + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The user ID (UID) or security identifier (SID) of the file owner. + example: '1001' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.first_seen + level: extended + type: date + description: The date and time when intelligence source first reported sighting + this indicator. + example: '2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.city_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: City name. + example: Montreal + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.continent_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Two-letter code representing continent's name. + example: NA + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.continent_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the continent. + example: North America + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.country_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country ISO code. + example: CA + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.country_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Country name. + example: Canada + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.location + level: core + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. + example: '{ "lon": -73.614830, "lat": 45.505918 }' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'User-defined description of a location, at the level of granularity + they care about. + + Could be the name of their data centers, the floor number, if this describes + a local physical entity, city names. + + Not typically used in automated geolocation.' + example: boston-dc + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.postal_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Postal code associated with the location. + + Values appropriate for this field may also be known as a postcode or ZIP code + and will vary widely from country to country.' + example: 94040 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.region_iso_code + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region ISO code. + example: CA-QC + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.region_name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Region name. + example: Quebec + default_field: false + - name: indicator.geo.timezone + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The time zone of the location, such as IANA time zone name. + example: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires + default_field: false + - name: indicator.ip + level: extended + type: ip + description: Identifies a threat indicator as an IP address (irrespective of + direction). + example: + default_field: false + - name: indicator.last_seen + level: extended + type: date + description: The date and time when intelligence source last reported sighting + this indicator. + example: '2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.marking.tlp + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "Traffic Light Protocol sharing markings.\nRecommended values are:\n\ + \ * WHITE\n * GREEN\n * AMBER\n * RED" + example: WHITE + default_field: false + - name: indicator.modified_at + level: extended + type: date + description: The date and time when intelligence source last modified information + for this indicator. + example: '2020-11-05T17:25:47.000Z' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.port + level: extended + type: long + description: Identifies a threat indicator as a port number (irrespective of + direction). + example: 443 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.provider + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The name of the indicator's provider. + example: lrz_urlhaus + default_field: false + - name: indicator.reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Reference URL linking to additional information about this indicator. + example: https://system.example.com/indicator/0001234 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.registry.data.bytes + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Original bytes written with base64 encoding. + + For Windows registry operations, such as SetValueEx and RegQueryValueEx, this + corresponds to the data pointed by `lp_data`. This is optional but provides + better recoverability and should be populated for REG_BINARY encoded values.' + example: ZQBuAC0AVQBTAAAAZQBuAAAAAAA= + default_field: false + - name: indicator.registry.data.strings + level: core + type: wildcard + description: 'Content when writing string types. + + Populated as an array when writing string data to the registry. For single + string registry types (REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ), this should be an array with + one string. For sequences of string with REG_MULTI_SZ, this array will be + variable length. For numeric data, such as REG_DWORD and REG_QWORD, this should + be populated with the decimal representation (e.g `"1"`).' + example: '["C:\rta\red_ttp\bin\myapp.exe"]' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.registry.data.type + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Standard registry type for encoding contents + example: REG_SZ + default_field: false + - name: indicator.registry.hive + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Abbreviated name for the hive. + example: HKLM + default_field: false + - name: indicator.registry.key + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Hive-relative path of keys. + example: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winword.exe + default_field: false + - name: indicator.registry.path + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Full path, including hive, key and value + example: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution + Options\winword.exe\Debugger + default_field: false + - name: indicator.registry.value + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the value written. + example: Debugger + default_field: false + - name: indicator.scanner_stats + level: extended + type: long + description: Count of AV/EDR vendors that successfully detected malicious file + or URL. + example: 4 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.sightings + level: extended + type: long + description: Number of times this indicator was observed conducting threat activity. + example: 20 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "Type of indicator as represented by Cyber Observable in STIX 2.0.\n\ + Recommended values:\n * autonomous-system\n * artifact\n * directory\n\ + \ * domain-name\n * email-addr\n * file\n * ipv4-addr\n * ipv6-addr\n\ + \ * mac-addr\n * mutex\n * port\n * process\n * software\n * url\n \ + \ * user-account\n * windows-registry-key\n * x509-certificate" + example: ipv4-addr + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Domain of the url, such as "www.elastic.co". + + In some cases a URL may refer to an IP and/or port directly, without a domain + name. In this case, the IP address would go to the `domain` field. + + If the URL contains a literal IPv6 address enclosed by `[` and `]` (IETF RFC + 2732), the `[` and `]` characters should also be captured in the `domain` + field.' + example: www.elastic.co + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.extension + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The field contains the file extension from the original request + url, excluding the leading dot. + + The file extension is only set if it exists, as not every url has a file extension. + + The leading period must not be included. For example, the value must be "png", + not ".png". + + Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only + the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz").' + example: png + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.fragment + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Portion of the url after the `#`, such as "top". + + The `#` is not part of the fragment.' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.full + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: If full URLs are important to your use case, they should be stored + in `url.full`, whether this field is reconstructed or present in the event + source. + example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.original + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: 'Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. + + Note that in network monitoring, the observed URL may be a full URL, whereas + in access logs, the URL is often just represented as a path. + + This field is meant to represent the URL as it was observed, complete or not.' + example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top or /search?q=elasticsearch + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.password + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Password of the request. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.path + level: extended + type: wildcard + description: Path of the request, such as "/search". + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.port + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Port of the request, such as 443. + example: 443 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.query + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The query field describes the query string of the request, such + as "q=elasticsearch". + + The `?` is excluded from the query string. If a URL contains no `?`, there + is no query field. If there is a `?` but no query, the query field exists + with an empty string. The `exists` query can be used to differentiate between + the two cases.' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.registered_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The highest registered url domain, stripped of the subdomain. + + For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". + + This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix + list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking + the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk".' + example: example.com + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.scheme + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Scheme of the request, such as "https". + + Note: The `:` is not part of the scheme.' + example: https + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.subdomain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes + all of the names except the host name under the registered_domain. In a partially + qualified domain, or if the the qualification level of the full name cannot + be determined, subdomain contains all of the names below the registered domain. + + For example the subdomain portion of "www.east.mydomain.co.uk" is "east". + If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", + the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period.' + example: east + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.top_level_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain + suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain + for example.com is "com". + + This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix + list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking + the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk".' + example: co.uk + default_field: false + - name: indicator.url.username + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Username of the request. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.alternative_names + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate + authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names + (and wildcards), and email addresses. + example: '*.elastic.co' + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.issuer.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.issuer.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) codes + example: US + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.issuer.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance + Server CA + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.issuer.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: Mountain View + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.issuer.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example Inc + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.issuer.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. + example: www.example.com + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.issuer.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.not_after + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. + example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.not_before + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. + example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.public_key_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Algorithm used to generate the public key. + example: RSA + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.public_key_curve + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This + is algorithm specific. + example: nistp521 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.public_key_exponent + level: extended + type: long + description: Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. + example: 65537 + index: false + doc_values: false + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.public_key_size + level: extended + type: long + description: The size of the public key space in bits. + example: 2048 + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.serial_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, + if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase + characters. + example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.signature_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using + names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. + example: SHA256-RSA + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.subject.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common names (CN) of subject. + example: shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.subject.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) code + example: US + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.subject.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. + example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.subject.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: San Francisco + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.subject.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of subject. + example: Example, Inc. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.subject.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of subject. + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.subject.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: indicator.x509.version_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of x509 format. + example: 3 + default_field: false + - name: software.alias + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The alias(es) of the software for a set of related intrusion activity\ + \ that are tracked by a common name in the security community.\nWhile not\ + \ required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE associated software description." + example: '[ "X-Agent" ]' + default_field: false + - name: software.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The id of the software used by this threat to conduct behavior\ + \ commonly modeled using MITRE ATT&CK\xAE.\nWhile not required, you can use\ + \ a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE software id." + example: S0552 + default_field: false + - name: software.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The name of the software used by this threat to conduct behavior\ + \ commonly modeled using MITRE ATT&CK\xAE.\nWhile not required, you can use\ + \ a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE software name." + example: AdFind + default_field: false + - name: software.platforms + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The platforms of the software used by this threat to conduct behavior\ + \ commonly modeled using MITRE ATT&CK\xAE.\nRecommended Values:\n * AWS\n\ + \ * Azure\n * Azure AD\n * GCP\n * Linux\n * macOS\n * Network\n *\ + \ Office 365\n * SaaS\n * Windows\n\nWhile not required, you can use a MITRE\ + \ ATT&CK\xAE software platforms." + example: '[ "Windows" ]' + default_field: false + - name: software.reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The reference URL of the software used by this threat to conduct\ + \ behavior commonly modeled using MITRE ATT&CK\xAE.\nWhile not required, you\ + \ can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE software reference URL." + example: https://attack.mitre.org/software/S0552/ + default_field: false + - name: software.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The type of software used by this threat to conduct behavior commonly\ + \ modeled using MITRE ATT&CK\xAE.\nRecommended values\n * Malware\n * Tool\n\ + \n While not required, you can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE software type." + example: Tool + default_field: false + - name: tactic.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The id of tactic used by this threat. You can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE\ + \ tactic, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0002/ )" + example: TA0002 + - name: tactic.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "Name of the type of tactic used by this threat. You can use a\ + \ MITRE ATT&CK\xAE tactic, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0002/)" + example: Execution + - name: tactic.reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The reference url of tactic used by this threat. You can use a\ + \ MITRE ATT&CK\xAE tactic, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0002/\ + \ )" + example: https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0002/ + - name: technique.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The id of technique used by this threat. You can use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE\ + \ technique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/)" + example: T1059 + - name: technique.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: "The name of technique used by this threat. You can use a MITRE\ + \ ATT&CK\xAE technique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/)" + example: Command and Scripting Interpreter + - name: technique.reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The reference url of technique used by this threat. You can use\ + \ a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE technique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/)" + example: https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/ + - name: technique.subtechnique.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The full id of subtechnique used by this threat. You can use a\ + \ MITRE ATT&CK\xAE subtechnique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/001/)" + example: T1059.001 + default_field: false + - name: technique.subtechnique.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: "The name of subtechnique used by this threat. You can use a MITRE\ + \ ATT&CK\xAE subtechnique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/001/)" + example: PowerShell + default_field: false + - name: technique.subtechnique.reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: "The reference url of subtechnique used by this threat. You can\ + \ use a MITRE ATT&CK\xAE subtechnique, for example. (ex. https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/001/)" + example: https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/001/ + default_field: false + - name: tls + title: TLS + group: 2 + description: Fields related to a TLS connection. These fields focus on the TLS + protocol itself and intentionally avoids in-depth analysis of the related x.509 + certificate files. + type: group + fields: + - name: cipher + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: String indicating the cipher used during the current connection. + example: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 + default_field: false + - name: client.certificate + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: PEM-encoded stand-alone certificate offered by the client. This + is usually mutually-exclusive of `client.certificate_chain` since this value + also exists in that list. + example: MII... + default_field: false + - name: client.certificate_chain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of PEM-encoded certificates that make up the certificate + chain offered by the client. This is usually mutually-exclusive of `client.certificate` + since that value should be the first certificate in the chain. + example: '["MII...", "MII..."]' + default_field: false + - name: client.hash.md5 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Certificate fingerprint using the MD5 digest of DER-encoded version + of certificate offered by the client. For consistency with other hash values, + this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. + example: 0F76C7F2C55BFD7D8E8B8F4BFBF0C9EC + default_field: false + - name: client.hash.sha1 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Certificate fingerprint using the SHA1 digest of DER-encoded version + of certificate offered by the client. For consistency with other hash values, + this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. + example: 9E393D93138888D288266C2D915214D1D1CCEB2A + default_field: false + - name: client.hash.sha256 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Certificate fingerprint using the SHA256 digest of DER-encoded + version of certificate offered by the client. For consistency with other hash + values, this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. + example: 0687F666A054EF17A08E2F2162EAB4CBC0D265E1D7875BE74BF3C712CA92DAF0 + default_field: false + - name: client.issuer + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name of subject of the issuer of the x.509 certificate + presented by the client. + example: CN=Example Root CA, OU=Infrastructure Team, DC=example, DC=com + default_field: false + - name: client.ja3 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: A hash that identifies clients based on how they perform an SSL/TLS + handshake. + example: d4e5b18d6b55c71272893221c96ba240 + default_field: false + - name: client.not_after + level: extended + type: date + description: Date/Time indicating when client certificate is no longer considered + valid. + example: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' + default_field: false + - name: client.not_before + level: extended + type: date + description: Date/Time indicating when client certificate is first considered + valid. + example: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' + default_field: false + - name: client.server_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Also called an SNI, this tells the server which hostname to which + the client is attempting to connect to. When this value is available, it should + get copied to `destination.domain`. + example: www.elastic.co + default_field: false + - name: client.subject + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name of subject of the x.509 certificate presented + by the client. + example: CN=myclient, OU=Documentation Team, DC=example, DC=com + default_field: false + - name: client.supported_ciphers + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of ciphers offered by the client during the client hello. + example: '["TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", + "..."]' + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.alternative_names + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate + authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names + (and wildcards), and email addresses. + example: '*.elastic.co' + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.issuer.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.issuer.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) codes + example: US + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.issuer.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance + Server CA + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.issuer.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: Mountain View + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.issuer.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example Inc + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.issuer.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. + example: www.example.com + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.issuer.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.not_after + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. + example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.not_before + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. + example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.public_key_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Algorithm used to generate the public key. + example: RSA + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.public_key_curve + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This + is algorithm specific. + example: nistp521 + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.public_key_exponent + level: extended + type: long + description: Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. + example: 65537 + index: false + doc_values: false + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.public_key_size + level: extended + type: long + description: The size of the public key space in bits. + example: 2048 + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.serial_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, + if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase + characters. + example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.signature_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using + names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. + example: SHA256-RSA + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.subject.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common names (CN) of subject. + example: shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.subject.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) code + example: US + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.subject.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. + example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.subject.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: San Francisco + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.subject.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of subject. + example: Example, Inc. + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.subject.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of subject. + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.subject.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: client.x509.version_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of x509 format. + example: 3 + default_field: false + - name: curve + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: String indicating the curve used for the given cipher, when applicable. + example: secp256r1 + default_field: false + - name: established + level: extended + type: boolean + description: Boolean flag indicating if the TLS negotiation was successful and + transitioned to an encrypted tunnel. + default_field: false + - name: next_protocol + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: String indicating the protocol being tunneled. Per the values in + the IANA registry (https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values/tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml#alpn-protocol-ids), + this string should be lower case. + example: http/1.1 + default_field: false + - name: resumed + level: extended + type: boolean + description: Boolean flag indicating if this TLS connection was resumed from + an existing TLS negotiation. + default_field: false + - name: server.certificate + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: PEM-encoded stand-alone certificate offered by the server. This + is usually mutually-exclusive of `server.certificate_chain` since this value + also exists in that list. + example: MII... + default_field: false + - name: server.certificate_chain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of PEM-encoded certificates that make up the certificate + chain offered by the server. This is usually mutually-exclusive of `server.certificate` + since that value should be the first certificate in the chain. + example: '["MII...", "MII..."]' + default_field: false + - name: server.hash.md5 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Certificate fingerprint using the MD5 digest of DER-encoded version + of certificate offered by the server. For consistency with other hash values, + this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. + example: 0F76C7F2C55BFD7D8E8B8F4BFBF0C9EC + default_field: false + - name: server.hash.sha1 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Certificate fingerprint using the SHA1 digest of DER-encoded version + of certificate offered by the server. For consistency with other hash values, + this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. + example: 9E393D93138888D288266C2D915214D1D1CCEB2A + default_field: false + - name: server.hash.sha256 + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Certificate fingerprint using the SHA256 digest of DER-encoded + version of certificate offered by the server. For consistency with other hash + values, this value should be formatted as an uppercase hash. + example: 0687F666A054EF17A08E2F2162EAB4CBC0D265E1D7875BE74BF3C712CA92DAF0 + default_field: false + - name: server.issuer + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Subject of the issuer of the x.509 certificate presented by the + server. + example: CN=Example Root CA, OU=Infrastructure Team, DC=example, DC=com + default_field: false + - name: server.ja3s + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: A hash that identifies servers based on how they perform an SSL/TLS + handshake. + example: 394441ab65754e2207b1e1b457b3641d + default_field: false + - name: server.not_after + level: extended + type: date + description: Timestamp indicating when server certificate is no longer considered + valid. + example: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' + default_field: false + - name: server.not_before + level: extended + type: date + description: Timestamp indicating when server certificate is first considered + valid. + example: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' + default_field: false + - name: server.subject + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Subject of the x.509 certificate presented by the server. + example: CN=www.example.com, OU=Infrastructure Team, DC=example, DC=com + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.alternative_names + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate + authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names + (and wildcards), and email addresses. + example: '*.elastic.co' + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.issuer.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.issuer.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) codes + example: US + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.issuer.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance + Server CA + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.issuer.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: Mountain View + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.issuer.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example Inc + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.issuer.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. + example: www.example.com + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.issuer.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.not_after + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. + example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.not_before + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. + example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.public_key_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Algorithm used to generate the public key. + example: RSA + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.public_key_curve + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This + is algorithm specific. + example: nistp521 + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.public_key_exponent + level: extended + type: long + description: Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. + example: 65537 + index: false + doc_values: false + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.public_key_size + level: extended + type: long + description: The size of the public key space in bits. + example: 2048 + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.serial_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, + if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase + characters. + example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.signature_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using + names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. + example: SHA256-RSA + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.subject.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common names (CN) of subject. + example: shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.subject.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) code + example: US + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.subject.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. + example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.subject.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: San Francisco + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.subject.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of subject. + example: Example, Inc. + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.subject.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of subject. + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.subject.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: server.x509.version_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of x509 format. + example: 3 + default_field: false + - name: version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Numeric part of the version parsed from the original string. + example: '1.2' + default_field: false + - name: version_protocol + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Normalized lowercase protocol name parsed from original string. + example: tls + default_field: false + - name: span.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique identifier of the span within the scope of its trace. + + A span represents an operation within a transaction, such as a request to another + service, or a database query.' + example: 3ff9a8981b7ccd5a + default_field: false + - name: trace.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique identifier of the trace. + + A trace groups multiple events like transactions that belong together. For example, + a user request handled by multiple inter-connected services.' + example: 4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736 + - name: transaction.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique identifier of the transaction within the scope of its trace. + + A transaction is the highest level of work measured within a service, such as + a request to a server.' + example: 00f067aa0ba902b7 + - name: url + title: URL + group: 2 + description: URL fields provide support for complete or partial URLs, and supports + the breaking down into scheme, domain, path, and so on. + type: group + fields: + - name: domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Domain of the url, such as "www.elastic.co". + + In some cases a URL may refer to an IP and/or port directly, without a domain + name. In this case, the IP address would go to the `domain` field. + + If the URL contains a literal IPv6 address enclosed by `[` and `]` (IETF RFC + 2732), the `[` and `]` characters should also be captured in the `domain` + field.' + example: www.elastic.co + - name: extension + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The field contains the file extension from the original request + url, excluding the leading dot. + + The file extension is only set if it exists, as not every url has a file extension. + + The leading period must not be included. For example, the value must be "png", + not ".png". + + Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only + the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz").' + example: png + - name: fragment + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Portion of the url after the `#`, such as "top". + + The `#` is not part of the fragment.' + - name: full + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: If full URLs are important to your use case, they should be stored + in `url.full`, whether this field is reconstructed or present in the event + source. + example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top + - name: original + level: extended + type: wildcard + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: 'Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. + + Note that in network monitoring, the observed URL may be a full URL, whereas + in access logs, the URL is often just represented as a path. + + This field is meant to represent the URL as it was observed, complete or not.' + example: https://www.elastic.co:443/search?q=elasticsearch#top or /search?q=elasticsearch + - name: password + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Password of the request. + - name: path + level: extended + type: wildcard + description: Path of the request, such as "/search". + - name: port + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: Port of the request, such as 443. + example: 443 + - name: query + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The query field describes the query string of the request, such + as "q=elasticsearch". + + The `?` is excluded from the query string. If a URL contains no `?`, there + is no query field. If there is a `?` but no query, the query field exists + with an empty string. The `exists` query can be used to differentiate between + the two cases.' + - name: registered_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The highest registered url domain, stripped of the subdomain. + + For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". + + This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix + list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking + the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk".' + example: example.com + - name: scheme + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Scheme of the request, such as "https". + + Note: The `:` is not part of the scheme.' + example: https + - name: subdomain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes + all of the names except the host name under the registered_domain. In a partially + qualified domain, or if the the qualification level of the full name cannot + be determined, subdomain contains all of the names below the registered domain. + + For example the subdomain portion of "www.east.mydomain.co.uk" is "east". + If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", + the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period.' + example: east + default_field: false + - name: top_level_domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain + suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain + for example.com is "com". + + This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix + list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking + the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk".' + example: co.uk + - name: username + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Username of the request. + - name: user + title: User + group: 2 + description: 'The user fields describe information about the user that is relevant to the event. Fields can have one entry or multiple entries. If a user has more than one id, provide an array that includes all of them.' - type: group - fields: - - name: changes.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. + type: group + fields: + - name: changes.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - default_field: false - - name: changes.email - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: User email address. - default_field: false - - name: changes.full_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: User's full name, if available. - example: Albert Einstein - default_field: false - - name: changes.group.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. + default_field: false + - name: changes.email + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: User email address. + default_field: false + - name: changes.full_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: User's full name, if available. + example: Albert Einstein + default_field: false + - name: changes.group.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - default_field: false - - name: changes.group.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. - default_field: false - - name: changes.group.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the group. - default_field: false - - name: changes.hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized + default_field: false + - name: changes.group.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. + default_field: false + - name: changes.group.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the group. + default_field: false + - name: changes.hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized form. Useful if `user.id` or `user.name` contain confidential information and cannot be used.' - default_field: false - - name: changes.id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier of the user. - default_field: false - - name: changes.name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: Short name or login of the user. - example: albert - default_field: false - - name: changes.roles - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. - example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' - default_field: false - - name: domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. + default_field: false + - name: changes.id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier of the user. + example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + default_field: false + - name: changes.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: a.einstein + default_field: false + - name: changes.roles + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. + example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' + default_field: false + - name: domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: effective.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. + - name: effective.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - default_field: false - - name: effective.email - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: User email address. - default_field: false - - name: effective.full_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: User's full name, if available. - example: Albert Einstein - default_field: false - - name: effective.group.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. + default_field: false + - name: effective.email + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: User email address. + default_field: false + - name: effective.full_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: User's full name, if available. + example: Albert Einstein + default_field: false + - name: effective.group.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - default_field: false - - name: effective.group.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. - default_field: false - - name: effective.group.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the group. - default_field: false - - name: effective.hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized + default_field: false + - name: effective.group.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. + default_field: false + - name: effective.group.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the group. + default_field: false + - name: effective.hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized form. Useful if `user.id` or `user.name` contain confidential information and cannot be used.' - default_field: false - - name: effective.id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier of the user. - default_field: false - - name: effective.name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: Short name or login of the user. - example: albert - default_field: false - - name: effective.roles - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. - example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' - default_field: false - - name: email - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: User email address. - - name: full_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: User's full name, if available. - example: Albert Einstein - - name: group.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. + default_field: false + - name: effective.id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier of the user. + example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + default_field: false + - name: effective.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: a.einstein + default_field: false + - name: effective.roles + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. + example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' + default_field: false + - name: email + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: User email address. + - name: full_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: User's full name, if available. + example: Albert Einstein + - name: group.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - - name: group.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. - - name: group.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the group. - - name: hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized + - name: group.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. + - name: group.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the group. + - name: hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized form. Useful if `user.id` or `user.name` contain confidential information and cannot be used.' - - name: id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier of the user. - - name: name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Short name or login of the user. - example: albert - - name: roles - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. - example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' - default_field: false - - name: target.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. + - name: id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier of the user. + example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + - name: name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: a.einstein + - name: roles + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. + example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' + default_field: false + - name: target.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the user is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - default_field: false - - name: target.email - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: User email address. - default_field: false - - name: target.full_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: User's full name, if available. - example: Albert Einstein - default_field: false - - name: target.group.domain - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. + default_field: false + - name: target.email + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: User email address. + default_field: false + - name: target.full_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: User's full name, if available. + example: Albert Einstein + default_field: false + - name: target.group.domain + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Name of the directory the group is a member of. For example, an LDAP or Active Directory domain name.' - default_field: false - - name: target.group.id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. - default_field: false - - name: target.group.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the group. - default_field: false - - name: target.hash - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized + default_field: false + - name: target.group.id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. + default_field: false + - name: target.group.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the group. + default_field: false + - name: target.hash + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Unique user hash to correlate information for a user in anonymized form. Useful if `user.id` or `user.name` contain confidential information and cannot be used.' - default_field: false - - name: target.id - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique identifier of the user. - default_field: false - - name: target.name - level: core - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: Short name or login of the user. - example: albert - default_field: false - - name: target.roles - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. - example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' - default_field: false - - name: user_agent - title: User agent - group: 2 - description: 'The user_agent fields normally come from a browser request. + default_field: false + - name: target.id + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique identifier of the user. + example: S-1-5-21-202424912787-2692429404-2351956786-1000 + default_field: false + - name: target.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: a.einstein + default_field: false + - name: target.roles + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Array of user roles at the time of the event. + example: '["kibana_admin", "reporting_user"]' + default_field: false + - name: user_agent + title: User agent + group: 2 + description: 'The user_agent fields normally come from a browser request. They often show up in web service logs coming from the parsed user agent string.' - type: group - fields: - - name: device.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the device. - example: iPhone - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Name of the user agent. - example: Safari - - name: original - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: Unparsed user_agent string. - example: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 - (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 - - name: os.family - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). - example: debian - - name: os.full - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Operating system name, including the version or code name. - example: Mac OS Mojave - - name: os.kernel - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system kernel version as a raw string. - example: 4.4.0-112-generic - - name: os.name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - default_field: false - description: Operating system name, without the version. - example: Mac OS X - - name: os.platform - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). - example: darwin - - name: os.type - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'Use the `os.type` field to categorize the operating system into + type: group + fields: + - name: device.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the device. + example: iPhone + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Name of the user agent. + example: Safari + - name: original + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: Unparsed user_agent string. + example: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 + (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 + - name: os.family + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). + example: debian + - name: os.full + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Operating system name, including the version or code name. + example: Mac OS Mojave + - name: os.kernel + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system kernel version as a raw string. + example: 4.4.0-112-generic + - name: os.name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + default_field: false + description: Operating system name, without the version. + example: Mac OS X + - name: os.platform + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). + example: darwin + - name: os.type + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'Use the `os.type` field to categorize the operating system into one of the broad commercial families. One of these following values should be used (lowercase): linux, macos, unix, @@ -6409,24 +9614,24 @@ If the OS you''re dealing with is not in the list, the field should not be populated. Please let us know by opening an issue with ECS, to propose its addition.' - example: macos - default_field: false - - name: os.version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Operating system version as a raw string. - example: 10.14.1 - - name: version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Version of the user agent. - example: 12.0 - - name: vlan - title: VLAN - group: 2 - description: 'The VLAN fields are used to identify 802.1q tag(s) of a packet, + example: macos + default_field: false + - name: os.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Operating system version as a raw string. + example: 10.14.1 + - name: version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of the user agent. + example: 12.0 + - name: vlan + title: VLAN + group: 2 + description: 'The VLAN fields are used to identify 802.1q tag(s) of a packet, as well as ingress and egress VLAN associations of an observer in relation to a specific packet or connection. @@ -6442,134 +9647,133 @@ Observer.ingress and observer.egress VLAN values are used to record observer specific information when observer events contain discrete ingress and egress VLAN information, typically provided by firewalls, routers, or load balancers.' - type: group - fields: - - name: id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: VLAN ID as reported by the observer. - example: 10 - default_field: false - - name: name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Optional VLAN name as reported by the observer. - example: outside - default_field: false - - name: vulnerability - title: Vulnerability - group: 2 - description: The vulnerability fields describe information about a vulnerability - that is relevant to an event. - type: group - fields: - - name: category - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The type of system or architecture that the vulnerability affects. + type: group + fields: + - name: id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: VLAN ID as reported by the observer. + example: 10 + default_field: false + - name: name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Optional VLAN name as reported by the observer. + example: outside + default_field: false + - name: vulnerability + title: Vulnerability + group: 2 + description: The vulnerability fields describe information about a vulnerability + that is relevant to an event. + type: group + fields: + - name: category + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The type of system or architecture that the vulnerability affects. These may be platform-specific (for example, Debian or SUSE) or general (for example, Database or Firewall). For example (https://qualysguard.qualys.com/qwebhelp/fo_portal/knowledgebase/vulnerability_categories.htm[Qualys vulnerability categories]) This field must be an array.' - example: '["Firewall"]' - default_field: false - - name: classification - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The classification of the vulnerability scoring system. For example - (https://www.first.org/cvss/) - example: CVSS - default_field: false - - name: description - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - multi_fields: - - name: text - type: text - norms: false - description: The description of the vulnerability that provides additional context - of the vulnerability. For example (https://cve.mitre.org/about/faqs.html#cve_entry_descriptions_created[Common - Vulnerabilities and Exposure CVE description]) - example: In macOS before 2.12.6, there is a vulnerability in the RPC... - default_field: false - - name: enumeration - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The type of identifier used for this vulnerability. For example - (https://cve.mitre.org/about/) - example: CVE - default_field: false - - name: id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The identification (ID) is the number portion of a vulnerability - entry. It includes a unique identification number for the vulnerability. For - example (https://cve.mitre.org/about/faqs.html#what_is_cve_id)[Common Vulnerabilities - and Exposure CVE ID] - example: CVE-2019-00001 - default_field: false - - name: reference - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: A resource that provides additional information, context, and mitigations - for the identified vulnerability. - example: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-6111 - default_field: false - - name: report_id - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The report or scan identification number. - example: 20191018.0001 - default_field: false - - name: scanner.vendor - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The name of the vulnerability scanner vendor. - example: Tenable - default_field: false - - name: score.base - level: extended - type: float - description: 'Scores can range from 0.0 to 10.0, with 10.0 being the most severe. + example: '["Firewall"]' + default_field: false + - name: classification + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The classification of the vulnerability scoring system. For example + (https://www.first.org/cvss/) + example: CVSS + default_field: false + - name: description + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: match_only_text + description: The description of the vulnerability that provides additional context + of the vulnerability. For example (https://cve.mitre.org/about/faqs.html#cve_entry_descriptions_created[Common + Vulnerabilities and Exposure CVE description]) + example: In macOS before 2.12.6, there is a vulnerability in the RPC... + default_field: false + - name: enumeration + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The type of identifier used for this vulnerability. For example + (https://cve.mitre.org/about/) + example: CVE + default_field: false + - name: id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The identification (ID) is the number portion of a vulnerability + entry. It includes a unique identification number for the vulnerability. For + example (https://cve.mitre.org/about/faqs.html#what_is_cve_id)[Common Vulnerabilities + and Exposure CVE ID] + example: CVE-2019-00001 + default_field: false + - name: reference + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: A resource that provides additional information, context, and mitigations + for the identified vulnerability. + example: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-6111 + default_field: false + - name: report_id + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The report or scan identification number. + example: 20191018.0001 + default_field: false + - name: scanner.vendor + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The name of the vulnerability scanner vendor. + example: Tenable + default_field: false + - name: score.base + level: extended + type: float + description: 'Scores can range from 0.0 to 10.0, with 10.0 being the most severe. Base scores cover an assessment for exploitability metrics (attack vector, complexity, privileges, and user interaction), impact metrics (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), and scope. For example (https://www.first.org/cvss/specification-document)' - example: 5.5 - default_field: false - - name: score.environmental - level: extended - type: float - description: 'Scores can range from 0.0 to 10.0, with 10.0 being the most severe. + example: 5.5 + default_field: false + - name: score.environmental + level: extended + type: float + description: 'Scores can range from 0.0 to 10.0, with 10.0 being the most severe. Environmental scores cover an assessment for any modified Base metrics, confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements. For example (https://www.first.org/cvss/specification-document)' - example: 5.5 - default_field: false - - name: score.temporal - level: extended - type: float - description: 'Scores can range from 0.0 to 10.0, with 10.0 being the most severe. + example: 5.5 + default_field: false + - name: score.temporal + level: extended + type: float + description: 'Scores can range from 0.0 to 10.0, with 10.0 being the most severe. Temporal scores cover an assessment for code maturity, remediation level, and confidence. For example (https://www.first.org/cvss/specification-document)' - default_field: false - - name: score.version - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: 'The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) provides qualitative + default_field: false + - name: score.version + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: 'The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) provides qualitative severity rankings of "Low", "Medium", and "High" for CVSS v2.0 base score ranges in addition to the severity ratings for CVSS v3.0 as they are defined in the CVSS v3.0 specification. @@ -6577,20 +9781,20 @@ CVSS is owned and managed by FIRST.Org, Inc. (FIRST), a US-based non-profit organization, whose mission is to help computer security incident response teams across the world. For example (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln-metrics/cvss)' - example: 2.0 - default_field: false - - name: severity - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The severity of the vulnerability can help with metrics and internal - prioritization regarding remediation. For example (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln-metrics/cvss) - example: Critical - default_field: false - - name: x509 - title: x509 Certificate - group: 2 - description: 'This implements the common core fields for x509 certificates. This + example: 2.0 + default_field: false + - name: severity + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The severity of the vulnerability can help with metrics and internal + prioritization regarding remediation. For example (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln-metrics/cvss) + example: Critical + default_field: false + - name: x509 + title: x509 Certificate + group: 2 + description: 'This implements the common core fields for x509 certificates. This information is likely logged with TLS sessions, digital signatures found in executable binaries, S/MIME information in email bodies, or analysis of files on disk. @@ -6602,179 +9806,180 @@ Events that contain certificate information about network connections, should use the x509 fields under the relevant TLS fields: `tls.server.x509` and/or `tls.client.x509`.' - type: group - fields: - - name: alternative_names - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate - authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names - (and wildcards), and email addresses. - example: '*.elastic.co' - default_field: false - - name: issuer.common_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. - example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA - default_field: false - - name: issuer.country - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of country (C) codes - example: US - default_field: false - - name: issuer.distinguished_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. - example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance - Server CA - default_field: false - - name: issuer.locality - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of locality names (L) - example: Mountain View - default_field: false - - name: issuer.organization - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. - example: Example Inc - default_field: false - - name: issuer.organizational_unit - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. - example: www.example.com - default_field: false - - name: issuer.state_or_province - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) - example: California - default_field: false - - name: not_after - level: extended - type: date - description: Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. - example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 - default_field: false - - name: not_before - level: extended - type: date - description: Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. - example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 - default_field: false - - name: public_key_algorithm - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Algorithm used to generate the public key. - example: RSA - default_field: false - - name: public_key_curve - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This - is algorithm specific. - example: nistp521 - default_field: false - - name: public_key_exponent - level: extended - type: long - description: Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. - example: 65537 - index: false - default_field: false - - name: public_key_size - level: extended - type: long - description: The size of the public key space in bits. - example: 2048 - default_field: false - - name: serial_number - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, - if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase - characters. - example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA - default_field: false - - name: signature_algorithm - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using - names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. - example: SHA256-RSA - default_field: false - - name: subject.common_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of common names (CN) of subject. - example: shared.global.example.net - default_field: false - - name: subject.country - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of country (C) code - example: US - default_field: false - - name: subject.distinguished_name - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. - example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net - default_field: false - - name: subject.locality - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of locality names (L) - example: San Francisco - default_field: false - - name: subject.organization - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizations (O) of subject. - example: Example, Inc. - default_field: false - - name: subject.organizational_unit - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of organizational units (OU) of subject. - default_field: false - - name: subject.state_or_province - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) - example: California - default_field: false - - name: version_number - level: extended - type: keyword - ignore_above: 1024 - description: Version of x509 format. - example: 3 - default_field: false + type: group + fields: + - name: alternative_names + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of subject alternative names (SAN). Name types vary by certificate + authority and certificate type but commonly contain IP addresses, DNS names + (and wildcards), and email addresses. + example: '*.elastic.co' + default_field: false + - name: issuer.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common name (CN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example SHA2 High Assurance Server CA + default_field: false + - name: issuer.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) codes + example: US + default_field: false + - name: issuer.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of issuing certificate authority. + example: C=US, O=Example Inc, OU=www.example.com, CN=Example SHA2 High Assurance + Server CA + default_field: false + - name: issuer.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: Mountain View + default_field: false + - name: issuer.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of issuing certificate authority. + example: Example Inc + default_field: false + - name: issuer.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of issuing certificate authority. + example: www.example.com + default_field: false + - name: issuer.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: not_after + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is no longer considered valid. + example: 2020-07-16 03:15:39+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: not_before + level: extended + type: date + description: Time at which the certificate is first considered valid. + example: 2019-08-16 01:40:25+00:00 + default_field: false + - name: public_key_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Algorithm used to generate the public key. + example: RSA + default_field: false + - name: public_key_curve + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: The curve used by the elliptic curve public key algorithm. This + is algorithm specific. + example: nistp521 + default_field: false + - name: public_key_exponent + level: extended + type: long + description: Exponent used to derive the public key. This is algorithm specific. + example: 65537 + index: false + doc_values: false + default_field: false + - name: public_key_size + level: extended + type: long + description: The size of the public key space in bits. + example: 2048 + default_field: false + - name: serial_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Unique serial number issued by the certificate authority. For consistency, + if this value is alphanumeric, it should be formatted without colons and uppercase + characters. + example: 55FBB9C7DEBF09809D12CCAA + default_field: false + - name: signature_algorithm + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Identifier for certificate signature algorithm. We recommend using + names found in Go Lang Crypto library. See https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.14/src/crypto/x509/x509.go#L337-L353. + example: SHA256-RSA + default_field: false + - name: subject.common_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of common names (CN) of subject. + example: shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: subject.country + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of country (C) code + example: US + default_field: false + - name: subject.distinguished_name + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Distinguished name (DN) of the certificate subject entity. + example: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=Example, Inc., CN=shared.global.example.net + default_field: false + - name: subject.locality + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of locality names (L) + example: San Francisco + default_field: false + - name: subject.organization + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizations (O) of subject. + example: Example, Inc. + default_field: false + - name: subject.organizational_unit + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of organizational units (OU) of subject. + default_field: false + - name: subject.state_or_province + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: List of state or province names (ST, S, or P) + example: California + default_field: false + - name: version_number + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: Version of x509 format. + example: 3 + default_field: false - key: beat anchor: beat-common title: Beat diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 5acb5d2d..ea3f7207 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ module github.com/icinga/icingabeat -go 1.16 +go 1.17 replace ( github.com/Microsoft/go-winio => github.com/bi-zone/go-winio v0.4.15 @@ -20,13 +20,131 @@ replace ( ) require ( - github.com/blakesmith/ar v0.0.0-20190502131153-809d4375e1fb // indirect - github.com/cavaliercoder/go-rpm v0.0.0-20200122174316-8cb9fd9c31a8 // indirect - github.com/elastic/beats/v7 v7.14.2 // indirect - github.com/magefile/mage v1.11.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20210616213533-5ff15b29337e // indirect + github.com/elastic/beats/v7 v7.17.4 + github.com/magefile/mage v1.13.0 +) + +require ( + github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.5.1 // indirect + github.com/Shopify/sarama v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 // indirect + github.com/StackExchange/wmi v0.0.0-20170221213301-9f32b5905fd6 // indirect + github.com/akavel/rsrc v0.10.2 // indirect + github.com/armon/go-radix v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.1.1 // indirect + github.com/containerd/containerd v1.5.7 // indirect + github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect + github.com/dlclark/regexp2 v1.4.0 // indirect + github.com/docker/distribution v2.8.0+incompatible // indirect + github.com/docker/docker v1.4.2-0.20190924003213-a8608b5b67c7 // indirect + github.com/docker/go-connections v0.4.0 // indirect + github.com/docker/go-units v0.4.0 // indirect + github.com/dop251/goja v0.0.0-20220516123900-4418d4575a41 // indirect + github.com/dop251/goja_nodejs v0.0.0-20211022123610-8dd9abb0616d // indirect + github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/eapache/go-resiliency v1.2.0 // indirect + github.com/eapache/go-xerial-snappy v0.0.0-20180814174437-776d5712da21 // indirect + github.com/eapache/queue v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/elastic/ecs v1.12.0 // indirect + github.com/elastic/elastic-agent-client/v7 v7.0.0-20220524131921-43bacbeec516 // indirect + github.com/elastic/go-concert v0.2.0 // indirect + github.com/elastic/go-licenser v0.4.0 // indirect + github.com/elastic/go-lumber v0.1.0 // indirect + github.com/elastic/go-seccomp-bpf v1.2.0 // indirect + github.com/elastic/go-structform v0.0.9 // indirect + github.com/elastic/go-sysinfo v1.7.1 // indirect + github.com/elastic/go-txfile v0.0.7 // indirect + github.com/elastic/go-ucfg v0.8.5 // indirect + github.com/elastic/go-windows v1.0.1 // indirect + github.com/elastic/gosigar v0.14.2 // indirect + github.com/fatih/color v1.13.0 // indirect + github.com/go-logr/logr v0.4.0 // indirect + github.com/go-ole/go-ole v1.2.5-0.20190920104607-14974a1cf647 // indirect + github.com/go-sourcemap/sourcemap v2.1.3+incompatible // indirect + github.com/gofrs/flock v0.7.2-0.20190320160742-5135e617513b // indirect + github.com/gofrs/uuid v4.2.0+incompatible // indirect + github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 // indirect + github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.2 // indirect + github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.4 // indirect + github.com/gomodule/redigo v1.8.3 // indirect + github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.6 // indirect + github.com/google/gofuzz v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/googleapis/gnostic v0.4.1 // indirect + github.com/h2non/filetype v1.1.1 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror v1.1.1 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/go-uuid v1.0.2 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru v0.5.4 // indirect + github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.12 // indirect + github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/jcchavezs/porto v0.4.0 // indirect + github.com/jcmturner/aescts/v2 v2.0.0 // indirect + github.com/jcmturner/dnsutils/v2 v2.0.0 // indirect + github.com/jcmturner/gofork v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/jcmturner/gokrb5/v8 v8.4.2 // indirect + github.com/jcmturner/rpc/v2 v2.0.3 // indirect + github.com/joeshaw/multierror v0.0.0-20140124173710-69b34d4ec901 // indirect + github.com/jonboulle/clockwork v0.2.2 // indirect + github.com/josephspurrier/goversioninfo v1.4.0 // indirect + github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.11 // indirect + github.com/klauspost/compress v1.13.6 // indirect + github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.12 // indirect + github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.14 // indirect + github.com/miekg/dns v1.1.25 // indirect + github.com/mitchellh/hashstructure v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd // indirect + github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.1 // indirect + github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/opencontainers/image-spec v1.0.2-0.20190823105129-775207bd45b6 // indirect + github.com/pierrec/lz4 v2.6.0+incompatible // indirect + github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect + github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.7.3 // indirect + github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics v0.0.0-20201227073835-cf1acfcdf475 // indirect + github.com/santhosh-tekuri/jsonschema v1.2.4 // indirect + github.com/shirou/gopsutil v3.20.12+incompatible // indirect + github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.8.1 // indirect + github.com/spf13/cobra v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 // indirect + github.com/urso/diag v0.0.0-20200210123136-21b3cc8eb797 // indirect + github.com/urso/go-bin v0.0.0-20180220135811-781c575c9f0e // indirect + github.com/urso/magetools v0.0.0-20190919040553-290c89e0c230 // indirect + github.com/urso/sderr v0.0.0-20210525210834-52b04e8f5c71 // indirect + github.com/xdg/scram v1.0.3 // indirect + github.com/xdg/stringprep v1.0.3 // indirect + go.elastic.co/apm v1.15.0 // indirect + go.elastic.co/apm/module/apmelasticsearch v1.7.2 // indirect + go.elastic.co/apm/module/apmhttp v1.15.0 // indirect + go.elastic.co/ecszap v1.0.1 // indirect + go.elastic.co/fastjson v1.1.0 // indirect + go.uber.org/atomic v1.9.0 // indirect + go.uber.org/multierr v1.8.0 // indirect + go.uber.org/zap v1.21.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20220525230936-793ad666bf5e // indirect + golang.org/x/lint v0.0.0-20210508222113-6edffad5e616 // indirect + golang.org/x/mod v0.6.0-dev.0.20220419223038-86c51ed26bb4 // indirect + golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20220526153639-5463443f8c37 // indirect + golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20211005180243-6b3c2da341f1 // indirect + golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220520151302-bc2c85ada10a // indirect + golang.org/x/term 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// indirect + sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 v4.1.0 // indirect + sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.2.0 // indirect ) diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index b534bbdc..eb73080d 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -1,5 +1,3 @@ -4d63.com/embedfiles v0.0.0-20190311033909-995e0740726f/go.mod h1:HxEsUxoVZyRxsZML/S6e2xAuieFMlGO0756ncWx1aXE= -4d63.com/tz v1.1.1-0.20191124060701-6d37baae851b/go.mod h1:SHGqVdL7hd2ZaX2T9uEiOZ/OFAUfCCLURdLPJsd8ZNs= bazil.org/fuse v0.0.0-20160811212531-371fbbdaa898/go.mod h1:Xbm+BRKSBEpa4q4hTSxohYNQpsxXPbPry4JJWOB3LB8= cloud.google.com/go v0.26.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw= cloud.google.com/go v0.34.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw= @@ -8,70 +6,136 @@ cloud.google.com/go v0.44.1/go.mod h1:iSa0KzasP4Uvy3f1mN/7PiObzGgflwredwwASm/v6A cloud.google.com/go v0.44.2/go.mod h1:60680Gw3Yr4ikxnPRS/oxxkBccT6SA1yMk63TGekxKY= cloud.google.com/go v0.45.1/go.mod h1:RpBamKRgapWJb87xiFSdk4g1CME7QZg3uwTez+TSTjc= cloud.google.com/go v0.46.3/go.mod 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duration after which events are available to the outputs, # if the number of events stored in the queue is < `flush.min_events`. #flush.timeout: 1s - + # The disk queue stores incoming events on disk until the output is # ready for them. This allows a higher event limit than the memory-only # queue and lets pending events persist through a restart. #disk: # The directory path to store the queue's data. #path: "${path.data}/diskqueue" - + # The maximum space the queue should occupy on disk. Depending on # input settings, events that exceed this limit are delayed or discarded. #max_size: 10GB @@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ # The spool queue will store events in a local spool file, before # forwarding the events to the outputs. - # - # Beta: spooling to disk is currently a beta feature. Use with care. + # Note: the spool queue is deprecated and will be removed in the future. + # Use the disk queue instead. # # The spool file is a circular buffer, which blocks once the file/buffer is full. # Events are put into a write buffer and flushed once the write buffer @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ output.elasticsearch: # In case you modify this pattern you must update setup.template.name and setup.template.pattern accordingly. #index: "icingabeat-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}" - # Optional ingest node pipeline. By default no pipeline will be used. + # Optional ingest pipeline. By default no pipeline will be used. #pipeline: "" # Optional HTTP path @@ -1086,8 +1086,8 @@ output.elasticsearch: # Select the kind of index template. From Elasticsearch 7.8, it is possible to # use component templates. Available options: legacy, component, index. -# By default icingabeat uses the legacy index templates. -#setup.template.type: legacy +# By default icingabeat uses index templates. +#setup.template.type: index # Template name. By default the template name is "icingabeat-%{[agent.version]}" # The template name and pattern has to be set in case the Elasticsearch index pattern is modified. @@ -1280,6 +1280,11 @@ setup.kibana: # The period after which to log the internal metrics. The default is 30s. #logging.metrics.period: 30s +# A list of metrics namespaces to report in the logs. Defaults to [stats]. +# `stats` contains general Beat metrics. `dataset` may be present in some +# Beats and contains module or input metrics. +#logging.metrics.namespaces: [stats] + # Logging to rotating files. Set logging.to_files to false to disable logging to # files. logging.to_files: true @@ -1319,11 +1324,13 @@ logging.files: #suffix: count # Set to true to log messages in JSON format. +# Deprecated: As of 7.16.0 this setting is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release. #logging.json: false # Set to true, to log messages with minimal required Elastic Common Schema (ECS) # information. Recommended to use in combination with `logging.json=true` # Defaults to false. +# Deprecated: As of 7.16.0 this setting is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release. #logging.ecs: false # ============================= X-Pack Monitoring ============================== @@ -1510,6 +1517,10 @@ logging.files: # `http.user`. #http.named_pipe.security_descriptor: +# Defines if the HTTP pprof endpoints are enabled. +# It is recommended that this is only enabled on localhost as these endpoints may leak data. +#http.pprof.enabled: false + # ============================== Process Security ============================== # Enable or disable seccomp system call filtering on Linux. Default is enabled. diff --git a/include/fields.go b/include/fields.go index dd6104e2..dbf65ac6 100644 --- a/include/fields.go +++ b/include/fields.go @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func init() { } // AssetFieldsYml returns asset data. -// This is the base64 encoded gzipped contents of fields.yml. +// This is the base64 encoded zlib format compressed contents of fields.yml. func AssetFieldsYml() string { - return "eJzsvftXIze2P/r7/BW6zFqXJscuzLNp7nfu/RIgCev0g2noyZykZ2G5SrY1lKWKpMI4557//bu0t6RSPUwD3TidhD5nCNhVemxJW/v52X8lPx69f3v29vv/i5xIIqQhLOOGmCnXZMxzRjKuWGryRY9wQ+ZUkwkTTFHDMjJaEDNl5PT4ghRK/pulpveXv5IR1SwjUsDnN0xpLgXZSrYGySD5y1/Jec6oZuSGa27I1JhCH25uTriZlqMklbNNllNteLrJUk2MJLqcTJg2JJ1SMWHwkW13zFme6eQvf+mTa7Y4JCzVfyHEcJOzQ/vAXwjJmE4VLwyXAj4i37l3iHv78C+EENIngs7YIVn/34bPmDZ0VqzDF4Tk7IblhySVirlPFPul5Iplh8So0n9oFgU7JBk1/oNaz+sn1LBN2zaZT5kAirEbJgyRik+4sJRM/uLevLRk5xoeysJ77NYomlqKj5WcVS30bNc8pXm+IIoVimkmDBcT6MgPLnTXuXZaliplof+zcfQCfkemVBMh/WhzEsjUw11yQ/OSwaDDYApZlLntxjXrOhtzpQ283xiWYinjN9WoCl6wnItqXO8d3XHlyFgqQvMcW9CJXy92S2eF3QDr24Ot/f5gr7+9czk4OBzsHe7sJgd7Oz+t15Y8pyOW66WLjesqR3Zju4/wjyv85pot5lJlnYt+XGojZ/aRTaRPQbnSYT7HVJARI6U9KUYSmmVkxgwlXIylmlHbiP3czY9cTGWZZ3A6UykM5YIIpu0y4oBgU9t/R3mO66EJVYxoIy3RqPZjDQM49aQaZjK9ZmpIqMjI8PpADx1ZOqj632u0KHKewvjWDsnaWMr+iKq1Hllj4sZ+UiiZlSl8/z91Ys+Y1nTCPkFtw25NJ0G/k4rkcuJIArvEtej2hCMMfmWfdF/3iCwMn/Ffw260u+eGs7k9KVwQCk/bD5gK9LHdaaPK1JSWgrmcaDLnZipLQ6ioDkNtDD0izZQpx15IioucSpFSw0R0Hoy0g5gRSqbljIq+YjSjo5wRXc5mVC2IjM5hfDhnZW54kYe5a8JuubaMYMoWVYezERcsI1wYSaQIT7eX9AeW55L8KFWe1RbL0MmnzkV99/OJkIpd0ZG8YYdka7C927WKr7k2dm7uXR0OgKETwmg69TNu7ryf442Fu2177V/1DUYnTPi94y6Co+ijiZJlcUi2O3fX5ZTh+2Ht3DFzjJgSOrJLjyxzbOb2dFlma+y9OHZtUrGwK0HtKc1zey57JGMGf5GKyJFm6sYuGm5iaTffVNr1k4oYes00mTGqS8Vm9gHPdPxjzdOrCRdpXmaMfMuo5RMwX01mdEForiVRpbBvu36VTuAehIkm37ipuib11DLUEat4N+x3O37Kc+13JBJJlULY0yORQHZs0fyUa3I+ZSrm9FNaFMzuSztZOL9hqnALWAKIsEfHUhohjV19P91DcoYdplaCkGOcNpxne0B71QgTuyWIE2FGjIYtZc/10fkbEGbcPVufkltzWhSbdjI8ZQmpdkfMnzPJPPGAMYOAQvgY9wvXxN7GxEyVLCdT8kvJStu+XmjDZprk/JqR/6Tja9oj71nGcYcUSqZMay4mflnc47pMp5aPv5YTbaieEpwHuQCCB6Lh0YSt7skYiTrxaRmVPM8Sz8fC113nfdmZv/Pct8/Y6a1hIrOXvO26Rsqx2xG4dn8JTVyiFGrZu5WLhGvAyHA+qVh0tAdnkOJCoBQTmrRno1DyhmesZ8UaXbCUj3lK8G0Qn7gOgl6gbI0fzZhRPLX7Kgi4L5P9ZEBe0Fm2v7vRIzkfwdf48c/7dHuHHYwPxjuD8d5gsDWiO7u7bJft7WYH2at0dLCdjrYGL9OoMwLzMmR7sD3oD7b7gz2yvXO4NTjcGpD/GAwGA/Lh8vhfNWqPaZmbK6DXIRnTXLPWsrNiymZM0fyKZ+1FZ26JvvDC+z4JzyzPHHOmkJ9w7c7VCz6GiwpuM73R3ALcyj5qBrKlVwRoqqS2C6UNVZbBjkpDhriDeDaE42kPZvcKHtBduxDjFoG6yPLlz8IHwX+xQvPD6REEN8vJkP/Be3OQEEeMALfjSzaum3bWmrb9uYqJO7kY2HN8pbRWXBOKT+F9ipLNhN8wEIypcK/h0+7rKcuLcZlbHmw5ipt1aNjMJfnO3QeEC22oSJ2g3LjQtO0YbjW7qZyURiopjRVUAacJbXNNBGMZKr7zKU+n7a7CxZDKme3MKnPRvM/Glh/5iwumijea/0iODRMkZ2ND2Kwwi+4lHkvZWl27cKtY3ctFccey+kvUdkRoPqcLTbSxPwPNrRKip34r43I7nRDftQJjUpFMBFEgULt6Fo+E62jEqkdANuLj2oaoVrK5MWqbYkbTqVVMu0nfbMvT310SK1iCf7jrqL4IHWPdTwbJoK/S7boMrRsCdGmkkDNZanIBksg9hOkjQWj1Ggow5MXRxQYeaicau0GmUggGpo0zYZgSzJBzJY1MZSWTvDg73yBKlnA3F4qN+S3TpBQZQ6nBygJK5rY5yzOlIjOpGBHMzKW6JrJgihqprLwd2hyxKc3H9hVKrLiVM0KzGRdcG3uyb7x0b1vL5AxVAWqIM7LgRGYzKXokzRlV+eIv1XqMQfsKI5Y5Txeg5UwZCDF2msmDJTZRzkZBtib3uLRzGcTI1iK5CwjbJDTPZQoyvxtlawGdEBw+rgkqbo1dYy+OLt5ukBI6yBfVHadRwwvLgqfqrEGP2ibd2tvaf9UihFQTKvivwICT7ovrSwkyoG9fNVckHkxksKj31PGFlWF0UzILm2a58NZYu3fR/GEUnbT7Xkq7q1+/Pq6d8DTnLTX5OP7sTj35yL1vj7Lf51S7jc0Nt+cMD5VfZnfAnZTvFXvUfxWbUJWBVmSVHil0L3oeNaIRRwM0l4LmZJzLOVEslSrTNVvN5fG5axXvzGqYrbHZD+zj0cjgaGsmgjZsn7n4r7ekoOk1My/0RgK9oHmncAyq1RVaV62QWuvUq/EKtAqm7TicmumpZBQVmsJgEnIhZywofqVGFdowNSNr3mQs1VplSlJs7DmhG4poTFDj8XVfOxMHruyIBRUfTBwRAdyxtsMSE7/MVRfx+NFs4zaS78Den6UuLUFcq5VtgQs7vH+XAhcATA1oPPCm/Y7GKvoKaVpNWpEP16sPXMBbT4PNFdvb9P0EizkcJBQiaZYRzWZUGJ7CvcJujZM32S1qHj0U77zdSwep00hyw+10+a+sshvZiTIFuqrmpqRuOc7GZCFLFfoY0zxYov1dYznyRKpFzz7qxSJteJ4TJnSpnGzszPRWdMqYNnZ7WJJago15ngcmSItCyUJxali+eITFgGaZYlqvSmuEU4CGI7fn3ACcZBbYz2zEJ6Usdb7AXQ7vhGbnllxazhi4LUjONRhwz857hPqbXSpC7YV1S7S0+ych5L8qigdJNZbV7PoqOvdj8udhmLgPhkjGuvwrCDeReJuVaEzHa3eY8GJohzJMcFjDHslYwUTmFBPUKqSoBgE2rEgUraS45FlYqGjxLC88Ql6IxzxaGNZx7juVl8Y+Qqtau4naAL+1X6K5NDg43Zl3WwxZdveyH+y2BowHaAXqlrtTsL+kNY4Jk0nKzeJqReaVY6uxLF3hN1ZPYpGxtzZMKQwXTJirVGarGOvlXPZzZgyzl2DG6g7sMJp1vXw+b49qbd/D+lmf6IoW5W1k6wqdd09IKjMlRzOmeEqXDL4URi2uuJarWqdj7JKcXbyDheoc+fHRncNd1fZ3Q126Y46poFk3ZeFOu7+NZsLkVSG5MMvG8lqKCTdlhoJZTg380Tmq9f8mazk41Psvd5L9rd2DnUGPrOXUrB2S3b1kb7D3auuA/E/7orcDf9oLrWG21kz1veAVfYUqnydhjzgzHIrhckwmiooyp4qbRSxBLUhqJTnQOyJJ6dgLSMH4iaeHKxSpU2bFAKd9jXMplZMmemDUm/JKt6muHBxeTorpQnP7i/fepp5n6mgIb6WJwlnAS83RrDUDyWfCpJ9ttylwJLWRop+lnWtWSG1ovqoTvH4O3SGbpVrLlFf+XYyWcFOpCPAPF0RS6QzOSRcccsHJPGLkWsi5sBoiJXZq0JFU5Kezc1Kboz0KIJDfULUgc55ZmQ+ufMcp0LUHv3bT9dXuYHfwGLav2IRLsUrG+R56/BTf7P+9LW9F410R53RjXco4/16yEevey1av+jXWSp5QZJgyjB77Fey849rm7QUf+dnR26PouaWTchft5pGagNhBN78tmZD66oirhrB6j03Gi3tSoPZgbX5n50Gf9PICypcvzs5vdu2JOju/2d9oy5kzmq6Cj7w5Ou4eYMPNI6QJfv0ZdUL9+++OycvB7jZERmBQJ8sOyalV82RqmCEvwJzBdY8c9Ee8ulmt7rCBTnknIrpIwbkkP5dFwVRKNfsXmbJbmrGUz2hOMj7hBrxoVpy0I4WwuNCmGz52bBmXIKXQfOLCptiEqYRclClEY9y4B11QHXr/cAyVMDFdFFO25DYYDPqDQX/vFH7u9Ld3WisoqEm6dtDSe3z5Llq/VFRotImdnduZOgsRBua+PboM5lbygiWTxPkk7A0RG4LBtujdFTWXfLgYIwsjMYqCm0tMSC5pRkY0pyKFe3rMFZvTPEeLrpKlvb477BaWCIVU5vFmC69uaqP4cntGTCHb3++JRmjhfKQ2XqPCObb0aL17uz22zrV7iJng7nU7d2sVM57mGOy9qQ1TLLtaZgV4GtnYMr4pn0yZNtEgPD1xLD2YYFGwzE9DlyNvPAgtf1fFLqCMGzXnLJZWFlsbS5m455JUztYsi1yLP2gGVWAksguWyJhhagaSfKFYyrWVxUAkpGglhQg1iMYuRzlPiS7HY34bWoRnXkyNKQ43N/ERfCKRarKRkEu1ANYrUYi85VZyRgFytCCaz4p8QQy9jtcb7nOqDbB2DENGeVFIQ8AQOGd5DrO/fH1SRcWtpTIpr9e6mW9EkdZuCeRf5S4JncK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+ return 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