#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import argparse from subprocess import check_call, call, check_output def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Creates a PR for merging two branches") parser.add_argument("from_branch", help="From branch (e.g 1.1)") parser.add_argument("to_branch", help="To branch (e.g master)") parser.add_argument("--yes", action="store_true", help="Assume yes. Warning: discards local changes.") parser.add_argument("--continue", action="store_true", help="Continue after fixing merging errors.") args = parser.parse_args() tmp_branch = "automatic_merge_from_{}_to_{}_branch".format( args.from_branch, args.to_branch) if not vars(args)["continue"]: if not args.yes and raw_input("This will destroy all local changes. " + "Continue? [y/n]: ") != "y": return 1 check_call("git reset --hard", shell=True) check_call("git clean -dfx", shell=True) check_call("git fetch", shell=True) check_call("git checkout {}".format(args.from_branch), shell=True) check_call("git pull", shell=True) check_call("git checkout {}".format(args.to_branch), shell=True) check_call("git pull", shell=True) call("git branch -D {} > /dev/null".format(tmp_branch), shell=True) check_call("git checkout -b {}".format(tmp_branch), shell=True) if call("git merge {}".format(args.from_branch), shell=True) != 0: print("Looks like you have merge errors.") print("Fix them, commit, then run: {} --continue" .format(" ".join(sys.argv))) return 1 if len(check_output("git status -s", shell=True).strip()) > 0: print("Looks like you have uncommitted changes") return 1 if len(check_output("git log HEAD...{}".format(args.to_branch), shell=True).strip()) == 0: print("No commit to push") return 1 print("Ready to push branch.") remote = raw_input("To which remote should I push? (your fork): ") call("git push {} :{} > /dev/null".format(remote, tmp_branch), shell=True) check_call("git push --set-upstream {} {}" .format(remote, tmp_branch), shell=True) print("Done. Go to Github and open the PR") if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())